Holly's sacrifice
Then Hades went and unleashed the Titans and then he fought Zeus on Mount Olympus and won and holding every single God hostage and then he had his Titans go attack earth and one of them went to attack Thebes
Thebes residents: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
And the titan attacked everyone in the town where people most likely died or got severely injured
Resident one: where's Hypecules 😱
Resident two: yeah he will save us
Titan: *kills resident two* HYPECULES COME OUT AND FACE ME 😡
Hype: *heads out to face the monster despite feeling hopeless to the point of having no colors*
Holly: what are you doing without your strength you'll be killed 😰
Hype: there are worse things *continues*
Holly: wait stop 😰
Resident one: look it's Hypecules 😄
Resident three: oh thank the gods 😄 we're saved
Titan: *notices Hype is grey* SO YOUR HYPECULES 😆
Then the titan hits Hype and Holly goes to free Pegasus and tames him and he takes her to Branch
Holly: Branch Hypecules needs your help 😨
Branch: what is the me for he's got friends like you 😡
Holly: he won't listen to me 😨
Branch: good he's finally learned something 😡
Pegasus: 😡 *blocks Branch's way*
Holly: look I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me it's about him if you don't help him now Branch he'll die
Branch: 😨
Later they make it to where the titan was beating up Hype who was feeling too apathetic to fight back
Branch: Hypecules 😨
Hype: Branch
Branch: come on Hype come on fight back
Hype: you're right all along Branch dreams are for rookies 😔
Branch: no no no no Hype giving up is for Rookies I came back cause I'm not quitting on you I'm willing to go the distance how about you
Then the titan grabs Hype and before he was able to bite off Hype's head Hype grabbed a touch and hits the titan in the eye falling off in the process then Hype using his head makes the titan trip and fall to his death but then a pillar falls and Holly pushes Hype out of the way and gets crushed and Hype gets his strength and colors back as he lifts the pillar off of her
Hype: what's happened
Holly: Hades's deal is broken 😣 he promised I wouldn't get hurt
Hype: Holly 😨 why did you you didn't have to 😨
Holly: people always do crazy things when they're in love 🙂
Hype: *realizing that Holly really was in love with him* oh Holly I I
Holly: are you always this articulate you haven't got much time you can still stop Hades
Branch: I'll watch over her Hype
Hype: *places Holly by Branch* you're going to be alright I promise
Then Hype gets on Pegasus and then heads to Mount Olympus and freeing all of the gods while Pegasus went to beat up Ash and Shade
Zeus: nice one my boy and now watch your old man work 😄
Zeus then uses his lightning bolts on the the Titans and all of them immediately decided to get to leave
Hades: guys get your Titanic rears in gear and kicks of Olympian butt 😡
Then Hype to make sure no more titans attack earth reseals them in their prison and yeets them into outer space blowing them all up
Zeus: you did a good job my son
Hype: 😄
Hades: thanks a lot Glitter Boy but I least I got one consolation prize a friend of yours who's dying to see me 😈
Hype: *gets on Pegasus* oh no Holly 😨
Poppy: *hopes to see Branch again*
Then Hype tries to rush with Pegasus to get to Holly and Branch but unfortunately by the time he got there she was already dead with Branch feeling guilty for he had been treating her
Hype: Holly no 😭
Branch: Hype I'm sorry 😣
Then Hype decides to go to the underworld to retrieve Holly's soul and bring it back her back to life
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