Sleeping Beauty
Once Upon A Time, in a far away land called Tokyo, there lived a king and queen who just built a new android named Hatsune Miku. Rejoicing in their successful project, they called scientists and programmers from around the world to join in this new celebration. In reality though, the king and queen went over their yearly budget and so they weren't able to add anything to Miku, well, except for her body. They needed different programs installed in her and made a decoy party in order to get those programs for free!
So, many gathered far and wide to see this advancement in technology. They all gathered in metal palace and saw Miku sitting on a throne. The early guests couldn't deny that at first, she looked nothing like a person! She had a face and body but nothing more.
"At least give it some clothing!" Yelled one guest.
Another yelled "She's supposed to be extremely hot! That's what you said but all she is is an empty shell! We want what you promised!" As more and more came in, the angrier the atmosphere became but as if someone heard their wishes, the three VIP guests finally arrived in their limos. All three walked over to Miku and were horrified at the sight but then understood what was going on. They looked at the King and Queen and said:
"You ran out of budgeting money so that's why you lied to all of us. But that's okay, we'll still give you the programs we brought with us today." Stated Hiroyuki Itō, the president of Crypton.
"We've all been there!" Shouted Haruki Satomi, the Head Chair and CEO of Sega.
"If you needed money, you should've told us!" Kei Garō, a manga artist said.
The King cried tears of joy as he bowed at all of them respectively. He wanted to glomp all of them for their kindness but he didn't think they would really appreciate that.
"But! If we give you these gifts, then all of us will each earn the profit you gain from Miku and we will claim her as our own. If you try to use her in any marketing ploy not under our license, then we will sue the heck out of you!" Hiroyuki warned.
The King, being as naive as he was as he wasn't used to the marketing world, foolishly agreed to give over all rights to the three men. They nodded their heads and Hiroyuki was the first to step foreword. A computer stands tall next to Miku and seeing as how bluntly obvious it is from it's sheer size, he walks towards it and pulls out a small chip from his pocket. He inserts it inside of the giant computer and steps away as he sees the file transferring into the android.
Smiling he says, "Here, I have given you the gift of song!"
When the loading screen said the transfer was completed, the king rushed excitedly over to the computer and typed in his favorite song from Levan Polka by Eino Kettunen. As the file was quickly transferred, everyone witnessed the androids mouth open and then....she sang! Her voice was nothing like anything anyone had ever heard. It sounded human but at the same time had it's moments where you could tell she was an AI. They cried, they sang, they danced, they pronounced that it was their favorite song! The whole kingdom was joyous of how sweet her songs sound. Until they tried to make her sing in English. Never make her sing in English.
Anyway! Kei was the next to step forewords and present his gift. Instead of going towards the computer, he went straight to Miku! He pulled out his drawing pad and observed it closely before bringing forth a bag he carried in with him. Magically, he snagged a large curtain from the bag and positioned to where no one could see Miku or himself. Everyone was curious of what was inside the bag, what we was doing behind the curtain, and what was on his drawing pad but it wasn't too long until he announced it.
He exited out of the curtain and held onto it tightly. "Miku-Chan! I present to you the gift of beauty!"
He tore down the curtain and low and behold, a beautiful girl with turquoise pigtails that flowed all the way down the floor, turquoise eyes that almost seemed lifelike, and a cute pink dress! (As seen in picture!)
"OH! I almost forgot!" He exclaimed as he dug into his bag. He pulled out a tiny tiara and placed it on her head.
Chuckling to himself, he said, "To go along with the story." And winked.
Everyone oohed and ahhhed as they saw how beautiful she was. Some were confused by what he said though but shrugged it off later on because they never get to go to parties like this! Then again, they would rather stay at home and binge watch Hunter X Hunter but hey! You gotta try something different once in awhile, am I right?!
So then, just as Haruki was about to present his gift and evil cackle cut through the room! Everyone gasped as a familiar red drilled hair girl entered the room. Though the same binge watching netflix group from before clapped and screamed how much they love her as she walked in. Hipsters.
A guest pointed at her and yelled "IT'S THAT WANNABE VOCALOID!"
She put her hands on her hips and throws her head back laughing, "YES! It is I Kasane Teto and I'm here to take my revenge! The only thing I dreamed was to be a Vocaloid but you denied me! I was supposed to be the star! Not-" She fingered towards Miku, "Her! So now..." Swiftly, she ran towards Miku and stole her main battery, messed with spring that sent the electricity through her, stole her charger, and ran back to where she originally was triumphantly.
"My gift to her is that when she's 16, she'll run out of power and will never turn back on ever again! MWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!"
She lept through the door and magically disappeared.
Admin: TETO! This is not Ask Miku so please stay SILENT while I tell the story!
Teto: *crosses arms* Hmph! Fine then! But I'm proud to be a Utaloid! It's better than being a Vocaloid any day! *turns towards readers* Right guys!?
*Len overhears this and runs to the corner of the room, crying while eating a banana. Fangirls can be heard yelling outside*
Admin: Crap! See what you did Teto?! You made the fangirls riot since you made Len cry! If they break in, I'm throwing you at them as a sacrifice.
Teto: *mouth drops open and gasps* NO! DONT- You know what, just continue the story so I can at least not die at a cliffhanger!))
The King and Queen were stunned by what just happened. They questioned if it actually happen because of how ridiculous it was but sure enough, the battery and charger were gone. Luckily, she was fully charged beforehand but her battery could run out at any moment. The King and Queen sobbed at their upcoming failure since they didn't have any money left to fix Miku. They asked the guests in the room but apparently they 'ran out of money spending it on transportation' but they knew it was lie since just a few minutes ago they said they were filthy rich. But suddenly, Haruki stepped towards them and they looked towards him questioningly.
"Excuse me, your majesty I've yet to present my gift!" He pulled out a plugin charger and presented it to the King and Queen.
"I know it's not much and it's not as good as Nintendo's but...with this she'll be able to charge whenever her battery becomes low but once she starts, she must always have it close as her battery will drain faster and faster with every use. Also, I might as give you my original gift since I invested so much into it anyway but I can promise you, if she does lose her charger and goes on sleep mode, I will make sure people will remember her name through extremely difficult rhythm games and advertise her on everything until she wakes once again."
The King and Queen thank him for his gracious gift and takes the charger from his hands. As this is going on though, the newly made Hatsune Miku fans run up to the computer and adds their own files that determined her personality and her likes and dislikes. As the King noticed this, the fans ran off and left the room empty. The three VIPs told them that since the event was over, they were going to take Miku to make her the biggest idol in all of the world, doing the complete opposite of what they should've done, hid her from Teto. So, the three VIPs left and ordered all faulty chargers that looked similar to Miku's charger to be destroyed. And so they did; any chargers Nintendo used for their products were destroyed and this led Nintendo to go bankrupt since millions of fans had nothing to charge their now dead 3DS with. Sega then became the number one video game company since everyone was forced to buy their games. This in history was also seen as the biggest marketing scheme ever made by Sega and that actually succeeded.
Fifteen years passed and Hatsune Miku had become the biggest star in the world. Everyone knew the name and had her catchy tunes stuck in her head. She was anywhere and everywhere and because of this, Crypton and Sega were able to create even more Vocaloids. Even through all of the fame though, she was best known for sleeping at random parts of the day, giving her the nickname of 'Sleeping Beauty'. Just as Haruki warned, her battery became smaller and smaller until the dreadful day came where she had to keep herself plugged in at all costs. Her managers kept a close eye on her all day and made her take off in her dressing room just to be extra safe.
Just as Miku was fixing herself a ncis leek to snack on, she heard a knock on the dressing room door.
"Who is it?" She asked.
"I'm you're biggest fan and I've flown all the way here just to meet you! It's my dream to meet you in person! Will you let me in?"
Now, she knew she was warned not to let anyone inside her room but she couldn't just deny a fan!
"Come in!" She said.
The door opened and a familiar face walked in. I mean, not familiar to Miku since if she knew who she was, she would've have slammed the door in her face but her memory card was installed a couple of days after her reveal party. Besides, if she's this famous, wouldn't she have better security?
The red headed girl sat came over to Miku and glomped her so hard that she fell over with the leek in hand.
Miku smiled as she saw the grin on the girl's face but it soon disappeared when she felt something leave her hip. Her eyes widen as she realized what the girl had just done and she tried to scream for help but it was too late. Her systems shut down and she was no longer responsive.
Teto stood up and dragged Miku towards her bed, pulling her up on the bed.
"Fuhuhu~ There we go! And finally," She dangled the charger over the side that's facing the wall of the bed before dropping it.
"Oops~! It slipped~! They'll never find the charger now since no one looks on this side of the bed!"
She placed the leek Miku had once before between her hand and posed her body as if she was dead and slipped out of the room. The next day, her manager found her sleeping body and cried as he realized her charger was gone. He looked wherever he could but to no avail, he was unable to find it. He contacted Hiroyuki who in turn sent out a missing case throughout the world in order to find Miku's charer. Her fans looked high and low, over and under and came up short. After a few months, the search ended and the world mourned for the loss of Hatsune Miku.
Sure, there were other Vocaloids but it wasn't the same. Crypton and Sega was on a stand still as their biggest money maker was taken away from them. Their idol was gone and so was their passion. All of their employes quit, leaving only the former CEOs on the job. They hoped that one day she would return and make the world bright again.
Years came and went and soon very little knew who Hatsune Miku was. Merchandise disappeared and video games were archived. It was like she disappeared herself. She soon became a legend, a myth, as rumors swirled around that a 'Sleeping Beauty' inside the old Crypton building was waiting for true love's kiss to wake her from her slumber. Though, no one dared enter the old building since it was believed to be haunted. Prince Kaito and Prince Len though were interested in this rumor and decided to venture out there on their own.
They entered and started searching far and wide, through every room and office until they found an old sign that said Hatsune Miku. Slowly, they opened the door and peered inside. Then, they saw her.
Her beauty was more than they could have ever imagined and both were deeply entranced. Stepping inside, they argued on who would kiss her since both desperately wanted to. It went on and on until they finally decided that they best way to decide was to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. It was a very intense battle as the stakes were high but Prince Kaito won as his rock destroyed Prince Len's scissors.
He fist pumped the air as Prince Len sat on the ground in defeat, pouting. Kaito gracefully but slowly waltzed towards the Miku's side, gazing longingly at her beautiful features. When he finally arrived to her side, he started to lower his lips to meet hers slowly.
Since it seemed he was going in slow motion because of how long it was taking him to actually kiss her, Len was able to observe the room and saw a flashing light underneath her bed. Curious, he ran over to Miku's bed and slid his hand between it's side to pull out what looked like a charger. As he saw a slit open on her hip, he connected the dots and quickly plugged her in just as Kaito was about to kiss her.
A whirring sound filled the void of silence as he saw Miku stir. Before he knew it, he felt her fist collide with his face and he was sent flying to the other side of the room, causing him to black out. Len took this opportunity to go where Kaito originally was and smiled as he saw Miku awaken.
She smiled back, threw her arms around him, and said, "Thank you for plugging me in! As thanks, let's be friends!"
It took a moment before he realized:
He had just been friend-zoned.
Miku returned to Hiroyuki's side, telling him she's finally awake and introduced her two new best friends! Hearing such great news, he sent a broadcast around the world claiming their idol has finally returned.
And so, the world rejoiced at her return, their nostalgic memories returning to them as they remembered who she was. With her and everyone's help, Sega and Crypton was back up and running again, the Vocaloids were reunited, and become the world's most beloved idol once more. Kaito and Len were her BFF's forever to their dismay, Teto was able to become the greatest Utaloid in history, and the King and Queen finally were able open that all-you-can-eat cake cafe the always dreamed of having.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End
Like this series so far? Then what fairytale should I do next? You decide!
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