Chapter 1
Rainbow Steve and Reverse Steve walked into the main hall along with three Guards. Two were Orange Steves, the one in the middle was a Yellow Steve. Rainbow Wore a long, rainbow-colored cape that fluttered along behind him. His shoes a dark, grey like indigo color. His hair short, Yet he had a small ponytail in the back.
Reverse wore a long cape, unlike Rainbow Steve's cape, it was Torn at the bottom, and its colors Were in the opposite order of Rainbow's. His skin, slightly darker than Rainbow Steve's, but not by much. Reverse's Hair was a mess like always, long on one side, merely drooping down in front of his left eye, The rest was decently short. He wore a black shirt, with his cape connecting at the front.
They had gotten a report of a Spy within the castle's walls.
“I suppose it may be one of Nightmare Steve’s Darkness spies. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. He's always been a nuisance.” Reverse spoke aloud.
“Maybe so.” Rainbow simply replied, “It wouldn't be much of a surprise if it was.”
Silence filled the room. The silence was painful. Neither of them knew what to do. They both thought that they could simply just prison the spy, But they knew Nightmare Steve would just send another… and another… and another.
Reverse then walked away from the table And went to speak to a Guard. After about 5 minutes, Reverse returned with no sign of the Guard he had spoken to.
“That spy won't be a problem now..” Reverse Spoke with a dead set voice. His dark voice had always sent shivers down Rainbow Steve’s back. He would normally be a custom to one's voice over time, But he never has with Reverse’s.
“What did you send the guard out to do..?” Rainbow simply asked.
Rainbow could hear Reverse Laughing under his breath…
“I sent our dear friend, Nightmare… A little gift”
Later. Approx 11pm. Sabre’s POV:
It’s getting late, and I just finished setting up my tent for the night. The fire was still going. but it needs some wood. I could hear the others a little ways off dancing and messing around at the main bonfire. I don’t really like setting up my tent near theirs, They have done some pretty crazy things... I’m pretty sure they were drinking a little too, Not surprising.
The resistance has been quite at ease lately, It's strange, to be honest. We have always been on high alert ever since... well. The hero gave in and sided with “King” Reverse.
My dear friend... a traitor.
I snap out of my thoughts as the fire pops and crackles. “I still need to go get more wood,” I Spoke aloud, Not thinking much of it. I grab a torch and head into the dark woods to grab a few fallen branches for the fire. Maybe I can find some mushrooms too, Might be able to add those to a stew or maybe give them to the others to make medicine.
After a few minutes of walking around, I had found enough small branches to last the rest of the night. I'm just ready to go to bed. It's been a rough day. The torch was almost burnt out. Yayyyy. It's been a few minutes, I've been looking for the tent for a while now. I'm starting to get worried.
All of a sudden, I could hear a large explosion in the distance, Towards the main camp. It seemed that I had been walking in the opposite direction of the camp. I quickly started to run in the direction of the camp, Praying it was just a small accident with one of the fires. "please don't tell me something bad has happened.. that the last thing we need right now.." I thought to myself, running as fast as my legs could possibly carry me. I finally started to see some light up ahead, Probably from the main fire.
Once I reached the woodline, that leads into the clearing of the camp, I could feel my heart drop.
Fire was everywhere. Tents ruined, many injured...
"Galaxy Steve!" I yelled out, turning around carelessly, searching for anybody. "Is anybody there!"
No answer, No answer from anybody. The surrounding area was completely silent, you could hear nothing other than the crackle of the slowly spreading fire and the wind blowing through the trees.
I looked down at the ground, clutching my fists trying not to scream.
"It looks like we missed one... Hello Sabre. Wonderful of you to join us.." I could hear a slithery voice from behind me speak aloud.
I quickly turned around, but anybody or anything was there.
"Whos there!" I yelled out, "Show yourself!"
Constantly turning around, looking for the source of the voice, I couldn't see anybody.
"I have no need to. Oh, dear Sabre. Where were you when all this happened? You abandoned your own friends. Your dear leader, Galaxy Steve himself.." The voice spoke aloud.
"I never abandoned them! What did you do to everybody!?"
I screamed aloud. "Who are you!"
Silence filled the air, The sounds of the fire around me stopped, the wind stopped. Everything was stopped.
I looked around me. It was like everything was frozen in time. Everything was still, The fire still waved carelessly in the air, consuming everything it touched. The leaves slowly moving in the wind, yet I couldn't hear anything except the sound of my own fear-filled breath.
The air around me became dark. It wasn't even foggy anymore, it was just pure black, Like a cloud of Darkness around me...
I was quickly looking all around me as the Black cloud swirled, and then I thought I had seen a figure through the pitch black.
I winced my eyes to try to see through my blindfold and through the cloud. A figure appeared to be getting slowly closer to me.
"Who are you! S-Stay back!" I yelled towards the figure
The figure finally came into view. It had Bright red eyes... Almost exactly like Nightmare Steve, yet it wore a dark grey hood. It was impossible to see any of its facial details, you could only see eyes, That seemed to glow through the dark winds blowing around us.
"You will fall just like the others Sabre, and all you will know will be as blank as the Void Itself." The figure's voice rose through the silence, sending a shiver down my back.
And then.. I woke up..
It was all a dream.. A nightmare.
I sat up in my sleeping bag, And quickly looked outside to the camp.
Everything was the same as before The tents, The horses, the small wagons, Everything. The grass was covered in dew, and the birds singing wonderfully as the sun slowly peeked over the Spring wonderland, Finally showing its light on the side of the nearby mountains.
The main Camp's fire, burnt out, only leaving the ashes in the fire pit.
It was all a nightmare, yet.. it seemed so
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