Minecraft Gods Story//To Find Home??
So this is a concept that I've kept coming back to in various forms and I need something to write without stress so I started this one lol
Notch/Herobrine/Third Unnamed Female That's Not Alex gods AU and Steve and Alex come in later
The legend goes that when the world was created, two beings were created with it. Brothers, some might call them. One brother, the more serious and mature one, saw beauty in everything in the world. The other brother, although he appreciated their world, also liked the idea of what they could do with the world.
The younger brother, attempting new things, used his interest in possibility and chaos to create monsters. Zombies, skeletons, spiders. He created ponds of lava that if by trees could burn an entire forest down. He created deadly traps as pranks for his brother to enjoy.
However, his brother was not amused by these antics. He believed the world should have been left as it was in its pure, untouched state as they were born into it. He demanded his brother erase his creations immediately.
The younger brother was angered by this demand. He thought his creations were innovative and held possibility. So instead of removing his creatures, he made them only able to thrive in darkness. He placed the lava pools underground instead of on the surface. He thought he was rather clever, so his and his brother's preferences could coexist.
The older brother at first was fooled by the younger's trick. He thought the monsters had been forgotten and all would be well. The damage done by the lava was done, and those burnt forests turned into deserts.
Eventually, as no secret can stay a secret forever, the older brother discovered the younger's dangerous haven for his undead friends. The older was furious beyond belief. The younger tried to explain his thinking, but the older refused to listen. He emmited a light so bright all the monsters vaporized and the younger brother's eyes were scarred.
This started conflict between the brothers. The younger brother would use his destructive inspiration to cause havoc in the older brother's favorite places in their world. The older brother would in return would combine whordes of skeletons and zombies into idiotic villagers, or a spider spawner into a chicken spawner.
In the midst of the fighting, a third being was created. She, unlike her older brothers, was a fresh slate. Her brothers, once they discovered her, immediately each wanted her on their side of the argument.
The sister was clever, though. She saw the conflict her brothers had and thought, how could she choose the medium ground instead of either side?
So she played both sides and learned both her brothers morals. The older brother taught her the beauty of the world how it is; the beauty of the trees and the rivers and the mountains. The younger brother talked of the world he wanted- one with chaos and hostility, but a certain thrill to it all at the same time.
The sister then took to her own path. She liked the euphoria the younger brother was addicted to, but appreciated the world as it was like the older brother.
She slowly started creating more complex things to fill the world. More plants, animals, biomes and blocks. Some things turned out to be as bad as the younger brother's monstrosities and she destroyed them. Other things turned out beautiful and useful, like her pride the diamond.
But the world still felt empty. Her brothers bickered about some thousand-year-old disagreement, and the other current inhabitants of the world were all, to various degrees, very unintelligent. The world needed beings like the siblings- intelligent, creative, innovative, emotional. Maybe not so powerful as the siblings, but not powerless either.
It took her a long time to perfect her "human." And when she did, it was too perfect. As soon as it was given life it made to attack its creator. She quickly killed it and started anew.
The second time, she had something different up her sleeve. A soft, fleshy, intelligent entity with the ability to use tools, break and place blocks, and think. It had no powers, and was vulnerable to the creature of the night and the other natural dangers.
When she gave her second creation life, she turned herself invisible, unsure of how he would react. He blinked, blank eyes becoming focused and gathering his surroundings. Quickly, an appearance formed to his body. Tan skin, brown hair, a cyan shirt and a durable blue material for pants. Stone grey shoes and eyes the color of lapis lazuli.
The creator was thrilled. As her creation took in his surroundings, she realized he needed something to call himself. All monsters spawned with something they called themselves in their language, so should this new creature.
"What is this?" Her creation asked aloud.
The creator revealed herself.
"You are... Steve. And this is your world. There are others that claim so, but you are the one with the power to do what you like with the world. Go now, and live."
The world needs heroes. Sure, there are local heroes for doing some good for their community. But the world needs, like, a BIG hero. Someone like the Orders of the Stone once were when they were alive. Something has been slowly corrupting the world, poisoning the biomes, changing reality as it's known. Clues are scattered throughout the world that lead to shattered pieces of the past- the creation of the world even. The world needs heroes that can rise to the challenge of fighting the corruption and facing the three gods- Destruction, Creation, and Preservation themselves.
Originally this was gonna be about this creator gal and her trying to create Steve (and Alex)
Hence why this seems kinda long and out of place because the original doc stopped at like the part where the sister left and then the actual story was gonna start
Ima tag some of the people that had submitted forms for that—
If there's anyone you remember submitting forms or anyone you think might be interested please tag them because I don't have easy access to the submitted forms anymore???? And there were some from DA too so I'll upload this there too
I'm hyped for this but at the same time I have other projects to finish but at THE SAME TIME I need something else to write because I'm just out of steam for my other big projects and need something to get myself back into writing again without stress :D
Ack. Complications. Writer's block. Moving. Fun.
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