Saving Princess Luna
After a while the three make it to the tower where Princess Luna is and they head to the bridge that is over a ton of hot boiling lava 🌋
Sound: *goes into his troll form* um Andrew remember how you said that swamp trolls have layers 😰
Lotus: what about that
Sound: I have a confession to make donkey trolls don't have layers we wear our fears on our sleeves 😰
Andrew: wait a second you don't even have sleeves
Sound: you know what I mean 😠
Andrew: you can't tell me you're afraid of heights
(It's more about potentially falling and getting a one way ticket to deadsville)
Lotus: Andrew one fall means certain death
Sound: I'm uncomfortable with going on a rickety bridge over a boiling lake of lava 😰
Andrew: come on guys I'm right here we'll tackle this one little baby step at a time
Sound and Lotus: really
Andrew: really really
Sound: I feel so much better
Andrew: and don't look down
And the two crossed until Sound saw a part of the bridge fall
(I'm having flashbacks to that time I did gravity ropes 😰)
Sound: Andrew I'm looking down 😱
But Andrew managed to trick Sound into going across the rest of the bridge and they go inside
Andrew: ok let's split up to find some stairs
Lotus: ok
Sound: I thought we were looking for the princess
Andrew: the princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower
Sound: what makes you think she'll be there 🤨
Andrew: I read it in a book once *puts on a knight's helmet*
Andrew heads to look for some stairs
Lotus: I hope we find the stairs
Sound: we'll be the masters of finding stairs while Andrew takes care of the dragon
Then they saw a dark blue eye
Sound and Lotus: 😨😨
Andrew: *putting on protective gear* well at least we know where the princess is but where the
Sound and Lotus: DRAGON 😱😱
And Sound went into his donkey form and the two ran away from a pastel colored dragon with some moon markings and they ran all the way to where Andrew was
Andrew: nobody hurts my sister and Sound 😡
Then another dragon appeared and was about to eat Sound until Andrew grabbed his tail and Sound ran with Lotus as the pastel dragon followed them and Andrew was thrown into the tower where Princess Luna was
Lotus: we're trapped 😱
Pastel dragon: *roars*
Sound: oh what large teeth you have 😰
Pastel dragon: *roars*
Lotus: 😰
Sound: I mean white sparkling teeth I'm sure you heard this from your food you must bleach or something because that's one dazzling smile
Lotus: *thinking* what the heck are you doing 🤨
Pastel dragon: 😍 *thinking* I found my true love
Sound: and do I detect minty freshness and you know what else you're a
Pastel dragon: 😊 *shows her eyelashes*
Sound: a girl dragon oh sure I mean sure you're a girl dragon *enters his troll form* I mean of course you're a girl dragon cause you're just reeking of feminine beauty
Pastel dragon: 🥰 *thinking* he looks so cute and he thinks I'm beautiful
Then she blows some smoke in the shape of a heart ♥️
Lotus: *cough*
Sound: hey whoa whoa 😳 I'd really like to stay but I'm a *fake coughs* I'm a asthmatic *turns around* Andrew
(Um congrats Sound you met the love of your life)
Then the pastel dragon picked the two up and took them to where she and her older brother live
Lotus and Sound: ANDREW 😱😱
Meanwhile Princess Luna saw Andrew and pretended to be asleep in the hopes that Andrew would wake her up with a kiss
Andrew: *thinking* why does she look kinda familiar do I know her from somewhere 🤨
(In your world she's your wife and the mother of your four children)
Andrew: *shakes Luna awake* wake up
Princess Luna: what
Andrew: are you Princess Luna
Princess Luna: I am awaiting a knight so bold as to rescue me
Andrew: that's nice now let's go
Princess Luna: wait shouldn't this be more romantic
Andrew: yeah sorry lady and they leave the room as Princess Luna thinks that this is not what she imagined
Princess Luna: we have to savor this moment you can recite a poem for me, a ballad, a sonnet or something
Andrew: I don't think so
Princess Luna: can I at least know the name of my champion
Andrew: um Andrew
Princess Luna: Sir Andrew I pray you take this favor as a token of my gratitude *gives Andrew her handkerchief*
Andrew: thanks *wipes his face*
Male dragon: *roars*
Princess Luna: you didn't slay the dragon 😡
(Well I mean his friend might've accidentally seduced one of them is that better)
Andrew: it's on my to do list 😡
Princess Luna: but this isn't right you're ment to change in sword drawn banner flying that's what all the other knights did
(And where are they dear princess oh right they all died)
Andrew: yeah right before they burst into flames
Princess Luna: where are you going exit is that way 👉
Andrew: I have to save my sister and her friend
Lotus: if I don't make I hope Andrew tells mom and dad how much I loved them 😰
Sound: I don't know if we can make this relationship work I'm a donkey troll and you're a dragon
Pastel dragon: *becomes a troll* there now we can make it work since I can turn myself into a troll as well 😄
Sound: um how about we just get to know each other over a long period of time
Dragon troll: I'm Dreamer and the other one is my older brother Cosmo and now we can get married and live happily ever after 😄
Sound: well um I'm Sound and I just don't think I'm ready for a commitment of this magnitude
Dreamer: but Sound we're soulmates *touches Sound's face*
Sound: hey that is unwanted physical contact 😠
(Cut her some slack she's lived in this tower her whole life how is she supposed to know about proper boundaries)
Then Andrew goes in and saves Sound before he shared a kiss with Dreamer angering Cosmo and the group runs out of the place and tricked the dragon siblings into being stuck
Dreamer: 🥺 *thinking* please come back Sound
Cosmo: 😡 *thinking* how dare he break my little sister's heart *lets out an angry roar*
Princess Luna: you did it you rescued me you're wonderful you're
Andrew and Sound: *crash into each other*
Princess Luna: a little unorthodox I'll admit but thank you you may remove your helmet
(Um are you sure about that)
Andrew: um no
Princess Luna: why not
Andrew: I have helmet hair
Princess Luna: then how are we supposed to kiss
Andrew: that wasn't in the job description
Sound: maybe it's a perk
Princess Luna: no it's destiny you must know how it goes a princess locked in a tower and beset by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight and then they share true loves first kiss
Lotus: so you think Andrew is your true love
Princess Luna: yes
Sound and Andrew: 🤣🤣
(Cloud Guy may have messed with your memory but she's your true love)
Princess Luna: what's so funny
Andrew: look I'm not your type ok
Princess Luna: of course you are you're my rescuer now remove your helmet
Andrew: I really don't think this is a good idea
Princess Luna: just take off the helmet
Andrew: no
Princess Luna: Now 😡
(Geez I'm scared to know what she was like when she was pregnant)
Andrew: ok easy as you command your highness *takes off the helmet*
Princess Luna: 😨 you're a swamp troll
(Better than nobody)
Andrew: oh you were expecting Prince Charming 😒
Princess Luna: well yes actually this is all wrong you're not supposed to be a swamp troll
Andrew: princess I was sent to rescue by Lord Razzle ok he's the one that wants to marry you
Luna: well then why didn't he come rescue me
(Cause he's a lazy 🤬 coward)
Andrew: good question you should ask him that when we get there
Princess Luna: you can tell Lord Razzle if he wants to rescue me properly I'll be waiting for him right here *sits down* 😡
Lotus: uh oh
Andrew: hey I'm nobody's messenger boy alright I'm a delivery boy 😡
Princess Luna: you wouldn't dare 😠
(I think he would)
And Andrew picked up Princess Luna and the two start making their way back to Duloc
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