Meet Pepper
Ivy went to the castle and had Pepper who is in his star form in a bag
Pepper: 😡
Ivy: look it's just until we get there
Then once they make it to the castle and Ivy had Pepper stay in the chicken barn
Ivy: ok Pepper you can come out now
Pepper: *showing off pajamas that he made out of yarn* 😄
Leaves: thank you I feel seen 🥹
Ivy: I just need to talk to Luna
Pepper: *checking out out some stuff* 😄
Ivy: without anyone seeing you
Then Ivy left and she heard her friends talking about last night
Prism: come on Branch you have to admit that light last night was amazing 🤩
Branch: it was probably a curse 😒
Luna: *with Cookies*
Group: cookies 😄😄😄😄
Luna: no they are for the King
Boom: hey guys a squirrel just said good morning to me 😄
Branch: I have no response to that 😒
Boom: I didn't either right I mean what do you say to a squirrel
Ivy: *kicks something to mimic the noise* oh no I really have to watch where I'm going 😅
Branch: you touch them you wash them 😡
Rose: it was a accident
Branch: 😨 how do you always do that
Boom: hey cuz did I tell you about the squirrel that talked to me 😄
Luna: hey Ives how is grandpa doing this morning
Ivy: he's coping and curious about how you get food to the king
Luna: umm 🤨 the servants bring his meal to the dining room
Ivy: 🤣 so what about when he eats in his study
Luna: it's off limits but don't worry I know something that only a select few know
Ivy: which includes you
Luna: no comment
Leaves: ladies please
Luna: who is in there
Ivy: no one now please tell me how do I get into the king's study
Summer: 🤧
Ivy: wait Summer what are you doing 😅
Summer: I gotta collect eggs
Ivy: how about I do it for you
Summer: no it's ok Ives
Ivy: but Summer you're allergic to feathers
Summer: are you trying to take away the chickens from me 😨
Rose: you know that Summer loves those chickens
Summer: I do 🥺
Luna: are you ok sis
Branch: something is up with you
Prism: what are you hiding
Ivy: ok fine last night I made a wish on a star
Branch: what are you five 😒
Ivy: and the star answered
Then Pepper goes in for a big finale and enters his troll form
Group: 😧😧😧😧😧😧😧
Ivy: Pepper these are my friends and my older sister
Pepper: it's nice to meet everyone
Branch: 😨
Luna: whoa 😮
Pepper: it's nice knowing that you're living your dream
Cosmo: wait you know what everyone is wishing for
Pepper: yes Summer wants a cure for her allergies
Summer: 🤧 ok I can add stardust to things I'm allergic to
Branch: Big Surprise
Pepper: Rose wants confidence, Prism wants love, and Boom wants everyone's wishes to come true and Cosmo *doesn't feel his wish* 🥺
Cosmo: what's wrong
Ivy: oh Pepper, Cosmo has already given up his wish
Cosmo: I'm so sorry
Pepper: here have this *gives a little heart*
Branch: don't expect it
Pepper: and I know what you want
Branch: 😨 stay away from me am I the only one who realizes this is gonna end very badly 😨
Ivy: not unless everyone keeps quiet about Pepper
Branch: but magic is forbidden by anyone other than Nightmare who is also the only one authorized to grant wishes 😨
Pepper: oh come on I know you want something to go right in your life
Ivy: he is self authorized
Cosmo: does Pepper grant wishes
Ivy: no but he wants to help me pursue mine
Boom: like a fairy godmother 😄
Branch: life is not a fairytale
Pepper: of course it is *uses magic to make a chicken fly*
Chicken: 😄 *flies away*
Branch: what did you wish for no wait I don't want to know
Ivy: please Nightmare can't know about Pepper and I promise my wish is not going to hurt you
Pepper: I also promise that this won't hurt anyone in fact it can help everyone
Cosmo: that's a big promise Ivy
Prism: but we trust you right Ro*notices Rose is gone* where did she go
Branch: how does she do that
Prism: it's ok we won't tell anyone Ives
Then Luna helps Ivy find a secret passage then goes to see how to make sure Nightmare doesn't find out about this
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