Am I in heaven
Then everyone prepares to start the process of bringing their two worlds together
Hype: so Pearl are you coming
Pearl: actually Hype I want to stay here and be with Ash I love him
Hype: well I can bear the thought of not being with you Pearly
Ash: are you saying that you're staying here
Hype: yeah
And the three hugged
Poppy: Branch what are you going to do
Branch: I want to be with you but I also want to be with my brothers
Poppy: well I don't want to stop you from being with your family
Peppy: Poppy I must ask what draws you to him
Poppy: I have been having dreams about seeing a blue troll and I think that it was my dream telling me that he is the one for me
Peppy: Poppy if you want to go with him you can
Poppy: *hugs her dad* I promise to visit you
And she and Branch prepare to leave
Ablaze: I'm going to miss seeing this view when we get back
Boom: I hope to take Floyd here he would love this
Tracy: I'm sure he would
Boom: also if you're interested Tracy I have a brother who I can introduce you to
Tracy: really
Chaz: Huggins untie me 😡
Huggins: no sir I'm done being your assistant I'm going home and I'm following my true passion for bush sculpting *heads to the boat*
Chaz: Huggins get back here
Ablaze: oh shut up you 😡
Then after a long discussion Prism decides to go with Trickee to treat his wound and see where they go from here and as they are on the boat they see a flash of light and they both wake up back in Troll Forest
Trickee: *thinking* wait did I die 😱 is this heaven
Then he sees his younger brother Chase
Chase: are you ok
Trickee: wait Chase you're here too what happened to you how did you die 😨
Chase: what are you talking about I'm not dead and neither are you
Then Prism's pet hedgehog Ritmo showed up
Ritmo: ¿Qué diablos ha pasado? (translation: what the heck happened)
Prism: Trickee I remember you now my memories are back 😄
Trickee: Prism I survived a gunshot wound
Then Trickee lifted Prism and spun her around before they shared a kiss
Chase: huh 🤨
Ritmo: what did I miss 🤨
Poppy: wait are you guys
Prism: yeah I guess we're dating now
Summer and Rose: 😄😄 Pris we're so happy for you
Ablaze: oh you too 😄
Boom: huh
Ablaze: oh right I was waiting for you guys to complete your stories but now I have a date this Friday
Hype: cool who is she
Ablaze: her name is Daisy and weirdly I first met her in my story and then I met her when I actually crashed into her
Chase: wait a second what's going on I just saw Trickee and Prism appear out of nowhere and where's Pearl
Cloud Guy: oh well Trickee jr. Pearl and Ivy still have to complete their stories
Trickee: don't give me reasons to kill you after you made me think I died
Chase: huh
Trickee: Chase I will explain later but run before he gets any ideas
Then Chase ran away with Cloud Guy thinking about a idea as he goes back in the book to go check on Pearl as Hype stands there filled with anxiety about his younger sister
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