《Rex's Pokémon Evil Team》
[Hey... Wanna know something funny?
So I had this idea a week ago, and thought out a bunch of stuff for it, and then decided,
"Might aswell share this shit since I like it so much!"
So I decided to write down every single idea I had for This! Which should have been a short little Chapter explaining the Evil Team what and why they do, right?...
I finished writing the Idea... decided to check the word count since it seemed kinda long...
It's 12,319 Fucking Words!
The One Piece one shot is 12,300 words long, I'm Not Even Done with it, and it's basically an Early One Piece Arc in one chapter...
It's 3000 words away from being as long as my Big Bang One Shot MY LONGEST EVER CHAPTER AT 15,000 WORDS!
So, with my Non-Understanding of how I work... I give you...
My Pokémon Evil Team Ide-...
《Koyo Region!》
The Koyo Region!
Widely considered the most chaotic and Generally Dangerous of the Pokémon Regions!
What's the Koyo Region Like?
Well, Koyo, like all the other Regions in Pokémon, is based in the real location of Australia! (Giant Spider Pokémon) Meaning 40% if it is Uninhabitable thanks to it all basically being a Desert… BUT THAT'S THE LEAST OF OUR PROBLEMS! Why?
Well With this Region comes a brand new batch of cool and diverse Pokémon… but Koyo has a Big Environmental Problem…
The Region is Infested With Ground Types!
The Koyo Region is well known for its Large and Diverse Population of Ground Type Pokémon… but in recent years their Overpopulation has started to become a problem, making the Level of Uninhabitable land rise from 40% to 60% thanks to all the Sand Storms and Earthquakes the Unregulated population of Ground Type Pokémon have caused.
Because of all the Chaos the Ground Type Hoards have Caused, a new Organization has been Born…
[Volt-Age Encounter Theme]
An organization of trainers that have come together under one common Interest,
The Complete and Absolute Loathing Of All Ground Type Pokémon.
Volt-Age wishes to bring about a New Age of Pokémon with a Raise of the Electric Type Pokémon Population, along with a larger and more outrageous goal that truly makes this organization Evil.
The Absolute Eradication of
All Ground Type Pokémon!
The Organization originally started Innocently as the Volt Project, trying to create and use Machines that would Weaken the Overall Power of Ground Types and Pacify them. After getting a mass of funding for this project, they finished constructing Machines that Indeed Weaken the Power and Aggression of Ground Types… but a Scientists on the Project also Noticed that Any Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel Type Pokémon got a Massive and Extremely Unnatural Boost in their Power. The Scientist then Reported this odd secret mechanism to the Media… which quickly revealed the Evil Heart of the Volt Project.
After the Anti-Ground Type Machines had been Completed and their True Purpose Revealed… it would only take a few days until the True Nature of The Volt Project was revealed aswell.
《Starting Clip!》
《Volt-Age Reveal》
[Fake Leader]
A Mass of Different TV shows were seen playing on a mass of different TVs, until suddenly they all started to glitch out, only to reveal an odd new face.
[Kaharu Muri]
[Ex-Head Scientist of The Volt Project]
[Volt-Age Fake Leader]
[Not Important]
Kaharu: "Hello there everyone! It is I, the Head Scientist of the Volt Project, Kaharu Muri! Now you may be wondering, oh beloved Scientist, why are you suddenly on every single TV Channel? Well the Answer is Quite Simple… I am Spearheading the Start of a New Era… As you probably know already, the Anti-Ground Machines that the Volt Project have produced have a Very Interesting Second Mechanism… this was No Accident. These Machines are only the Beginning! Our Organization is going to use them to bring our world into a brand New Age, and Save it! First we will rescue our own Home Region and once that's complete we will Rescue the Entire world! And what will we be saving it from? The Terror of Ground Types! As the Organization Volt-Age, WE WILL ERADICATE EVERY SINGLE GROUND TYPE AND SAVE THIS WORLD FROM THEIR CHAOS!"
《Clip Ended》
After this announcement, Kaharu was seen as the Face and Leader of Volt-Age as he would suddenly appear on Television Screens, and began Preaching About the Hatred of Ground Types, even ranting against the Legendary Groudon for it's Rampage in Hoenn thanks to Team Magma.
But even though he is seen as the Face of Volt-Age, he is not the real Leader, simply a Fake to Keep People's Attention away from the True Leader of the Evil Organization… Basically he isn't and won't ever be important.
But since we're on the Subject, let us Evaluate the Ranks of Volt-Age and their Goals.
《Volt-Age Members》
Unlike other Evil Teams, the Grunts of Volt-Age come in Five Different Varieties.
(Electric Type Grunts)
Electric Type Grunts follow under the Direct Orders of Volt-Age's Leader and are considered the Highest Ranking of the Grunts, although they exclusively use Electric Type Pokémon, every single Grunt of this type has a Tynamo held inside of a Special Volt-Age Marked Pokéball. They are Usually seen doing all sorts of things for the Organization, like Guarding, Capturing Ground Types, and Much More.
All of the Electric Type Grunts wear Uniforms Based on the Legendary Pokémon Thundurous, and they all hold Portable Anti-Ground Machines in their staffs, making using Ground Types Essential Useless against them. (The Uniform is Unisex, and also comes in a version that provides an undershirt for those who don't wanna show off their stomachs.)
(The Average Electric Type Grunt Pokémon Team looks like this.)
They usually have an Elekid, and in some Instances, higher ranking Electric Grunts also have a Jolteon. Although, stronger grunts can have other Electric Pokémon.
(Fire Type Grunts)
Fire Type Grunts are the Second Highest Ranking Members and follow under the direct orders of the Fire Admin. They all have Chimchars. They are usually seen as Subordinates to Electric Grunts, following under their orders and helping in their different goals.
All Fire Type Grunts wear uniforms based on Arcanine. The staff they have hold Anti-Ground Machines, making using Ground Types against them useless. The uniform is Unisex and like Electric Grunts, it can also come with an Undershirt.
(The Average Fire Type Grunt Pokémon Team looks like this.)
They Usually have a Magby, and higher ranking Fire Grunts also have Flareons while they all have Chimchars. Stronger Grunts can have Other and Stronger Fire Pokémon.
(Poison Type Grunts)
Poison Type Grunts seem to have their own Ranking among others along with their own Jobs in the Organization, although Electric can be seen helping them sometimes. They are seen to be solely responsible for Setting up Anti-Ground Machine Towers all over the Region, because they all fight near those towers they don't have Portable Anti-Ground Machines.
All Poison Grunts wear Uniforms based on the Pokémon Seviper. Unlike the other Grunt Uniforms, Poison Grunts are mostly Female, meaning that the male members still have to wear the Little Skirt and Heels.
(The Average Poison Type Grunt Pokémon Team looks like this.)
They all have Weedles and Zubats, but higher ranking Poison Grunts can also have Sevipers. Stronger Grunts will have Stronger Poison Pokémon.
(Rock Type Grunts)
Rock Type Grunts are the second Lowest Ranking of the Grunts, being more used as Walls to Hold Enemies back, thanks to the Toughness of their Rock Type Pokémon. They are usually used as Guards for Important Areas.
The Rock Grunts wear uniforms based on the Legendary Pokémon Regirock. They hold a Portable Anti-Ground Machine in their Masks. There is a Female Version of the Uniform, but most female members graduate into Poison Grunts before they see actions as Rock Grunts.
(The Average Rock Type Grunt Pokémon Team looks like this.)
All Grunts have a Roggenrola, and a Rockruff, although whether they have a 3rd Pokémon is seemingly random…
(Steel Type Grunt)
The Lowest Ranking of all Members, Steel Type Grunts are Essentially Footsoldiers, who are solely used on the front lines to hold back and fight off enemies. They also go around stealing Ground Type Pokémon from Trainers and capturing them from the Wild on mass.
The Steel Grunt Uniform is Unisex, and holds a Portable Anti-Ground Machine in the Mask.
(The Average Steel Type Grunt Pokémon Team looks like this.)
There is seemingly no difference in Pokémon for the Steel Grunt, they all wield these exact Pokémon or stronger/evolved versions.
(Grunt Battle Theme)
(Grunt Battle Opening)
As a Trainer is seen confronting a Volt-Age Grunt, suddenly 4 Golden Commas (Or Tomoe) Fly into the center of the Screen, turning everything around them black as they came together and formed the Volt-Age Symbol. The Symbol then spun around rapidly, generating a mass of Electricity before Exploding in a Crash of Lightning.
The Different Grunts were revealed standing there as they turned on their different Anti-Ground Machines before throwing a Pokéball and beginning the Battle.
The Electric Type Grunt spun their staff around before slamming the bottom of it into the ground, causing it to stick up and Shine.
The Fire Type Grunt scraped the top of their staff across the ground, causing the top of it to be set ablaze before stabbing it into the ground.
The Poison Grunt simply pulled out a button and pressed it, causing a Tower behind them to shine to life, before throwing the Button away.
The Rock and Steel Grunts were seen simply pressing a button on the side of the Masks, causing them to light up.
Among the Higher Ranking Members of Volt-Age, there are only 4 Notable Figures aside from the Leader Himself.
These are the 4 Admins of Volt-Age.
(Steel Type Admin)
Byakko is the Lowest Ranking of the 4 Admins, as he commands all of, but his Orders to the Steel Type Grunts take top priority.
He, like his leader, has an Extreme and unnatural love towards Steel Types, and due to his raising in Koyo, he also has an Unnatural and Extreme Hatred for Ground Types. The man is soft spoken and usually prefers to take orders rather than dish them out himself.
His Hatred for Ground Types stems from an Experience as a Child, where the Boy had Lost his right eye and nearly died to a Savage Hippowdon. Due to this experience, he had to have some of his body parts replaced with metal ones, causing him to relate and begin loving Ground Types, especially the Beldum he caught and trained into an Extremely Powerful Metagross, due to them both having only one eye, and leg.
The odd Cyan Diamonds on his clothes all work as a Single Anti-Ground Machine, shining to life when he begins battling.
His Signature Pokémon is a Metagross.
(Rock Type Admin)
Jenbu is the second lowest Ranking of the Four Admins Since she more relies on her Brut Strength rather than Brains. She trains all of the Grunts and their Pokémon and is in charge of Stealing and Capturing Ground Types and cares more about Physical Strength more than anything else. She also considers Ground Types Ripoffs of Better Rock Types.
Like the other Admins and Leader, Jenbu holds an Unnaturally Hatred for Ground Types and Love for Rock Types.
When Jen was younger, her father worked as a Miner with a mass of different rock types, was even a Gym Leader and took the girl Fossil hunting sometimes… but during one of the times the two of them were Searching for Pokémon Fossils, a Wild Rhyperior approached them in the cave. Jen's Father tried to fight the beast off with his own team of Rock types… but the Miner was no match for the Rhyperior superior Ground Power. Then in a mass of Rage, the ground type began to unleash a Massive Earthquake, causing the Cave they were in to start collapsing… Giving his daughter his Prised Aggron, Jen's Father sacrificed himself to save her, getting crushed by the rocks of the ground type while His Aggron brought the girl to safety. Quickly Growing close with a Roggenrola that also survived the Tragedy, Jen promised to make the Rock type strong enough to destroy any and all Ground Types in a single hit.
The Golden Pendent in the middle of her Chest works as her Anti-Ground Machine, shining when Activated.
Her Signature Pokémon is a Gigalith.
(Poison Type Admin)
Seiryuu is the Second Highest Ranking out of the Four Admins, due to her Whits and Planning Skill. She Loves all things Bug Types, but loves the power of Poison Types, this has caused her to have an odd love for Beedrill and Vespiqueens more than any other Poison or Bug type Pokémon.
As a Child Seiryuu, or Yuu for short, was homeless, and Lived with Pokémon. She grew an Unnaturally Close bond with Bug Type Pokémon, living with them like they were Humans. She especially loves Beedrills, Kakuna, Weedles, Combees, and Vespiqueen, considering the Biggest and Strongest of the Vespiqueens as her mother. One day her "Mother" gifted Yuu with a Weedle, Combee Eggs for her to Raise as training for when she becomes the new Queen Bee… but only a few days after this… A hoard of Gliscors attacked the hidden Grove that Yuu lived in. With no real way to effectively fight against the Flyscorpion Pokémon, Yuu was forced to watch in horror as the Gliscors destroyed her home, forcing her to run away holding her two eggs in her arms.
Yuu holds a great hatred for not only Ground Types, but a lesser hatred for Flying Types, and an Immense Hatred for Gligars and Gliscors, which has set an unspoken rule that only Poison Grunts and herself can Hunt and Kill them along with Gligars.
She holds a small button shaped like a Pokéball inside of her jacket that is an Anti-Ground Machine that she only pulls out during battles against Ground Types. When Fighting against a Gligar or Gliscor, she will Cheat, summoning a Hoard of Beedrills and Vespiqueens that will all attack the Pokémon at once with a barrage of Poison Jabs and Attack Orders.
Her Signature Pokémon are a Duo of a Vespiqueen and a Beedrill.
(Fire Type Admin)
The Highest Ranking in Volt-Age, due to his Passion, Loyalty and Drive towards its Goal, along with his odd ability of Pyrokinesis and the ability to Understand Pokémon Language.
Suzaku is the Son of a Human Trainer and his Delphox, this relation caused the man to be exiled by most of Humanity, but once Suzaku was born, he was forced to live with a Foster Family to keep the boy away from his father's degeneracy. The boy was raised already being Shamed by most other people due to his parents, but once he had awakened his abilities, people began to see Suzaku as a Pokémon more than a Human. He was then forced into a Camp of Scientist as Tests were performed on him 24/7, where he was forced to fight against the Scientist's Pokémon, one day, the Scientists invited the Ground Type Gym Leader for testing against Suzaku, resulting in the most painful 7 Days of Torture that the boy has ever been through, and sparking his intense hatred for Ground types. One day, Suzaku was saved by his Delphox mother and brought to Koyo Region's Pokémon Village founded by his father… only to be shocked when he found out that his father had been killed by the former champion, who had used a Powerful Ground Type Pokémon to crush him under a Boulder, which now sat as his Grave. He then met an Infernape who promised to teach Suzuaku to control his Pyrokinesis as a thank you for all the Help and Live his father had given him and all the other Pokémon Village Pokémon. That day he also met his Infernape Teacher's Son, a Chimchar who trained with him and quickly became his friend.
Suzaku hides a mass of Scars from different "Experiments" under his jacket. He also got his Mother's Stick Wand, which has been technologically enhanced to be a Portable Anti-Ground Machine, which he activates by Pulling out and setting it on fire.
His Signature Pokémon is an Infernape.
[The Four Admins]
The Four Admins are only High Ranking Members of Volt-Age, but they are also Koyo's Elite Four. They use this Public Image to hide themselves from the Evil Face of Volt-Age, only helping trainers and people of the Koyo Region to keep their Secret Identities Hidden.
(Admin Battle Theme)
[Before Elite Four Battles]
(Admin Battle)
Byakko is seen standing there, before the Four Arms of a Metagross appear from the corners of the screen, all slamming together in the middle, before pulling away to reveal the Volt-Age Symbol. The Symbol then Began spinning as the Silhouette of a Metagross' Face faded in, electricity sparking from the Symbol the the prongs of the Metagross' Arm Spikes. The Screen then Shattered away, revealing Byakko as the diamonds on his clothes shined to life, holding a Heavy Ball in hand.
After Defeating Byakko, the man will hold a Pokéball with the Volt-Age Symbol it, staring at it intently, before placing the ball back in his pocket with a defeated aura around him.
Rocks shot out of the Screen, before a giant Red Crystal shot out of the Screen's Center, it then cracked before shattering, revealing the Volt-Age Symbol, causing it to spin rapidly. More and more Crystals began to shoot out while the silhouette of a Gigalith's Face Faded in, before they all shattered with the Screen, revealing Jenbu with a Great Ball in hand.
After Defeating Jen will throw a bit of a tantrum, stomping on the ground and punching the air. She then quickly pulls a Pokémon marked with the Volt-Age Symbol out of her pocket and gets ready to throw it… but quickly stops herself before falling onto her butt, a defeated look on her face.
Purple was slowly seen flowing into the screen, as if It's being Poisoned. As the Purple Fills the Middle the Volt-Age Symbol is revealed along with the Silhouette Faces of a Beedrill and Vespiqueen. The Volt-Age Symbol then starts to spin, causing the Purple Screen to turn Dark and Black before slowly corroding away, only to reveal Yuu with two Net Balls in her hands.
Yuu only fights in a Double Battle… but! If you have a Ground Type on your team, Yuu will cheat and Throw Poison Spikes onto your side of the Field before the Battle Starts. If you have a Gliscor or a Gligar on your team, then Yuu will have an Angered Look on her face and battle you using 4 Pokémon at once.
After defeating Yuu, the Girl will grip two Pokéballs with Volt-Age Symbols, trembling for a moment before she sighs, turning away from the enemy.
A Small Flame was seen in the middle of the screen as it slowly burned the screen around it, until the Small Flame suddenly exploded into a Gigantic Blaze, revealing the Volt-Age Symbol and the silhouette face of an Infernape. The Volt-Age Symbol then began to spin, causing all the Flames to start swirling around it, creating a massive fire tornado, that tornado then dispersed only to reveal Suzaku standing there gripping a Pokéball tightly as he glared at the enemy, suddenly surrounding the Pokéball in a blaze.
If you have or use a Ground Type Pokémon, Suzaku will pull out and use his Anti-Ground Wand, set it on fire and start tossing it into the air and catching it over and over.
After Defeating Suzaku, The man will erupt in Flames as he pulls out another Pokéball holding the Volt-Age Symbol… only to put out his Flames and gain a calm face as he puts the ball back.
In these Battles, the Admins usually only use 3-4 Pokémon.
The Admins all play important Roles in Volt-Age, from Defeating Trainers and taking their Ground Type Pokémon, to Capturing Ground Types in the wild, setting up Anti-Ground Towers all over the Region, and recruiting more members under their banner, but all of these actions are simply Orders given to them be a single man, Volt-Age's Leader.
《Volt-Age Leader》
Many Common People have come to believe that The Ex-Head Scientist is the Leader of Volt-Age, but this is very very far from the truth, as he is only a Figurehead, while the True Leader sits in the shadows orchesting the Eradication of Ground Pokémon…
[Rex Koryu]
[Volt-Age's Leader]
[Champion Of The Koyo Region]
Rex Koryu! The Champion of Koyo, Founder and Leader of Volt-Age.
He Commands the Entire Organization, and holds the Greatest Hatred for Ground Types, along with an Extreme Love for Electric Type Pokémon. While posing as the Champion, Rex is seen as quite a nice person, even helping Trainers get across a part of Koyo that is riddled with Extremely Powerful and Aggressive Ground types… although this is simply a facade, as all the nice things he does do for people is all done to help in his goal of eradicating all Ground Types, whether that be helping his own self image it away from Volt-Age's Leader, recruiting new members, or leading people away from the Anti-Ground Towers his Admins and Grunts are setting up. He is a scheming man with a aggressive taste for vengeance, to the point that even Suzaku, a man who is far more dangerous due to his Pyrokinesis and has been hardened by years of Tourturous Experiments and Shunning, trembles in fear at Rex's anger when someone gets in the way of his goal. And despite his evil intentions, he is still quite the nice person, making sure that the people who do work for him can live out their days in peace, free of the atrocities they have committed once their Goal has been achieved.
Rex's Anti-Ground Machine sits in his Guitar, and is far greater than any other, as it can generate its own Electricity and empower Electric Types Pokémon to an Unbelievable Level.
As a Child, Rex grew up in the Hoenn Region… his childhood was quite normal for someone living in Hoenn, but on the Day Team Magma had awoken Groudon, the boy had lost his Family to the Legendary's Rampage, with his sister falling into a massive ravine that had opened up beneath her. The Young Rex held the girl by her hand, trying to pull her up and save her life… but as the girl gave her brother her Pendent, the ravine snapped shut, quickly crushing the sister to death, and smashing Rex's right arm, leaving it permanently damaged.
Although, after this event, Rex was more willing to forgive Groudon and did. He knew that the Legendary was Angry to be forcibly Awoken from its slumber and probably didn't know the havoc it was causing. After his arm was Healed to it's Best, the boy was forced to move all around the world thanks to his new foster father as he traveled around exploring the Pokémon world. While in Unova, Rex put himself in harm's way to save a single Tynamo being attacked by a Stunfisk, causing him to be Paralized for a few hours as the Pokémon ruthlessly attacked the boy, all the while he held the tiny Electric Type Close to keep it from being hurt. After being saved by his Foster Father, the Tynamo followed the two as Rex was administered to the hospital. The Boy was healed and the Tynamo quickly became his First Pokémon and friend.
After years of traveling with his Foster Father, Rex watched and cheered the man on over and over as he went from Region to Region challenging the Gyms and then the Champion, only to be defeated, all the while collecting a Team of Electric Type Pokémon of his own… then the Two traveled to the Koyo Region… where as they traveled, Rex repressed Hatred towards Ground Types would quickly reawaken, and grow into something beyond intense, as a Massive and Powerful Ground Type Legendary Pokémon Devastated an Entire Town… his father sacrificing himself to save the boy as the Massive Legendary ate him.
At this moment, the unbrighted Hatred for Ground Types was born, not only in Rex, but in his Pokémon aswell as they watched Savage Man Eating Legendary bring down a mass of chaos, for the sole reason of chaos alone… Rex, now forced to survive on his own in Koyo with his Pokémon, quickly begins to witness the Chaotic Nature of Koyo's Ground Type Pokémon, and at that moment, makes a crucial Decision.
"They're horrible… Pokémon that exist only to shed blood and cause chaos and Destruction shouldn't Exist!
Burning from the Heat of Revenge, Rex goes out and Finds 4 others who have been scarred by Pokémon like he has, causing the Five of them to form Volt-Age all under a common Goal, to erase all Ground Types.
When First Meeting Rex, he acts like a normal friendly trainer who offers to help you cross a dangerous part of the region if you can beat him in a Pokémon battle. It is possible to lose this battle and for the game to continue as normal.
[Trainer Rex Battle Theme]
[Trainer Rex Battle Opening]
Rex is seen with his back towards the screen, before he holds a Pokéball out to his side with his Right hand… then Dramatically he Turns the ball, revealing that it is an Ultra Ball, before he happily jumps and spins around with a giant smile on his face before he throws his first Pokémon onto the field.
If you summon a Ground Type, Rex will still keep his smile, but he will scratch his right arm a bit.
After Defeating Rex, the boy will recall his Pokémon and smile happily while shrugging.
If you used a Ground Type in the battle, Rex will be seen rapidly scratching his right arm with the same happy expression on his face.
Rex will only use 4 Pokémon in this battle, consisting of an Electabuzz, an Amped Toxtricity, a Luxio, and an Eelektrik.
The Next Battle with Rex in is a Volt-Age Base, as the two of you, plus your Friend, enter to stop the Villains. Once you reach the Control room of a mass of Anti-Ground Towers, Scientists who stand in the way will challenge you to battle… but before you can start, Rex will step infront and ask to battle you to see who will fight the Scientists.
[Evil Reveal Battle Theme]
[Evil Reveal Opening]
Rex is seen standing there with his back to the screen, holding a Pokéball to the side with his right hand… but as the odd and evils sounding music begins picking up, the screens infront of you begin to display the Volt-Age Symbol on mass, before Rex turns his Pokéball, revealing the Volt-Age Symbol on it aswell before he spins around, revealing an evils smile as he gets ready to battle.
In this battle, Rex will use 4 Pokémon once again, a Vikavolt, a Luxray, a Zebstrika, and an Electivire. All 4 of these Pokémon are way higher level than all the other trainers you've battled up until this point, making defeating Rex like this extremely difficult, and just like your first fight with him, it is possible to lose this battle and for the game to continue like usual… But it is possible to win this battle, as Rex doesn't use any Anti-Ground Machines.
Rex will win the battle when he knocks your final Pokémon down to 1HP, which he Will do, no matter what he hits you with. If he Wins, an ending battle cutscene will play, where Rex grows an evil smirk before turning his back to you. If you had a Ground type on your team and lost, Rex's expression will be an angrier one as he glares at you before turning away.
If you manage to defeat Rex's Team without a Ground Type, Rex will commend you in the ending battle cutscene by clapping with a smile. The Reward money you get from Rex will be doubled if you defeat him this way. But if you manage to defeat even a single one of Rex's Pokémon with a Ground Type, the man will glare at you and scratch his right arm rapidly as you gain Half of the Reward Money.
After Losing or winning the battle against Rex, different scenes will play out.
If you Lost the Battle:
Then Rex will taunt you about the power of Volt-Age before revealing that he is indeed it's Leader. He will then Activate the Anti-Ground towers you were sent here to stop before escaping. Forcing you to Battle the Scientists before turning off the machine yourself.
If you lost and the last Pokémon you had was a Ground Type:
An animation will play where Rex will walk forward and kick the Pokémon, reducing it's HP to Zero and causing it to Faint. Rex will then take the Pokéball holding said Pokémon and toss it to one of the Scientists. He will then taunt you and activate the Anti-Ground machines before leaving, forcing you to battle the Scientists not only to Deactivate the Machines, but to get your Pokémon back from them.
If you lost and the last Pokémon you had was an Electric Type:
An animation will play of Rex healing your Pokémon, and will even Apologize for hurting your Pokémon, before he Taunts you, and activates the Anti-Ground Machines.
If you Win the Battle:
Rex will hold a happy face as he commends your Battling Skills, reveals he's the leader of Volt-Age and even offers you a Place inside of Volt-Age. But as you refuse and go to charge at the Man, his Scientists quickly block you as he escapes. Although Battling the Scientists is completely optional as the Anti-Ground machines have not been activated.
If you Win the Battle but your last Pokémon was a Ground Type:
Rex will look extremely enraged scratching his Right arm, before he pulls his guitar off of his back and strums it angrily, causing a Bolt of Lightning to fly out of the Guitar and Strike your Pokémon, causing it to Faint. As you go to Recall the Pokémon, Rex will kick you onto the ground before crushing the Ground Type's Pokéball under his feet. The man will then yell at you angrily as he scratches his arm, revealing he is the Leader of Volt-Age before he punches the Anti-Ground Machine's Control Console, causing the Machines to activate, forcing you to Battle the Scientists with 1 Less Pokémon, as your Ground Type cannot be Revived without it's Pokéball.
If you win and your Last Pokémon is an Electric Type:
Rex will be happy as he heals your Pokémon and explains that he is the Leader of Volt-Age and will even offer you a stop inside the organization as a high ranking member. But upon your Refusal, Rex will understand and warn you about the great and impending Danger of Ground types, before he escapes.
After this, you will explore the Region and try to stop Volt-Age and Rex's Madness, and battle the Four Admins again, but only Catch Glimpses of Rex as he oversees the operations. At points in the game, Rex will even personally command that Lower or Higher Ranking Grunts attack you depending on if you lost or won against him with or without a Ground or Electric Type.
After stopping all of Volt-Age's Plans, your final encounter with them is at the end of Victory Road, where you battle the Elite Four and the Champion.
《Elite Four》
Once you've finished traveling down Victory Road, you will enter the Koyo Pokémon League. Once you are here, you have the Choice of 4 Different Stone Doors which are named and shaped into different Statues.
[The Ordeal of Love]
Which is a Statue of a Man and a Delphox.
[The Ordeal of Weakness]
Which is a Statue of a man, although his Right Arm, Leg and Eye are carved in detail.
[The Ordeal of Shock]
Which is a Statue of Vespiqueen holding Two Pokémon Eggs.
[The Ordeal of Sacrifice]
Which is a Statue of an Pickaxe and a Charm
When you Pick one of the Ordeals, a part of the Statues is covered in Darkness while another part shins.
When Picking the Ordeal of Love, the man is covered in Darkness and the Delphox is illuminated in Orange Lights in the shape of Fire.
When Picking the Ordeal of Weakness, The man's Right Arm Leg and Eye are covered in darkness and the rest of the man is illuminated by Blue Light in the shape of a Diamond.
When Picking the Ordeal of Shock, the Vespiqueen is covered in darkness while the two Pokémon eggs are illuminated with Green and Purple lights that outline the Eggs and their Spots.
When picking the Ordeal of Sacrifice, the Pickaxe is covered in Darkness while the Charm is illuminated in a brown light shaped like a Roggenrola.
The Ordeal of Love's Arena is a Forest like area with a large circular clearing in the center.
The Ordeal of Weakness' Arena is a Large and Dark Metal Room illuminated with Dull Blue Lights, filled with different Machines.
The Ordeal of Shock's Arena is the inside of a Giant BeeHive with a Hexagon Arena in the middle.
The Ordeal of Sacrifice's Arena is a giant Cave with the Shadows of Miners breaking rocks on the walls with a large rocky Platform in the center.
《Elite Four Admin First Half Battle Theme》
《Admin Elite Four First Half Battles》
After talking to Byakko, the battle will begin.
The 4 Tomoe of the Volt-Age Symbol will spin around and slam into the center of the Screen, before they start spinning around even faster, but then the screen will be shattered by the claw of a Metagross, revealing Byakko as he throws a Pokéball onto the field.
Byakko uses 5 Pokémon in the first half of the Battle.
Aggron, Mawile, Scizor, Aegislash, and Bisharp with very High HP.
Of course in this battle, Byakko will activate his Anti-Ground Machines, but other than that, the first half of the battle is just like any other Elite Four Battle.
After Talking to Jenbu, the battle will begin.
A Red Crystal will burst out of the screen, before it's broken open by a Pickaxe, revealing the Volt-Age symbol inside of it. The Symbol will then tremble before the Foot of a Gigalith shatters the screen, revealing Jenbu as she throws her Pokémon onto the Field.
Jenbu uses 5 Pokémon in the First Half of the Battle.
Omastar, Kabutops, Rampardos, Cradily, and Tyrantrum with Very High Defense and Special Defense.
Of course in this battle, Jenbu will activate his Anti-Ground Machines, but other than that, the first half of the battle is just like any other Elite Four Battle.
After Talking to Seiryuu, the battle will begin.
The Screen will suddenly Crack as a Bee's Stinger goes through it, causing Purple Poison to seep into the screen. As the screen turns purple the Volt-Age Symbol is revealed, before an Even Bigger Stinger Stabs into the screen, shattering it and revealing Seiryuu, as she throws 2 Pokémon onto the field.
Unlike the others, Yuu fights in a Double Battle and has 6 Pokémon that all fight in a pair. She also won't switch Pokémon until she can send out a full pair, meaning you'll half to defeat one duo before you can move onto the next.
Pinsir and Heracross, Venomoth and Dustox, Leavanny with Very High Attack and Scolipede with Very High Special Attack.
Of course in this battle, Yuu will activate his Anti-Ground Machines, but other than that and her Unique Double Battle, the first half of the battle is just like any other Elite Four Battle.
After Talking to Suzaku, the battle will Begin.
The Screen will suddenly be indented by a Fist, before Fire suddenly spawns from the Flaming Mark. The Mass of Flames will begin to spiral as the Volt-Age Symbol Appears and starts spinning. More Punches will hit the Screen before it shatters, revealing Suzaku as he throws a Pokémon onto the Field.
Suzaku uses 5 Pokémon in the first half of the battle.
Typhlosion, Incineroar, Cinderace, Charzard, and a Very High Level Delphox.
Of course in this battle, Suzaku will activate his Anti-Ground Machines, but other than that, the first half of the battle is just like any other Elite Four Battle.
[Admin Elite Four Second Half Battle Theme]
[Admin Elite Four Second Half Battles]
After Defeating Each Elite Four's Pokémon… the battle won't end just yet.
The End Battle Cutscene will begin to play, showing Byakko standing there with his eye closed in content… Before it suddenly opens revealing rage, as the man reaches into his coat and pulls out a 6th Pokéball holding the Volt-Age Symbol on it.
The Machines all around the Arena will suddenly turn on as the entire Stage starts to spin rapidly.
Byakko will then summon his Last Pokémon.
His Signature Pokémon, a Metagross he's trained since Childhood and bonded with so much that it has achieved permanent Mega Evolution.
This Battle is Unique. Byakko's Metagross is not only Extremely High Leveled compared to Your Pokémon, (and Scales to your Strongest Pokémon Level so you can't Cheese the Boss with a Level 100 Monster you grinded) but it also has HP points beyond that of a Metagross's Maxed States.
There is also a new special rule with this battle:
If you have a Pokémon out on the field for more than 3 Turns, their Defense and Special Defense will Lower Sharply, and they will become Semi-Permanently Confused, with a 50% Percent chance of Attacking Themselves, trying to use a Full Heal or Full Restore on the Confused Pokémon will only Fix the Confusion for 2 Turn after the healing, before they are confused once again, but this time with a 75% Chance of hitting themselves. If done again, they will only stay normal for 1 turn, before becoming Confused again with a 100% Chance of hitting themselves.
Thankfully, Switching out Pokémon resets this count, although you still need to heal the Confusion.
Every 5 Turns, something random will happen. Byakko will roll a dice, and whatever number it lands on, that Pokémon will be banned from battling until 5 more turns have passed, then another Pokémon will be banned.
After defeating Byakko's Signature Pokémon, the Battle will truly end, with Byakko becoming Angered as he punches his robotic Limbs.
Byakko's overworld model will be seen sitting down next to his Fainted Metagross, spraying and shining it's Metal Body.
The End Battle Cutscene will begin to play, showing Jenbu standing there with a sad face, only for that face to turn into a sinister smile as the girl pulls out a 6th Pokéball with the Volt-Age Symbol on it.
The Shadows of the Miners on the wall will then suddenly transform into Roggenrolas, and Boldores who will all begin stomping, causing giant Red Crystals to start shooting out of and retracting into the ground, shaking the arena like crazy.
Jenbu will then summon her last Pokémon.
Her Signature Pokémon, a Gigalith she's trained since Childhood and bonded with so much that it has achieved permanent Mega Evolution.
This Battle is Unique. Jenbu's Gigalith is not only Extremely High Leveled compared to Your Pokémon, (and Scales to your Strongest Pokémon Level so you can't Cheese the Boss with a Level 100 Monster you grinded) but it also has Defense and Special Defense points beyond that of a Gigalith's Maxed Stats.
There is also a new special rule with this battle:
Any Pokémon to land on the Constantly shaking field will Have their Attack Stat lowered one turn, and then their Special Attack Stat Lowered the next turn. This will continue until your Pokémon Special and normal Attack can't be lowered anymore, once this happens, Your Speed will start to be lowered, and then finally your Normal and Special Defense.
Every 5 Turns, you will have to make a choice in the middle of battle. A rockslide will fall onto one of your Pokémon, but by choosing another one, you can save your Pokémon by Sacrificing another, forcing them to faint.
After defeating Jenbu's Signature Pokémon, the Battle will truly end, with Jenbu becoming extremely angered and stomping on the ground, before she falls onto her knees and punches the ground instead.
Jenbu's Overworld Model will be seen still punching the ground as her Weak Gigalith tries to comfort her.
The End Battle Cutscene will begin to play, showing Yuu staring down at her hand, before she rolls two more Pokéballs out of her sleeves, showing off the Volt-Age symbols on them with a smile.
Holes will then explode open from the outside of the Beehive shaped arena, revealing Gigantic Gliscors trying to stab and reach into the Arena with their Claws and stingers, turning all the lights in the arena purple, as Purple Liquid will start raining from the ceiling.
Yuu will then summon her Final 2 Pokémon.
Her Signature Pokémon, a Vespiqueen and Beedrill that she has trained since Childhood and bonded with so much that they have Achieved Permanent Mega Evolution.
This Battle is Unique. Seiryuu's Beedrill and Vespiqueen are not only Extremely High Leveled compared to Your Pokémon, (and Scales to your Strongest Pokémon Level so you can't Cheese the Boss with a Level 100 Monster you grinded) but they also has Attack and Special Attack beyond that of a Beedrill and Vespiquen Maxed States.
There is also a new special rule with this battle:
Your Pokémon are Permanently Poisoned during this Battle, even Steel and Poison types are susceptible to being poisoned in this battle.
Every 3 Turns, a 50/50 chance will happen.
On the 3rd turn, Seiryuu will start playing "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe". Once the 3rd Turn has finished and the two of you have attacked, a Waterfall of Purple Liquid will fall onto one of your Two Double Battle Pokémon, Halving their Current HP.
After Defeating Seiryuu's Signature Pokémon, the girl will be shocked as she starts crying a bit, before wiping the tears out of her eyes rapidly.
Yuu's overworld model will be seen Sitting with her back turned away from you as she pets her Vespiqueen and Beedrill.
The End Battle Cutscene will begin to play, showing Suzaku trembling in anger, before that anger explodes, both literally and figuratively…
As Suzaku explodes into a Pillar of Flame, the Forest Area around him will all catch on fire and burn, turning the area into a Bright Orange Hellscape.
The Fires surrounding Suzaku will then fade, revealing the enraged boy, his eyes shine a Crimson red as he holds out a Pokéball with the Volt-Age Symbol on it.
Suzaku will then summon his Signature Pokémon
His Signature Pokémon, a Infernape that he has trained since Childhood and bonded with so much that it has achieved permanent Mega Evolution.
This Battle is Unique. Suzaku's Infernape is Level 100, and it's Fire Attacks deal Double Damage.
There is also a new special rule with this battle:
You Pokémon are Permanently Burned during this battle, even Water and other Fire Types are susceptible to being burned.
Every 10 Turns, something devastating will happen.
On the 10th Turn, Suzaku and his Infernape will raise their hands into the air, combining their power and pulling off a Unique Special Move, [Evolution Flare].
Which Will:
One Shot, Steel, Bug, Grass, Ice and Main Ground Types.
Reduce Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon and Sub Ground Types, to One HP.
Deletes 75% Hp of Every Other Type.
But! It will also deal Half Damage to Suzaku's Own Infernape, and make it unable to attack for 5 Turns.
After defeating Suzaku's Signature Pokémon, the Battle will truly end, with all of Suzaku's Fire going out with a shocked look on his face… before he turns away gripping his fist tightly…
Suzaku's overworld Model will be seen sitting in the burnt down forest of his arena, his Delphox comforting both him and his Infernape.
After Defeating the Elite Four, a Fifth and Final Door will appear out of the ground.
[The Ordeal of Loss]
Which is a Statue of a Rex with a Little Girl on his Left, and a man wearing an Adventurer's hat on his Right.
The Little Girl is Covered in Blackness Shaped like the Legendary Groudon, while the man is covered in Blackness shaped like the Third Legendary of the Koyo Region, a Ground/Water Type Legendary based on the Bunyip once you interact with the door and enter.
Once inside the Ordeal of Loss' Door, it turns out to be an Elevator that quickly activates and begins taking you up… as you travel up, the Images of the 8 Gyms badges you have collected and the the Elite Four are shown, before Rex's Silhouette Surrounds you… the Elevator's Screens then glitch, only to reveal the Volt-Age Symbol, as it slowly spin, staying there until the Elevator stops.
Once you talk out of the Elevator, you quickly find yourself standing at the end of a Long Dark Arena with Screens covering the walls, all of them pitch black. Taking a few steps forward, you are forced to stop when suddenly, one by one the Screens shine to life like Lights, revealing the Featureless arena and Rex standing there with his back turned towards you.
Taking 5 More Steps, you are forced to stop again as Rex speaks to you, his back still towards you.
Rex: "... You made it all this way… but now I must ask… have you done all this hard work, defeated all my Comrades and come this far to the top of the world just to become the Champion of Koyo?... or is this my final stand? Have you come all this way to stop Volt-Age once and for all?"
>|I'm here to Become Champion.|<
|I'm here to Stop You.|
>》|I'm Here To Become Champion.|《<
|I'm here to Stop You.|
Rex: "......"
The man shakes his head…
Rex: "... You're exactly like all the other Trainers in this Damned Region… you care about nothing except your own Victory and Validation… "
The man then turns to face you, revealing his Uncaring Expression.
Rex: "If you simply wish to become the Champion, then I'll hand you the title."
The Battle then Begins, there is no Fancy Animation as this battle opens like any normal one, the music, also like a basic normal battle as Rex lazily throws out the team of 4 Pokémon you first battled him with. There's nothing special. Just a normal Pokémon battle.
After Rex is defeated, you gain no rewards money, and nothing is said. The End Battle Cutscene is Rex staring bored for a second before he turns and starts walking away. With his Ending Battle Quote Being,
Rex: "...Come on… we have to record this for you to become Champion…"
After this… Rex will simply stand there as you walk alone into the next room and record your Victory against the Champion.
The "Congratulations On Becoming the Pokémon Champion" Screen is Somber. It simply faded in with boring flat music showing the stats of the Pokémon you used to win next to you with no flare… after this the Credit will roll on a Black screen with no music playing whatsoever, the Volt-Age symbol slowly fading in as the credits rolls….
>|I'm here to Become Champion.|<
|I'm here to Stop You.|
|I'm here to Become Champion.|
>|I'm here to Stop You.|<
|I'm here to Become Champion.|
>》|I'm here to Stop You.|《<
Rex: "....."
The man stands there for a second, before he begins trembling.
Rex: "… Hehehe! Hehehe! HAHAHAHAHAAA!"
The man laughed as he stood there with his back still to you…
Rex: "You really think you can stop me? A man who's been chasing his Goal for ALL of his Life?"
[If You Used a Ground Type Rex's Battles]
The man then began scratching his right arm rapidly.
Rex: "Y'know ever since I first saw you…
I always
[If you Didn't Any Ground Types in Rex's Battles]
The man then chuckled a bit before putting his hand into his pocket.
Rex: "Y'know, ever since I first saw you… I thought you were pretty cool… It's too bad… Win or Lose this Battle…
Just Like The Ground Pokémon...
You'll Disappear."
As the Music began to Build up, a close up shot of Rex's Back was seen… he stood there as the Screens all around the two of them began to show off a Epic stormy background for the two of them to battle in… but as the music quickly became more menacing and evil, the Screens began glitching out, replaced with he Volt-Age symbol as Rex held out his arm, before turning the Pokéball that was in his hand, revealing the Volt-Age Symbol Marking it before he spun around facing Rex with a Serious look on his face.
[VS Leader Of Volt-Age Champion Y/n]
Raichu: "RAI!!!"
The first Pokémon Rex sends out is a Raichu, but even though his Pokémon Level is substantially higher than your own, that doesn't shake you as you get ready to throw out your first Pokémon, but Rex stops you, holding out his hand while resting his Guitar on his shoulder.
Rex: "Heh! Don't even think of using a Ground Type. With my Perfected Anti-Ground Guitar, they're beyond useless."
Rex allows you to Pick a Different Pokémon to send out first.
>|Choose a Ground Type|<
|Choose another Pokémon|
>》|Choose a Ground Type|《<
|Choose another Pokémon|
Ignoring Rex, you throw out a Ground Type Pokémon, causing the man to sigh as he facepalmed.
[You told your Ground Type to use Earthquake.]
[The Ground Type Attacked...…]
[...Nothing Happened…]
Rex: "Hmph, you just like all the other trainers in this Damned Region. YOU DON'T LISTEN!
Raichu! Electro Ball!
Raichu: "RAI! CCCHHHUUU!!!"
Spinning his tail around, Rex's Raichu summoned a massive Lighting Ball and launched it at your Ground type.
[It Was Super Effective.]
Taking ×4 Damage. Your Ground Type Falls.
>|Choose a Ground Type|<
|Choose another Pokémon|
|Choose a Ground Type|
>|Choose another Pokémon|<
|Choose a Ground Type|
>》|Choose another Pokémon|《<
Switching to a Different Pokémon that wasn't a Ground Type. You threw it into battle.
Raichu: "Rrraaaiii-"
Although Rex's Anti-Ground Guitar makes Electric Types Stronger than normal, you were still able to defeat Rex's Raichu with relative Ease.
The Next Pokémon was one you knew relatively well, considering you've battled it before, Rex's Electivire.
The Pokémon was strong, and was especially good at throwing a Mean Thunder Punch, but it was soon taken down thanks to the power of your own Pokémon… although you did lose 2 of them to some of those Thunder Punches…
The next was another Pokémon you knew well. Although you haven't battled it before, this Pokémon had led you through the confusing maze that was one of Volt-Age's Bases, and even gave you some Items… but now it was nolonger your ally… Rex's Luxray.
The Luxray was extremely fast, surprising you with how it's immense speed as it dodged and dashed around the Arena without even using Extreme Speed, a single Wild Charge able to take out half of your Tank Pokémon's HP. Although it went down soon after.
Next was Rex's Rotom. It was a challenge to pin down thanks to it changing the weather and then changing its own form based on that weather thanks to a special move, but after some confusion, it was quickly knocked out.
Next was Quite the Surprising Pokémon. An Electric Pokémon from the Koyo Region, a Glowing Electric/Poison Scorpion Pokémon.
Although it did Poison one of your Pokémon, it was fairly easy to defeat the Scorpion and heal your team.
A smile grew on Rex's Face as he pulled out his 6th and Final Pokéball.
Rex: "You're honestly stronger than I thought. But you should know that even though I'm the leader of Volt-Age, I'm The Champion For a Reason!"
Mega Ampharos:
Rex had revealed his final Pokémon, an Ampharos that had achieved Permanent Mega Evolution.
Mega Ampharos: "AAAMMM!!!"
The Ampharos roared as Rex began strumming his Guitar, a mass of Electricity built up in the Anti-Ground Machine, before it shot High into the air, The Ampharos then Held up it's Arms, causing it's entire body to spark with Purple Electricity. The Giant Thunder Ball that Rex had created was now Infused with intense Dragon Power… before the ball was brought down and it's power was unleashed.
A bright and blinding light filled the arena as the music went silent… but then…
Suddenly, every single one of your Pokémon had been Reduced to 1 HP. A panic filled you as Rex began playing his Guitar, causing a mass of Lightning to spark and crash around the entire arena. You quickly tried to heal your Pokémon, but as soon as they went over 1 HP, they were struck by lightning, going right back down to the Very Last of the Health.
Rex: "HAHAHAHAAA! I won't let a stupid Kid get on the way of all my work! I will erase every single Ground Type from this world! Even if I have to Cheat to Beat You!"
You were forced to struggle, as you ordered your weakened Pokémon to attack the Empowered Mega Ampharos, but one by one your Pokémon quickly found themselves fainting as they attacked the Ampharos, only to be counterattacked and quickly falling to the stronger Mega Pokémon. You were forced to use your Revives and Full Restores over and over again as you attacked the Mega Ampharos… Until…
Mega Ampharos: "A-Aaaammmm-"
With a final attack, the Mega Ampharos fell, Rex was forced to stop playing his music as he stared down at his fallen Pokémon… he had been defeated… the Happy Victory Music began to play as the Text Box showing your victory began to scroll it's Text… but the scroll was at a speed slower than what you had set it to…
As the Victory Music began to settle, it was suddenly stopped as Rex raised his Guitar and shattered the Text Box. Reaching into his Jacket he pulled out a 7th Pokéball in his left hand. before he revealed a very odd Mega Ring on his Bandaged Right Arm. Slamming his Mega Ring with his Left Hand, still holding the Pokémon, Rex was surrounded in the Mega Evolution Dome, the True Final Battle Began.
[To Rid The World of Ground Types]
Rex: "Do you think I'd just stand there and give up my Dream after losing a Single Pokémon Battle? NO WAY IN HELL!
You wanna stop me Y/n?
"Then This Champion Battle...
Voltage: "TCHCHCCHCHC!!!!"
Rex had unleashed his signature Pokémon, an Eelektross, that had been named Voltage, that has been Personally Trained by Rex since Childhood and now it has achieved something stronger than Permanent Mega Evolution, it has gone through a Transformation known as the Bond Phenomenon, Permanently. And it is so powerful, it can only be released from it's Pokéball by overloading it with the power of a Mega Ring.
Your Pokémon had been Fully Healed, and the Lightning storm Reducing them to one Health was gone… but you had a much bigger problem now, as the Eelektrik that stood infront of you not only had a Level of 200 But it also had 2 Health Bars… that wasn't all… as you now had two health bars aswell... you were extremely confused on why… but it quickly became apparent.
You ordered your Pokémon to attack, but Voltage was much too fast, easily slamming your Pokémon with an Electro Ball… but that wasn't all.
Rex: "GRAH!"
Y/n: "GAHHA!!!"
[Rex Hit Y/n with Thunder Punch.]
[It Was Super Effective!]
You were suddenly punched in the chest by Rex, his right hand expelling an Electric Shock the same as a Thunder Punch, sending you onto your ass and confusing you like crazy, as your Pokémon starred in shock at the sudden attack. Before you could get back onto your Feet, Rex grabbed you by the collar.
Rex: "Didn't you hear me kid? THIS POKÉMON BATTLE'S TO THE DEATH!"
Reeling back his fist for another Thunder Punch, the man was quickly grabbed and moved back by his Voltage, as your Pokémon went to attack him.
Both you and Rex stood side by side with your Pokémon… you weren't just commanding someone to battle for you anymore… you were fighting alongside them.
Rex then suddenly dashed forwards and Kicked your Pokémon in the stomach, making it Flinch before his Voltage slammed it with a Powerful Charge Beam.
Shocked and Angered that someone was attacking your friend, you quickly rushed at Rex and tried to punch him… but never being in a real fight your life, your punch was flimsy and weak. Rex easily dodged the punch before he kneed you on the stomach, making you Flinch before he grabbed you by the hair and slammed you with a Thunder Punch in the face, sending you flying back as an odd Tingling feeling filled your body, as you could barely move your body… you had been paralyzed… but that wasn't all, as your Health Bar had been reduced to half, while Rex and his Voltage's Bars hadn't been touched yet.
Suddenly you felt something at your side as your Pokémon pulled one of your Full Heals out of your bag and sprayed it on you, causing your Paralyzed Status to go away as you rose back to your feet. An odd determination then filled you, knowing that your Pokémon was still 100% on your side even in this odd turn of events.
This time, Your Pokémon stood infront of you, ready to fight for you, even though it knew it had to fight off both an overpowered Eelektross and a Lightning Powered Madman.
You quickly gave your Pokémon orders to focus on Voltage, causing it to nod before it rushed off after the Eel Pokémon. Meanwhile, you took one of the Bigger Pokémon Items out of your Bag and Glared at Rex, wielding it like a weapon… but even if you glared and had the look of someone brave… your arms and legs were still shaking, afraid to fight another human…
The Odd Battle of Pokémon and Trainers then Began, with Rex and Voltage clearly having the Advantage. Rex threw Thunder Punch and Kick at you over and over, forcing you to dodge, and block… but most of the time you were forced to tank the attack, before you struck with your own weapon. Missing Rex most of the time, but every now and then you got a hit off, chipping away at his health bar… you Pokémon on the other hand was having a Much harder time… As one fainted forcing you to call another out before Voltage and Rex ganged up on you… but then…
Rex: "GRRR!!"
Y/n: "GAHA!!!.... HYAH!!"
Rex: "KAHAA!"
Slamming Rex with your Weapon, the boy was sent stumbling back as he began panting and scratching his arm. He was Weak, and his health bar was low… a Normal Type Like you would usually have no chance against an Electric/Fighting type like him, you knew that much as a Trainer, but you still held on, and now you were about to win… but that wasn't all… as your very last Pokémon, Your Starter, had held up the longest against Rex's Voltage, and now both trainer and Pokémon were weak enough to finish… but the same could be said about you and your starter…
Rex: "Tch!... I won't lose… I can't lose to some Kid Like You! YOU HEAR ME!? I WON'T LOSE!!!!"
The Bandages on Rex's Right Arm then fell away, revealing a mass of Electricity that completely surrounded it, making it look like his arm was just made out of Lightning. His Eelektross then roared before it wrapped itself around Rex's Right arm, before letting out even more Electric power, making his next attack even more deadly.
You panted, and trembled a bit… knowing that if you got hit by that attack it would be the end of you… but you've come way too far to just die now. You Starter Shared the same sentiment as you did, the bond you've formed over your journey making the both of you all the more stronger. An odd aura sounded your Pokémon as it's appearance changed a bit, becoming slightly similar to your own, all the while, you called a tiny upon a bit of Fire/Water/Grass, using it to cover a tiny bit of your weapon.
Rex: "IT'S OVER! I WIN!!!"
Rex then charged forwards, lightning following in his steps as he punched at you, but you and your Starter quickly attacked back. Your four powers all clashing together, as you and your Pokémon both struggled to hold back the combined power of Rex and Voltage…. Until…
Rex: "G-GAHAHAAAA!!!!"
[A Critical Hit!]
[Rex & Voltage have Fainted]
[Y/n Defeated Volt-Age Leader Champion Rex!]
After the Blinding Lights Died down, and the smoke cleared, a large crater was seen in the middle of the Battlefield, you were on one side, sitting next to your Starter Pokémon, panting as you started in awe, while Rex and his Voltage laid on the other side, Rex laying there with his eyes closed, and Voltage with swirls for eyes. The two of them had been defeated, and now lay fainted.
After getting up and returning you Pokémon after your victory, you stumbled your injured body over to Rex and Voltage, checking them.
[Rex and Voltage have Fainted… you shouldn't wake them up right now…]
After that, you walk into the next room… and with your team of Pokémon, you solidify yourself as the Champion of the Koyo Region.
With Rex defeated and you now champion, you spend the Credits looking back on your adventure as you head back home, hug your parents and get some shut eye.
A few days later, the news comes in, revealing that not only are you the new champion, but that the Organization Volt-Age has disbanded, and that it's Former Members have been returning all of the Stolen and Captured Ground Type Pokémon. Although the News does bring up that the Identity of Volt-Age's Leader is still unknown, along with other Hints at new Endgame Things like Legendaries coming to the Region. These things quickly peak your interest.
[Finding Rex and the Admins]
After Going on some adventures and catching one of the Roaming Legendary Pokémon, you find yourself inside of a Volt-Age Base looking around for Rex and the other Admins… only to find former members just hanging around. Talking to them quickly reveals that the different leaders have been missing ever since you defeated them, and that there is a special Place they like to go to train Pokémon known as The Crimson Plateau, a place where some of the Strongest Ground Type Pokémon Reside.
You can also find the different offices of the Four Admins and Rex, where you learn of their troubling Backstories and what brought them to trying to erase all Ground Types.
After finding and climbing up the massive Plateau, fighting off extremely powerful Ground Types, you finally find yourself at the top of the Giant Stone Table, where you quickly find Rex and his Four Admins together with their Signature Pokémon, with Rex staring off into the distance, his right arm more bandaged than normal…
When you go to approach the 5 of them, you'll be stopped by the Four Admins, who ask you to leave. You can say Yes or "No, I wanna Talk", when saying No, the Four will challenge you to a rematch 1 by 1.
[Admin Rematch]
Using the same theme and opening from your first battles with them, these remaches were very tame in comparison to their Elite Four Battles. They all fight fairly, and you can even use Ground Types against them, much to their visible annoyance, but they also come at you with their Signature Pokémon like normal trainers.
But after defeating the Admins once again, you get to face Rex who still sits there with his back towards you. He'll ask why you're here and what you want at first… but then drop the question when he realizes that the answer doesn't really matter… After this he'll simply ask if you wanna have a fair Rematch. If you say no, Rex will chuckle a bit, and says that he does wanna have a rematch, and that he'll give you something cool if you do battle him. If you refuse again, Rex will simply stop talking to him, but agree, and Rex will politely ask you not to use any Ground types, even giving you the change to switch out your Pokémon with ones In your PC, before the battle begins
Rex will simply stand up, his Right arm staying limp as his side as he calls out 6 Familiar Pokémon from the Champion battle.
This Fight is One of the Hardest in the Game! As Rex's Pokémon have grown significantly stronger since your Pokémon League (His Level also scales to yours so you actually earn these items) although, if you Ignore Rex's Request and use a Ground Type during this battle, the man's Happy face will turn, sad and annoyed… he will then allow his current Pokémon to faint by the ground type, before he recalls the Pokémon and simply ends the battle there… he will then turn away from you and sit back down. The Four Admins then won't allow you to talk to or battle Rex again until a Real Life Day has passed… although you can just Edit the System Clock…
If you manage to defeat this Incredibly Difficult battle on your own without the help of a Ground Type, then Rex will be happy and ask if you're willing to keep on going, if you say Yes, Rex will bring out his Eelektross and have a normal Pokémon battle with the Beast.
If you manage to defeat Rex, then all four Admins will give you some special Items.
Byakko will give you your own Anti-Ground Machine. And if you insert an Arceus Plate inside of it, it will work against Any Type of Pokémon you don't like, but that means it will also work against your own team if you're using that type of Pokémon.
Jenbu will give you a Gigalith Crystal, which allows you to Freely evolve Pokémon that require to be traded without trading them. The Material inside of the Crystal can be sold for a Bunch of Pokémoney.
When you first meet Seriyuu earlier in the game, she will ask if you like Vespiqueen or Beedrill better. Now the girl will give you 5 Pokémon Eggs that will hatch into Special Versions of Beldum, Roggenrola, Chimchar, Vespiqueen or Beedrill (Depending on what you picked) and Tynamo, that all have an Extra Evolution, turning them into their Permanently Mega Evolved forms, and Rex's Permanent Bond Phenomenon Eelektross.
Suzaku will give you 10 Little Cards, and if used at a Special Clothing Shop in the Region, you can wear the different Volt-Age Grunt Outfits, or the Different Admin's and Rex's Outfit. He also gives you his Mother's Wand, which Helps you locate Legendary Pokémon.
And Last but not Least!
Rex will Give you a piece of paper with a code on it. That Code unlocks a Cell holding the 3rd Legendary of the Koyo Region, the Bunyip Ground/Water type that ate his Foster dad.
If you managed to defeat Rex's Eelektross in this Rematch, then he will also give you his Younger Sister's Pendent AKA
The Super Shiny Charm. A New Item that increases the Chances of you Finding a Shiny Exponentially More than the Regular Shiny Charm. You can also Stack it's Effects with the Normal Shiny Charm to even further increase your odds.
After this the 4 Admins will leave, but Rex will stay sitting at the top of the Crimson Plateau with his Eelektross.
You can Talk to Rex again and learn a bit more about his Backstory, battle him once again, and like all the other important characters in this game: take him to meet your Mom, where the 3 of you can have a cute moment. You can also sit down next to Rex and look out at the scenery, as the Pokémon live happily. You can also fall asleep there where Rex's Eelektross will lay ontop of you and act as a Blanket to keep you warm.
Byakko is found back inside one of the Volt-Age Bases, hanging around in his Office, where you can talk to him, learn his backstory, battle him, and take him to meet your mom. You can also now sit in a chair in his office and fall asleep in it, where all of his Steel type Pokémon will be confused by you for a moment, before his Mega Metagross puts you on his head and flys you around the room. Metagross can also send you to a Dream Land similar to that of Black and White's Dream World.
Jenbu is found in a Workers house near a mine, where she now works. You can talk to her and find out her backstory, battle her, and take her to meet your mom. Falling asleep in the workers hut, you can see a cutscene of all the Miners going off to mine while Jenbu's Rock types all fall asleep next to you. Once Jenbu comes back, she will give you a random Fossil from any Gen of Pokémon, and if you're really lucky, a High Price Item like a Big Nugget.
Seiryuu is found helping to rebuild the Forest of Bug types she lived in as a kid. You can talk to her, learn her backstory, battle her, or take her to see your mom. This Forest also works as a Better Pokémon Daycare! You can leave a PC Box full of Pokémon with Seiryuu, and she will help them level twice as fast, and even help Hatch Eggs in Half the Time it takes with walking. You can sit on a tree stump and fall asleep on it, and not only will the Bug Type Pokémon start carrying you around and start messing with you, but your own Pokémon will two, with Psychic Types floating you into the air, Fire Types building a Bonfire near you, and Bug Types building Webs/Hives near you so that you're protected. Some Pokémon will also interact with eachother, like carrying Eggs. Sleeping in the Bug Forest also helps Seiryuu level up your Pokémon and Hatch Eggs Even faster, and if you have empty room in your Box, Pokémon you've paired together with the Love Party will Spawn new eggs aswell.
Suzaku is found in Koyo's Pokémon Village, where you can meet a variety of Pokémon, talk to and understand them, and your own Pokémon. You can Talk to Suzaku and Battle Him, but you need to talk to his Delphox mother if you want your mom to meet them, as she'll come to Pokémon Village instead of them going to your house. Suzaku's Infernape Teacher will also be there and will teach you Pokémon special moves like Draco Meteor. You can sit down and go to sleep in Pokémon Village, Suzaku will then come over and let your party out of their balls, allowing them all to have their own fun with eachother and other random Pokémon, although your starter will sit by your side most of the time.
[New Elite Four]
With the 4 Admins out of the Picture, a brand New Elite Four must take their place! And as the Champion, you get to Pick the new Elites! Every Important Character can Become a New Elite Four except for the Volt-Age Members. Like Your Friend Character! Rival! A Gym Leader! The Professor! Heck, even your Mom can become a member of the Elite Four! Although if you don't feel like assigning new members, you can always use the New Fire, Bug/Poison, Steel, Rock, Elites… they're just boring Fanboys and Girls of the Admins…
The way you assign New Elites is easy! Just talk to them, tell them that I want them to become a member of the Elite Four, and then you take control of them as they prove themselves worthy, bydefeating the other Elites with their preset teams.
That is all the Content involving Volt-Age! The Evil Team of an actual Good Pokémon Game with Interesting Characters
Sword and Shield has Ass Story, Characters and Gameplay.
Brilliant Diamon and Shining Pearl are the definition of Bare Bones with a Shit Artstyle and are actually worse than the originals thank to all the Ass Glitches and the Horrible as Fuck Follow Pokémon that are worse than 2 Digimon games that came out Years ago and the Fuckin Let's Go Games!
And Arceus Legends has a lot of potential, but if Game Freak isn't willing to give us the 3 Bytes that allow us to Toggle EXP Share On and Off, then I know they're gonna fuck everything up! PLUS IT LOOKS BEYOND WORSE THAN BREATH OF THE WILD WHICH CAME OUT ON THE SAME EXACT SYSTEM!
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