The Beginning Of All
Hayo!!! Before we get to the story. Maybe you all confuse of the title, well this is the beginning of all my life's that I had to face alone. You guys soon will understand, well then that's all let's get into the story!
Present Time 2019
Amelia POV
I'm in my room, just typing and listening to music, is been a week or a month a half that I'm free form school. I kinda already miss them already, I rise up from my bed and I'm about to left my room until I saw a picture in my closet.
I'm still remember that I used to decorate my closet with stickers and photos. I look at the photo of me and my classmates and my teachers back when I'm elementary. 'Wow, I really miss them.....' I thought and I put a sad and a little bit painful smile.
You want to know about that? Well then, let me tell you the beginning of that painful smile of mine.
Amelia POV Ends
Year Mid 2006 or 2007
Third POV
Is been three months after Amy got out from kindergarten she and her family also decided to move to a bigger house, so her father decide to bought a house. Long story short, they already moved to their new house.
The problem now are Amy's mother are busy looking for a school for her. Until one of Amy's friend's mother come to her mother and say "oh, have you decide where Amy's going to?" Says her.
Ms. Suzugamori shook her head desperately "no, I haven't" Says her. Suddenly the woman gave her a school enrollment of Amy's oldest brother school "I kinda accidentally bought two of this. You can have this one to enroll her there, there's a lot of students from her place going there. Including my daughter" Says her.
Ms. Suzugamori smile and she took the paper then she bow "oh, thank you so much!" She say. Amy look at the woman left then she poke her mother dress "mommy, am I going to school?" Says her. Ms. Suzugamori smile and she pat her head " Yes, honey. You will go to school, don't worry some of your friends are going there too!" Says her.
Amy smile and hug her mother "yey! Now I don't have to be worry anymore!" Says her happily. Again long story short, Amy got in to an well known Elementary School named Magi Elementary School.
This time, Ms. Suzugamori bring her to her new school, because of what happened back when she in kindergarten 😅. After she arrived at her new Elementary School, she saw so many students and parents gather in front of classes. Some of the students look at a paper sticking on the door of each classes.
Amy got nervous and she hide behind her mom "mom, I want to go home" Says her. Ms. Suzugamori smile, then she turn around and pat her head "don't be scared Amy, I'm here.... I'll be waiting for you outside" Says her.
Amy shook her head as she pulling her mother clothes "no! I want to home!" Says her. Suddenly some called Amy "Amy? Amy! " Says an unknown person. Amy turn around and she saw two of her friends back on the kindergarten.
"Michael! Brenda!" Says Amy. Her face changes from scared to happy and cheerful thanks to her friends. Michael smile brightly "so, you know which class are you in? " Ask him. Amy shook her head. Suddenly he grab her arm and he lead her to one of the classes.
"M-Michael!" Says Amy. Ms. Suzugamori just giggle looking at them, and she follows them from behind, Michael helps Amy of finding her name in each 1st Grade classes until they reached the very end of the class near the rest room.
"Well this is my class. If your name not on 1.1 or 1.2 maybe you in my class" Says Michael. Amy and Michael look at the paper and turns out. Her name are there. Right the second bar on the top of the list.
"Yey! We in same class!" Says Amy happily she got so excited until she's forget that she left her mom. After finding her class and her friend. Amy got in to her class and she now start her new school life in another level.
Flashback Ends
Present Time
Amelia POV
I left my room and giggle then I look at my phone as I got a message from my one and only best childhood friend Michael. 'Gosh, is been 17 years we together and yet we still always be.' I thought.
Amelia POV Ends
"Sometimes having a lot of friends didn't make your life easier. Only have one friend that's royal to you is enough"
- Amelia/Author 2019 -
Yo! So how is it? Cool huh? I even added quotes there cia!!!! #plak. Okay since I got nothing to say and this is already long enough, well I had to say my good byes to you. Well bye!
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