Chapter 9: Flashes of Possessive Passion
Anya looked over at the two males standing at the end of the line the hybrids had formed.
Both of them were strikingly magnificent.
Strikingly lethal too.
Both of them were at almost similar heights with one being slightly smaller than the other.
But their bodies..... they were lean, slabs of muscles packed in the frame in a manner that made them seem agile. Their forms, almost graceful. The flawless skin having shiny scales in few places.
Both of them had tight abs and narrowed waist, sturdy thick thighs.
The backs of their neck were covered in shiny scales.
Anya skipped over their nudity. For now.
The smaller one had silver hair while the other had dark hair.
Even with the gags, they were magnetic. Handsome. Beautiful.
The way they held themselves up belied the controlled power they had.
But their eyes.... their eyes held the hypnotic quality of a monster.
They were wide with unnaturaly bright colour iris having a vertical slit.
It made them eerie, unnatural.
Those eyes when fixed on anyone appeared sinister. Unearthly.
(Jimin's eyes)
(Hoseok's eyes)
Partly this was one of the reason no one could look at them. Their eyes constantly reminded of the danger anyone could be in.
Both of their eyes were currently fixed on Anya. They had been since she walked in. Their bodies held still, while their chilling gaze silently tracked her every movement. Her every gesture. Her every tic.
Dealing with them was going to be intense. She knew that.
Partly turning around she said to the others "Please sit down if you wish too. No one needs to remain standing." Not watching around to see whether she was obeyed or not, Anya strode to where the snakes were, their nostrils flaring a bit as she approached, except of which they remained as still as a statue.
Her heart beat a little faster but she kept going on. Reaching them, she was a bit confused. Usually at such a distance some amount of body heat could be felt. But she felt none. If she concentrated enough, she actually felt a little cold draft.
Anya lifted her fingers automatically, with the intention to touch the dark haired male when the hybrid beside him abruptly stepped in front of the him.
The movement was so sudden that Anya instantly withdrew her hands while taking a step back, fear making her heart jump at the unexpected movement.
She wasn't the only one surprised. The dark haired snake hybrid broke his intense stare to look surprised and confused while now looking at the silver haired male, the one who she had seen and exchanged smiles with. The one who had seen completely unaffected by the lashes falling on his back. The one who had been interested in only her, the previous evening.
"Jimin" came a warning growl from behind her. This time she could place the voice. It was Yoongi.
So, the silver haired male who was an angel when graced with his smile was called Jimin, while the dark haired one would then be Hoseok.
Anya looked at Jimin, surprised by his behavior. She had thought he would be friendly to her.
Currently Jimin's unnatural gaze held pure apology though. He was bowing his head. Anya's heart settled a little at that. So the intention was not to harm, it was something else, she thought.
Before she could try to understand why he had tried to protect Hoseok, Jimin lifted his manacled arms in front of him, his hands extending to her, eagerness evident in his gaze.
Anya was befuddled.
Was he asking her to free him? But his eyes were too excited, too lit with yearning, to make a request to be freed.
Considering how he had come in front of Hoseok when she had tried to touch him, him lifting his arms with eagerness, and the known knowledge of snake hybrids being possessive, Anya understood what Jimin wanted to convey.
He wanted her to touch him. Not Hoseok.
Oh gosh wasn't he already a possessive little hybrid?
A smile touched her lips as she looked at Jimin with warmth and exasperation. She shook her head a little at his possessive behaviour but nonetheless took a step closer to him.
Unlike the other hybrids who had become wary as soon as the distance between them was reduced, Jimin's body coiled with anticipation. He leaned forward a bit. He waited for her touch, wanted it in fact.
Anya lifted her hands to touch his forearm. It was cold. Not ice cold, but uncomfortably cold.
Jimin on the other hand closed his eyes as his savoured the gentle touch. A warm touch accompanied with only curiosity and no pain. He made a low hissing sound at the back of his throat as he swallowed multiple times.
The curling of her dainty fingers around his cool skin, the light grip on his forearm, the weight of her claim on him, was making him warm inside.
He was becoming obsessed with everything she did.
Anya withdrew her touch and looked on as Jimin opened his eyes and smiled at her. Behind him, Hoseok had relaxed and looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes, amused a bit at his friend's reaction.
Looking at these both, one thing was apparent. Yoongi had been right.
"They are just misunderstood. Snake or not, they are as regular as us." Yoongi had said to her about them.
Anya looked down and unlocked her cellphone, quickly connecting a call to Peter.
"You want their keys?" Peter said as soon as he picked up.
This man knew her way too much, Anya thought in an amused manner. Was she really that predictable?
"I want their keys." She said, smiling into the phone.
The call disconnected right away. She turned towards the door as it was opened right on cue and in strode Peter.
"Can you also arrange for clothes? And ask housekeeping or the maids for additional mattresses. At least 6." Anya said to Peter who had without any questions begun to unlock the heavy chains and manacles on the snake hybrids.
"Will do. Jackson has already arranged the clothes. Let me ask someone to drop them off." He said as the chains holding Hoseok slipped down on the floor, his eyes looking at her in pure disbelief.
Peter halted his job to speak into his com "Drop off the clothes." As soon as he disconnected, he moved onto Jimin.
A few seconds later, another of her guards came to the door to keep a bag just inside the door and leave immediately.
By now Jimin's chains were on the floor as well.
Peter took the chains from the ground and straightened. Anya held out her hand, palms up, towards Peter.
He sighed while fishing out one compressible magnetic key from his coat and placed it on her palm.
"You won't attend the Event tonight?"
"I have to. We do have the mission to keep up. But tonight the event will go on till 4. Inform Park that i will make an appearance but not to expect me at a fixed time."
"Will do. I'll see about the mattresses."
Saying so, he winked and strode as quickly out of the room as quickly he had previously entered it. As the door clicked shut again, Anya looked at the snake hybrids.
Both of them were stunned.
"Well, Yoongi asked me to trust you, and till now, i trust him and Jin. So yes. I do trust you." Anya said casually as she answered the unspoken question of releasing a breed of hybrid from confinement, who were never really free from those chains in their life.
At the statement, an audible surprised breath was heard.
Anya looked around with a playful smile at Yoongi and Jin, who were both looking at her surprised, while sitting on the floor. Noticing the slight pink creeping up on both of their cheeks, her playful smile widened.
But it didnt last long. Jin's surprise turned into a beautiful smile while the possessiveness in Yoongi's dark gaze intensified.
Not acknowledging the fledging emotions in the cat hybrid, she turned back to the snake hybrids and held up the key "Dont you want the gags to be taken off?"
Jimin and Hoseok kept staring at her.
They stared some more.
And kept looking at her.
Although Hoseok's stare felt curious, Jimin's felt heavy.
Anya sighed and said with a command in her voice "Turn around and kneel down so that i can reach the back of your gags."
The commanding tone seemed to have done the trick as both of them snapped into attention and quickly did what was told.
She reached into the back of the lock over the lower part of Hoseok's skull, pressing the lock in while praying that none of them be a poisonous breed.
Let them be the harmless non poisonous water snakes.
Poisonous snake hybrids would not be auctioned afterall. That to as sex slaves.
Hoseok's gag slid free as she quickly did the same to Jimin.
While both of them got up and worked their mouth over to get the unpleasant stretching sensation to abate, Anya turned to a set of Dragon eyes sitting quitely by Jungkook observing her silently.
"Namjoon, can you please bring the bag here?"
He got up without any hesitation, any pause, fluidly obeying her request. Request, not command. Each and every hybrid in the room understood that distinction.
He walked to the door, got the bag and walked back to her, quietly setting it by her feet while he towered over her side, waiting for further instructions.
It seemed like he too had given his voluntary submission to the beautiful Angel with a sweet fragrance, soft voice enveloped in pink satin.
"Thankyou" smiling deeply up to the hybrid, she saw his cheeks tinge up with pink as he sat down after nodding at her.
Anya bent down to lift the bag, to put it on the nearby table, she rummaged inside to see hoodies and sweatpants.
Perfect! Thankyou Jackson!
She reached in to make pairs as her dark hair cascaded down one shoulder and her thigh came out of the slit in her dress, her cleavage deepening as she bent lower to reach the bottom.
7 pairs of eyes, some consciously while few unconsciously, traced every inch of her hour glass body reverently.
Every centimetre of exposed skin to her tongue cutely poking from the side of her lips as she concentrated on her task, was noted by the hybrids.
Collectively they wondered why such a gentle, soft, kind and beautiful female was feared.
"Aah okay. Got it. 7 pairs of hoodie and sweatpants for you. Please wear them." She held out the sorted 7 pairs towards the hybrids who reached out and took it. Taehyung hesitated while Jungkook made no move to get the clothes.
She looked at them when she saw Yoongi's tail slightly flick towards Jungkook continuing to curl around Taehyung. Both the hybrids looked up at him. He tilted his head towards her, wordlessly instructing the younger kits to obey.
"I wish for all of you to be dressed. Nudity is not pleasing to me without the intimacy of a loving relationship. At least, in my personal space." Anya said haltingly, to make the hybrids understand.
Taehyung wrinkled his brows and cocked his head to the side, confusion clearly seen in his expression, as he tried to understand the words and their meaning in one sentence. Jungkook just kept looking down.
So these were the times the collar was used on conditioned hybrids. Not because they disobeyed, but because they adhered to the beliefs inculcated in them, finding it difficult to follow new instructions from their Master.
Anya held up a hand towards Yoongi and Jin who were opening their mouths to scold or coax them again. She looked at them and firmly shook her head once. They paused, guarded and watchful.
They were protective over these two.
But Anya needed any and all commands of breaking their psychological compulsions to be coming from her. Their Master. That way, when they overcame a hurdle, they would truly be over it.
"Wear the clothes." She said. Command clear. Both the hybrids snapped towards her and haltingly reached out towards the clothes, gazes carefully down. They took it from her, looked at it for a beat, then looked at each other and finally started getting dressed.
Anya turned around to give them some privacy.
Although heaven knows why? I was literally staring and talking with them for half an hour. Now that they are getting dressed is when i think of privacy. Great.
She turned back soon, finding them all dressed.
Gesturing for them to sit down again she looked at Jimin. "Would love to have a voice associated with you. Nice to meet you finally Jimin."
Her hybrid smiled at that. Now that the gag was off, his smile once again reminded her of an angel.
"Master, we have met previously too."
His voice was surprisingly deep and warm.
"We did. But I would rather not like to remember the circumstances under which he saw each other first. Let this be our first meeting." Anya smilingly offered.
Now that he was hers, she could not bear the memory of the sight of him being strapped down, being whipped mercilessly by people who were drinking and stroking themselves in pleasure.
Disgusted at the memory, she thought Jimin would want the same.
But to her surprise, his smile dimmed and his expression became less animated. He again resembled a being to be feared as he withdrew within himself, his cold expression changing him to a dangerous predator.
The way his personality changed in an instant, made Anya have a metaphorical whiplash.
But she understood something too. This expression that she was afraid of at first, was not them trying to be intimidating. This was the expression of them being guarded, wary, of them trying to shelter themselves.
And if they managed to look this lethal without trying to, Anya genuinely wonder how they would look like when they were angry.
"What is it? Never withdraw from me. I get more offended at a hidden emotion or intention rather than the truth." She said to him, "Never hesitate to communicate with me. Unspoken thoughts create misunderstandings and I hate those."
Snake eyes flickered at hers and Jimin said, "I would not like to forget our first encounter Master, nor would i like you to forget it."
That was unexpected.
Jimin's plump bottom lip quivered a little before he bit into it, then looking with his hypnotic gaze he said, "That was the first time someone genuinely smiled at me, knowing that i am a snake hybrid. That was the first time someone cried for me. That memory, to me is precious. But it wont have any significance left if the person responsible for my happiness forgets the deed which gave me that emotion."
Yoongi's words came back to haunt me "They are misunderstood."
He was right.
Here was a cold blooded reptilian snake hybrid, feared for being ruthless and dangerous.
Here he was right in front of her.
Being more emotionally vulnerable than any human male could be.
Anya had a sneaking suspicion that her Hybrids were going to completely change her world. They would pull her into uncharted waters of emotions she had not yet discovered.
Already, what Jimin said made her a bit more possessive towards him. A bit more protective.
"Then i shall never forget the first time i saw you Jimin. I promise."
Jimin bit his lips and sucked it in while a slow smile broke over his features. He kept sucking his lower lip while he looked at her with a blaze of emotion which bordered on something dark. He released his lower lip with a pop, lightly running his tongue over them, leaving the plump red lips glistening with his saliva.
Anya felt a tug low in her abdomen, her insides twisting in a hollow ache as his eyes smouldered. Jimin said in a low tone "Thankyou Master." While flicking his lips with his tongue again, hot eyes tracing her throat as she swallowed.
What the hell!!!
She understood what was happening.
Jimin was not dangerous to her because he was a snake hybrid who could not be controlled.
Oh no. He was dangerous to her alright.
But it was because the snake hybrid was pulling another emotion from her which she had NEVER felt in her life.
Burning lust.
Anya clenched her pussy tightly to stop the ache from spreading and looked over to Hoseok trying to regulate her breathing.
She highly doubted Jimin had done so deliberately, but instinctively also knew that he would keep doing it again and again just to get and keep her attention.
"Hoseok" Anya said and then turned towards Namjoon "and Namjoon. We are meeting officially for the first time. Anything you want to tell me?"
What an absolutely idiotic question you stupid girl! What do the hybrids
-cultivated-as-slaves-being-bought-without-meeting-their-owner-for-life want to say???
Great diversion tactic from Jimin o great Anya!
Honestly scolding herself would not do anything though.
But Hoseok surprisingly spoke up. Her hybrids keep surprising her. "Even though i am a snake hrybrid, i want you to know that i do accept you as my Master with my whole being. Please never be afraid of me."
The last part was said pleadingly.
Interesting, out of them all, it was Hoseok who gave the impression of the most aloof personality. Like he couldn't care less as to who she was to him or what she did.
She needed time and a safe environment to get to know them better.
"I promise not to be Hoseok" she said.
Hearing that, Hoseok let out a relieved breath.
Which reminded her "What breeds are you all? I never did ask. All i know is that Jin is a Eagle hybrid." She asked, genuinely curious.
She sat down on a settee, crossing her legs at her knees, the gown sliding at the side to completely open around her legs, baring her to the hybrids from her upper thighs.
Oblivious to the now heated stares, she reached back to gather her hair and lift if up from her neck, trying to tie the heavy weight into a messy knot at her nape.
That action caused her breasts to spill out a little from the low cut dress, rising temptingly from the edge to show the upper creamy swells, plump and rounded.
The hybrids all inhaled deeply, Yoongi and Jimin's gaze turned completely black from the lust riding them hard, while the others checked themselves without being obvious.
But the cat and the snake hybrid kept their gaze trained on her. She was their Master. Theirs.
As such, they had rights on her too, both of them thought. Their connection with Anya a bit deeper than the others present.
Jin understood the barely leashed desires of both his friends and quickly put a restraining hand on the back of Yoongi's neck. He squeezed it hard. Hard enough to hurt.
A surprised whine left his mouth as Yoongi looked back at Jin, whose eyes held a blazing command for him.
Jaws tight and expression hard, Jin stoically stared at Yoongi with a burning command to yeild.
Yoongi got himself in check as he coughed a little to hide his almost uncontrolled nature while Jin massaged his neck a little, his own expression softening immediately to the caring older brother.
This exchange was not unnoticed by Anya. She saw it, interpreted it, understood it, and filed it away for later analysis.
Meanwhile Jimin bit hard into his own tongue to control himself, releasing his venom in it to burn a little. That burn got him to shake himself up a bit.
More than simple lust, their emotions and affinity towards their Master was the reason for the tremendous attraction. They were slowly bonding.
Although Jin suspected something else. At least with himself, Yoongi and Jimin he was almost sure, seeing signs of various degree from Namjoon and Hoseok too.
One thing was certain, this needed to be addressed at a later date. If he felt this way now, it would only keep growing. And not just with him.
As time would pass, the other would feel the same too. To such a strong degree.
And they needed to hide it from her. If she knew, she could give them away. That was a fate that was unacceptable to him.
He would rather choose the blood sport than to be separated and given away.
They were not only slowly bonding to her, but something else was at play too. And if his suspicion became true, then he did not know who would be in more danger, them or her.
For now, Jin decided to just observe and then think about it later when he was laying down and the others slept.
"Yes, i am a Eagle, A Black Eagle to be exact." Jin said into the lengthening silence.
"I am a Grey Siberian Wolf." Namjoon said next.
Anya was amazed. A grey Siberian wolf was a impressive predator. Listed in the top ten of the apex predators of the world. She should have guessed. As for Black eagles, one of the largest Eagles, their wingspan easily reaching 6 ft. she wondered being a hybrid, how much more larger Jin would be.
"Black jaguar." Yoongi said.
"Black Panther." Jungkook whispered.
"Tiger" Taehyung said.
Okaaaaay. Deep breaths.
Jaguar, Panther and a freaking Tiger.
Add to it Grey Wolf and Black Eagle.
She really did get the most exotic of all hybrids.
She also managed to get the most dangerous predators of the world.
And when they transform then what??
Imagining the big cats and the canines roaming about in her house?
Anya unconsciously reached out to rub her arms which had broken into goosebumps.
In their human forms, Anya could handle them. Easily. Her martial arts training making her more than capable of hurting them if necessary.
But in their predator form? Even if they did nothing, imagining a full grown tiger and panther playing in front of her television? Even larger in size due to them being hybrids? Casually jumping about while a jaguar lazily sunbathed beside a grey wolf? And a black eagle glided inside sweepingly?
Hardened terrorists would leak in their pants at that sight!
"How large are your animal forms?" She asked them when she was certain her voice would not betray her.
"We haven't measured in this year." Jin said.
"This year?" Anya questioned, completely confused by their answer.
Jin sighed and said. "As long as we have our collars on, we cant transform. They only let us transform for a day every year to not cause health problems."
"WHAT??" At this, Anya screamed. This now was no longer cruel or brutal or monstrous.
This fact was beyond all of that.
This fact was demonic.
Not allowing hybrids to transform was unheard of. Even in the society. Collars always let them transform.
Even abusive house owners of domestic hybrids would find this fact horrific.
"Why??" She asked in a horrified breath.
"As animals, the shock of the regular collar cannot control us. Us in particular out of all hybrids." Namjoon said. "Which is why these special collars are used. And as long as we wear these, we cannot get them off manually or transform."
Now again, Anya was stumped.
She was stupefied.
Namjoon just confessed to a quality in them that would be so feared that it was a wonder they were not killed by now.
A quality which meant, they could overpower any owner once in their animal form.
Which was why it was suppressed by others. Supressed by Park.
But he shared this information so freely with her, an information which could possibly benefit them by breaking freely and killing her, then fleeing for freedom.
Although they would never get that far.
But still. The amount of trust he placed in her. They, placed in her, was humbling.
No one objected to him sharing this.
Them probably thinking they were signing away their transforming to their animal counterparts by telling her their secret so casually.
Little did they know.
But she did.
And she sighed.
Imagining the amount of destruction that would take place in her house when 3 cats 1 wolf and an enormous eagle went about cavorting.
I should probably put all the Ming vases away.
Speaking of...
"And you guys?" She questioned, completely ignoring and not reacting to their secret. They would know how she felt about it soon enough as it is.
"I know snake hybrids are now discontinued. Only a handful are left over the world. Now obviously Park would not be keeping any dangerous species here. So what kind are you? Non poisonous Water snakes?"
Jimin's playful expression withdrew while Hosoek looked down at the floor. Both of them remained silent. Jimin shifted a bit and then he too lowered his eyes.
Uh oh. That is NOT a good sign. Since coming to this room, Jimin has not stopped looking at me ever, and now he is looking down? As oddly attached as he was to me, this question made him look away?
"Umm... yes... i mean, Hobi Hyung is not poisonous at all." Jimin coughed up, and then went silent again, watchful eyes fixed on her, giving her time to get to the inference to his statement.
Okay. Okay. So first, they were close. He addressed him as Hyung and had a pet name too. Hobi... it was cute.
Second. Hobi was non poisonous.
Third, it meant Jimin was a poisonous variety.
Fourth, which also meant that he had fangs and venom in his gland that he needed to inject in someone. He had to, otherwise it would cause him greater pain than the one being injected by the venom. Snakes hybrids needed to bite to stop or slow their venom production. Nth reason why they were feared. Also the reason behind them being gagged constantly.
Fifth, little that was known about poisonous snake hybrids were that their venom production increased after bonding with any human. Usually the venom needed to be injected in the human they bonded with. Their biology making them unconsciously bite the bonded person. Failing to do so would result in more venom production. Which meant, given his behaviour towards her, there was a Hiiiiiiiiiiighh chance that she would end up being that person.
Sixth, only poisonous and 2 other variety of snake hybrid suffered from heat. It happened once a year but it was unlike any hybrid heat. Not much was known but heat partners usually did not survive it.
Wow. The inferences were spectacularly enjoyable.
Sarcasm at its finest.
She felt like she got ALL the possible most dangerous ones without even trying.
No wonder Park did not hesitate to hand them over to me. They were too threatening to be handled together continuously by him.
At least she knew it would not get any worse.
"Huh, okay, so what exactly are you?" She asked in a steady voice, leaning back a bit on the settee, indicating to him that she was okay now.
"An albino King Cobra."
A beat of silence. No one talked.
"Of course. One of the most rarest of albinos to be found. And King Cobra out of them all." Anya said. Great. The most poisonous. Of course.
"My venom is not really poisonous. It just burns a little and causes temporary pain. Not more than a few minutes." Jimin rushed to explain. "Its not really poisonous." He stressed on it, skipping over another part.
"Define few minutes." Anya astutely grabbed on the part he wanted to skip.
Jimin again hung his head, doodling on the floor "Like, 10 to 20 minutes... maximum half an hour." He said in a small voice.
Anya opened her mouth, then closed it again. Opened it once more but closed it again after a few seconds. Stuck speechless.
"I wont bite you ever." Jimin said feverently. But it sounded more like he was trying to vow to himself rather than stating a conviction.
"That is the most hollowest declaration i have ever heard Jimin. And trust me, with the line of business i am in, i have heard a lot." Anya sighed out in disbelief.
She turned around to Hoseok.
"At least yours won't be as threatening as Jimin's. What are you?"
Hoseok mummbled something, making the other Hybrids wince a little.
All of them suddenly finding the floor extremely facinating.
Even Yoongi started doodling while Joonie outright started tearing the carpet a bit. Jin tried hard to imagine a painting in the floor that he traced with a concentration nearing 100%.
Shock of all shocks, Taehyung and Jungkook too started poking and tugging their hoodies and sweats while turning slightly away from her.
Jimin visibly gulped and kept looking at Hoseok.
Anya had a horrible suspicion in her stomach.
"Hoseok?" She prompted again.
Again he mumbled the answer making another round of winces drawn from the hybrids.
Her suspicions were turning more solid with the passage of time. Hoseok couldn't be one of the other 2 snake species which went through the same heat as poisonous ones.
He couldn't be. Because those species were even more frightening than the poisonous ones.
"Hoseok." Anya said firmly.
Still looking down, still speaking in a low voice, Hoseok clearly said. "Python"
Anya reeled back, her suspicions confirmed. But she did not let herself think about it yet, asking rapidly. "Which kind?"
"Reticulated Python."
The most dangerous one. Of course.
Should I start laughing or crying now?
"Last they checked it was 43 feet"
Completely stunned.
Completely and utterly stunned.
I need a drink. Now is the time I really need a drink. A few bottles of alcohol preferably.
She couldn't even get a Anaconda. The other of the 2 species at least needed water to hunt, the weight pulling them down in land.
No, she got Reticulated Python. A normal Reticulated Python could be 33ft long and could easily kill and eat a whole human. Easily. There were several such incidents reported about the normal snake.
This was a hybrid. Which was Much larger. Much more powerful. Not just in his animal form, but the strength his lean body carried would be formidable as well. Speaking of which:
"As soon as he comes home, my brother is going to kill me. He will butcher me. He will butcher me to pieces then feed me away to the birds. He might as well as toss my remains to you guys."
Anya said it almost absently, looking ahead in the future, thinking how to approach her brother.
The only one fear her brother had, ONLY ONE, was snakes.
He had a MORBID fear of snakes. Was scared to death of them.
Anya had thought non poisonous hybrids would be okay, but,
Imagining a scene of her brother walking in her house to sit on the sofa, only to find a python and cobra laid out there comfortably resting, was giving her nightmares even though she was awake.
He would literally chase her to drown her.
"What???? NO. We will not let anything happen to you! We will protect you from--- AAHHH Hyung That HURT!!"
Jimin ended his passionate declaration to become her saviour in a scream as Seokjin used a fancy heavy paperweight lying nearby to chuck it at the blabbering hybrid, hitting him on his thighs.
Anya sighed. Dreading the reunion with her brother. "Its okay. He wont really kill me Jimin, otherwise he will be stuck to handle the financial side of his shipping business and that would be a real disaster."
Turning to Hoseok she said "If i wake up some night to see you slowly crushing me or trying to gobble me up, trust me, my ghost will haunt you until it will make you eat yourself. We clear Python?"
Hoseok was completely flabbergasted. That threat was supposed to be scary? All it did was endear him more to the Pink fairy with Blue eyes. That was the cutest, most adorable threat he had ever heard. That too from his Owner.
But still, why was it even made? "I cant change into my animal form Master." He gently tried to remind his fairy Master, touching his collar.
But all she did was roll her eyes at him. He was bewildered at her behaviour.
Anya sighed again. Then for good measure, sighed some more "Lord know how i ended up with this."
"You fell in love with my eyes Master. That is how." Low growled words darkly delivered by Yoongi.
The hybrids were sure their Master would retort back, roll her eyes or laugh it off, but they were astounded when Master did not even look at Yoongi but her heartbeat increased rapidly. She stood up and walked towards the inner room while Yoongi's possessive gaze followed her movements.
None of them knew how exactly Yoongi had met her. None of them knew why had Yoongi hyung suddenly attacked another. They all speculated but could not come up with the real reason.
All of this was halted when Anya's phone rang.
Ye Jun.
Anya pressed the receive sign and held it up.
"You are doing a great job my friend. Our contact is being approached today to take part in the auction to be held on the 5th night. Today, we need all attention on him. So don't go to the event. Go from tomorrow again." Ye Jun briefed her in a matter of seconds.
"Understood." Was all that Anya said and ended the call.
That worked nicely she thought. Feeling too very tired to be going through the activities of tonight. She had been constantly bombarded with ridiculously increasingly incredulous facts.
She needed a break.
Anya called Peter, "Change of plans, I don't need to attend tonight. Can you have the mattresses delivered now?"
"All we had to do was ask the Butler and he managed to scrounge up 5 of them. Apparently we are on the list to be provided with all we want but mattresses were not in surplus."
"5 wont stretch it but I guess its better than nothing. Oh gosh I would love to go home right now." Anya complained.
Peter chucked on the other end. "Yes I know. Just 4 more days. You can relatively relax though, between the 6 of us here and the live connection we have outside, you are entirely safe. But then again, I do understand that its not your safety that you are concerned with."
Anya just sighed. It seemed that she was doing that a little too frequently this evening.
"Cheon Seojin and Lee Soonan were looking for you. Lee Soonan was more interested than Seojin. They want to know how you plan to punish the hybrid who bit her. Apparently she required 13 stitches along her inner thigh and lost a lot of blood. Power or no she is instigating a lot of people into saying that she is well within her position to demand rightful punishment for a horrible act a hybrid has committed against her." Peter informed.
Anya yawned widely while listening to him talk. Tonight had been draining for her. It was like she didn't sleep at all yesterday.
"Because a lot of people are upset and I do mean a lot, are upset due to the loss of their favourite 7 hybrids, people are easily getting swayed by Seojin. Especially Soonan."
"Thankyou for keeping up with the happenings tonight Peter. I really appreciate it."
"Yes well, either ways it does not matter" he said in a bored tone. "Let us bring the mattresses in."
Anya disconnected the call. Turning back to the hybrids, she saw all of their faces drawn tight. Yoongi and Jin particularly looked as if they had shut down. They had heard it all. Hybrid sense of hearing was after all, superior than any humans.
"What will they do to me?" Yoongi asked quietly.
Jin was the only one whose expression did not change when Anya outright snorted at the question Yoongi had asked. "They cant do a teeny tiny thing to any of you Yoongi. All they can do to save their ego is just talk big when I am absent." She said as she glided to the door and opened them.
Outside, 4 of her security were dragging a sheet with 5 mattresses piled on top of one another. "Thankyou for bringing these. Just leave them inside the door." They nodded and quickly did just that, leaving with a goodnight.
Anya closed the door and locked it for the night.
"They cant take me away? Because if they only want to beat me then I can take it." Yoongi persisted.
She looked back at him, amused at his questions. It had been some time now that people had questioned her about her influence. Too much was known about her by random strangers too for them to ever be ignorant about the power she wielded.
Anya had too many connections, too much wealth, too much information and too much IQ to be ever made an enemy of.
It was really funny to her that the 7 people who were completely under her protection would be scared of people like Seojin while Anya was still breathing.
Anya walked back to Yoongi and kneeled down in front of him to be at the same level as him. Up close, she could see his pupils dilate. Reaching up, she tunnelled her fingers through his soft black hair, gently brushing her hand along his scalp. Yoongi let out a small purr involuntarily as he closed his eyes and tilted his head for more. Anya brushed her fingers softly against his furry ears, being gentle as she rubbed the base of his ears with a delicate touch. They were so warm and fuzzy. She repeated her actions, gently settling down in front of him, not pausing a bit.
Yoongi was in heaven. No one had ever given him head rubs before. The only sensation that he knew involving his hair and ears were about them being pulled tightly by any one human using him at the point. Pain was the only sensation he was familiar with when a human touched his hair.
This, this was all new to him.
She was so delicate and careful in her touch, so loving and soft that Yoongi never wanted this sensation to end. He felt blissful as he lost himself to the open love that was being shown by his Master.
Anya cupped the back of his head and pulled him slightly closer to her, ignoring everyone else in the room she closed the distance between them as she continued to rub his ears, eliciting a near continuous purr from him, and then gently kissed his forehead.
The purrs did not stop but Yoongi stilled. His eyes remained close. Breathing becoming heavy.
Anya placed her one had on the back of his neck and the other on the back of his head and pulled him towards her until his head fit just below her chin, his breath hot on her throat, his hard chest pressed firmly against her soft one.
She then wrapped her arms around his frame and held him close to her, her nose brushing along his head while she kept pressing kisses along the way. Creating a cocoon of warmth and affection, pulling his body tight against her feminine figure, breathing the same air.
Their chests lifted at the same time, synched with each other. Their body heat making them a bit warm. Swaying a little from side to side, she kept pressing kisses on his hair, caressing his nape with light fingers, brushing him in a comforting way.
After a beat or two, both of his hands encircled her and he anchored himself to her. His hot hands resting heavily on her back, burning through the thin satin material of her dress while he moved his head more clorer to her neck, slowly inching around till the crook of her neck and pushing his nose there. He held on tightly to her as he inhaled her scent, getting lost in her warmth and fragrance while she held him in her embrace like a precious person she loved and wanted to comfort.
Yoongi pulled him more closer to him, so much so that she could feel his heartbeat through their tightly meshed chests. His pushed aggressively into her soft breasts while he kept rubbing his nose teasingly over her neck. Pausing to inhale lungful of her scent then continuing nuzzling deeper into her. Prolonging the intimacy.
Kissing his head yet again, Anya softly said. "I may not look like it but you will soon come to know that no one dares to cross me because no one has the power too. Least of all the likes of Seojin." She tightened her arms around his neck a little more as Yoongi shivered a little and then went back to smelling her throat.
"Does she scare you?" she asked quietly delicately running her finger through the silky hair at the back of his head.
A barely perceptible nod against her.
"Okay, then tomorrow you will see that she is nothing to be worried about. Trust me Yoongi. I promised you did I not? No one will ever touch you without facing heavy consequences."
Saying so Anya tried to gently detangle herself from him.
Tried too being the operative word.
Because the jaguar Did Not want to let go.
He wrapped himself impossibly close to her, pushing his head into her crook of her neck while starting to rub his soft lips back and forth over her skin, lightly kissing her neck while his arms framed a cage around her. Yoongi had no wish to let go of her.
Her scent was too sweet, her skin warm and creamy, her body soft and small in his arms. He was too drunk on her scent to understand what was going on. For the first time he felt like he was home.
Her fragrance was addictive as he brushed his lips over her soft skin, wanting to lick her, wanting to bite her, wanting to mark her pretty neck with his bite marks. He was getting high on her.
Yoongi angled her body in a manner which would allow more access to her as he started kissing her skin for real now. He enjoyed her breasts pressed on him and pushed her into him more, his big hands wielding a constant pressure over her back. His soft kisses soon started lingering while little licks were placed along her neck, tasting her supple skin tentatively.
More. He wanted more. He needed more of her.
Anya looked across to Jin, who was watching them with hooded eyes. His eyes were heavy with passion as he saw her in Yoongi's embrace and the pheromones from Yoongi's body increased to blanket the entire room in its woodsy musky scent. He felt himself react to that scent, his own lust rapidly gaining momentum as he too tried to draw in the vanilla and cherry blossom fragrance into him.
Jin looked on with fierce ache as he too wanted to feel that soft embrace. He too wanted to kiss her warm skin.
"Jin." Anya said to him. Jin's lust induced haze fractured at her husky voice, his eyes clearing up a little to process her request. He understood right away.
Reaching up he grasped Yoongi's neck in a firm hold while Namjoon quietly went behind them to pull away at his tight grip on her.
Yoongi's eyes snapped open as he snarled at both the hybrids, too drunk in her heavenly scent to understand the problem.
"Let go Yoongi." Anya commanded.
Instantly Yoongi's attention snapped to her. His Master wanted him to do something. His beautiful Master. His.
Jin jerked him back with a great force right at that time and Yoongi fell back. Hating the loss of contact, he reached up to go back to her when Namjoon held him back while Anya smoothly stood up from where she was.
"Yoongi." Jin said in his ears. His tone did not brook any arguments.
Slowly, Yoongi came back to his senses. He slumped heavily in Jin's arms as Jin supported his weight.
"What happened?" Anya asked quietly. What happened right now was not normal. A simple embrace, an act of comfort should not have turned into Yoongi on the verge of losing his mind completely.
They were horribly abused right up until yesterday. So how could they get so fired up with lust? It had already happened a few times today with nearly all of them.
Namjoon looked at her breathing a bit heavily while Jin still had Yoongi in his arms, trying to gently shush him, running his hands lightly along the jaguar's arms, bringing him slowly down from his high.
"We hybrids are extremely tactile creatures. We need touch, a sense of belonging, scenting to survive. We need it. We need the sense of pack, the comfort from the familiar scents and most importantly, frequent body contact to survive." Namjoon said.
"I know that." And she did. It was this part of their biology which made people buy them as pets. Their constant need for affection. It was not optional. They literally needed affection to survive in a healthy manner. Their emotional and mental growth depended on pack, or their Masters. This was the reason why they could be so easily controlled. A hybrid without any sense of pack, or minimum affection from their Masters would become too emotionally withdrawn and robotic. Eventually becoming just a husk of the person they were.
"We all are touch starved for years Master." Namjoon said.
Wait, what?
"Sex or orgies is not what we needed nor did it fulfil any requirement. It was impersonal.W were just being used. For us to feel fulfilled we need a connection. An emotional connection along with the physical touch."
Jin explained to her without her asking any questions as he continued to slowly rock the now seemingly attentive Jaguar.
Anya frowned a little as the implications hit home. She had 7 extremely touch starved hybrids, who desperately needed some emotional connection. Some affection, genuine affection. They wanted to feel the comfort of home.
It was heartbreaking.
They just wanted love.
Something they had never felt before.
"The first few time will be like this for us all, if you choose to hold us. Our pheromones will go crazy."
"You will not be able to smell them much, but we will react to it. Ours and yours too." Namjoon further said.
Yoongi was by now completely fine having rapidly regained his senses as soon as physical distance was put between them.
Anya decided to shelf this topic for further discussion later. Right now she desperately needed some sleep.
"Alright. Lets turn in for the night. There are five mattresses there." She said indicating the mattresses piled up just inside the door "Spread them out together on the floor for now. I am afraid, you all will need to squeeze in for tonight, tomorrow I will look for at least another."
"We will be fine to sleep on the Floor Master" Hoseok said.
"Utter nonsense. I am already hating the fact that you will be sleeping on the floor, don't provoke me further into thinking that my hybrids will be sleeping on the cold floor." She said a little harshly, the events of the entire evening catching up to her.
"Whatever happened to you in the past is just that. In the past. None of that will ever be repeated. So don't think about your actions based on past experiences." She continued a little softer than before.
Hoseok nodded at her, his own breathing only just controlled. Anya chanced a glance at Jimin and then swiftly looked away. Jimin was still as a statue, his expression filled with fierce need, while his eyes tracked her movements, burning hot with desire.
"I am going to change my clothes. Spare bedsheets are in the cupboard. Make a huge bed and get the pillows and covers from the cupboard too." She said as she went towards the inner room having her wardrobe and the bathroom.
Taehyung watched as Master went out of the room. For a beat no one moved. The pheromones Yoongi gave off hung heavy in the air along with their own to some lesser degree. The air was heavy with the scent and it was hard to calm down. Tae had himself never experienced an outpouring of pheromones so this episode was new for him.
Master did not smell it, so she was oblivious to the struggle they still faced. He was still in disbelief as to how Yoongi Hyung had calmed down.
Jin said, "Lets get our beds set up before she comes back." Moving away from the concentrated scent.
Namjoon sighed. "It's a good thing she cannot smell the air. At least we can mask the level of our desire for her." He said while getting up.
Quietly Tae got up and saw Jungkook and Hoseok get up from their places to go towards the mattress with him. Yoongi and Jimin still trying to calm themselves.
The mattresses were soft. Tae got teary eyed a bit at the staunch insistence his Master had maintained about them sleeping in a decent place. She did not like them on the floor either.
Tae had somehow gotten lucky and he was understanding slowly just how much lucky. He might not be as bold as the rest immediately, but as the evening had progressed and he had seen the genuine emotions in her eyes, he got determined to do what he knew she wanted from him.
She wanted him to break his conditioning like his Hyungs. He would try to do so. He already knew that she would be patient with him. Him and Kookie. He eyed the younger hybrid to watch him align the mattress with others, completely relaxed and happy.
Taehyung could always feel when someone was hiding their true nature, when they appeared to be more kinder than they actually were, to lure them into a false sense of security and then to shatter it by their cruel acts, just to see the disillusionment in their face. Some Masters had found that entertaining.
But he never fell for those traps. He always just knew.
Same way as he knew tonight too. His master was fierce, protective and kind. She truly cared for them. Tae happily made the bed as he tucked in the bedsheets Jin had got from the cupboards, wanting to do a good job, not because he would be sleeping in it, but because he wanted to impress her.
He wanted to execute all her commands perfectly, wanted to be her perfect hybrid because he knew her commands would never be cruel. Would never harm him or the others.
Although, he could trust her so easily because he saw the rest of them do so to. Them, free from the psychological compulsion, Jimin and Hobi being Snake hybrids, trusted her, so it became easy for him to do so too.
He promised himself. His conditioning should only be extended towards his Master, not other people. His Master was right. To them, he would try to not act as theirs.
He wasn't theirs. He belonged to only one person. And he would not insult her authority by ever obeying anyone else.
Completed with his task he looked up to see all his friends now finished with the bed.
They had positioned it right beside the bed Master would sleep in. Namjoon indicated for all of them to climb up and he did so without hesitation, letting out a small delighted chuff. Hobi Hyung lightly patted his back as he asked "You like that Kit, don't you?" he cooed to him
Tae smiled and nodded as his stripey tail swished and settled around his body. Ever since he could remember, he had only ever slept on hard floors with nothing to keep him warm. The clothes too were a luxury he was always deprived off.
To stay at this mansion which had always housed him in despair, but to stay with his owner and sleep in warm clean and soft bed, with sheets and pillows was heavenly to him.
As he quickly lay down, he closed his eyes in bliss. He was sleeping in a proper warm bed!
Another happy chuff came out of him, unable to keep it in. An answering happy chuff coming from Jungkook too.
Jin laughed a little, looking down at the two younger hybrids, happily curled around each other, rubbing along on the bed they made. All the older hybrids paused to take in the sight of their youngest brothers happy and smiling. It wasn't a rare sight. It was the only time, the first time they were seeing it.
This sight, Taehyung and Jungkook's happiness was so very rare to them. Rare and precious.
Jin reached down to stroke Jungkook's hair "Happy Kit?"
Jungkook adorably scrunched up his nose as he smiled back at Jin.
"Is everyone settled?" they heard Anya ask as she entered the room having changed for the night.
Taehyung opened his eyes to look at his Master and felt awed on seeing her. She looked like an Angel dressed in a white nightdress with her hair down in a plait. With her blue eyes, lips stretched in a sweet smile, dimples in her cheeks and her warm fragrance surrounding her, she made Tae want to climb up and curl around in her lap. He wanted to hold onto her as Yoongi Hyung had done earlier and never let go.
She looked at them and smiled again, "You all fit into it?"
"The mattresses were big. We still have some spare space left." Jimin replied with a goofy smile. Taehyung could not blame him.
"Good. Do you want any lamp lights on? Or would you prefer to sleep in the dark?" she further asked.
She cared enough to think of that, Tae thought. Even he did not anticipate such a question.
"I don't like the dark Master." Kookie timidly said from beside him. Speaking voluntarily for the first time. Resting his body between his Hyungs, the youngest did speak, but did so with his eyes tightly closed, afraid of any punishment coming his way as he spoke out without permission.
Master smiled wide instantly on hearing Jungkook speak up. Such a small sentence gave her such joy. Did she truly form a bond with them so quickly? Taehyung thought.
"I'll leave a lamp on."
She said, then proceeded to switch off every light except a lamp in the far corner of the room. Then she climbed up her bed and rustled around, attempting to settle down. Once settled, she called out again "Goodnight."
Almost every single hybrid wished her a goodnight back. All except Jungkook, who had somehow, already fallen asleep.
A few minutes later, his Master's breathing deepened too becoming steady. She too had gone to her dreamland.
"Is this real?" he heard Jimin ask in a low voice.
"it is Jimin. It is. I cant wait to start our lives with her. I cant wait to leave this place and go back home with her." Namjoon said.
He had a home somewhere out there, Tae thought.
"Home." He said out loud.
"Home." Jin softly confirmed.
Unknown to them, the girl on the bed heard them talk.
Yes, she thought I will bring you all safely back to your home.
It was an hour after all of them had turned in to sleep. Judging by the deep breathing, everyone in the room were sleeping. Everyone except Jin.
He had been observing their interactions with their Master. Their and his own. His earlier suspicion was pretty much confirmed. The way Yoongi behaved was the last straw.
They weren't only bonding with her, the three of them were possibly in the early stages of imprinting on her. Him, Jimin and Yoongi.
But Hoseok and Namjoon were also fast approaching the level.
Her emotional connection along with her fearless manner of touching them was only making the process quicker.
It would be a disaster if it was done without proper acknowledgement. If she continued being the kind of person she was, then no collar would be needed to ensure their obedience.
Thankfully, imprinting was a lengthy process, depending a lot on mutual respect, love and above all trust. So for now, till they safely reached home, he could shelf this concern
But Jungkook was another matter entirely. Taehyung was surprisingly open. He had started to trust her already. But Jungkook was still too deep. He could not break free. He was too entrenched in the grasps of conditioning.
The way he was abused was in some aspects more horrible than the rest, he was broken down mentally. Jin knew there were going to be a lot of hard moments for him in the future. Good thing was that his Master understood too. She was patient.
All in all, today had gone like a one of his dream. He only hoped the rest of their lives would be better.
As for his Master, he smiled at the thought of her.
He would one day do what Yoongi was doing to her. The only difference would be, that he would NOT let go. He would make sure to be alone with her.
He craved for her warmth and Jin knew it was only a matter of time before he lost control of his cravings.
A/N: More of the explanation of being touch starved, imprinting and the snake hybrids will come up later as the story progresses. The bonding and the tentative claims along with longings are starting to appear in all hybrids.
Especially Jimin and Yoongi.
Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon will slowly become more and more involved with her. Jungkook on the other hand will have a long and tough journey filled with some heartbreaking moments to overcome his conditioning.
While Jin, he is someone who is hiding a lot of his emotions under his iron control.
How are you enjoying the story so far?
The next chapter will have some dark scenes from the auction although the boys will not be involved in them. A warning to proceed only if not triggered.
Please do comment and vote.
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