I just can't wait to be Queen
Later Rose decided to talk to her uncle Cyclone
Rose: hey uncle Cyclone guess what 😄
Cyclone: I despise guessing games 🙄
Rose: I'm going to be Queen of the Troll Tree 😄
Cyclone: oh goodie 😒
Rose: my mom showed me the whole kingdom and I'm going to rule it all 🤩
Cyclone: that's great 🙄
Rose: hey when I'm queen what will that make you
Cyclone: a monkey troll's uncle 😒
Rose: your so weird uncle Cyclone
Cyclone: hey do you see that shadowy place
Rose: oh yeah my mom says that I can't go there
Cyclone: you know only the bravest trolls have been there and when your queen you will be known as one of the bravest rulers of the Troll Tree
Rose liked the idea of doing something bold but she doesn't want to be alone at it so she decided to go get two trolling around her age first she asked her best friend Fin and his mom gave approval thinking that the kids were going to the watering hole 🕳️ and then she went to see her cousin Boom
Rose: hey Boom 👋
Boom: hey Rose
Rose: can you come with me and Fin to somewhere
Dale: where are you going
Rose: to the watering hole
Boom: can I go dad please
Rose and Boom: 🥺🥺
Dale: ok you can go Boom
Both: hooray 😄😄
Dale: but you must take Sandbar with you
Rose: aww not Sandbar 😫
Sandbar: and don't worry kids we will be at the watering hole in no time 😄
Fin: ok where are we actually going
Rose: we are going to the Shadowlands
Boom: but my dad says that it's dangerous and many of the trolls who go there never survive
Rose: and we are going to make it out alive with my leadership
Fin: awesome but how are we going to get rid of Sandbar
Sandbar: awww look at the seeds of romance blossoming
Boom: I don't understand
Sandbar: we might need to talk to Fin's parents about possibly arranging the wedding
Boom: I'm still not following 🤨
Sandbar: well Prince Boom when Rose and Fin are older than they are going to get married
Rose and Fin: *bleigh*
Rose: I can't do that Fin is my best friend
Boom: besides where will I fit in this friendship trio afterwards
Rose: we will never have to worry about him because Sandbar you're fired
Sandbar: you can't do that you are not the queen
Rose: well I will be queen one day
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