What Did I Do Wrong?
Present Time
Year 2019
Third POV
Clover, Amy's best friend came to her house. Now those two insane girls are now at Amy's room chilling "okay, I decided to gave a name of some of the villagers" Says Clover.
Amelia only look at her and nods "oh, so.... What is that?" Says her "well is more like a side character than the main character, you know they need someone to help them prepare, right? " Says Clover.
Amelia just giggles as she put on her glasses "yeah, yeah I know...." Says her. Then she look at the clock which it shows 10.15 A.M "okay we should get started ordering or else we'll be late!" Says Amy.
Clover just nodded her head as she started looking of a discount for them to use an online taxi (if you Indonesian you know what I mean). Well while they doing their things let's continue about Amy's past shall we?
Third POV Ends
Year 2007
Third POV
Little Amy just sitting on her room, she just done doing her home work. She look at the clock on the wall it shows 7.00 P.M "I should go and take a shower" Says Amy.
She left her room and she to the bath room for taking a bath, before she went inside she hear her mom yelling at her second older brother 'umm.... I wonder what wrong with Freddy Nii-san?' Thought Amy.
She just ignored them as she went inside the bathroom and started to take a bath. After she finished, she hears a loud bang of the door. Amy took a little pick as she see her brother came out.
He look so furious, without thinking, Amy just went out form the bathroom. And she look at her second older brother, she just poke him a little until suddenly.... Freddy, Amy's second older brother. Punch her right on her left arm.
Amy, shocked and she started to crying. Ms, Suzugamori went out from her room and she gasped after she saw of what Freddy just did to his little sister. She quickly went to them "oh, Amy! What's happened".
Not even wait for Amy to answer, she look at Freddy and she rise her voice " Freddy! What you did to your sister!? " Ask Ms, Suzugamori furious. Freddy who also look furious he answered "she's poke me!!! ".
Ms, Suzugamori shook her head and she look at Amy who still crying. She tried to calm her down " There, there Amy.... Is okay, where's hurt?" Says her. Again she look at Freddy "she's just little kid, don't do that... She just want attention" Says her.
Ms, Suzugamori guide the little crying Amy back at her room. Then she tried to calmed her down, after she's calmed. Ms, Suzugamori went back to her room, Freddy went inside to Amy's room. Amy look at her brother then she froze.
She quickly pull out a blanket and she covered herself with the blanket, pretending she's a sleep (Amy and her second brother are sleep together, that's why he went there). Freddy just ignore her as he lay down and he fall asleep.
Third POV Ends
Back To Present Time
Amelia POV
I was on the way to mall with my friend Clover. Remembering that time it brought me a nostalgic of how my brother reacts after what he did. Is not my fault for not forgetting it, is just something that I can't let go.
It doesn't mean that I hate brothers though, I mean not this time. There's still a lot that happened to me and my family, and we do changed a lot because of that.
Suddenly "Amy... We here" Says Clover, I looked around and I nodded. I'm about to got off the Taxi until "oh yeah..." I look at the driver "how much is it?" I ask then the driver says "oh, is already paid using E-money" He says.
I nodded and jumped out the car, then I went inside that mall with my friend "I think we the earliest today" I say as I took my phone and look at the time. Clover nodded as an agreement.
Well at least we can walked around and maybe stop at a book store to bought some novels.
Amelia POV Ends.
Is over!!! It's finally over!!!
I'm no longer a student!!!
But still, I will miss my friend. Well I had to move on. It won't be that different between college and school.
Anyway that's all, see ya!
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