Damsel in distress
After a few months of training Hype was ready with Branch taking him to Thebes to see if they have any need for heroes
Hype: so Branch what's in Thebes
Branch: lot of problems in which the people will need a hero
Girl: *screams* 😫
Branch: sounds like a DID also known as a damsel in distress
Then Hype flew Pegasus down to the forest where he sees a troll girl with blue and light blue hair as she is being held by giant guardian of the river
Girl: I swear put me down or else *tries to kick him*
River Guardian: ooo I like them firey 😈
Branch: ok first analyze the situation
But instead Hype goes in and immediately challenges is the river guardian
Hype: halt 😡
River Guardian: step aside
Hype: release her now
Girl: leave now junior
Hype: but aren't you a damsel in distress 🤨
Girl: I'm a damsel I'm in distress I can handle this have a nice day
Hype: i'm afraid you're too close to the situation for me to leave
Then Hype tries to fight the monster, but the monster takes the first hit
Branch: what are you doing get your sword
But Hype lost his sword on accident and accidentally mixes it up with a fish
River Guardian: 😆
Girl: 😑
Then the river guardian hits Hype hard on the rock and Pegasus tries to go help Hype, but Branch tells him that he needs to do this on his own
Branch: come on Hype use your head
Then Hype runs and literally uses his head and hits the river guardian far away
Branch: not what I had in mind but not bad 😄
Pegasus: 😄
Then Hype places, the girl to save the in when the river guardian comes back Hype continues to fight him
Girl: is the glitter boy here for real
Branch: what are you talking about of course he is for real
And then, after a long fight Hype, punches the river guardian so hard he went into the sky, and it knocked his horseshoes off and the river Guardian was knocked unconscious.
Hype: why did you think Branch 😄
Branch: bring it in rookie you can get away with a few of these mistakes for minor decalpalions but this is the big leagues and next time don't lose your train of thought because of a pretty girl
Then Hype walked up to the girl wanting to get to know her more
Branch and Pegasus: 😡😡
Hype: are you alright miss
Girl: Holly so did they give you a name
Hype: um I um um I 😳
Holly: are you always this articulate?
Hype: Hypecules but uh you can call me Hype
Holly: Hypcules huh I think I prefer Glitter Boy
Hype: so how did you get mixed up with him?
Holly: well, you know how men are they think no means yes and get lost means take me I'm yours.
Pegasus: 🤷♂️
Holly: well, thanks for everything Hype
She then leaves as Hype thinks about her
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