It's been a long time...
I have a story!
So! If you didn't know I have weird dreams, My mind just wanders a lot...
So I'm going to tell you about some! :D
I'll do... 2! I guess...
Alright! #1 (remember dreams are crazy!)
So this one starts with me and my two older siblings, ones a girl and the others a boy, they are in fact Twins!
It's us, and we're on this... Octopus train, and it turns out we're in some alien ship, made up of really big octopus's, and well, there are a bunch of aliens!
It an alien mall guys, it was Cool!
Anyway, we're walking around, looking at all the weird things, and well i slipped, falling off the front of the train! i catch onto the back and my Siblings come after me! we then have to find a way back to the front, because the back keeps moving!
After the train mixes itself up, it stops in a really snowy area! I'm in a coat, and my siblings... went home? idk, they just kind of left, now i have two of my friends from school, they're both in another grade, but i know they're friends!
So we're looking around, and find some other kids, they're looking at the water, its all icy, and stuff.
But then! i start to climb away, only to find some other friends i know!
Some big guy comes over and is like "Alright! Who ever wants to come and become a Royal knight, come with me! If not, Go Home!"
Oh! also quick thing! When i had this dream, IDK what happened, but I was talking to someone, and their like "Oh, whats your name?" and I was like 'Cant tell them my real name!' so i tell them "Christie Hawkins"
....Why brain... Why...
Christie - because IDK, i really dont
Hawkins - Treasure planet, Jim Hawkins
So some kids go, and I go over to my friends house, and I'm like "Where did they go?" and start walking around, They turn out to be in the basement!
So i go down there, and when i get through, I'm standing in a forest! with other kids, and a Teacher saying "Alright Kids!"
We all turn to her, we're by a river, that falls to a waterfall.
"Alright! We're at the secret Beach! All mermaids and Mermen can go and jump the water fall, I heard it's pretty fun! everyone else can come down the normal way, or if you feel brave enough, go head down the falls!"
I of course jump the falls!
I also have another friend...
We're both mermaid (Idk Why) and well, Mine tails red, and her's is a darker Red (My fav color is red)
Anyway, we have a squirt gun fight, and stuff...
yeah, then I woke up because a ball hit me...
Stupid half horse man!
Alrighty! Dream #2
If your At all read my story "Quiet Burdens" this dream was actually one of the three that i had, that gave me the idea of this story! Weird right?
Here we go
So I was just chillin at an Inn, that i so happened to live at! (HA! Cole's POV)
And well, my friend that was there (Turned into Gil) was a Swordsmen, and a sailor, he always wants to drag me onto the boat, but I'm not a fan of water in this (...I'm a Swimmer, WTF brain)
So what happens is that, he starts to leave, but i didn't say goodbye!
So i run down the Hill the Inn was on, no shoes, just socks, and say goodbye!
Gil, and another (turned into Captain Roland) both grab me, and start to drag me onto the boat!
I slipped and fell into the water, waking me up...
So! those were two story's about dreams that i've had!
Have you guys ever had a weird dream?
and why did my brain make up a fake name, even though i already use one?
Until next time! ^u^
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