Learning how to wayfind
Later on the ocean
John Dory: congratulations on not being dead girlie you surprised me but I'm still not taking that thing back
Summer: *thinking* really how hard is it going to be for me to complete my story so I can see my friends and go to my job interview
John Dory: you wanna get to Te Fiti you gotta go through a whole ocean of bad not to mention Te Kā *shows his tattoo depicting his encounter with Te Kā* lava monster ever defeated a lava monster
Summer: no have you 😏
Mini JD: 😬 *pulls out a scoreboard between John Dory and Summer and gives Summer a point*
Mini JD's scoreboard: John Dory - 0 Summer - 1
John Dory: I'm not going on a suicide mission with some mortal
Summer: *thinking* I'm more than just some mortal if Poppy and Branch can go on life risking adventures together so can I
John Dory: you can't restore the heart without me and me says no I'm getting my hook end of discussion
Summer: *thinking* how did Bruce deal with him growing up maybe if I can play into his ego
Then Summer sees John Dory's tattoo depicting the people praising him and since it reminded her of the John Dory back home when it came BroZone she got a idea on how to convince him to restore the heart
Summer: you'd be a hero that's what you're all about right
John Dory: little girl I am a hero
Summer: maybe you were but now you're just the guy who stole the heart of Te Fiti the guy who cursed the world you're no one's hero
John Dory: no one
Summer: 🙂↔️
Hei Hei: 😐
🌊: 🙂↔️
John Dory: 😧
Summer: but *shows the heart* but put this back save the world you'd be everyone's hero
Mini JD: *depicting what would happen if they restored the heart with a cheering crowd *
Summer: *whispering* JD JD JD you're so amazing 🤩
John Dory: we'd never make it without my hook not past Te Kā
Summer: then we get your hook we get your hook take out Te Kā restore the heart unless you don't wanna be John Dory demigod of the wind and sea hero to all 🫴
Mini JD: 🫴
John Dory: first we get my hook
Summer: then save the world deal
Then they shake hands then John Dory tries to throw Summer in the ocean just for her to go back on the boat again
Summer: 😑
John Dory: worth a shot
Than John Dory grabs the oar, and then start sailing with an asset of confidence to go get his fishhook and set the ship for the layer of Tomatoa
Summer: teach me to sail 🤩
John Dory: 🙄
Summer: my job is to deliver John Dory across the great ocean I should be sailing
John Dory: it's called wayfinding princess and it's not just sails and knots it's seeing where you're going in your mind knowing where you are by knowing where you've been
Summer: ok first up I'm not a princess I am the daughter of a chief
John Dory: same difference
Summer: *thinking* I'm pretty sure there's a difference between me being the daughter of the chief here and my friend Rose being a princess back home *out loud* no
John Dory: if you wear a dress and you have a animal sidekick you're a princess you are not a wayfinder
🌊: *grabs a drat*
John Dory: you will never be a wayfinder you will never be a *gets stabbed by the ocean and falls to the floor of the boat* really blow dart in my butt cheek 😑
Summer: nice *high fives the ocean* 🫸🫷
John Dory: you are a bad person
Summer: if you can talk you can teach way finding lessons one hit it 😄
John Dory: 😒 pull the sheet
But Summer couldn't find which was the sheet later she tries navigating using the stars
John Dory: your measuring the stars not the sky a high five 😒
John Dory: if the current is warm you're going the right way
Summer: *puts her hand in the water* it's cold wait it's getting warmer
John Dory: 😏
Summer: *realizing why the water was getting warmer* 😫 aah THAT IS DISGUSTING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU 😡
John Dory: *snickering*
Then Summer experiences a nightmare where she ends up back on Montuni and she sees it getting destroyed along with her parents perishing in it until she woke up
John Dory: enjoy your beauty rest you know a real wayfinder never sleeps so they actually get to where they need to go
Summer: *thinking* I really need to figure out what is his deal here
John Dory: muscle up buttercup we're here
And Summer sees that they made it to the island where John Dory's fish hook is
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