Before Micin Generations Attacks
Before we get into the story, for all of you who aren't from Indonesia, you might get a little confuse about my title in this chapter. But let me tell you this first.
Micin Generations is like millenial generation where they always want instant access which is from our advanced technology of course. And those make us more lazy and some people says it make us look stupid.
Even is not that true,these day people always used technology to do their work. The only problem is the people it self, well that's all about that. And please don't judge me. This explanation is only based my observation.
Well let's start the story!
Third POV
Present Time
Year 2019
Amelia was lying on her bed, she so exhausted for the long travels. Then she look at her phone, searching for ideas for her stories. "Hmm.... nothing good here" says her, then she stood up from her bed and she look her picture again when she was in 5 grade.
Amelia thought about something and suddenly "oh.... know if I could compare my generation and the recent generation, there's a big changes now" says Amelia giggles. What she mean by big changes? Well here's the explanation.
Third POV Ends
Third POV
Year 2011
Around this period when Amy still in Elementary, all students rarely play with phones. More like there's none in the school where students are bringing their phone. (I mean sure it's aren't allow but now I bet they will sneak in even its forbidden)
Because of that students are trained to use their creativity, just like what happen in class 5.3 which it was Amy's class, many students playing and making toys with papers. No manner it's form their book or they found it on the floor.
They make toys and once they done, they will compete with the other classmates, to see who will win. It's more a competition. This games called crash gear? It's like Tamia? Where we compete using cars. But this time we make them with papers.
Amy who aren't into games, watching all her friends play and compete. Actually she already make many crash gear but she afraid to join with them, she usually play after school with some of her classmates who aren't come home yet.
Amy just watch them, and she opened up her pencil case and it all filled with paper planes? Or cars? Amy just sighs and she took out one of it and look at it. She even started to play with it a little until "hey Amy! You play crash gear?" Says one of the students.
Amy jolt and she quickly hide her toys "ahh.... n-no, I'm not.... is not girls thing right?" Says Amy. Yes, crash gear usually are games for boy. But that what Amy likes, she like playing with what boys always play. Her classmates giggles and he point at one of the group.
"No, is not only you who play.... Anna also play crash gear" says him. Amy look at the group and she took out her pencil case again, and she sighs again "come on... is okay, let's play!" Says him. Amy nodded and she leave her seat and went to play.
It was fun to play with many people, even some girls gonna mock you for playing that things. But as long as she likes it, Amy didn't mind. She really love playing crash gear with all her classmates. She even got to join in the class competition.
And she even got the best title as a champion in the competition also the only the girl in the group.
Flashback Ends
Third POV
Present Time
Amelia lay back on her bed, then she smiles. She yawns and look at the clock "hmm... is not midnight yet, but..... is okay..... gosh, I'm so tired." Says her, she charger her phone and then she went to sleep.
"Because I'm a girl it doesn't mean I have to be like what girls suppose to be,this is my life. And I can do whatever I want"
Sorry for not updating yesterday, I just got the idea yesterday and I'm lazy to make it. So forgive me and yeah. That's all I want to say. Oh, maybe, the next chapter gonna be special.
Well the see ya!
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