Me Ablaze
Then while everyone leaves Ablaze decides to check out the source of the sound and he found a bullet
Ablaze: what is this metal thing *accidentally tastes the gunpowder* whatever this thing is does not taste good
Then he continues his search where he found a troll with purple skin, and blue and green hair and he was followed by older troll who had light yellow skin, dirt brown hair that was graying and dark brown eyes and what fascinated Ablaze the most about them was how similar they look to him but the purple troll held a gun
Creek: *points his gun to where Ablaze is*
Yellow Troll: Creek there you are
Creek: I thought I heard something
Yellow troll: what is it
?????: daddy what is going on
Then Ablaze looks and sees another troll and she had yellow skin like the troll who he knows to be her father, white hair, and green eyes as she struggles with going through the bamboo
Ablaze: *thinking* she is the most beautiful troll I have ever saw 😍
??????: what is it
Mr. Porter: Creek asked me not to move because he saw something
??????: um Mr. Creek excuse me but my father and I came on this expedition to study the gorilla trolls and I believe your shooting is scaring them off
Creek: you hired me to protect you ms. Porter
??????: but we only have a short amount of time before the ship returns
Mr. Porter : look Daisy Daisy look what you are standing it's a gorilla trolls nest
Daisy: daddy 😄
Then Ablaze watches as Daisy and her father adored about what they found and he could not help liking her smile until
Creek: but these are wild beasts that would soon tear you apart
Daisy: on the contrary Mr. Creek daddy's theory is that these are social creatures not monsters
Then Creek and Mr. Porter continued their expedition while Daisy stayed behind but she saw a baby monkey troll and she decided to take a sketch of the baby monkey troll
Daisy: you may not be a gorilla troll but you are one sweet little angel
Then the baby monkey troll took a look and was fascinated by the sketch
Daisy: oh what do think
Baby monkey troll: 🤩 *grabs the drawing*
Then Daisy chases the baby monkey troll which was not a easy task because of her puffy dress
Daisy: give me that
Baby monkey troll: no *hugs the drawing*
Daisy: oh come on now enough of this I want this paper on the count of three one two *💡* oh look bananas
Baby monkey troll: 🤩 *looks away*
Then Daisy grabs the drawing
Baby monkey troll: 😭
Daisy: no no don't give me those crocodile tears what will your parents have to say
Then Daisy realizes that she had unintentionally angered a entire group of monkeys trolls and Ablaze who saw the situation came and grabbed Daisy where a monkey troll grabbed her boot and when the two make it to safety Daisy was freaking out about being saved by a troll she didn't know but then they were chased some more and then once they got to a tree Ablaze conversed with the monkey troll confusing Daisy then Ablaze gave the monkey trolls the drawing and Daisy tries to leave
Daisy: 😨 I'm in a tree with a troll who talks to monkeys *tries to move trees but fails* it can't get any worse can it
Daisy: obviously it can
Then Ablaze showed up and places her another tree branch but Daisy's still felt frightened of him while Ablaze was curious about her and why she, her father and Creek are the only trolls who look like him
Daisy: stay back don't come any closer 😨
Ablaze: 🤨
Daisy: stay away from me like a very good wild troll
Then Ablaze comes closer to Daisy and touches her face upsetting her and she tries to hit him but he grabs her hand and notices her glove and he takes it off and places his hand on her hand and then he listens to her heartbeat and then pulls her in to do the same thing with his heartbeat
Daisy: 😅 thank you that's a lovely heartbeat it's very nice
Then Ablaze who had been struggling with his words up this point repeats what she said
Ablaze: it's very nice
Daisy: oh thank you I can't do a thing with it in this humidity it's *realizes that he actually spoke to her* you do speak and all this time I thought you were a big, wild, quiet, silent troll thing why didn't you tell me
Ablaze: *thinking* I don't know why when I was talking to my friends with no effort
Daisy: I must say I'm rather curious as to who you are I'd love *Ablaze cuts her sentence*
Ablaze: Ablaze
Daisy: 🤨
Ablaze: Ablaze
Daisy: Ablaze 🤨
Ablaze: *thinking* she finally got my name 😄 but why am I having such a hard time with actually talking to her
Daisy: oh I see
Ablaze: oh I see Ablaze *points at himself* oh I see *points at Daisy*
Daisy: no no no no I'm Daisy
Then Ablaze repeats after her
Daisy: no *points at herself* Daisy *points at Ablaze* Ablaze
Ablaze: Daisy
Daisy: exactly
Then they hear a gunshot
Daisy: Creek 😄
Then they hear another gunshot
Ablaze: Creek
Daisy: please can you take me back to my camp
Ablaze: *thinking* maybe I can find her camp by hearing that sound
Then Ablaze grabs Daisy
Daisy: um can't we walk 😫
Ablaze: *thinking* no the vines will get us there faster
And so Ablaze while holding onto Daisy swings on some vines all the way back to camp
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