In a swamp
In a swamp Andrew wakes up and he looks in the mirror and he saw that he had river monster parts
Andrew: 😨 what happened to me
Cloud Guy: hey Andy
Andrew: hey only my friends and family can call me that 😡 and what did you do
Cloud Guy: I trapped you and the others in different stories and you have the appearance of a swamp troll
Andrew: no way swamp trolls don't exist turn me back to a normal troll
Cloud Guy: the only way for you to be back to your normal self is to complete your story by finding your true love
Andrew: ok I just have to find this story's version of 😣 what is her name why can't I remember who my wife is or what she looks like
Cloud Guy: oh I messed with your memory so you can't cheat ok bye *leaves*
Andrew: get back here and give me my memory back 😡
Then he saw a swamp troll with purple skin, teal, mint and orange hair and realized it was his youngest sister Lotus
Lotus: who were you talking to Andrew 🤨
Andrew: oh it's nobody Lo
Lotus: ok shall we continue our day in the swamp
Andrew: *thinking* well I'm not afraid of getting dirty *out loud* sure sis oh where's our other brothers and sisters
Lotus: Alex is traveling, Bax Dario and Autumn found their own swamps, Sofia is with mom and dad and Ablaze said he was going to Far Far Away I think last he wrote
Andrew: ok shouldn't you be with mom and dad
Lotus: I didn't want you to be all alone
Andrew: ok let's just do what we usually do
Then the two had their usual day in the swamp of being in the mud, eating slugs and making signs keeping trolls out of the swamp while some villagers were planning on getting Andrew and grabbed their torches and pitchforks
(*causally head bangs to this song*)
Villager: I don't think it's in there
Villager two: let's get them
Villager: no you know what those things can do to you
Villager three: yeah it'll grind your bones for its bread
Andrew comes up from behind them deciding to act like everything said about swamp trolls were true
Andrew: actually that would be a giant but swamp trolls they're much worse they'll make a soup from your freshly peeled skin
Villagers: no 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
Andrew: they'll shave your livers squeeze the jelly from your eyes actually it's quite good on toast
Villager: *waves his torch* back back beast I warn ya 😡
(Like that's going to do anything 😒)
Andrew: *licks his hand and puts out the torch*
Troll: right 😰
Then Andrew let out a roar
Villagers: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Andrew: *whispering* this is the part where you run away
Villagers: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 *runs away*
(Bye bye bye guys)
Andrew: 😆 and stay out
Lotus: are they gone Andy
Andrew: yes it's safe
Lotus: why can't these villagers learn to leave us alone
Andrew: let's put up some more keep out signs tomorrow sis
Then Andrew sees a paper along with the wanted posters for him and Lotus
Andrew: wanted fairytale creatures 🤨
Lotus: poor guys why would someone want them
Andrew: I don't know Lo let's just get some sleep and make more signs in the morning
Lotus: ok
Then the two went to bed with Andrew wondering where whoever is his wife is in the story and if she would want a swamp troll like him
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