Boom and Fin
The next day Rose wakes and realizes that it's not a dream and that she has actually gotten sucked into a book and was turned into a lion troll and having to deal with what Cloud Guy told her about her killing her mom
Meanwhile Sync and Guy Diamond were singing a duet together
Sync: 🎵in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight🎵
Guy Diamond: 🎵cause here in the jungle the mighty jungle
Then they were interrupted by two lion trolls who both looked at them and chased them until Guy Diamond got stuck in a tree root
Sync: why do I have to always save your ahhh 😱
Then they were cornered by the two trolls and Rose hearing Sync and Guy Diamond's screams rushed to help them and she fought them off
Sync: get them Rose I knew raising you would come in handy
And then when Rose is pinned down she saw that one of the lion trolls looked similar to her and she realized that it was this world's version of her cousin
Rose: 😨 Boom is that you
Then the two backed away from her a little spooked that she knows who one of them is
???: who are you
Rose: Boom, Fin it's me Rose
And then Boom and Fin dropped their weapons and hugged with their long lost childhood friend who looked so grown up with Fin thinking that she looked beautiful leaving Sync and Guy Diamond confused
Fin: where did you come from
Rose: it's so great to see you guys again 😄
Sync: wait a minute what is going on here 🤨
Rose: what are you guys doing here
Boom: what do you mean what we are doing here what are you doing here
Rose: Sync this is Boom my cousin and that is Fin he's my best friend 😄
Sync: friend 🤯
Rose: hey Guy Diamond come over here 😄
The Guy Diamond got out of the tree root and went to where everyone was
Rose: guys this is Sync and Guy Diamond
Guy Diamond: it nice to meet you guys
Sync: wait a minute you three know each other and these two want to eat Guy Diamond and we're all okay with this
Boom: wait until everyone finds out that you've been here this whole time
Fin: and your dad what will he think
Rose: *thinking about what Cloud Guy told her about her mother's death* he doesn't have to know nobody has to know
Fin: of course they do everyone thinks you're dead
Rose: they do
Boom: yeah uncle Cyclone told us about the stampede
Rose: he did what else did he tell you
Fin: what else matters you're alive and that means you're the Queen
Sync: Queen I think you're getting mixed up
Guy Diamond: Queen *immediately bows to Rose* your majesty
Sync: calm down she's not the queen are you Rose
Rose: no I'm not the queen
Fin: what Rose
Rose: maybe I was going to be but that was a long time ago
Sync: let me get this straight you're the queen and you never told us
Rose: look I'm still the same troll
Sync: but with power
Fin: look can we talk about this alone
Sync: what these two have to say they can say it in front of us right Rose
Rose: no
Sync: when you think you know a troll
Boom: ok and now
Fin: Boom can it be just the two of us please
Boom: *realizing that Fin and Rose are starting to fall in love with each other* fine even though I could have sworn you guys said that you didn't want to be together romantically when we were kids
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