Chapter 3.
Kingdom's Walls.
Rainbow Steve walked down the main hall, he has been quite busy lately with the guards and keeping the kingdom how King Reverse pleased. He was tired, which caused his mind to wander elsewhere other than the long, narrow hall.
Not paying attention as he rounded the corner, going into his brother's room, He then bumped right into Reverse.
"O-oh! sorry, King Reverse. I-I um.. wasn't paying well attention."
Rainbow Quickly spout, looking away from Reverse Steve. He was preparing to be yelled at, or even maybe hit lightly on the head and be called Dull minded, or something else, but none of that came.
Instead, Reverse was only staring at the floor, emotionless.
His eyes looked tired and worried. "Reverse..?" Rainbow asked quietly. Reverse looked up, and his tired eyes met Rainbow Steve's.
He then put his hand on Rainbow's shoulder, Quickly changing into a hug.
Rainbow Steve stood there confused and worried, Reverse had never hugged him. For any reason. "R-Reverse..? What's.. wrong?"
There was silence between them.
"Rainbow..." Reverse spoke with a shaky voice,
"Your brother.. h-he's.. " he stopped.
"What about my brother!? What is going on Reverse!" Rainbow shouted, pulling away from Reverse's Awkward hug.
Reverse stood in silence, looking at the ground.
"Reverse! What is going o-"
"He's Infected Rainbow! Don't you get it!?"
Reverse Yelled aloud, cutting off Rainbow. Then silence filled the castle. Rainbow Steve Stood in silence, his expression was in fear-filled shock, yet it seemed to be emotionless.
"He's... infected..? How." Rainbow's voice seemed to grow into a dark monotone.
"I believe Nightmare.. Came back."
"What do you mean Nightmare Came back!? I thought you said you Delt with Him!" Rainbow Screamed, causing Reverse to take a step backward. "I thought I did! I sent a troop of guards to lay siege onto his area of the kingdom!"
"That doesn't mean he won't just come back and do something worse! l-like this..." Rainbow spoke, his voice changing from a monotone, to a distressed state.
He shoved past Reverse into his brother's room. "R-Rainbow Wait!"
Reverse whispered.
Rainbow Steve's brother was just sitting on his bed, reading a book. He didn't even seem to be in any pain or even know if he was infected.
"Light Steve..?" rainbow spoke aloud, with Reverse standing beside him. Light looked up and then smiled slightly.
"Hey, brother! And King Reverse!" Light Spoke, His voice sweet and kind. Reverse smiled towards him, trying his best not to seem worried, while Rainbow Steve walked up to the bed, and sat beside Light. "Is... something the matter brother?" He spoke kindly, setting down his book. Rainbow glared at Reverse, thinking that this was some kind of prank. He scanned Light's Body and clothes but didn't see any trace of Darkness on him, He looked absolutely fine.
"Brother..?" Light Asked, trying to catch Rainbow Steve's attention.
Rainbow Quickly hugged Light, after a moment of silence, Surprising him. "R-Rainbow! w-whats.. going on..?" Light Steve asked quietly while glancing back at Reverse Steve. His voice, now worried. Rainbow Was never a huge Hugger, He honestly didn't really like them at all.
"I'm... gonna go to the main hall.." Reverse spoke aloud, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "No. You are going to stay here, 'King' Reverse." Rainbow Steve muttered under his breath, angrily. He pulled away from Light, ending the hug, with an evil gaze set dead on Reverse.
Light Steve looked up at Rainbow, worried. "Rainbow..? What's wrong? What's going on?"
Reverse glanced back at Light and opened his mouth to speak, but he said nothing as he saw Rainbow Staring him down with a look that literally said 'I'll kill ya.'
This was the first time Reverse Steve had seen Rainbow become so upset towards him. "Hey Reverse.. Why don't me and you go back into the main hall.. and have a small... Talk." Rainbow's voice had gone dark, he's never liked it when anybody made a joke or a prank about his brother, but he's never been this upset either.
Rainbow and Reverse walked back out into the main hall, leaving Light Steve alone in his room. Rainbow Steve gently shut Light’s door and whipped around slamming Reverse against the wall. Reverse quickly gasped for breath, while Rainbow's hand had a hold on his throat.
"Mind explaining Why? Did you think that would be Funny?!"
Rainbow Yelled, tightening his grip as Reverse struggled, trying to make him let go. "Do you think it's okay to Joke about the Darkness? To joke about my Brother?" He gritted his teeth, scowling. His Bright, amber eyes flashed a crimson hue for a split second as if something snapped. "No! I-I Wasn't playin no Joke! Why would I!? I Saw it Rainbow!" Reverse yelled back, eventually overpowering Rainbow and freeing himself from his grip. "I didn't see anything, and Light seemed to be just fine." He sighed, trying his best to tone down. "That doesn't mean he ain't! Rainbow I saw it! It may just be hiding.. hell, it could be underneath his shirt or somethin." Reverse Steve had always had some kind of southern accent, it was kinda goofy at times.
Rainbow creaked Light's door open to peek in.
Light Steve was sitting near the window, watching as snow slowly fell outside.
"C'mon.. let's just go.." Reverse whispered from behind.
Rainbow hesitated, then turned to go.
Later that night. 10:36 pm.
Rainbow Steve walked down the hall to Light Steve's room, the castle had grown dark, lit with only torches and glowstone implanted into the tall ceiling. The castle was quite creepy at night, being so large and quiet sometimes makes you feel like there is darkness right behind you.
Rainbow was tired, he always was. He was tired of fighting, the wars, the bloodshed, and he was tired of being in the castle. He wanted to see Sabre, play in the snow with Light, to finally feel free.
Lost in his thoughts, he blankly ran into Light's door, thinking it was open. The sudden thump made Light get up and open the door to his brother rubbing his forehead.
"um... Brother..?"
"Ugh.. I'm fine, I just ran into the door.." Rainbow quickly spoke, then looked down at his brother giggling quietly. "C'mon, it isn't that funny" He then got an idea.
"aw c'mon brother.. lighten up a little.. you never laugh anymore..."
Light replied looking down at the oak floor.
"You want to read some..?" Rainbow lifted Light’s chin, making him look up at him with a goofy smile, then leading light to sit on the bed. He took the book and placed it on the nearby nightstand.
Light looked at him and then realized what was gonna happen, and then quickly tried to get off the bed and run away. Rainbow Steve quickly tackled him from behind and dragged him back onto the bed like a wrestler, giggling like a little child while tickle attacking his brother. Light Steve burst into giggles struggling to get away from Rainbow. "R-Rainbowwww! S-s-stoppp!" Light yelled, laughing like how he used to when he was much younger. "What!? You said I never laugh anymore!" Rainbow giggled, holding his brother in a tight squeeze while tickling so Light couldn't escape. By now they both had settled down for a moment to catch their breath from all the laughing.
"Aw c'mon.. Lighten up a little." Rainbow Joked, then bursting into more laughter as he started to Attack Light again. "Nooooo!
S-Stoppp! Brother!" Light burst out, struggling to get away from his tickle monster of a brother.
Both Light and Rainbow were both frozen in place, unable to move.
"h-huh..?" Rainbow said, confused, and glanced over at the doorway to see Reverse standing there smiling to himself. "C'mon now.. let's calm down before one of you have a lung collapse" Reverse laughed aloud, then unfreezing them. Light giggled, finally catching his breath then crawling away from his brother to flop on his pillow.
Rainbow quickly took the chance and flopped on his brother's back bursting into laughter.
Light Steve didn't struggle, he just layed there with his face down into the pillow with his brother's weight on his back. Rainbow weighed a decent amount more than Light, but then again He was much smaller than his older brother.
"Brother..?" Rainbow asked, pleading for his brother's response. "hm...?" Light whimpered, he was tired and his chest was sore from all the laughter and giggles.
"I believe Light may be quite tired Rainbow, especially after all that wrestlin you guys did." Reverse spoke, walking away from the doorway and sitting on the edge of the bed. Reverse and Rainbow heard the smaller Steve whimper again quietly, and they looked at each other. "Hey, brother..? You feeling alright..?" Rainbow spoke, stroking his brother's hair gently. Light never responded.
"Brother..?" He asked again, Slowly picking him up bridal style, and laying him in his lap.
Light Steve looked up at his brother with tired eyes and rested his head on Rainbow's chest. "Light..? Hey.. You okay..? You have a fever…" Rainbow spoke, worried while feeling his brother’s forehead. He glanced back at Reverse sitting beside him who was giving him a 'I told you so' expression.
"You lay him down to rest, and I'll try to figure out what to do."
Reverse Steve spoke as he stood up from the bed.
Rainbow Stood up still holding Light. "Rainbow, just lay him down, and let's go get some medicine or something. Anything to help."
"No.. I think we should find help... He seems pretty warm.."
He replied in mumbles. Rainbow always wondered if Reverse truly cared about him, or his brother. Maybe all this time he was using Rainbow for his bidding and just didn't care if Light was there or not, or maybe was planning this all along. Maybe he planned to get Light sick and infected, to use against Rainbow. He was never sure
"He will be fine here, we don't need to go get anybody else's help."
Reverse sternly replied, he was obviously lying and was quite annoyed. "Maybe you shouldn't have roughhoused with him so much." He remarked sarcastically.
"Fine! If you won't help me find somebody who actually knows what to do, then I will myself!"
"B-brother..?" Light whimpered. "It's alright Light.." Rainbow scowled, and lightning began to spam, signaling Rainbow was preparing to teleport.
"Rainbow Steve Wait!-" Reverse yelled, but it was too late. Rainbow Steve was gone, along with Light Steve. He stood there in silence.
"Rainbow you idiot!"
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