Chapter 4 : The Evening
Suhan POV :
I watched my sister as she packed the last of the items she wanted in the carry bag, tongue caught at the corner of her lips as she concentrated on zipping up the bag. I leaned back on the bed on my forearms as a smile played on my lips.
The person that I loved and adored the most in this world was my sister. She was my best friend, my cheerleader, my confidant, my partner in crime, my inspiration, my support, my critic, my angel.
She was a pure soul with so much love in her that sometimes it felt impossible that she existed.
But above it all she was the definition on an Enigma.
Because even as I know her to be the most caring, goofy, sympathetic, kind, light hearted, encouraging, lovable and supportive, it was only ever to the people she cared about or loved. For the people that crossed her she was ruthless, rigid, unforgiving, dangerous and lethal. The people she did not know, she did not give a damn.
Her personality was just made in this manner, she could never control it and often times in the past she would come to me to ask if that made her a monster.
My baby sister. What a clueless girl she was. Had no clue about what a diamond she was.
Beautiful, intelligent, kind yet merciless.
One of the many good things that this signified was that I could trust her judgement blindly. She would over analyze any situation to work out any snags or oppositions that might come before acting on it. Which was why I was not much concerned about her decision to help the authorites with the auction.
Also the hybrids she would bring was actually a cause of celebration for me. I knew she would treat them differently. I guess she would be treating them as her companions and honestly I was so grateful to Ye Jun to ask her to do this. I travelled continuously. And she, tried not to. Most of the times she was lonely because at the given position she was in, trust was not easily given to make friends or relationships. We both knew that.
"So" I began, completely lying down on her bed now "Who is hosting this charming auction?"
"The Parks." Anya responded absent mindedly.
I let out a whistle "That utter bastard. I always wondered where he kept all of his wealth from when his business ventures kept nosediving."
"You forget his ancestral wealth." Anya said.
I swiped a hand though the air dismissing her information. "With the lifestyle he has, he burned it all away except for that manor. Be prepared sister. He is currently involved in our cruise line supplying the entertainment for two nights. I am very close to firing him so I guess he will be licking your boots throughout the event." I paused, an entertaining thought in my head I leaned up on my forearms to look at her with a mischievous smile "I bet you can actually ask him to lick your boots and he would get down to do it immediately."
Anya laughed, finally being able to complete her packing. "Why does he want this gig so bad?"
I leaned back down again and shrugged. "This is the Calypso cruise. We are booked for a long time. This time all are the royalties going for the annual trips. Heavy media coverage too. After that few Arabian royals and presidents are booked up. I guess it's the prestige and the connections he can make along with the money. He needs to expand his contacts to keep the money coming in these auctions, or the cost of maintaining and training these hybrids will weigh more than what he makes."
"Hmmm... that's good to know."
I laughed at her response. "Knowledge is power?"
She smiled and nodded. "Knowledge is power."
"By the way you do know you look ugly right?" I teased her as any good brother would do.
She stilled while brushing her hair and narrowed her eyes on me. I put on my best innocent face and said in a sincere manner, "So many of our past and present business associates and family friends will be there, I am just trying to make you give them a good impression, you know? Because your arrival will be hyped so it would look bad if you turned up looking like a toad with wet dog hair and...."
I instinctively caught the hairbrush thrown in my direction and started laughing at her expression.
She turned around to me and said sweetly. "Do you not have a plane to catch?"
I sighed and looked at the watch. Irritatingly, she was right. I was going to New York for business and would be gone for some time. I got up from the bed and went to her. She turned towards me and made grabby hands. Instantly I pulled her to me and enveloped her in my arms, hugging her close to me. Resting my chin on her head as her arms tightened around me, I kissed her on her head and said, "Jokes apart, take care of yourself Angel okay?"
"You know I will." She mumbled in my shirt.
I slowly rocked her side to side as I continued. "You will be going with 6 bodyguards. They will escort you till the gates and then be positioned around your rooms. You don't need to look for them. Any problem you anticipate that you cannot handle? You reach out to me immediately without delay okay?"
I felt her nod. "Promise."
"Good." I closed my eyes as I felt my baby sister relax in my arms. "You got the house ready for your hybrids?"
"Yes, I am thinking to bringing back at least 5."
I slowly let her back away from me and brushed her hair from her forehead "Any idea which kind you will get?"
She simply said "Any who are not too broken."
Anya POV :
I was currently seated in my car on the outskirts of the city. I was dressed in a strapless red dress with crystal beads cinched at my waist and the fabric falling like waterfall till the floor having a high slit till my thighs in a pleats. A glimpse of my leg could be seen when I walked. A thin transparent wrap around my bare shoulders while my hair was styled to one side falling till my waist.
I thought back to what Seo-Joon told me to expect. First and foremost I could not react in any manner. The people congregating in this auction were depraved humans and the acts would most likely leave me disgusted. I had to maintain my Persona. In order to fit in and have others cater to me so that the other agent would not be given any attention to, I had to remain unbothered.
He told me in details what would take place.
Basically this event gave a free pass to let go of any shred of morality and do whatever they wanted. Any indulging they wanted to get, they could. Any and all sexual desires, orgies or blatant beatings. Everything and anything was allowed and it did progress till that. The host would explain all the proceedings.
I looked from the window to watch the surroundings changing to the charming and beautiful countryside. We were nearing the mansion.
I was told to expect the first day to be the day where the most filthiest acts were committed. The more I heard of the event, the more I wondered how it was even legal. That's when Seo-Joon told me wryly about the massive amount of bribe the elite would pay to sanction the auction and look the other way. At end of the day, if you had the legal document for the purchase of your hybrid along with the microchip with you name in them, then that was all that mattered.
Mostly I was asked to look out for one particular thing.
All the hybrids would be displayed tonight. Out of them all most would be auctioned away, few would be auctioned for months only after which they were collected back, and few, would not be auctioned at all.
The ones not auctioned at all would be the hybrids put up to be killed in the hidden auction. If I were to stumble on such hybrids, I needed to make contact with a waiter who was undercover having a daisy pinned on his lapel, in the event. This way if the agent was not invited to the auction, we could still trace it by tagging the hybrid.
Although I was equal parts intrigued and excited for my endeavour, a faint whisper of angicipation and hapiness spread deep inside me. A happiness which i yet, did not understand the cause of.
Lost in my thoughts, my driver's voice jostled me. "We are here Maam. Do you want me to circle around a bit?"
"No Joseph, take me though. I am ready." I said as I sat up straight to observe my surroundings.
We entered through big iron gates, the guards there checking once to see us and we were allowed through. We drove along a huge space of gardens till we reached the mansion.
Along the driveway, a few gentlemen and women were standing around, dressed elegantly, talking among themselves. My door was opened by one of the bodyguards that rode up front with joseph, while the rest of the five came to stand near the door, having followed our car in the back. I slid through and stood up my full height. I closed the door and turned around, flanked on all sides by the bodyguards as I started walking towards the entrance. I could feel all eyes on me as I reached the door, the guard there lowered his phone to greet me, having already called the host.
"Kim Anya-shii, it's a pleasure to have you in my humble abode." Park Jihaan, our host, hurried forward to greet me. I stood still as I observed the man. In his late 40s he had tried to keep in shape. Tried being the operative word. He was dressed in a black suit, white shirt and tie. His eyes, yes, his eyes did spark with pride and desperation. Pride that I would choose his auction to buy my hybrids from and desperation to impress me greatly.
And that desperation was something I would take a great advantage of, I smiled inwardly while putting on a charming smile displaying my dimples as I raised my hands to his. He bent a little while raising my hand to his mouth, kissing them.
I moved forward a bit towards him, letting him breathe a little of my perfume as I softly said, "The pleasure is all mine."
His eyes focused on my lips, eyes dilating slightly with lust as his grip on my hand tightened.
Predictable fools I thought.
He quickly focused back and beckoned me forward. "Please do come in. Welcome. I shall be your personal escort for the event. Please do let me know if you will need anything." He paused and said "I truly am delighted that you chose me Anya-shii. To be providing you with your first hybrids makes me feel good. I promise you the very best." He led me to the foyer, where a huge staircase was decorated and sectioned off for now.
I let out a husky laughter, knowing the effect it would have on him, and leaned a bit towards him. Lowering my voice a bit I looked him in the eyes as I said "That is awfully kind of you. I guess I am honored."
The man shivered a bit while I let go of his hand. This was too easy I thought. And boring.
I walked forward to where I could see all the people gathering and chatting about. I tuned to watch Mr. Park still rooted to the spot. "Did you arrange all of this? Its very elegant." I asked him, hoping to make him respond.
And it truly was, the lounge we were currently headed to was vast and spacious hall with blue carpets and cozy sofas and chairs placed around it.
Mr. Park came forward hurriedly and said "Yes, the whole place, planning and the event has been planned by me. I will personally make sure that you enjoy it. I know your tastes run towards classy so I think, you might like this all."
As he opened his mouth to say more, he was suddenly called from behind. He looked towards the person and turned back to me.
Bowing almost to his waist he said "Forgive me, I need to go to make the preparation for the opening speech. It will begin in a few minutes. You shall be escorted along with your guards to the front seats. I can never express how excited I am to host you Anya-shii. Your every desire, shall be met."
"I certainly hope so." I murmured to him. Nodded towards him once and then turned away dismissing him.
I walked towards one of the empty seats in the back when suddenly I heard someone say. "Anya-shii, I hoped the rumours were true and I would meet you here."
I turned around to see Mrs. Han hurrying towards me. She was in her late 40s and the wife of a business associate. Her husband was one of our rubies and sapphire suppliers. Seeing her here, I was not surprised at all. She was a typical wealthy-wife-stay-at-home-doing-nothing-but-shopping kind of a woman.
I pasted a smile on my face as I tilted my head a bit as I greeted her. "Mrs Han, nice to meet you here." I said as I noticed her being trailed by a few men and also someone I really despised.
Cheon Seojin.
She was one of the people who tried to steal from me. That resulted in her being kicked out of the elite clubs and an expensive divorce from her husband. Currently she was married to an old wealthy man. What was curious was, she was still coming to socialize with me.
I smirked at her and a spark of anger entered her eyes only to be quickly extinguished. She put on a fake smile as she greeted me.
Hmm... interesting. Must need me for something.
Some men greeted me too, vaguely I remembered them to be associated with the shipping side of our business handled by my brother. I mostly remained quiet while the group talked on about the hybrids they want.
Mrs. Han sighed. "At least you know which ones you will buy. Look at me and Seojin, we can only have ours for 3 months."
One of the men, his name was Jack I think, responded "Why do you always go after that cat? Tell you what, buy him for 3 months but also buy another to keep."
Seojin shook her head sadly. "Once you get the taste of Yoongi, you can never want any more pathetic animals. And his price is too high for me to afford to buy another hybrid on top."
Mrs. Han mockingly laughed at her. "Speak for yourself dear. I can do that and I will. But I will get those 3 months with Yoongi first."
Interesting. So this cat hybrid Yoongi was in demand with these people? I wondered why.
Before I could think about it any more a person in a butler uniform came to ring a bell and then announce
"Ladies and Gentleman, I am here to escort you to your dinner tables for tonight. The opening speech will commence in the same room. Kindly proceed this way for the evening to begin."
Collectively there was a excited murmur in the room, like a low buzz electricity zinging in. I immediately felt two of my bodyguards standing behind me while we were all led to a different room.
So, the Auction, had begun.
A/N : to the people who watch Penthouse, they will be able to grasp the character of Cheon Seojin immediately. Seems like Yoongi and few more will have competition for Anya.
These though boring but were required for the future( the chapters I mean)
In the next chapter at last there will be contact between one of the boys and Anya. Please do comment and vote. Enjoy.
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