//I'm writing!! Be proud of me!
Anyways, I love this concept, like a lot, so I decided to do a nice lil fluffy thing for it. This couple kind of reminds me of an old married couple, as well as Remus and Sirius from HP, so that's nice.
This is all fluff, literally I don't think there's anything sad here, I just wanted to write some happiness, y'know?
On with the story!//
"Um, Klaus? You might wanna see this. Come to Havalan Museum ASAP."
Gideon was in a specific exhibition room of their local museum, when he had seen something that had stopped him dead in his tracks. He had entered the "Ancient Romance" section when he saw it.
There were many artefacts there; a fabric bouquet of flowers that his friend Freyja had given to her then-husband back in the 1600s, as well as a pair of battered and tarnished wedding rings and a locket with some strands of a lover's hair inside. That was all fine, it was quite sweet actually, however there was one more feature that... surprised Gideon, to say the least.
Framed in a glass case and looking just how he remembered it, was his favourite letter that Klaus had written to him almost 400 years ago. He could recognise that scraggly handwriting anywhere.
Some things clearly never change, Gideon thought.
And, while the exhibition was nice and all, he had been looking for that letter for years. He thought he'd lost it around the Regency Era, and was frustrated to learn that someone had found it and just... kept it, and put it on display for all to see! It was a private letter and they were casually displaying it for all. Did they ever consider how he or Klaus felt? Granted, they had probably assumed that they were dead, it was a while ago when they found it, but that's hardly the point!
Upon closer inspection, Gideon noticed a small plaque at the bottom of the case that read,
"This letter was recovered in 1812 by late historian James Earlendine. It was believed to have been gifted by Klaus McKinnon to another man, Gideon Samuel. The two were entwined in a romantic relationship which at the time was not considered appropriate, so they wrote letters to each other in secret, such as the one in this exhibit. Only one other letter has been recovered."
He knew it was the Regency era! Also, how did they find another one of the letters!?
Gideon sucked in a breath through his teeth. He was looking at the plaque in disdain as Klaus arrived.
"Hey, are you alright?" Klaus murmured, pulling the slightly taller man into a brief hug. Patting him on the back, Gideon pulled away.
"Yeah, just a teensy bit pissed off. Look." He gestured to the case in front of them and Klaus looked. Gideon watched his boyfriend's face contort from confusion, to realisation, to anger.
"T-This was... this was your letter! They TOOK IT! THAT WAS MEANT ONLY FOR YOU, I DON- I DON'T WANT PEOPLE READING ABOUT US!" Klaus shouted in horror, not knowing nor caring about how loud he was being. Gideon pressed a gentle hand to his shoulder, soothing it with his thumb.
"We knew it'd happen eventually, Klaus. Hell, remember when Celia's letter between herself and Damien was unearthed? Didn't they end up sleeping for the next like, 200 years so they wouldn't have to face anyone out of embarrassment?"
"250." Klaus said bitterly as he glared daggers at the case, the letter almost taunting him. "It's just... I wrote that for you. I didn't want it to be in a museum for people to gawk at, y'know? It was supposed to be private."
"Yeah." Gideon responded, sighing. A beat of silence passed, when Klaus suddenly lurched up, tearing his shoulder away from Gideon's hand in his excitement.
"We can claim it back!"
"Well, it's ours, right? Like, we didn't trademark it or whatever but it's still ours and they just took it! So, surely if we explain that it belongs to us and we don't want it in the public eye, they might at least take it down. D'you think they'd do that if we talked to them? Do they have a phone number that we can call or something?" He turned around to face Gideon with an excited gleam in his eyes, something that made Gideon smile sadly.
"Honey, do you remember what year it is? Or rather, what century it is?"
"Yeah, the 21st? That doesn't stop us from talking to them." Gideon placed a delicate hand on Klaus', which had frantically pulled out his phone and was searching the museum's phone number.
"It does stop us though, that's the problem. Remember, we're immortals, the average human life span is only like, 85 years or something. It's been over 400 years since you wrote me that letter. They would all assume we're dead. They wouldn't believe you if you called them and said you were Klaus McKinnon and wanted your letter back. It wouldn't make sense, would it?" He watched Klaus deflate, seemingly just now realising the huge flaw in his "great plan".
"Right." He sighed heavily, turning back to the letter with slumped shoulders. Gideon, of course, noticed this and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a comforting side-hug.
"Well hey," He started, smiling lightly, "At least we know where it is now, right? I mean, I thought it was gone forever!" Klaus scoffed, but a tiny smile was now present on his face.
"D'you remember when I wrote that letter to you?" Klaus muttered, only just becoming conscious of the other man in the room and lowering his voice. "When was it... 1689?"
"87." Gideon corrected, leaning his head on his partner's shoulder.
"I was so sad when you left, I wish I could show you all the versions of that letter I wrote. I had covered the entire floor in crumpled up bits of paper by the time I had finally convinced myself it was perfect. But even after I sent it, I was still worried it wasn't good enough. I mean, you had left for so long, I wanted to explain how much I'd missed you."
"I was only gone for three weeks!" Gideon chuckled, "And it was to visit my sister! I wasn't even gone that long." Klaus sighed again.
"Yeah, but it felt like a lifetime." He admitted, staring fondly at the paper now, remembering how torn up he was when he'd written it.
Suddenly, a museum tour guide appeared next to them. They sported a warm, welcoming smile, and a name tag that read "Tara".
"Hey guys," They began, "Um, I hope you're not having too much trouble with reading that letter; it's a bit indecipherable at parts due to the handwriting... and the general ageing, too." Gideon snorted.
"But yeah, um, I'd be happy to bring you a manuscript or something if you'd like to read it? It's an absolutely beautiful letter and I think you'd enjoy it..." They trailed off awkwardly, looking between the couple. Gideon spoke up, still trying to suppress his laughter.
"Oh no, that's okay. I've actually read it before, I was just telling him about the history behind it, in fact!" He smiled sweetly, a smile which only grew wider as he noticed Klaus raising an eyebrow at him disapprovingly.
"Oh, really? Well, it's fascinating, right? I really hope they ended up alright, y'know? 'Cause being gay in those times was always looked down upon or whatever.. I just think it'd be nice if they got their own little happily ever after, too. Seems like they deserved it." They smiled at the letter sadly.
"I imagine they did." Gideon said, looking over at Klaus and still dying of laughter on the inside.
A moment of silence passed.
"Well um, sorry for badgering you both, I'll leave you to it!" They grinned and walked off. As soon as they were out of sight, Klaus turned to look at Gideon, eyebrow still raised.
"Really? 'Telling me about the history behind it'? I wrote it!" Gideon giggled and took Klaus' hand.
"Oh I know Honey, but I couldn't tell them that, now could I?"
They had a moment of silence where they simply stared in disbelief at one another, before bursting into laughter.
"You are unbelievable!"
"Hey, you're the one who wanted to tell them and try and negotiate a 400 year old love letter!"
"I'm still doing that, by the way."
"No, you're really not."
Still laughing, they both looked down at the letter at the same time, reading those beautiful words that Klaus wrote all those hundreds of years ago.
"My dearest, Gideon
I needn't care anymore for how many times I should need to say this; it will never be untrue and I shall say it for a thousand years more if I must.
I love you. I love you and I shall continue to do so for as long as my heart beats.
I wish to project my love for you unto the world, so everyone may see our quaint happiness, however foolish of me it may be. I wish for everyone to know that it is you. It is you who owns my heart now and forever, til the end of time itself.
Since I've been without your sweetest presence, I have not wished to hear nor see any other human being, but as the turtle-dove, having lost its mate, perches forevermore on its dried up little branch, so I lament endlessly til I shall enjoy your presence once more.
My love, there are times when I wake up in the morn and thank the blessed stars for my having found you. These thoughts are practically impossible for me to describe, yet I would speak forever, should you ask. I cannot say how many times I have held you in my arms and truly felt home, nor can I describe how much I treasure your smile, how it makes my heart soar just in witnessing it. I feel like it is only with you that I can do anything at all.
Every yours,
//Old married couple Klaus and Gideon, yay or nay?
Also, I was having a bit of a writer's block while writing this, but I had already written the letter, so I decided to age some paper and write it up all fancy. What do you guys think?//
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