What happens in Vegas...
World: Fallout New Vegas
Status: Wrote an outline for it an awful long time ago. Since I'm dumping all of my ideas, figured I'd keep this one too. Basic following of the game outline with some OCxBoone coming up, nothing super exciting.
Summary: Sabi Advera was adopted by the whole town of Goodsprings after her mother died, and has lived there all her life. But when she is attacked on her own turf, she has to leave home to get revenge.
Chapter One:
"You're awake! How about that." A voice muttered from beside me. My head hurt, and when opened my eyes, all I could see was the ceiling with a fan spinning all around. I sat up, the world reeling.
"Woah, easy now. You've been out cold a couple 'o days now. Why don't you just relax a second?" Now in a sitting position on the couch, I saw a blurry image of an elderly man in front of me. He seemed vaguely familiar...
"Get your bearings. We'll see what the damage is." His voice was familiar, too. "Can you tell me your name?"
I pushed my palms into my eyes gently and tried to concentrate. I knew my name, right? I tried to pull it out of my memory.
"It... it starts with an S I think." I said hesitantly in a shaky voice. "Was it... Sadie? No, Sabi! Sabi Advera?" I looked up at the man for verification, and he nodded and smiled.
"That's right. It's not what I would'a picked for you, but if that's your name that's your name."
I managed to smile weakly back at him, while racking my memory for where I had seen him before.
"Now, I hope you don't mind, but I had to go rootin' around in your noggin' to pull all of the pieces of lead out, so you better tell me if I left anything out of place." The man said, and handed me a reflectron. gazed into it and looked at my own reflection, prodding my cheek and nose where there were a few scars. If I remembered correctly, this was what I had looked like before... right? Blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes, dimples...it all seemed to be in place. I put the reflectron down onto the couch next to me.
"Yeah, most of it seems to be in the right place. Anyways, it beats being dead anymore. Let's see if we can get you up on your feet." He grabbed my arms at the elbow and gently pulled me up. My legs felt like water, but eventually they felt solid again.
"Good! Why don't you walk to the end of the room? There you go now. It aint a race."
I shakily made my way towards a Vit-o-matic Vigor Tester.
"Looking good, now!" The old man said. I had a feeling that he was a doctor. "Why don't you give that Vigor Tester a spin? See if you got all of your strength back."
I nodded and started the Tester. After answering a few questions, I finished and looked back to the doctor.
"An average score I'd say, but after what you've been through it's great! What'd you say we take a seat on my couch and answer a few questions? See if your dogs are still barkin'."
I bit my lip and slowly made my way painfully into the next room, where I sat on the couch.
"All right. I'm going to say a word, and in response you're going to say the first thing that comes to mind, okay?"
"Yes." I agreed, and shifted a little to be able to hear him better.
"Cat." I replied.
"Night." He said.
"Dark." I whispered.
"Death." I said finally.
"Okay. I'm going to give you a sentence, and you tell me how much you agree if that would be something you would say." The doctor said, and I nodded.
"Conflict just ain't in my nature."
"I ain't given to relying on others for support."
"I'm always fixin' to be the center of attention."
"No opinion."
"I'm slow to embrace new ideas."
"I charge in to deal with my problems head-on."
"Alrighty then, almost done. I'm gonna show you a picture, and you're gonna tell me what you think it looks like." The doctor took out a painting of what looked like a ring of black explosions around a white clearing.
"A chemical reaction?"
"Okay, how about this one?" He showed me a picture of two grey shapes seperated by a black line. On further inspection, it kind of looked like...
"A ship at sea." I said decisively.
"Okay, last one." (black with white in the middle)
"A light in the darkness."
"Well, that's all she wrote." The doctor said mysteriously. "Before I turn you loose, I just need one more thing from you. I got a for for you to fill out, so I can get your medical history. Just a formality. Ain't like I think you got a family history of gettin' shot in the head."
"Wait..." I said hesitantly. "You're... Doc Mitchell!"
He nodded. "Glad to see you got your memory back."
"But how did I get here?" I looked around his house with new eyes.
Doc frowned. "Well, you know that robot that's been hangin' around here lately? I guess he found you in the graveyard with a bullet to the head. I dunno the whole story, but I did hear Trudy say somethin about a man in a checkered coat. Might wanna go ask her about it."
I smiled at him. Oh, don't you worry. I thought bitterly. I will.
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