Dreaming of true loves kiss
Pearl wakes up in a bed and sees a forest that doesn't look too different from the forest back home and she sees the she's wearing a light purple dress and her hair was covered in flowers
Pearl: where am I
Cloud Guy: I'm glad to see that you're awake Pearly
Pearl: only my friends and family can call me that and where am I and where is everyone else
Cloud Guy: I trapped you and your friends in different stories and you don't have to deal with your annoying brother here in fact life here is one big fairytale story and your only way back home is to complete your story
Pearl: so not only will I not to deal with my brother but I also get to find true love 🤩
Cloud Guy: I was expecting you to be more like your brother
Pearl: that is kinda of rude to assume me and Hype have the same personality *notices Cloud Guy is gone* where did he go oh well I am just going to find true love and live happily ever after just in fairytales
Melodia: hey Pearly 😄
Pearl: Melodia 😄
Melodia: how are you
Pearl: I'm good I'm thinking about finding true love 😄
Meanwhile there was a young troll named Prince Wade who was getting some mischievous critters with a member of the royal staff Sync
Sync: well done sir
Prince Wade: well this is fun but my heart is yearning for true love
Sync: *thinking* oh no I'm supposed to make sure that Prince Wade never finds a girl oh Queen Nightshade is not to be happy 😨
Then Sync releases the creature but it heads to Pearl's house and captures her and Prince Wade immediately saves her
Pearl: thank you for saving me 😍
Prince Wade: you're welcome fair maiden what is your name
Pearl: it's Pearl
Prince Wade: oh Pearl we shall get married in the morning 😍
Pearl: *thinking* yay I'm going to get married and I don't have to worry my older brother getting in the way I must have the easiest story to complete
Unfortunately little did Pearl know Prince Wade's stepmother Queen Nightshade saw the whole thing and she didn't want him to get married because she will lose her power as queen of Trolldlasia
Queen Nightshade: so this little forest rat think she can steal my throne *unleashes her magic* NEVER 😡👿
Sync: 😰
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