Hell if i know
Hey y'all, I've been having some trouble with photos not showing up recently, which is stupid because you guys can't see the prompts that I'm working with. Please let me know if you can see the picture of not, thanks 🙏
This one was actually SUPER fun to write, and I'm also seriously considering making a short-ish story out of this one, too. This one would be more platonic, because y'know, can't write about the fellow gays all the time lmao
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, please let me know what you think!
TW/CW: Mentions of being physically (kinda implied sexually) attacked, talk of being drugged. Please don't ready if you're not okay with that stuff, and stay safe please.
This is from the perspective of the villain, obv. But also third person so lol.
This was by no means how Declan had expected his night to go.
He was hoping for some wine, maybe some Chinese takeout, a bad reality TV show. Just an overall quiet evening. So when he heard a faint knock on his door, he was confused, to say the least.
He hadn't even ordered his Chinese yet.
Sighing heavily, he stood and marched over to the door. You'd think that people wouldn't go knocking on the door of a supposed 'evil villain' anymore, but apparently that was a foolish assumption. Maybe it was just a package sent to the wrong house again. Or that particularly brave Girl Scout who'd tried (and technically succeeded) to sell him cookies. Or maybe it was...
Nah, that's stupid. That idiot wouldn't come near his lair again. Even he wasn't that dumb, surely?
Not knowing what to expect, Declan flung the door open, and instantly did a double-take.
There, wobbling dangerously and leaning against the wall for support, was... The Amethyst Archer. He was there. At the lair.
Declan was certain it'd be the same as last time; he'd turned up and wanted to fight over something petty. But, he realised quickly, there was something very wrong with that conclusion.
Archer had his arms wrapped around himself. He was shivering, so he had obviously been outside for a while, God knows why. His face was what truly shocked Declan, however.
His eyes were wide and his lips were trembling. In all the years he had known this hero, fought against him at every turn, for the first time ever... he looked scared.
He also noticed that his eyes had a dazed look to them, and he was clutching at a specific area of his left arm. Now, he didn't know as much as he probably should about drugs, poisons, stuff like that, but it was blatantly obvious that he'd been drugged. His clothing was also haphazardly covering his body, a small detail that made Declan's brain whir with... well, not exactly concern, but something like that.
He could tell that it definitely was Archer despite him not wearing his usual costume, instead wearing a small raincoat, shirt and tracksuit bottoms. Whenever they fought, he never wore any kind of mask to conceal his face, he usually wore that dumb-looking hooded-cloak thing.
His mind was reeling with thoughts as to what happened to his nemesis, when the man spoke. His voice was scratchy and could hardly be heard.
"I'm sorry I just... didn't know where else to go..."
Declan's attention snapped back to Archer as he whispered this. His eyes widened as Archer's began to close and he started to slide down the wall. Thrusting his arms out, he caught the other just before his head hit the floor. Declan was... shocked, to put it bluntly.
His nemesis had been drugged, and possibly attacked by the look of it, yet he had come to him? It confounded him. He was searching for a reason as to why; surely he had a family who he could go and bother? It's not even a "They've never seen me in costume, I can't go to them!" thing, because he was wearing civilian clothing! That begs the question, though, why didn't he go to them? Even if he didn't have parents or something, surely he had someone?!
Of all the people he could've chosen to inconvenience, it just had to be him. But why?
But there was little time for tangents at the moment. He was still kneeling on his front doorstep with his enemy's unconscious body in his arms. Normally he'd feel some sense of accomplishment in this moment, but this just felt... wrong.
He looked around feverishly, hoping he'd find someone who could do something. But, the area was completely barren, as usual. Which is a good thing on most days, however he felt his heart sinking at the absence of life surrounding them. The night was quiet-ish, with the noise and light pollution of the city close by.
There was no one around to help.
He had absolutely no clue what to do. He'd racked his brain for ideas, but that turned up nothing. He couldn't call an ambulance because they didn't answer to his address anymore. He couldn't carry him to a different place; he wasn't exactly the strongest villain out there. His car was in for repairs, so that was a no-go. He couldn't call the police because... duh. So instead, he resigned himself to bringing his arch-enemy into his home, laying him down on the couch in the lounge, and rooting through the mountains of books he owned. He remembered seeing his book on "drugs and how the affect the body" literally yesterday, but now it was like it'd disappeared. He didn't exactly remember how he got it, but it would sure as hell come in handy right now if he could actually find the damn thing.
Declan didn't find it. It was a valiant search that lasted about three minutes, until he decided that making sure Archer was still alive was slightly more important. As much as he didn't like the guy, he didn't want him to die, especially not in his house. Looking over him for wounds and such, he could see some signs. As he'd already guessed, he'd been drugged in the left arm, which was obvious due to the small mark stained with blood. His arms, Declan observed, were littered with bruises. Most likely from the attack. He clocked the raised white line of a cut spanning from thumb to pinkie on one hand and smiled sadly. Archer had gotten that cut the one time he'd invaded Declan's lair, screaming about some issue that he'd probably assumed Declan caused, when he somehow managed to fall and cut his hand on the little protruding doorstep thing. To be fair, it was kind of sharp if you hit it at a certain angle-
Anyway, there were bruises on his arms and the left one had blood on it. It looked pretty painful and Declan felt his eyebrows furrow as he looked at them.
Archer hadn't had any kind of seizure or anything, but he still didn't know exactly what the drug was. Sighing, he reached for his laptop on the coffee table and started searching. "Drugs that don't actually kill you but can make you go unconscious" didn't yield any helpful results. Perhaps thinking he should be more concise, Declan searched "Drugs that can knock people out".
Scanning through, he squinted at the screen and saw an article about 'knock-out' drugs.
"Many substances can be used as a knock-out drug, for example alcohol and liquid ecstasy- oh God.." He mumbled, his eyes flitting to the 'symptoms' section. Disturbed perception, a dazed feeling, disinhibition and lack of willpower. Yeah, those all matched up pretty well.
Slightly disinterested and having gleaned the information he needed, Declan briefly scanned the rest of the document, reading about how "the victims tends to not remember the incident" and they normally "stay unconscious for several hours after being injected".
Now, he understood well that he was perceived as a villain by the general public, but he didn't think of himself that way. He was more an anti-hero. It's not like he wanted to overthrow the universe or anything, he just wanted the world to be a fairer place. And if that meant crashing some important government events and fighting Archer every now and then, then so be it. But he definitely wouldn't stoop this low; he'd never drugged anyone, and God forbid if he didn't deal with anyone who did, to put it lightly. This, however, was truly concerning. He didn't get the motive of whomever did this to his enemy; what were they hoping to gain? He wasn't even going to remember what happened-
It was at that moment that Declan realised the gravity of this situation; Archer was going to wake up in Declan's 'lair' after being drugged, and he isn't going to remember what happened.
He could certainly expect some kind of fight from this, he could feel it already. He looked over at the unconscious body next to him and internally punched himself.
Saving his nemesis was definitely going to have some repercussions, that much was clear.
Hey guys, I decided to draw this chapter, or like, the first scene from it!
Trigger warning for a little bit of blood/cuts, but it's fine, they're not drawn very well :)
This is basically how I imagined Amethyst Archer and Declan to look:
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