King Nightmare threatened
At the castle King Nightmare saw Pepper's glow and he was trying to search for what that light was throwing books that doesn't provide the answer (those poor books 😔)
Queen Amalthea: mi Rey what happened here
King Nightmare: I don't know what were dealing with and these books are useless 😡
Queen Amalthea: just breathe
King Nightmare don't tell me to breathe everything I do is to make sure that never happens again 😡
Then he pointed to a portrait that was burned because a long time ago people attacked his home and after that he studied magic and then founded Rosas with Amalthea
King Nightmare: when you are threatened you do not breathe you focus
Then he goes to a book that has forbidden dark magic
King Nightmare: I need a spell so powerful
Queen Amalthea: no you said you won't turn to forbidden magic as a answer 😨
King Nightmare: a king must be prepared to do anything to protect his kingdom
Queen Amalthea: no not like this please Nightmare put the book down
Then Nightmare puts the book away
Queen Amalthea: if you want answers about the light I suggest you look to your people they love you
King Nightmare: I know
Queen Amalthea: they would do anything for you
King Nightmare: of course they would
Queen Amalthea: you are their most handsomest and most beloved king
King Nightmare: you're right I am a handsome king
(Ugh 😒)
King Nightmare: oh my love excellent advice Rosas is so lucky to have you as am I
Queen Amalthea: *blushes* 😊
King Nightmare: everything is fine
Then they looked at the kingdom together
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