Chapter 31 : Unfolding Chaos (Part 1)
A/N : Hello beautiful people, Just wanted to say, if you like my story, please VOTE and comment.
These are TWO chapters updated together. So be sure to read them after each other.
"Were you thinking of hiding from me Master?"
The notes of Jimin's melodic voice still floated in the night air as Anya stood still in her place, her eyes scanning him.
The Jimin before her was not the Jimin she knew.
This Jimin, did not look earth bound at all.
Up close, she could clearly see his skin covered in matte silvery scales, which were constantly shifting, giving him a glint, a shine from the reflection of the moonlight, undulating sinuously. The outer edges of the scales were a jade black, its shadow keeping to the rims, leaving the centre clear, but the blackness in some of them was fully blooming, then again receding to the periphery, as if the darkness in his skin was breathing in itself.
Jimin's physique had undergone a change too. He looked harder, his body and muscles giving the impression of unparalleled horrific strength. His prominent veins on his skin, were black. As were his nails. His body looked like the famous gemstone of "Silver Lady".
With the light breeze, his hair rustled a little, the strands pitch black, but having a silky lustre to it, falling seductively on his face.
However, his eyes . . . His eyes were the true source of injecting abject fear in the hearts of anyone who gazed in them directly.
In opposition of his Vrâg's complete blackness, his eyes were eerily entirely white.
Except his pupil. The very centre.
The very centre of his white eyes was a vertical blood red.
Those eyes looked like the eyes of something worse than death. That gaze could induce such a chill that it could make a human dizzy from fear. The sinister gaze need only to touch someone, to reduce them to a brainless insane lump of flesh being driven to madness by choking uncontrollable fear.
In Anya's thoughts, those white eyes with its scarlet red all seeing pupil was Ancient. Was of a being who had seen time since its inception.
Those nightmarishly sinister eyes, should not be reality with the life flowing around.
Jimin's lips were plump and red, his canines elongated enough to cause a dent in them.
What canine? Call it for what it really is you moronic in denial floofly headed person!! Those are bloody fangs!!!
He was a humanoid figure of silver scales, with darkness around, black nails and veins, fangs and eerie eyes.
In comparison to his deathly fearful monsterish appearance, his voice was deep and sensuous.
The early morning darkness, all sounds around them ceased at once blanketing both of them in a loud silence, while Jimin's dominating stifling aura expanded rapidly and swelled oppressingly over them, almost pushing Anya back physically as she encountered an invisible dark force which caused her to slightly shield herself.
His aura so powerful, that it had a physical manifestation of causing her pain, supressing her.
This, was a result of Jimin's displeasure over her.
Thankfully, the Cobra understood it the second he heard a small involuntary whimper come out of Anya's mouth.
Instantly, his aura vanished.
Jimin took a step forward and tilted his head as he looked at the radiant winsome figure of the beautiful girl in her golden dress. Unapologetic about the mishap he had just caused, he asked casually, "Were you hiding?"
Anya looked gave him the once over again, her flesh becoming chilled with her goosebumps flaring up. Jimin was frightening.
His smile was genuine. His abominably gruesome eyes, were gentle.
"I saw yo-you ad-admiring the night. You looked very serene and at peace. I simply did not wish to intrude on your thoughts with my presence."
Her voice composed and lyrical with a calm expression on her face, Anya congratulated herself on her inside for having stuttered only twice.
Jimin laughed as he heard that. His eyes closed in crescents and his smile displayed his fangs. His face tilted upwards and the gleen of silvery light reflected of the scales of his face. His laughter carried a lightness to it, automatically pulling an answering smile from Anya.
"Master!" he chuckled, "Your presence is what dictated my existence. In comparison to any other situation, the other activities are an intrusion to my time spent with you."
The Blood red vertical pupil in his eyes contracted as he slowly came closer, "You, can never intrude."
Even in such a frightful visage, Anya did not feel any danger from him.
With her trust shining in her eyes, her soft lips curved in a smile, "Never? Be careful Jimin. I might just take that to my heart." She joked.
"Take the promise in your soul. And in return," He kept coming closer, "Give that soul to me."
Anya's eyes kept hypnotically going over his scaled, blackveined dangerous look, "And if I refuse?"
Jimin stopped his advance. With a smile creasing his face, he replied, "Can you refuse?"
"You think I like you that much, Cobra?" Anya reparteed
"No. I Know you don't like me."
Then suddenly, Jimin vanished from before her.
Before Anya could even feel startled, She felt a cold breath on her nape, a cold presence of a firm body behind her.
"You Love me to the point of your own destruction." His silken voice whispered devilishly in her ears. "You Love me beyond the essence of what makes you, You."
Anya shivered a little as the words resonated deep within her, her soul recognising the absolute truth in it even though she herself had yet not realized the effect.
But she chose not to comment on it. Rather, she said, "Nice speed for a snake."
Soft, titillating laughter echoed in the dark night air. Jimin chuckled as he slowly walked to her front again. His red eyes focused on her, he said, "Afraid?"
Even though this entire encounter just highlighted his deadly danger and openly revealed a part of him which was not normal, which was not ever seen on this planet, Anya somehow understood that the Jimin in front of her was capable of far more dangerous things.
That his aura, his persona was tamed. That the real him, was far more . . . atrociously vicious.
She knew, that the real Jimin, was horrendously diabolical.
This. . .
This him, was mischievous. He truly only wanted to joyously laugh with her, indulge her. Nothing more.
He seemed . . . Contended and happy. Satisfied.
Completely unlike his Vrâg. Or his usual hybrid needy self.
"Is it odd that I am not?" Anya asked helplessly.
A beatific smile dazzled her senses as her answer from him. Even with his scarlet eyes and fangs, all she felt for him was a deep love.
"No." He answered her gently, "No, its not. It is as it should be. As it always should be."
Anya glanced at the centre of the maze where he had been, then back at him, "What are you doing at this time of the night?"
A mysterious expression frizzled across his face but he kept his smile in place, "Enjoying the night." He answered with an innocent face.
Riiiight. Should I take it as an insult that he thinks I'll actually buy it?
Anya asked a different question, "Is this what the other have always hinted about you? The . . . "more"?"
Anya had expected two kinds of reactions from him. Either he would play the sensual devil and innocently give her a fake answer or he would admit to it straightaway.
What she had not expected was the bitter sadness painting his form so abruptly that his powerful presence wilted in a few seconds flat. His eyes dimmed, the vibrant, abominable ruby of his eyes losing its exuberance, his features paling.
As if the simple question was a fatal blow struck to him, he visibly became a phantom of the visage that he was a few moments ago. A deep agony and despair looming around him.
Instinctually, Anya steeped forward and reached her hand out to touch his face, but before she could make her contact, her wrist was caught by Jimin.
His icy cold fingers loosely held her delicate wrist gently, being careful of his immense strength as his lips turned up in a sad smile, "Yes." Was all he answered.
"I hurt you?" Anya said in a daze.
The smile remained in place, but his eyes filled with black fluid rapidly, a little of it dripping out.
Tears . . . Those are his tears . . .
Anya yet again did not question how she knew it.
"No Master. You can never hurt me. Even if you want to, you cant."
"Then . . .?"
Jimin rested his forehead against hers. He let go of her hand and carefully brought her in his embrace, holding her warm body against his own as he closed his eyes and simply breathed the air they shared.
This creature, this Ancient God Demon like creature was simply happy with just holding her close. He was calm and serene, his heart at utter rest, soothed and cherished.
Just by such a simple action.
Anya chose not to speak even though her mind was buzzing and bubbling over with questions.
After sometime, Jimin lifted his head, and then carefully placed a lingering kiss on her forehead.
The kiss was so filled with love, with utmost devotion and care, that it reflexively brought Anya to tears. His kiss was a quiet reaffirmation of the way Jimin cherished her.
May it be the hybrid, the Vrâg, or this . . . entity.
"You cannot die." He abruptly told her.
Maybe her confusion was apparent on her face, Jimin bracketed her face with his palms, and seriously looked in her eyes while he said clearly again, "In this life, no matter what, you cannot die. Neither can we. The intents of others will be induced now, they will try their best. Our Deaths are our bet, to them, its their reward. You. Cannot. Die." He paused to control his quivering voice, "Not this time."
"Jimin, what is—"
Anya's mouth for softly blocked by plump lips which kissed her deeply. Without any restraint, his tongue plundered her mouth, greedy to taste her. His teeth bit her lips in nips, his mouth sliding over her wetly.
He domineered the sudden kiss, not allowing her to breathe.
Jimin kissed her desperately, his tongue and lips salaciously taking, raging in its desire.
Anya was dazed to begin with but happy to go along when she felt her face, her cheeks getting wet. Opening her eyes made her heart clench painfully.
With a crazed desperation, her Jimin was kissing her while he cried.
Alarmed, Anya pushed him away to ask him, when Jimin brokenly whispered, "You cant die, otherwise I will destroy time and life off creation."
Jimin pushed her away gently and turned around, away from her, "Master, you have had a long day. You should go sleep."
Nothing! Anya understood nothing of what happened. She felt like being dropped in some life where she had no idea of what was occurring. She felt like she was in the middle of a novel without knowing the story or the start or its name!
"What . . . don't I know?" she cautiously asked, knowing that Jimin was, for some reason, in a very precarious state. And even if she bombarded him with question, this ancient presence in him, would not provide her with any answers.
He half turned towards her, the black contained in the periphery of the silver scale steadily moving to the centre. In just a blink of an eye, his whole skin was covered in onyx black scales.
"You are the Princess who knows it all Master . . ."
Though his voice was flirty, Anya somehow grasped his answer was genuine.
"What . . . do I not understand?"
Jimin turned around at that. His face was black as was his whole body the scales rapidly getting absorbed in his skin, his eyes slowly losing the red, black replacing it as he replied.
"You don't understand the Svetlá Dvojče."
Before her eyes, she could see that Jimin rapidly going away, "The what? What did you say??"
But by then, the blackness of his entire body got shifted to one side, the white eyes becoming black and when he answered, it was in the voice of multiple pitches in a demonic screech "Yes."
Anya reached out and grabbed his tshirt, not wanting to talk to the Vrâg, "What do I have to understand?"
During this questioning, the black of one side of his face thinned out in black vines which quickly disappeared along with his nails and fangs. The Ancient Aura faded rapidly, the pupils of his eyes becoming black again. His eyes normal, the normal hybrid Jimin looked at her and said, "Time is up Master."
"What?? Noo! I was still talking to him! That utterly rude despicable bastard animalistic devil pagan god like demon!!!!!" Anya raged and then turned at Jimin, who quite frankly shrank back at the face of her anger. Pointing her arm toward shim, Anya commanded, "BRING THAT COWARDLY CRYBABY BACK!!"
Jimin paused, inexplicably insulted at the adjective "crybaby". Added to that, "coward"? Him, who could—
"Its not under my control. This type of manifestation occurred only two times in my life." He blurted out.
At her furious gaze, Jimin did not need the prompt for him to continue, "Once was when at a party Jungkook was tied by my side while they abused him, and the other was right now."
FUCKING HELLL!!!! This freaking Gala had the dress code of wearing heels which she hated, then the monotonous gossiping that she despised, but additionally to be spit on her face with alcohol by her brother, then the emotional confrontation with Song, which turned into a tug of match between Tae and Jungkook, making her take a out of zone blubbering nonsense speaking Taehyung, to the Lee hospitalization and now this?????
If it was anyone but her, that person would have legitimately admitted for lifetime in a hospital in a coma from the constant headache and heart attacks.
Anya pointed very strictly at her Cobra hybrid, "Jimin. Tomorrow morning. You and I. No lies! Or else. . . "
Her very elegant threat naturally shrugged off his back as the Cobra got the chance after an entire evening to flirt back, "Ooooh.... What might just happen to the 'what else'?"
Anya's face was calm as she delivered, "While my parents were teaching us about hybrids, for a temporary duration of 6 months I had been assigned an hybrid for my ethical project at university. There were a Loooooooooot of things I did with him."
As expected, slowly, slowly with each word out of her mouth, Jimin's expression turned scary.
Anya turned away and started going back to her house as she flung out the words, "Or else, I might just do all the things I did with him to other hybrids too. Afterall making other hybrid friends is a good practice Jiminie." And left the silver snake stew in his jealousy.
Served him right.
As Anya felt a petty satisfaction for inducing a little hurt of jealousy in the hybrid who came and went as he pleased, throwing out grand meaningless words and winding her up even more, the silver Cobra did not stay to watch her retreating back.
"What other hybrid?" he mutinously muttered and resolutely turned towards Arissa's house. It would seem the remaining time would be spent by him spying through the old albums and videos of Master that Arissa religiously kept with her.
Back in the house, as soon as Anya saw the security activate the codes again after her stepping in, she almost sat down on the floor. A passing glance revealed it to be 4:23 am.
She was exhausted!
So damn exhausted that even the powerfully fearful form of the otherworldly Jimin seemed like a figment of her imagination.
The first thing that Anya struggled to do was loosen her heels and almost chuck it on the floor. Standing down with nothing on her feet felt like bliss. She had an headache from all the things that transpired especially since the throbbing only dulled since the incident with Taehyung, it never left.
Now this.
Sighing heavily and shaking her head, Anya felt physically weak. Her small lonely form standing inside the large, spacious and dark mansion. It was just too overwhelming for her.
A tad too much.
She needed. . . rest. And time.
Because she knew that a lot of things had to be filtered from the Gala that just happened. She needed to talk about Song to the pack, needed to talk to Jungkook about what he did, needed to speak and understand what was wrong with Taehyung. Had to talk to Yoongi about what he was hiding, somehow figure out the jibberish the Flinstone aged Jimin was spouting. Then talk to Suhan on what he had been doing in that blasted party while hiding it from her, with the help of the pack, deal with the findings and consequences of it. Talk and dine with Kahil, talk to Yoona, check the situation about Lee, try to nudge the situation about the people hired to kill Suhan, track them down, set up the traps and protections over her company from the machinations of D and X and. . .
Anya cried out loudly to the silent house, miserable with her upcoming schedule and thoughts.
She was tired, weak and almost on the verge of tears.
How was a teeny tiny slip of a girl like me supposed to accomplish all of that?????????
Contrary to the beliefs of her pack, she wasn't a superhero character, but just an ordinary human. Could she not just laze about and rest? Wasn't that the very basic requirement of being wealthy as her? Didn't people dream of wealth and money so as to spend their days leisurely buying fast cars and inconveniently small overtly expensive purses??
She should buy an island, or place in Barbados, move there, open a small bar and a villa, get sun tanned and drink mimosas for the rest of her life!!!!!
What the hell was she doing here? She despaired dejectedly and forlornly dreamed even more about sun kissed beaches, no responsibilities, a pet cheetah, and colourful mimosas.
She'd even take up one of those stylish hobbies of collecting diamond powdered nail varnishes!!
The small frame of the girl piteously calculated the time it would take for her to book a flight there. Her body and mind rebelling against the mountain range of things kept in store of tomorrow for her.
Just then a warm pair of arms closed around her, gently pulling her to a comforting embrace. Anya did not even open her eyes to see as she sagged against the firm frame and whined pathetically.
A large warm hand soothed her by stroking her back rhythmically.
"I wanna go buy an island and buy a bar and a villa there, then wear bikinis and run away from here. I'll buy a cheetah to keep me company and drink colourful spirits till I grow old and die!" she mumbled against his skin.
Resting against the broad chest as closely as she was, she felt the vibrations from deep within him as Jungkook laughed on hearing her. That made her feel a bit better.
Anya snuggled in more comfortably and closed her eyes.
"Hiding away? Then . . . would you consider taking a stowaway with you? Instead of a cheetah, wouldn't a Panther be more beautiful? Additionally, that Panther can also change into a human. That way, you will never lack for company." His voice carried an infinite amount of tenderness and indulgence.
He picked her up easily and started walking deeper in the house.
Anya tucked her head beneath his chin and considered his words, nodding, "Okay. Yes, it would be better. We will both dance the hula dance every evening."
Carrying her up the stairs Jungkook's smile was soft, "Deal. I'll make you a crown of flowers everyday."
Nodding enthusiastically, Anya continued, "We'll change our identity! Then throw away all communicators!"
"What about our faces?" Jungkook asked mock seriously.
"Simple. Plastic surgery!"
Reaching the first floor, Jungkook looked at the Goddess resplendent in his arms, looking magnificent by wearing just a smile. But there were faint shadows beneath her gem like eyes, a weight over her delicate shoulders.
"Master, you are not alone. I hope you know that." He quietly said.
Dramatically, like an deflated balloon, Anya flopped back on his chest, her words muffled by Jungkook's white tshirt, "Half of my problem arise because I am not alone and usually surrounded by boneheads such as my brother, you and your brothers."
Grinning unrepentantly, Jungkook went towards his own room, "Cant deny that. But. To compensate, we love you a lot."
"Shove that love where the sun don't shine." Anya angrily mumbled.
To Jungkook, that came out as an adorable angry mewl of a very irritated little kitten. But he very wisely did not comment, just brushed a kiss on her head, then placed her back on the floor.
"Why your room?" Anya asked.
In the process of closing his door, he went towards his walk inn closet as he answered.
"Currently, your bed houses an Eagle on the headrest, a Python, Tiger, Jaguar and Joon all clumped up together, sleeping in a tangle of limbs, tails, feathers and haphazardly thrown pillows wrapped up in the body of a snake. I doubt Master will get any form of sleep there, let alone a restful one."
Anya stood where she was placed, trying to imagine the sight.
What came, was a picture of Joon sleeping spread out like a starfish, a Tiger's head drooling on his stomach, an Eagle trapped beneath the Tiger, hugging a Jaguar wrapped up in a Python blanket with their paws and limbs all over the place displacing the pillows and sheets.
Anya turned to go take a peek when Jungkook's voice rang out from the closet, "If they wake up, it's a 100% guarantee they will shamelessly drag you to the centre to sleep with them, then that crush of weight and suffocating body heat will be happily heaped on your night's sleep."
On second thoughts, occasions such as these will no doubt keep arising in the future too. There was absolutely no need to be so curious right now.
Jungkook came out, not at all surprised at her decision to remain and not venture to her own room, "They were waiting for you to come home and fell asleep." He explained while handing her a button down extremely large nightshirt and a pair of her own shorts.
Glancing down while accepting, Anya asked, "And you?"
Jungkook's eyes proudly shone as he puffed up, "I figured someone needed to actually be useful and considerate. So I stole one of your shorts and waited for you here."
"Uh huh?" Anya raised an eyebrow, "Why only shorts?"
An innocent face filled with confusion looked at her adorably, the fuzzy ears on his head twitching as his big doe eyes gazed at her "I wanted you to wear my clothes, but I know my shorts will not fit your waist. That's why I only took the shorts."
Look at him. If ever there was a chance in the future for hybrids to work as actors, this was the Academy Award winning prodigy just waiting in the wings. Such acting skills were exceptional.
Anya looked at the shorts, which just happened to be the shortest and most lacy pair she owned. Then she looked at the nightshirt, which just happened to be the largest and most transparent one he owned.
"Yep, my bad." Anya smiled at the cutely blinking Panther, "I feel too tired. Maybe I should just skip the shower and just change and sleep."
Taking the bait, Jungkook shook his head, "No, Master. Even though it is late, tomorrow is a day off for you. A warm shower will help with your tiredness." He said as he pushed Anya to the en suite, making sure to hand the clothes to her, "Refresh yourself and relax. Then come back." Saying so he shut the door.
Anya glanced around the en suite and then shook her head. The bathroom, conveniently did not have a single towel inside.
Anya felt a glimmer of a genuine smile. Her Panther, was indeed cunning.
Anya took a leisurely shower, the water relaxing her and washing away the gloom. She squeezed out majority of the water from her hair, applied a little serum and then dried it till was damp.
Just as the Sly Panther wanted, without the aid of towel, her wet damp body made the light nightshirt stick and become almost fully transparent, some places having patches plastered on her which made her figure absolutely clear to any onlooker.
When she opened the door and stepped out, the vision was indeed stunning.
Flushed cheeks with red mouth and azure blue eyes, damp long hair framing her feminine figure and curling around her breast and body alluringly, her neck, throat and delicate collarbones exposed by the big v of the shirt.
The translucent garment outlining the deliciously curvy and full figure. Slender white legs, bare beneath the loose garment, the natural state of the enticing beauty was extremely captivating.
The fragrance from the bath was as beguiling, her own movements, tantalizing
The moonlight from the open curtains fell on Anya's back, making the translucent shirt completely transparent to Jungkook's eyes, who leaned back on the bed and looked his fill. He insolently stared at his Master, not even trying to hide the intensity of obsession in his gaze.
"I couldn't find any towels inside." Anya lightly said as she combed her hair.
Jungkook's eyes caught her every single motion committing her every action to his memory, "I apologise. I should have checked."
Tinkling laughter erupted from Anya, "And if I would have asked for it?"
Looking seriously at her, Jungkook answered, "I don't think its prudent to disturb the staff at this time of the night."
Anya walked till she stood before the bed, Jungkook sat up and opened the blankets, inviting her in.
Anya fiddled with the buttons of her damp shirt, "Should I open a button or two?" after all, that was the reason why the Panther chose this nightwear. It was loose enough to be exploited freely while still keeping the illusion of modesty.
In response to her question, Jungkook leaned forward and picked her up again, using only his arms, displaying his frightening strength as he placed her beside him on the bed so effortlessly that one would assume she was just a doll.
He made her lie down and turned her to one side, carefully laying her damp hair on the pillow, then curved his big body behind her.
Hoisting the blankets up to cover them both, his hands accurately went to the first button of the shirt while he whispered in her ears, "I am afraid I will not be satisfied by just two buttons."
And then, he proceeded to open all her buttons except the last two.
Anya closed her eyes and allowed him his liberties as she felt him stroke her soft abdomen with the back of his hand and then brush against her breasts. Cupping one full breast intimately in his palm, he plastered his body and fit it perfectly behind her, not letting a single gap between them.
A purring satisfied sound came from his throat as Jungkook lightly sniffed her throat and licked it, his tongue scratchy on her skin.
One of his legs slid between her legs and he bent it upwards, his thighs rubbing against her centre. His arm encircled her stomach and he pulled her more securely to himself, capturing his beautiful Master on his bed, making her his captive that could not flee. Jungkook surrounded her completely, his fingers stroking the soft pink nipple gently.
He sighed in pleasure.
"Satisfied?" Anya was amused. Her Panther was extremely passionate, but what he really craved from her was intimacy and trust. Even though Anya felt his hot and hard desire brand her lower back, she knew the intimacy of being allowed to hold her so closely in his arms, as if his birthright, was more desired.
Jungkook needed that knowledge, he was thirsty for the right to hold her, to kiss her, to be able to touch her in any way he wanted, without the possibility of rejection. He needed her complete indulgence, to survive.
He needed her unshakable and unconditional acceptance of him.
Her irrefutable acknowledgement of her belonging to him.
In a way that no one else could claim to have the same. Jungkook hungered for the intimacy that only he or his brothers would be allowed to obtain with her body. With her love.
"Yes." He breathed, as he palms gently squeezed her plump flesh, his chin resting above her head as he closed his eyes, a peaceful and happy expression on his face, "Yes." He repeated.
Anya burrowed a little more into him, his happiness making her aches dim out. She loved being surrounded by a person whose devotion to her could rival the blind love of a fanatic.
She loved knowing that the dark danger of this Vrâg, could never be capable of harming her.
Others though. . .
On that thought, Anya spoke, "Earlier, when Jin was making me go through that stupid test for the merge of his animal and Vrâg, I remember you saying something to me when you came to lull me to sleep."
"Hmmm?" Jungkook responded as he lazily rubbed himself over her.
"You said you found the staff to be very noisy and most of the time wanted to slash their throats to hear the gurgle of their blood?"
Jungkook stopped moving.
Anya continued, "But then sometimes you desired to drown them in the swimming pool just to stop them from talking. Am I remembering it correctly?"
The wary Panther decided to play dumb.
Anya hid a small smile and shifted a little in his embrace, "When all of you went with Suhan, leaving me with Tae in the Gala, I got a glimpse of Song again." Anya paused a little to see his reaction. When none came, she said, "Curiously, that guy was drenched from his hair to his feet. I seem to remember the last person to talk to him just happened to be you. Any thoughts on my observation?"
Jungkook remained silent as his hands soothingly roamed about her body, gently brushing her skin, her stomach, her collarbones, her breasts.
"He was also trying to hide his neck." Anya continued, "Almost as if trying to hide some mark. . . Like, perhaps a bruise? From being choked?"
Jungkook cupped her again, making himself cuddle her to him. He was handling her as his precious treasure as he hid his face in her hair.
"He called you Nya." He mumbled at last, "Then he behaved as if knows you better than me."
Anya sighed, "He does know me better than you."
Saying that, Anya turned herself in his arms, facing him. but before she could look up, Jungkook cuddled her firmly against his chest, one hand going to her back inside the shirt as he pressed himself to her, pushing her head to his collarbone.
Anya breathed in his scent and lay quietly for a while. She gentled her voice, "But it also does not mean that it will remain that way forever. He stopped knowing me from the second I met you. You just need to catch up."
"Then I need him to stay away till then."
"He is my friend Jungkook. Someone I care about. How can I ask him to do that? Do you not trust me? Do you honestly think I love him?"
"No." his denial was swift. "If that were the case, you would not be in my arms. You would not allow me to kiss you."
At that, a pang of emotion sparked in her.
What he said was true. Anya's sense of relationship and rights was conservative in its value and principle. Perhaps due to the lack of interaction with the society, or due to her upbringing being the responsibility of Arissa, Anya could never shuttle the right given to someone to another while in favour.
In simple terms, it would be impossible for her to give liberties as simple as a kiss to anyone, if she was in love with someone else.
What was ironical in this situation was, that the hybrid she just rebuked of knowing her less than Song, knew this with certainty, while Song Joongi-Ki, the person who had grown up with her, the person she said knew her better than the Panther, was unaware of it.
Otherwise he should have completely given up the second he saw the bruise on her neck. He should have known, that once she allowed someone a right over her body, she had pretty much chosen him as her lover. And once she loved, she never withdrew.
But bigger than that, she would never skip over and betray the person to suddenly fall in love with him just because he cleared up his intentions of the past.
"Master, don't worry." Jungkook's deep voice broke her out of her thoughts, "what happened tonight will not be repeated again. I always learn from my mistakes."
Huh? That doesn't seem in character with the Panther I know.
"What . . . exactly won't you repeat?" Anya cautiously asked.
Jungkook's palms soothed over her smooth skin of her thighs, her bums, her back in a rhythmic manner. "I won't leave evidence of my actions."
So the future holds him learning the ways to perfect the art of torture without being caught.
These were the only times when I can truly feel I am the most normal person of the entire bunch.
Anya closed her eyes, "Suhan's remarks? What method did he suggest?"
Jungkook remained silent for a while, then admitted, "Psychotropic excitatory drug or blackmail into self-mutilation or Suffocation by a plastic bag. No trace of evidence that way."
Anya hit her forehead on his firm chest on hearing that.
"I quite liked the suggestions." Jungkook softly said.
Pausing just for a beat, Anya ignored everything else to cautiously ask, "And. . . who gave you the suggestions?"
"Suhan. And Joseph."
"I need to sleep." Was all that the physically and now mentally exhausted Anya could mutter in response.
She sensed a hesitation from him. "You wont warn me off from Song?" Junkook's voice was low.
Anya was too tired to carry on the conversation by this point. She carelessly replied while readily sinking in the dreamy fog of sleep after being lulled into it by Jungkook's ministration to her body, "As I said before, I trust you."
It did not take long for her to fall asleep after that. Hence she never knew the fire those words lit in the Panther's eyes, the way he kept preciously stroking her until dawn broke, or when he kissed her head to make an oath, "Your trust will cage me in a leash I will happily submit to. But if any soul tries to touch that trust between us, my thirst for blood will only be quenched by their very last drop. No one will be able to stop me." He smiled lovingly at her sleeping vulnerable face, "Not even you."
"The employee has been primed? He agreed? Good. Then get him to do the assassination in 3 days. As soon as he kills Suhan and turns himself in, the money will be wired for his son's treatment."
Gong Yoo cut the call then dialled up the number of Hye. On the first ring, he did not wait for the person to speak, "You have 48 hours to manipulate the mob into killing Kim Suhan. If you fail, not only will your shipment of cocaine disappear, but I will bury you so deep in the legal system that even your bones will not see the light of freedom."
A deep breathing came from the opposite line, "Give me a little more time! This is Kim Suhan we are talking about! More than half of the plans made are being extinguished before they can reach a critical level!"
Gong Yoo scoffed, "What plans?"
Hye desperately pleaded, his dealings with the detective as a smuggler in his custody had made him see the actual evil nature and what the cop was truly capable of, "In total, there have been 17 assassination attempts at Suhan. We could not use any conspicuous ways. From them, only two reached the level of being in contact with him. The rest all was foiled by his security team. That man seems to be an omnipotent god! Trust me, we are trying the hardest! We are making the third attempt now!"
Gong Yoo clenched his jaw. The mediocrity of the Mob was at fault for their best being too below average to lure Suhan, "One was the car, the other the hotel. What is the third?"
Hye wanted to impress and show his worth to the detective, so he talked fast, "We are going to do it today! Suhan has to sign the documents relating to the assets assessment regarding his chain of Orchid Pearl Luxury spa by the evening.
We were waiting for this opportunity ever since you told me. This spa has a contract with the Brand of Zest Cappuccino Shakes, out of which, Suhan prefers the dark chocolate flavour.
We made sure to cultivate 2 employees in the factory where the batches of manufactured bottles of this product are kept to be assigned and distributed.
After making sure that another contact directed a pack of these drinks to the Seoul branch of Spa, we added two drugs in all the bottles which are currently in the Spa.
One of the drug is going to cause Suhan to have a seizure. The quantity of the drug is pretty high, he will no doubt be taken to the hospital and start being treated for emergency seizures. As soon as he will be given antiepileptics, the second prodrug in that drink will be activated.
That will target the heart. So while they will be treating him for seizures, the treatment will inadvertently cause the activation of the second drug resulting in his death by cardiac arrest."
Gong Yoo was seriously pissed, "Do you know just how many holes are present in this hypothetical plan of yours?"
"NO! I can answer every one of them. The contacts working in the factory are the ones who have terminal illness and a deeper hatred towards Kim Si-Hyuk. I made sure to select them due to that cause! That will be a dead end. The other contact will let her supervisor select the crate assigned to the spa. It is only when she will be delivering them that she'll inject the poison and then leave.
I myself have gotten a place in the spa as a cleaner. My duty is to make sure no one else gets served from that batch except Suhan."
"How can you control that?" Gong Yoo asked.
"I have chick in there who wants me desperately. She'll do what I say. Especially since I would present it that it might be better to serve the boss fresh supplies.
Once the drink has been served, I'll replace the bottles and throw them in the incarcerator to be burned away. Suhan himself wont suspect anything as the bottle will be opened from the seal right in front of him, and the aromatic enhancers in the drink are strong which will completely mask any medicinal smell.
As for the medical assessment, it will come as a prank played on Suhan which would have only resulted in a single episode of non threatening seizure, but his death will still puzzle the police as the second drug will be in very low quantity and will be untraceable in 2 hours after death.
If you can, then ask accordingly or hesitate saying it's a mob death, I don't think the police will want to investigate and Si-Hyuk will be asked to come and take the body. By then, no evidence of the main drug present, neither will they know where to look when one obvious glaring reason of the first drug was already listed, the second drug would only have been activated by the medical treatment received, as such, getting the trace of the origin will take time and examination.
Kim Anya won't let her brother's body be examined for this long time in a hospital."
The plan was not bad. Gong Yoo thought a bit, "You have to swipe the bottle from which he will be drinking to eliminate that too. Keep another bottle in its place as soon as he starts the seizures."
"How did you acquire the drug?" Gong Yoo asked. "We carefully accumulated it over the months from Si Hyuk's drugs. If its checked, the point will be towards their own uncle." came the reply.
Goog yoo ruthlessly kept asking, "If the glass is traced, who will take the blame?"
"Suhan angered a pretty presumptuous and idiotic Lee Soonan who dared to steal and distribute drugs on Calypso. It will be easy frame it on him as a harmless joke. The real reason of death would be blamed on the doctors for not waiting for the tox results before treating, as that is the medical norm."
"Make sure Lee Soonan does not have an alibi during that time."
"Oh you don't need to tell me that." Hye said.
"Okay good. Hope this goes right."
Gong Yoo cut the call and stared straight ahead.
D was someone who had truly suffered, truly. Doing this for them was nothing. Not after what they had done for her.
Just then another call came. X.
"Hello?" he asked cautiously.
"I heard D asking you to kill Suhan?"
Goog Yoo knew him as X, the most trusted of D, "Yes. I am close to completing it now."
"Hmmm. I don't want him to be harmed. But if he or Anya want my protection, to show me they are that good, they need to prove that these petty scales for attempted murder is a child's game to them." X murmured, seemingly talking to himself, "Oh well carry on. I would love to see what Anya does. Or will it be Suhan? Either way, Good day."
Gong Yoo looked at the cell phone with a quizzical air. D and X were partners.
He had just received a scathing complaint of being slow while the partner called up to play with them as he thought it wouldn't bother him? He gave an impression of toying or gassing out the potential of the enemy. Oddly enough, it would seem that the X was more and more fascinated by the siblings.
Somehow, this conversation raised many red flags for him!
Personally, Gong Yoo thought there was a 50-50 chance with this plan. But he still had his main plan on the office employee for murder.
If all things went right, Suhan would either be murdered tonight, or in 3 days.
He would be personally taking care to erase any and all personal financial trail of the game players involved. Being the boss at the highest authority did have perks after all.
After hearing what D had said, it seemed to be the most important thing to do not just for a personal agenda, but also for the betterment of the society. Suhan was not like Anya.
And right now, Gong yoo was fully committed to this fulfilled.
Because as an officer, he too knew a fact which eased his conscience. Kim Suhan had an erased crime sheet worse than a serial killer. Killing him, was a good cause.
As for any deviations, he had long since cultivated Ye Jun and Hyung-sik to take the fall and become a patsy.
Kim Suhan, you have maybe a few hours to just three days to live.
The buzz of voices disturbed Anya. She snuggled even deeper in the warm and comfortable embrace she was sleeping in, but the incessant chatter would not die down.
Blearily, she opened one eye with difficulty only for her entire vision to be filled with the sight of Hobi's cheerful bright face peering down at her with a dazzling smile.
"Go away." Anya mumbled, "Too dazzling." Then tried to burrow deeper.
"Ah ah, no." came another voice followed with hands that stopped her from practically squeezing her head under Jungkook's body, "You are too adorable with that small frown."
"Pleeje lwsme sweelp" Anya mumbled again.
At this point, Jungkook too opened his eyes with a frown, his hands tightening around her protectively. But as soon as he saw Jin, Joon and Hobi on the bed, he relaxed.
Then the shameless Panther rolled her out from his embrace and pushed her slightly away from him, towards them, then turned on the other side to happily continue snoozing. He had successfully minimized the disturbance to his own sleep.
This heartless action woke Anya up with a vengeance. Sitting up, she turned to Jungkook with incredulous eyes, "You selfish black cat!"
"Sorry to say but Arissa is better at the insults than you Master." Jungkook's sleepy voice was husky, "You should take a few lessons from her. In the meantime, I'll sleep."
Taking her pillow, Anya smacked the rapidly falling back to sleep hybrid beside her, then huffed and turned back to the other 3 amused hybrids on her other side.
Before she could say anything, a big yawn took over which she could not prevent, tears gathered in her eyes at the force of it. Eyes wet, nose twitching, long hair dried up as a birds nest with her soft pink lips pouting.
Anya found herself snatched up from where she had been sitting, to be crushed in the hard embrace of . . .
"Too damn adorable for my heart . . . " Jin breathed out the words in her hair as he lifted her and placed her in his lap, then hugged her close.
Anya was satisfied by the comfortable place and settled in, rubbing her head on Jin's chest.
But a choked sound made her open her eyes again, to see Joon's oddly intense eyes fixed on her.
". . .Only if we exclude the state of your shirt." Jin completed his sentence.
Oh, riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Anya discreetly tried to pull the lapels of her shirt to the midline, understanding that her breasts were exposed shielding just her nipples, when her hands were captured by Jin again.
He pushed her a little back, then took his time looking at her.
Long dark Bed hair tumbling over her shoulders, curling up tantalizingly over the exposed soft globes of her breasts, the white shirt showing the shadow of her red nipples pressing against it, eyes hazy with sleep, the blue in them deep.
Soft lips begging to be kissed with long bare legs, smooth skin inviting exploration.
"You are beautiful." Jin said with a smile, his hands slowly gliding over her thighs.
Not impressed even a bit, Anya bargained, "I'll take off the shirt if you let me sleep?" she asked in her most winning voice.
A bark of laughter came from Hobi while Joon grinned at that.
Jin shook his head with the smile still present and carefully buttoned her up, "Should it break our hearts that you'd rather be sleeping after being naked in front of us?"
"Or should we call your intelligence in question for your naivety to think you can remain undisturbed enough to peacefully sleep while being naked, surrounded by us?" Hoseok's voice was as dark as it was low.
Anya, was still forlorn.
Turning to Hoseok, giving him her best puppy-being-kicked look, she asked with sad eyes, "Is this flirting the reason why you woke me up?" she really wanted to sleep, "Its just 11 am, I slept at around 6—"
"You slept around 5am." Came the sudden interruption from a till now sleeping Panther.
Changing swiftly from the wronged tragic expression, Anya glared at the broad back of the Panther, who felt the heat of her anger.
Clearing his throat twice, the Panther mumbled out, "Umm, sorry." Then continued to play dead.
Anya turned back to Hobi, to find him struggling to keep his smile in check, then whined, "Let me sleep, pleeease! Yesterday was a complete fiasco and I know there is a lot to deal about what happened there. But right now—"
"We had planned for Lee to be hospitalised and his reputation to be a black question." Namjoon gently cut through, "But I am afraid, some variables acted a little different, but I think you should know it at the earliest."
Anya still snuggled up to the warm body of her Eagle and wrapped her hands around his waist, then wriggled to be seated on his lap, "What happened? My brother was cahoots with you all?"
"Ummm, well." Hoseok scratched his head, "I kind of don't remember the auction."
Hastily, Namjoon interjected, "And it would seem that Yoona was contacted by your friend Gina asking about Yoongi, on top of which Adora has dug up some connections of Michael contacting Khalid, who then called Kahil. If that was not all, Lee is to be discharged then taken by Suhan today but unexpectedly a Detective in charge of his previous case called to check up on him."
Anya sat up straight, all traces of sleep erased, "Yoona?"
"She came to the house today." Jin answered, "Me and Jimin received her. I'll tell you over breakfast."
Nodding, Anya looked at Joon, "What is the detective's name?"
"You know him, Arissa said." Joon replied, "Gong yoo"
Anya's brows furrowed, "He is not in charge of any of Lee's cases." She slowly did up her buttons while thinking, "Gina called? Did she talk to Yoongi or any of you yesterday?"
Anya looked at Jin. She detected a hesitance.
Jin said after a pause, "There was a lady with Gina and her husband, wearing a green gown. She . . . she was a little. . . She was scrutinizing us. All her attention throughout the Gala was only at us. To the extent that it appeared a little unusual to me."
"Hmmm." Anya looked up at Hoseok, "Where is my brother? If I am not wrong, then he was the one to bring in the drama to an otherwise non happening Gala that I was not informed of?" though her voice was calm, it was obvious she was angry.
Relishing the information he was about to share, Hoseok was practically smiling evilly as he replied, "Suhan went back to his penthouse with two ladies and spent the night there. I think he might be tired after taking care of them both. It will be difficult making him come here right now."
"He is sleeping?" Anya asked in an emotionless voice, then looked around for her phone. Not finding it, she looked at Joon who was sitting closest to her.
Seeing her expression, Joon sighed and handed over his mobile.
Anya calmly called Suhan.
The phone rang a few times before it was picked up, "Hmmm? My man, I am sleeping—" Suhan's sleepy voice came from the other end.
A second or two later, loud shuffling noise came with the sound of a body falling down and hitting the floor. That was followed by screaming in a shocked and concerned voice,
"WHAT ???? WHAT !?!?!??!? ANYA ??????? ARE YOU OKAY ??? SHIT !!!! WHAT !!!! WAIT WHAT !?!??!?!"
Anya yawned again as she put the mobile away from her ear and let Suhan panic, then she replied in a composed voice, "Awake? Good. Bring your useless butt back home. And practice in your head just how you are going to explain what all you did in the Gala and the potential problems cropping up now."
A poor scramble headed sleep dulled male could not keep up, "What of your pregnancy? Lets push these things to the back and first take care of your health by making an appointment—"
"Are you this idiotically dumb?" Anya asked in a bored voice.
It still took some time for the sleep addled, sexually satisfied and exhausted Suhan to catch up. When he did . . .
"Take care while coming over and don't let those two ladies get killed when you send them home. Be careful enough to remember people are still trying to assassinate you."
Saying so, Anya hung up even though loud shouts of expletives kept raining down from the other end, insultingly cutting off the call.
She turned to see four hybrids looking at her with a slightly scared expression, Jungkook's head peaking from below the blanket while the rest three remained frozen.
"What?" she shrugged, "If I don't get to sleep then why the hell should he?" she was irritated enough having to get up to clean their mistakes in the first place.
Annoyed, she slipped away from the bed, running her hands through her hair and casually asked, "What of the other three?"
Jook looked at Jin and then spoke timidly, "Sleeping."
Anya paused, an evil smile forming in her lips as a plan bloomed in her head.
Fearing the sanity of his brothers, Hoseok hastily jumped up from the bed and ran to the door, "I'll wake them up! Don't you worry Master!!!"
Anya pouted at the lost chance. "Make sure that Cobra knows I am VERY INTERESTED in talking to him after breakfast." Her voice was anything but pleasant
"Our Vrâgs are more clever than we are." Joon murmured to Jin who sagely nodded back, watching Anya walking back to her own room. Their Vrâgs, were extremely quiet.
Poor Jungkook spoke dryly, "Yeah? Ever think about me?"
Jin got up from the bed and patted his little brother on his head consolingly, "At least you are not Suhan. Imagine him being woken from his sleep in that way. It truly was heartless."
Jungkook sat up to rub his eyes and face while sighing, "After what he did yesterday, I am afraid this is just the beginning for him."
Namjoon frowned, confused, "Suhan? To Master? What did he do?"
This time, Jin and Jungkook both sighed, "Don't ask."
As soon as Anya entered her room, she looked around and went to her balcony to peep out. Checking to see that there was indeed no one in her room, she locked her doors and then dropped the smile.
Closing the balcony door, she sat down on her bed and took some time to make a 4 way connection call to three people.
"I can no longer ignore the things that are happening . . ." she started.
"LANGUAGE SUHAN!" Arissa's equally ferocious voice cut across Suhan's complaint like a whip, making the young man fall silent immediately, like a weak lamb.
"Ummm, well, since you are hiding this call from the hybrids, I am rather interested in knowing what this is about." Peter ventured in a cautious tone.
Anya remained grim faced, "Listen well." As she put on some music in her room as a cover for the hybrids.
The call, went on for 45 minutes.
And for those 45 minutes, a Black Jaguar quietly lay down on the shade above her balcony, his eyes closed, ears perked up.
Taehyung was exceptionally quiet throughout the breakfast, dozing and swaying and his friend, worse than him, sitting beside.
Both the males had their eyes closed, heads swaying on each other, until Jimin's head rested on Taehyung's shoulder beside him and Tae laid his head over Jimin's head.
Then, Miraculously, they remained sitting in that posture on the sofa, while sleeping soundly as evidenced by the light snore filling the room.
Anya sipped her coffee while watching the very amazing sight. Jin and Joon were discussing something, not giving those two any of their time.
Jungkook was trying his best to somehow make Anya vacate her lap for him to rest his head on but was getting mercilessly pushed out. He kept whining, but Anya was relaxed back, not a single shred of kindness in her heart.
"Will you please take a shower?" a coldly courteous voice dourly asked the same question for the 4th time.
With an annoying smirk on his face, Suhan swivelled his head towards Yoongi who sat by the ledge of the window in his black v neck loose fitting long sleeves and black joggers, "Why cat? Jealous of the aroma of sex? Jealous of my fortuitous luck with ladies while you remain in a barren desert with a shrew of my—"
A cushion smacked his boastful mouth while Anya again went back to her coffee.
Hoseok snorted, "Hardly." He was sitting on the rocking chair, laptop open, going through his work, "One of the girls you had, has not showered in a few day, mainly sprinkling only mists or just wiping down her body and the other girl uses egg in her hair. Both are okay but the sweat mixed with the stale atrocious odour is making our eyes water."
The more Suhan heard, the straighter he sat.
Yoongi carelessly flicked the guy a gaze, "She was with at least 3 hybrids before she had sex with you. 2 dogs and one monkey hybrid. Their sexual smell is offensive too."
Hearing this, Anya quickly put down her coffee cup on the table, and then snatched an unsuspecting Jungkook by his collar, who yelped, then put his head on her lap over which she buried her head into the nook of his neck to hide her laughter.
By now, Suhan's face was pale, his gloating expression long having flowed down the drain. His utterly embarrassed gaze switched to each of the calm hybrid's faces.
Yoongi continued with an expressionless face, "Your standards are down extremely low but us being slaves are still more discerning than you."
"Hey man wait—listen, I don't have your super nose—"
"Will you just go take a bath?" Joon interrupted with a sigh.
Before the word "bath" was completely pronounced, Suhan was out of the room with a speed of a bullet, running for his suite.
Anya at last let go of her restrain and laughed uproariously at the heavy amount of bullying her brother had just faced, "How much of it was utterly garbage lies?" she asked between her gasps.
Still concentrating on the files before him, reading through the proposals and occasionally crossing out the points he felt was unnecessary, Jin answered without looking up, "All of it."
"Oh my poor brother." Anya felt a little bad for him. But she was more cautious about her own status among them. Ever since the pack had taken a whiff from Suhan when he had shown up, their mood had become complicated with a slow fire of jealousy in their eyes.
Nopes. Going to stay clear of it.
Breakfast had been spent with pork broth noodles with boiled egg and fruit juice. The food had been simple because the table had contained the Pack, Anya, Arissa, Choi, Jackson, Peter, Joseph and the head of the Security of the mansion.
All had gathered around to listen to everything that had transpired in the Gala, not leaving any small crumb behind.
So, from the gossip in the bar that Joon and Hobi had heard, the Seojin encounter with Yoongi, the agreed manipulation of Jennifer's hybrid, the auction right up until the ambulance taking away Lee Dong Wook had been talked about.
Kahil, Song Joong-ki and Taehyung's strange outburst were discussed too.
Anya's mind was spinning in circles, particularly split over two major concerns.
One was Gina, her husband, and what appeared to be her sister in the green gown.
The other was the increasingly odd behaviour of her hybrids, especially Tae and Hobi in the gala. But such small glimpses were something she suspected had been present in all of them. The frequency was slowly increasing. Not to mention her own reaction over it.
"Anya sweetie?" Arissa poked her neck in the room, "Guk has come with his hybrid."
Before Anya could fully comprehend the meaning, the entire pack including Jimin and Tae jerked their heads towards Arissa.
"That bear hybrid?" Jin asked.
Its going to be a long day. I am so very sure of it.
"Yes." Arissa replied sweetly, "And. . ." she let the words linger until Anya looked at her, "There are at least 28 messages from people stating their intention for coming to visit."
Anya scrunched up her face in displeasure. She knew this would happen. After the Gala, she just knew it.
Arissa continued on choosing to be blind to her suffering, "Prominent among them is Song Joong-ki, your parents and. . . Gina and her husband."
"Not her sister?" Anya sharply asked.
Arissa shook her head.
Interesting. Anya knew Gina would want to meet, but it would seem her sister was going on a different path. Anya had a guess as to what purpose she had which made her smile. Using her to get her job done was going to be easy.
She looked at the 7 clueless hybrids watching her and her smile deepened.
Well, I wont be using that girl. They will be.
"I don't like that smile of yours." Yoongi said in a straight forward manner.
"You will hate it even more after I tell you what's in my mind." Anya inclined her head, acknowledging Yoongi's accurate evaluation. "But more importantly, tell me, do you know Gina?"
Jungkook was by now fighting with Jimin for the right to lay down on her lap, between the pushing each other, he replied, "Names mean very little to us. If you can show Hyung a photo that would be more—Can you just go back to sleep you Cobra???"
"I hear you slept all night with her! How greedy can you get???" Jimin tried so hard to push the muscled Panther.
Jungkook scoffed, "All night. What a joke! It was just 5 hours!!!"
"Oh yeah???? I slept for just 2!!!"
"And what were you doing till then?" Anya's calm question stopped Jimin on his tracks, his movements ceasing but he refused to turn his head.
Anya waited.
"Let the doctor in please Arissa." Joon spoke as he got up, "Its not good for guests to suffer the results of low minded acts by the members of this family."
Anya gritted her teeth as she heard that, slumping back on the sofa and sulking. She didn't used to be this way.
Hoseok laughed from where he was, moving towards the slumbering Taehyung, "Master, will you welcome him, or should we?"
"Will you be welcoming him? Or act more like the last time in wanting to scare him pointlessly?" she groused.
A sigh from a Jin and Yoongi, "Master. . ." They both said in a long suffering note.
Anya sulked further more and refused to reply.
Arissa supressed a smile and went back to get Seo In-Guk.
No one noticed the detached way Jin had been since the breakfast.
Anya had her face covered with her palms, sitting on the sofa with her whole body indicating that she had long given up. Seo In-Guk was sitting beside her, his face projecting the disbelief he felt in his heart.
He kept looking ahead as he mouthed the words to Anya, "Ummm... are you not going to order them or something?"
Anya answered with a depressed voice, her head still in her hands, "Look at them. Do you honestly think that I CAN order them about anything?"
Guk looked at Suhan and Adora smiling and gaily talking with Hoseok and Jimin, completely disregarding his and Anya's presence, "Well, they are. . . I mean. . . at the end of the day, your. . . umm. . . slaves?" he asked it as a question.
Anya snorted in a very unladylike manner, "Gee, you think?"
"It was still okay until Song showed up." Anya lamented.
Guk nodded vigorously. It was indeed the truth. "Why do I feel that Adora is weirdly encouraging the pack? Coming to think, not only her but Arissa and Joseph too?"
"Might I ask why are you excluding the name of my brother?"
Seo In-Guk made a dismissive gesture, "Your brother is a known jerk. That is expected of him."
Anya peeked up at her friend from in between her fingers, "Still, Song is his friend!"
Guk looked at her, for the first time changing his expression to that of pity, "Anya. That was a forced friendship to keep up the image in front of this society. Now that he has got friends that are like minded, of course he is going to side with the ones that he likes. I understand the rest including Song getting confused by it, but honestly, were you too?"
Anya sighed heavily and went back to her dejected lamentation, "Let me live in my dreams for a few moments, wont you?"
"Anya" Seo In-Guk bowed his own head, "honestly, he is just an highly abused hybrid. Might be less abused than them, but. . . what should I do? I am his owner."
Anya closed her eyes and recalled the events that had taken place in these 2 hours.
Everything was smooth and easy when Seo In-Guk came with his bear hybrid which he acquired from Mrs. Han. The atmosphere was relaxed, his welcome was genuine. Although the pack completely ignored the bear hybrid, they really did warmly talk to the doctor who had saved Jimin's life.
Jin and Yoongi were working on the sectors Suhan had taught them while finalizing the developmental stage of their Jewellery line with the way they negotiated with suppliers, designers as well as fielding the mails sent for the aspect of marketing the product. They had enthusiastically greeted Guk and then selected a sunny corner to carry on their work with the files, proposals and their laptop.
Joon had similarly retreated back to another corner after exchanging pleasantries, studying the course from Financials with Suhan was tutoring him on.
Taehyung had been in a bad mood since the morning so he had opted to change his form. In the open sun room they were relaxing, a massively gigantic Tiger was dozing and cuddling up to the delicately beautiful female wearing a simple white long dress.
The rest of the hybrids including Suhan had been lazily talking about light things with Guk, no one paying any mind to the bear hybrid who had been shaking a little, shy and afraid to join in the discussion. He had been sitting with his head down, collar on, dressed in a shirt and jeans on the floor, not daring to lift his head.
Since the moment she had seen his posture, Anya had felt a sad twinge in her heart at the way he still acted despite Guk being a good Master. The poor hybrid still sat on the floor, still had no courage, all due to his Code. He could never break free of it.
Many time, Anya wanted to initiate conversation, to reassure him. To somehow make him a little at ease, to take away some of his fear. But never was she able to achieve it.
A greedy and selfish Tiger threw a fit as soon as it sensed her attention on another hybrid other than him.
With his head on her lap, he dug his nose in her tummy, booped his face on her neck, growled and grumped and pawed her, jumping on the sofa and refused to let her face the direction of the bear hybrid. He licked her with his warm itchy tongue, splaying himself on the sofa with her slightly under him, becoming a lazy cat with his paws not letting her go.
Basically, Anya had been cut off from having any sort of interaction with anyone else due to the moody Tiger demanding all her attention, pets and cuddling.
Taking a hint form his desire, Suhan, Arrisa and Peter too had avoided talking to the poor neglected hybrid. That Hybrid's small discomfort was nothing compared to the absolute hell the Vrâg of the right-of-this-moment childish Tiger was capable of raising.
Reading the room, Guk too had not bothered.
With the announcement of Adora coming over for a visit, wanting to know all the details of the Gala, their group had been even more happier, welcoming her in the fold. Then had started the episodes of sharing all that had happened with exaggerated spins, too much aggrieved complains of being squished to death by Jimin and the evil laughter following the things they had done to Lee.
Anya still kept on dealing with the demands of petting the head of the kittenish Tiger, who looked at her with big eyes and twitched his whiskers in adorable scrunch up expression begging for more cuddling.
Things truly had been fine up till then.
It was only when Song Joong-ki, Kahil and Jennifer's friend- Nisa were announced to have been coming individually to visit as well, arriving in short intervals of each, that the shift in the mood of the gathering had sharply put to affect.
Anya had still been pandering to the bumps and nudge of the Big ca who had then taken to rubbing his head on her chin, his upper body on her lap, both paws around her waist.
Song Joong-ki was looking exceptionally handsome in a relaxed untucked White shirt with two opened buttons and a light blue jeans on his whipcord lithe frame while Kahil dominated with a dynamic aura with his olive skin, demanding presence, his muscled body covered in a Black shirt with slate trousers.
Nisa was a beauty who was perhaps created as a figure straight out of men's dreams. With a slim body, big eyes, delicate nose, milky white skin, tiny waist and soft voice, she was a lady who could snatch attention wherever she went. Nisa had a playful personality with an outgoing and bubbly charm which easily made strangers feel at ease and engage with her seamlessly. Dressed in shorts and a off shoulder burgundy top with her shoulder length hair loose, she had a presence which could make people around her feel lively, young and free.
The tension in the room had subtly gone up as the pack quickly evaluated the arrival of three unwanted men with their attentions on Anya while another girl with her eyes fixed on Suhan.
Added to that was the three newcomers reaction on seeing a massive, larger than normal wild Tiger casually as you may, lounging in the receiving open sunroom, on the sofa, growling and sulking on a human.
In this century, in the current age, a Tiger, in the house, without any trainer or collar.
A Tiger.
Anya had a hunch that Nisa would squeal and jump on Suhan, as she had done, but never had she ever imagined Song and Kahil to become pale with fright, unable to talk at all. They had simply sat where they had been directed, their wide eyes never leaving the clingy Tiger who did not give a damn about them. Their shirts, had become suspiciously wet with sweat.
"Anya, you. . . You allowed. You, actually allowed them their animal forms?" Kahil had been the first one to break and voice the obvious after 17 minutes of staring.
Given the absolute unspoken established norm of hybrids never getting this freedom, it was given that it would shock them.
Anya had been ready to kindly reply, when Adora had cut in, "Wow. It took you a whole of 20 minutes to figure it out?"
Before Anya could rebuke Adora, Suhan went ahead to laugh, "17 minutes Adora. You are, as always, incompetent when it comes to details."
Adora had dutifully snapped back, as she always did when it came to Suhan, "That is because unnecessary petty situations with dumb people is not where I dedicate my attention to, when there are more pressing circumstances related to the company where my keen observation is needed."
"My dear," Suhan had spoken with a smile, "I happen to be someone who pays attention to pressing circumstances and also the petty ones. You can only dream to be me."
"Is that to say you acknowledge your friends as dumb?" Jungkook had spoken with an innocent oh-so-very clueless expression.
"No Kook." Joon had not lifted his eyes from the table he was studying, "Not the people, the situation. Situations make otherwise intelligent people lose their intellect for some time."
Song and Kahil had been deaf to the whole exchange of their subtle insults, their eyes still on Taehyung.
At that point, Seo had come to sit beside her on the other side, ignoring the Tiger rubbing himself affectionately at her, and said, "Ummm, Anya, is there something I am missing?"
"Suhan." Kahil had said, "is becoming unstable. How are you so calm in face of a Tiger? Did you not react on seeing them the first time?"
"Not like you." Suhan recalled his much, much, much more panicked state.
After that, the conversation had just spiralled downwards with the pack plus Suhan and Adora indirectly getting their fun from the unsuspecting 3 people, who did not quite understand themselves being insulted, a little dazed still.
No one made any progress about the social niceties or any information about the different sources needed.
Which brought them to now.
"I have to give it to you Jungkook. As a hybrid, you have opened my eyes to the fact that they are no different from the way humans can manipulate." Song said while leaning back on the couch, his eyes hard on the Panther sitting opposite to him.
Kahil was the silent spectator to the conversation, Suhan being busy with Nisa.
Jungkook replied back with an open expression, "I am so sorry Song Joong-ki, but I really don't understand what you mean."
Song's unflinching demeanour did not budge, "Taking my name again?"
"Is the purpose of a name being given not to call it while conversing?" Jungkook asked in a puzzled manner. "My Master has ordered me to never call anyone else in the address reserved for her. What should I call you then?"
His eyes big and confused, Jungkook had replied, "But I am not hired by you, nor am I working in any establishment where I need to treat you as a guest. Am not your employee, nor are you so advanced in age that that form of address is needed." With a childishly cute expression, he turned his head to Kahil, Nisa and Suhan. His ears perky and twitching, he asked them, "Am I wrong? Did I not understand the society rules?"
"OH MY GOD HE IS SO VERY CUTE!" Nisa exclaimed as she was captivated by his big doe eyes, his fuzzy black ears and that sweet voice.
Song, grit his teeth.
"No. No you are absolutely correct." Suhan nodded then turned to Song and laughingly said, "What goes on my man? Why are you gunning for our sweet little Hybrid? I know you not to be a bully. What is happening?"
Nisa too entered the fray, "Joong-Ki, seriously though. You are behaving more like Jennifer. Why are you bullying such an innocent hybrid?"
"If you, being his owner, feel that he is a harmless person, then I am seriously worried." Song looked squarely at Suhan.
Acting startled, Suhan lowered his voice, his tone a little bewildered, "Joong-ki, Honestly, why are you being this way? Just because a hybrid was given freedom?"
Apparently, Seo too loved this sort of play, "I have known you for a long time too Joong-ki, I never took you to be siding with the Hybrids-are-only-fit-to-be-slave crowd."
At that, Kahil said, "Nor did I."
Understanding that he was seriously being misunderstood, Song became serious, "This is exactly why I came to visit today! This! None of you seem to know the reality of this hybrid, which just proves how dangerous he is! I was afraid of this since yesterday! He is NOT how he appears."
Looking at Anya who was Still pacifying the Tiger, he asked, "Nya, please tell me at least you know?"
"Oh!" Jungkook had spoken up before Anya could, "Only Suhan calls her Nya, does this mean you are like Suhan to my Master? You want to be her Brother?" he said with a naïve silly smile.
Hearing that, Nisa snickered while Kahil bit his lips to hold in his smile.
Adora sighed, "See? He is THAT innocent."
Jungkook looked over at Adora, "I am wrong?"
"Baby," Nisa leaned forward to reach out and rub Jungkook's head, "If people use the same nickname for someone, it does not indicate that they desire the same relationship." She tried to educate the pure little Panther.
Blinking his eyes, Jungkook asked her, "But, giving nicknames mean that a person loves the other or adores them enough to have a cute private way of addressing that someone, does it not? So why would you steal the name someone else has given? Should you not make one for yourself? Otherwise does it not show that you care less? That you don't care enough to have a personal secret, a way of endearment?"
Song was seriously getting pissed now while Adora had suddenly pulled at the collar of Jimin sitting beside her, who had emitted a yelp and then tumbled to the ground at the sudden yank. Before the unsuspecting snake hybrid could react, he was bodily pulled to sit on the floor between Adora's legs, who promptly hid her face in the crook of his neck, trying to somehow disguise her laughter.
Nisa replied with a helpless smile, "Umm, humans don't really think that way Kook."
"Anya." Song had simply looked at her, not noticing the subtle smiles of Jungkook and Suhan at the change in her used name by him.
Somehow battling the clingy paws of the Tiger, Anya wanted to reply to clear up Joongi-ki's name which was slowly getting smeared in the eyes of not just Kahil and Nisa, but also would be to unknown people after the opinions formed on him by the other two would be transmitted via gossip, when suddenly, Jin spoke up.
Eyes still on the laptop while being seated on his armchair, he said, "Master the other day you were complaining about the utility cupboards of the office room being too small. In the future, would you like for me to put a request for it to be changed?"
While everyone, everyone, in the room looked at Jin with puzzled eyes, not understanding the out-of-place random question or topic, Anya remained still, understanding the threat for what it was.
That rotten blackened devil of an Eagle hybrid!!!!
That was a warning from Jin.
Till this date, he had not said the incident which had taken place in her office with him when he had been trying to make her give in to her lust for him.
She wanted that to be kept in the dark. Even from her hybrids. Especially from them.
If they got to know that she could be brought to the level where she would start begging to be touched, crying even. . .
Anya's ears turned red as she shivered at the hypothetical scenario.
If that happened, then each of their sole focus would be dedicated to make her life hell by seducing her every turn they got until they could hear her moaning and begging.
"No there is no need of that." Anya coolly answered him and then turned to Joong-ki, "I am truly sorry though Joong-ki, I truly don't understand what you are saying about Jungkook."
After that line was delivered, each of her hybrid turned to look at her. Even Tae stopped to stare at her. Only Jin remained focused on his work knowing his threat had worked.
Sorry Song, I truly care for you but I really cant endure the consequence of trying to save you from their amusement and games.
Joong-ki's expression abruptly turned extremely worried. He glanced once again at the baby looking cute Panther, then turned stoic with an expressionless face, "Then it seems to be my misunderstanding." He looked at Jungkook and bowed his head, "I apologise to you. I hope you were not offended."
He immediately negated his building negative image by apologising to a hybrid while bowing.
Jungkook, was a little aback at that.
Anya smiled a little, sharing a glance with Suhan. Her little pack needed to learn how to deal with intelligent opponents.
Kahil laughed, "No big deal, the Gala must have been a little overwhelming. Lets move on from this. "I really want to know about your Codes though." He asked conversationally.
"Our Codes were trained out of us by Master after she bought us. She made us eat the—OH SORRY!" Jimin slapped his hands on his mouth, making his eyes go scarily big.
What was this?
Anya looked at Jimin, so did Suhan, both really clueless to what the Cobra Hybrid said. But their movement of looking right when he himself stopped himself from saying anymore and then acting frightened was interpreted by the others as Jimin suddenly fearing that he had unconsciously blurted out a secret.
Immediately, Joon turned back to continue, "He meant that our Master treated us with kindness and made us feel at home. She made sure to give us daily meals and encouraged us to slowly break free of our Codes."
The way Joon rapidly said his words, made an impression that he was covering up Jimin's mistake.
Jimin nodded vigorously.
Adora, who was holding Jimin, pet his head, "You really need to understand not to just talk without thinking sweetie." Jimin looked up at her, and solemnly nodded.
"Ah, I see." Kahil murmured, his eyes serene while shifting a little on Suhan and Anya.
Seriously? Adora too?
Though they did establish two things. Anya looked at Nisa's sharp glance at Jimin which was the same as Joong-ki's. With this little scene, they just made sure a misconception developed about Suhan and her, that something shady was involved in their training, at the same time cementing Jimin to be a weak hybrid, who could be manipulated to give away information anyone would want.
Through it all though, Hoseok remained silent. Absolutely silent.
"Anya?" Anya looked at Joong-ki, "if you have some time, I need to talk to you privately. A lot was left unsaid yesterday."
"Mate, before that, she owes me a dinner." Kahil responded.
Anya smiled before she replied, "How about tomorrow Kahil? Today might now be good."
"I am free though, how about taking me out to dinner?" Suhan lazily said, "Why do my friends always become impartial to me?"
Laughingly, Kahil replied, "Ask that to Joong-ki. Me? I need to talk about some business too. Joong-ki just came back, he owes you one, no?"
"Here's a thought." Nisa leaned forward to Suhan, "How about you take me to dinner?"
"How about if I ask Jungkook to spend a day with me? Dinner included?" Joong-ki butt in, "I think after the misunderstanding it would be good if I spend time with the hybrid of my best friends."
"Seo? Lets have dinner!" Adora suddenly chimed in.
When a silence followed, she shrugged, "What? With dinner invitations suddenly flying about, I felt excluded."
"I was not asked." Jimin pointed out.
"Ah? That's wrong." Guk looked at the Cobra hybrid sitting cross legged on the floor and smiled, "how about if I ask you for an outing? Lets have coffee together."
Instantly, Jimin's eyes glinted with malice on having been reminded of his fiasco making Guk chuckle.
"Jimin loves coffee?" Nisa asked pleasantly.
"Extremely." Jin replied from the corner while signing on an approved proposal, "His love for coffee is to die for." He said nonchalantly.
Completely clueless about how to control the frankly strange direction the conversation was flowing, Anya largely ignored everyone except the Tiger who was giving puffs of air for ignoring him while licking her chin.
"Be as it may, its surprisingly good to see these hybrids behaving just as we do but with a charm that goes to the level of extremely desirable." Nisa said with a soft voice, "One might actually fall in love."
Suhan smiled charmingly at her, "That would be a disaster for the person if he or she were to fall for them."
Startled, Nisa asked, "Huh? Why?" not expecting the Suhan who had been treating the pack like his brothers, to respond so scathingly.
Song and Kahil looked up towards Suhan too, only for all of their attention to be pulled towards the till now quiet hybrid in a corner who answered.
With his deep voice calmly replying, Yoongi's aura seemed mysteriously unknown.
"Because we belong only to Master." He lifted his chilling eyes from his laptop to glance at them, "Heart. Body. Soul."
The words were nothing new, they were common enough in the world of romance novels or films, but coming from the Jaguar, they took on a spine-chilling danger.
The way Anya nor Suhan refuted him, added to the heaviness of the lightly spoken words.
Nisa forced a laughter, "That sounds evocatively oppressive somehow."
Jimin chuckled at that, his expression open, sunny and bright, he replied, "Not oppressive. Just an irrevocable established truth."
Kahil inhaled deep before disguising whatever emotions he was experiencing while Song's expression hardened. "I think that's a step too far Suhan. This sort of belief can deviate in the wrong side."
With a lazy smile as feral as a wild cat, Suhan asked, "Meaning?"
"You want to me to talk about it here?"
"We don't hide much from them." Suhan replied in the casual manner he was projecting. Closing his eyes, his lips still carrying the faint smile, Suhan suddenly rudely pulled Nisa to himself, making the girl abruptly land on his lap.
Nisa gasped in surprise, trying to detangle herself from him when Suhan manoeuvred and lifted the girl to make her sit on his lap. Embarrassed, she started flailing to get up, protesting against the disgusting move when Suhan lightly said,
"Aren't you here for this? To seduce me?"
Nisa's body went still, shame making her face turn pink as she sat ramrod still on Suhan's lap.
"So why the protest Nisa? Is it wrong of me to give you exactly what you want in front of others? Or do you prefer these things to be hidden?"
"I—i—no, act-actually--" Nisa stumbled when Suhan laughed again, "Coming to me in the morning knowing I had spent the night with two of your friends, knowing that I defended your other friend Jennifer yesterday, tell me, why the shame?"
Song and Kahil were used to this side of Suhan, but Nisa, was not. She never knew Suhan to be this ruthlessly cold and plain dangerous. Or, without any moral.
She glanced around to see no surprised looks and stiffly sat on his lap, knowing that her obvious intentions were just stated.
Suhan traced her back openly as he prompted, "Go on Song."
Song's eyes took in the way the girl was being humiliated by Suhan, "Leave it. Coming from you, I don't think why I expected you to understand."
"Suhan." Anya's voice cut through the atmosphere, "Stop."
Opening one eye, Suhan mockingly lifted both of his hands in the air. Nisa immediately stood up to walk to another chair.
Song shook his head, "Why are you still this way Suhan?"
"What was the point of this behaviour?" Song asked coldly.
"Mr. Song." Seo In-Guk spoke after a long time, "It was a response to your statement." He continued unhurriedly, "I believe you wanted to speak upon what sort of values are being taught to the hybrids owned by your friends, questioning them about their ability to teach them properly or asking if they were neglecting something you have been claiming to see which others don't."
Seo's voice was soft, his speech kind as he went on, "Firstly, it seriously is NOT your place. Secondly, the belief you just doubted, is a personal one held by the hybrids. It shaped them, them believing they only belong to Anya. Obviously, its something that both Suhan and Anya know."
Seo pulled down his specs to clean them, "You think that belief can deviate to a wrong path? Suhan just reminded you that under his polite veneer, he is a person who understands all about desire, greed, lust, obsession or a complete lack of moral. Suhan is someone who is both vulgar and elegant. Polite and rude. He can read people better than you. Thousand times better than you. He knows all about the 'wrong side' because he himself has a version of it."
He paused, then wore the specs, "Yet you question his competence in understanding the natures of his family? In his house? Towards his sister? Best friend or not, some things should not be questioned, no?"
With the lengthening silence, Kahil spoke after a period of time, "You are equally protective of the pack." A statement. "You all are."
"They don't need protection." Adora replied while playing with Jimin's hair, "That is the only adjustment you need to make. Have a desire of getting to know the hybrids instead of testing the waters." Then she stood up, "I am hungry. Please excuse me, I need to find Arissa."
Nisa, Song Joong-ki and Kahil remained silent.
Suhan sighed and opened his eyes, "You might be thinking what was the point of this all? Thing is, I wont hide a few facts from you."
Anya looked at Suhan, not understanding what was going on. Tae had at last settled down in her lap, closing his eyes and dozing off while she kept rubbing his fuzzy head.
"Jimin as much as said it." Suhan looked fondly at the hybrid, "We did train them in a way as to not let the Codes hamper them. How we achieved that, is something you are better off not knowing. But I think you have gathered till now that they are family to us. They are important to us. And we lucked out. We seriously lucked out."
With a rueful smile, Suhan continued, "We got a pack of hybrids who are harmless, innocent, naïve but charming and straightforward. Their principles make them look intimidating but actually its just a defence mechanism. Of looking arrogant and tough so people leave them alone. In reality, they are very obedient and pure."
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Very, very harmless. Extremely naïve. Not dangerous at all. And obedient? Oh, so VERY obedient.
"They are still, our weakness. And we can do nothing about it. Getting them to slowly let go of their Codes was an uphill battle, I am afraid they can't take anymore. But I know that there will be many who will be gunning for them. Enemies who want revenge, ill wishers who want to harm us, troublemakers wanting to hurt us, or selfish third parties, wanting to take them away now that they see a potential in them being more than just slaves." Suhan looked at Song and Kahil.
"Me and Anya are not enough. Which is why, I need your help. Nothing more than just to look out a little. A small favour from my friends."
Huh. Honestly it was now getting tiring how the pack and Suhan kept on having hidden agendas that I know nothing about. . .
Kahil slowly nodded, "I can see that they mean a lot to you guys, that much is evident."
Song and Nisa remained quiet.
Suhan looked at Song, who then said, "I am conflicted about helping." He looked at Jungkook, "He is not what everyone thinks him to be and I don't think I can bring myself to be unguarded."
Jungkook merely smiled.
"However, as I said earlier, I am willingly to give him a chance. For your sake."
"Thank you Song." Suhan responded, subtly shaking his head towards Anya, asking her to keep quiet. He then turned to Kahil "About Lee Dong Wook, I think you have heard what transpired even though you left early yesterday. I wanted to ask you, he also happens to be your friend. I know you have helped him in a lot of things in the past, so. . . are you going to give him another chance?"
"Hell No!" Kahil exclaimed, "I am NOT giving that beast any more chances. No matter the years of friendship, I have absolutely NO DESIRE to be in any way associated with him any longer! Values to me and our family is very important and the kind of person he has become. No."
Song nodded hearing Kahil, "I stand against him from now too."
For absolutely no reason at all, Anya saw Suhan relax, like he had achieved his goal. She frowned a little. As far as she could tell, inciting a reaction against Lee was not as important as having Suhan give this reaction.
"I have to say," Seo spoke with a smile, "I am very jealous of the way Kahil can so easily understand Korean."
Kahil smiled, "You are understanding my English pretty well too. I think this kind of a system works well."
Laughingly, Seo said, "Anya insisted I learn the language but it took me ages to master. Its actually amusing, the way we are conversing. Also," Seo smiled at Song, "Its been a long time since I met you again. Welcome back."
Song got up when he heard Guk's words, "And even during the years I did not become a part of your inner circle, I have heard a lot about you." He walked towards Guk, "It's a pleasure to be in an environment that can help us become more than just acquaintances," he held out his hand in order to shake his, "I hope in the future—"
Suddenly, before Song's extended hand could reach a close distance to Seo In-Guk, his arm was stopped with a fierce grip.
Anya jolted at the violent reaction waking Tae on her lap who stared too.
Hoseok was standing beside Song, his hand gripping the latter's wrist in a painful way, his face blank but cold at the same time.
"Don't. Touch. Him."
Every word was piercingly, heavily harsh. Brutally savage.
A blazing hatred raging in those three words.
Anya was dumbfounded at the scene. So was the rest, including Song Joong-ki. Such a reaction was something that they would anticipate to happen if he were to touch Anya, not Seo In-Guk?
Hoseok never took his eyes off him as he lowered Song's arm slowly, his movement chillingly controlled. Once he removed his grip from the gaping male staring at him, he turned towards Seo, "I need to talk with you Doc. You will be coming with me."
Seo, who gulped back his saliva at the radiating deadly Aura, found himself being pulled up by the Python Hybrid, who then walked out of the room with him, not giving anyone a chance to protest.
And who would protest?
Everyone was busy trying to absorb what suddenly had happened. Why was Hoseok provoked by Song? And over Guk?
His aura too, that dangerous calm imitating the devastating waves which could destroy all that stood before him, was slightly familiar to Anya.
It was familiar, but at the same time. . .
Anya unconsciously clutched Taehyung's neck closer to her, hiding her face in the scruff of the Tiger's neck, a bubbling feeling of fear and sadness welling over, responding to the overwhelmingly dominating personality Hobi had been seconds ago.
"What did I do?" Song questioned, "He looked majorly upset. Might I say, dangerously so." He waited for Anya to look up but when she did not, he turned towards Suhan, "You still refuse to see that some thing is odd?"
Suhan smiled easily, shaking his head and pointing at Jungkook, "He is the youngest of the pack, being brought up by them all." He smoothly lied, "Hoseok over there was the most responsible for him. You have no idea how crazily he protected the little fellow or how much he loves his younger brother."
Shrugging his shoulders, Suhan said, "Seeing someone yet again accusing his little brother even after an assured good life ticked him off majorly. You have to understand they are part animals, and animals are very, very protective over their family."
Song half believed him but was intelligent enough to ask, "Really? Which species is he that is so protective?"
"Wolf." Suhan promptly replied.
Kahil blinked, "Ummm, then why does he not have any ears or tail?"
Anya, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook turned to look at Suhan. Tae lifted his Tiger head to peer at him. Joon lifted his head up subtly to hear the answer too.
Suhan remained as calm and relaxed as you please, "I keep telling you they suffered a lot. His tail and ears were cut off when he was just a little child. They had hoped that he would behave and follow all their orders if they threatened to do the same to his little brothers. Which, obviously worked. Poor, poor thing."
"Oh my god!" Kahil's eyes were wide, as was Song's.
The rest of the room looked on in disbelief as Suhan sadly nodded to the lie he had so casually spoken. Being such a shameless liar, that too with such an emotional flair was indeed a talent in itself.
The Tiger in Anya's lap chuffed loudly in disbelief and humor. Without looking at him, Anya smacked it right between its eyes.
"Was it their trainers? The Sebastian guy?" Kahil asked with disgust.
At once, Anya sharply responded, "How do you know that name?"
Kahil replied, "So it was him. It figures why he contacted Khalid." Shaking his head, he said, "I also wanted to discuss this with you over Dinner."
Anya did not take time to accept the invitation and schedule a time for the next day. She was extremely interested in knowing how a dead guy was contacting a sheikh.
"Yes." Suhan answered "it really was the trainers." Putting on a troubled and sad face, he continued weaving tragic lies, "In some cases, it wasn't just ears and tails that they cut off but he did the most demeaning and vile thing to some of my hybrids here too. It pains me to think how they treated them like regular dogs. Like, he cut off their—"
"Suhan have you given any thought to our request of tattoos?" Jin lightly asked him as he slowly closed his laptop, "Specifically black vines at the half of our body, neck and face? Do you want to see a sample? I can show it to you."
Suhan immediately cleared his throat, "Ummm, no. No need. I don't think that sort of tattoos look good on you."
"Are you sure?" Jimin sweetly asked, "Nevermind if you approve or not, I'll show you the sample tonight. I think you really should take a look at least."
Nervous laughter escaped Suhan, "AH. Umm, I will, uh, stop."
But Kahil and Song bit their lips with extreme sympathy, understanding which part Suhan had been indicating had been cut off. Being a male, they were pained at the knowledge of such atrocity. No wonder the hybrids were trying not to let the matter be known by distracting Suhan from revealing such a inhumane thing.
They looked at the pack with naked pity in their eyes, a look, which thoroughly aggravated the hybrids.
Anya just snorted at the death wish her brother wanted to court.
"I need to be present somewhere else. Please excuse me." She said, bored of the entire episode. Gently raising Tae's head who promptly stood up, his intentions to follow her apparent, she stood up to wave and exit the sunroom, going towards the kitchen.
She needed to find out what happened to Hobi.
Watching her go, Song and Kahil clearly wanted to follow, But Suhan asked them to stay.
Then, he leaned over the neglected Nisa and spoke for a long minute in her ear. The pack had neutral expressions as they heard the whole exchange, though they were a little surprised at the way Nisa shyly agreed to Suhan's request after the disrespect he had committed against her.
Suhan called for a staff and asked the staff to direct Nisa towards his room. Nisa blushed at the demand being spoken out loud, but readily accompanied the staff to leave the room.
Once she was gone, Kahil said, "I never did get your charm Suhan. Even after being insulted she will go to your room?"
Suhan stood up and smiled, but did not reply to his comment, instead he said, "Can I talk to you about something before you go? Song, you are staying for a bit right?"
Song nodded while Kahil left with Suhan.
"Kahil, can I get straight to the point?" he said even while the both of them walked towards the main door, kahil's schedule demanding him to make the visit. "You like my sister, don't you?"
Kahil stopped at once. He regarded the other man silently. Suhan ruefully looked back, "You are not that smooth man. Nor is your brother."
Kahil inhaled loudly at being reminded of the affections even Khalid had.
Suhan put his hands in his pocket and moved forward, exiting the house. He strolled towards the gardens with Kahil following him, "You know that Song Joong-ki has been a friend of ours since our childhood. Even our families are connected. He will always remain a person that I value." He stopped talking as he stood still in the garden with the sun brightly highlighting the vivid greenery and manicured bushes of flowers around them.
"Why are you saying this to me?" Kahil quietly asked.
"Did you see a friction today?" Suhan turned to look at him. for some time, Kahil gazed at him. then he nodded.
Suhan's smile became sad, "Song assaulted Jungkook yesterday. He tried to drown him."
Suhan bent down to delicate white flowers planted in front of him. He rubbed the soft petals, his concentration focused on the fragile petal, "Jungkook is. . ." he stopped, "I went back to get the CCTV footage. It was deleted. The poor hybrid cried and asked me repeatedly to not say anything to Nya because he does not want to become the reason for any problems between them."
Suhan chuckled bitterly, "Normally, I don't give a fuck about these things, nor will I pretend to be a bleeding heart, concerned about hybrids of the world. Its just that, this is the first time, one of mine is being framed by my friend over the possessive affections he has for my sister and it makes me extremely. . . concerned."
"If he is violent enough over a castrated hybrid's affection for Anya, then it IS a matter of concern." Kahil readily formed the negative opinion over the rival he knew he could not beat for his own unrequited feelings for Anya.
"At this moment, I cant do anything. I just wanted you to . . . look out a little for my sister and the hybrids she truly loves."
Kahil replied, "More than that, I'll keep an eye on Song."
Suhan smiled brightly, "Thank You Kahil. I owe you."
When Kahil had at last bid him goodbye and was escorted to his car, Joon came strolling out, "What was the purpose for today Suhan? What did you achieve?"
Looking at Joon, the humble saddened attitude of Suhan changed to a cold personality, "The seeds of disquiet needed to be sowed. The entire meet was needed."
Joon cocked his head, "Song is your friend."
"No." Suhan chuckled, "He never was. He was a person society had pushed at me and I acted accordingly. I was made aware that I needed to act as if he was my friend in my life." Suhan shook his head, "I am not the kind of person who can understand what friends are. Acquaintance, yes. He was always Anya's friend. I don't make friends that easily, I only train people to use them when the time comes. Or I love them as family. I just have two types."
Joon knew one thing. Suhan was a serious Boderline sociopath. He was the classic example of the type who could act fully functionally in the society in a way that no one would even know that he, was far from normal.
Still, Joon also knew that such an action was not taken at just a whim for him, "When will you explain."
Suhan looked towards the house, "Soon. Very soon. First, I need to make Nya know the identity of Gina. I don't think that will go down easily."
"The two girls were part of your plan." Joon pursued another topic.
Surprised at that, Suhan asked, "How did you know?"
Joon shook his head as he turned back to head inside, "You are predictable once one gets to know you. Your target, for some reason was Nisa. I don't know what exactly you are playing at Suhan, but I do know that you are scared."
He was. A lot was going on from different directions but mostly, Suhan was scared of something he could not talk about with either the pack or his sister. All he could do was try to find the truth himself.
"Has Jin and Yoongi—"
"They did."
Jin and Yoongi saved the video and audio recording of the entire conversation that had taken place and closed their laptops.
Song was still looking at Jungkook, who asked "Can I ask why are you so against me?" his voice was hesitant.
"You can ask me that? Are you still going to pretend?"
Confused, Jungkook replied, "Why do you think I am pretending?"
Song stood up from his seat and walked towards him, "So you think trying to kill me is a minor activity so common that it can me forgotten?"
Hearing him, Jungkook's eyes went wide with surprise while Jimin spoke, "What are you saying? Our Kookie? Why are you making such baseless accusations?"
Song Joong-ki looked at the agitated Jimin and stopped to murmur, "That can only mean that even you all don't know what he is like."
"I am sorry, let me introduce myself to you." Song turned towards the corner of the room to watch Jin unfold himself from his seat. His elegance clashed with the calm handsomeness his every move depicted.
Song had been quite interested since yesterday about him as well as the other hybrid sitting beside him. Something about them was not . . .
"My name is Seokjin." He extended his hand, the simple white tee with his faded jeans somehow looking exceptionally classy on him.
Song did not even hesitate to respond to that mannerism as he shook his hands.
"Now then. May I ask what complain you have of my younger brother?"
At this point, Song Joong-ki's worries were truly taking root in his psyche. He was in love with Anya, truly in love. Ever since yesterday when he received the shock of her interest over him diminishing, he was stumbling in his life. Finding her to be surrounded with hybrids such as Jungkook, whose reality was unknown to his own brother, was compounding the unease stuck in his throat.
He was dangerous.
Looking at the Panther hybrid, right now would only lead people to find him innocent and open. But the change hiding in him was capable of anything.
If that truly was the case, then neither Suhan nor Anya were safe in the house. But somehow, no one was believing him.
Jin paused for a bit, giving him time to reply, but when none came, he pleasantly said, "Jungkook is truly incapable of any unkindness. To the extent that it would upset him, was he ever to somehow cause any person physical harm. I can assure you Song, there has to have been a misunderstanding."
Jungkook nodded then spoke haltingly, "I apol-apologise i-if, I have ca-cau-casued you any harm. But ple-ple-please don't make m-my Master h-ha-hate me." His eyes had tears in them.
Jimin promptly went to hug the Panther, "Shhh, kookie. Calm down." Then he looked back at Song with tears in his eyes too. Jimin emotionally asked Song, "Why do you humans always try to take away our happiness if we find some?"
The unnoticed Bear hybrid who had been kneeling on the floor the entire time slowly lifted his head to look at the scene, then he stood up to walk away.
Song was boiling inside. He glanced at Arissa who had come in the room, the staff and the rest of the hybrids looking at him with hatred in their eyes. No doubt this behaviour would be reported back to Anya who would believe this bunch.
But more than anger, dread coiled up in him. The tears in the eyes of Jungkook were real, so was his scared and devastated expression.
He was far too deadly. His acting exceptional.
Song needed to get Suhan and Anya to see his true face.
That would not be achieved here. Nor could he rely on his friendship without any evidence to sway the sentiments of Anya. The hybrids already had an advantage of being wronged from the start. All he would come across as would be yet another abuser.
Song flintily stared at the hybrid, his mind focused on only one task. It had been years since he had felt the need to focus on someone to destroy them.
"I am leaving. Give my regards to your Master." He stated this to Jin and then strode out of the house. There were things he needed to know, people he needed to talk to.
He was going after that Panther hybrid. And, getting back his Anya.
As soon as the man turned to leave, the pathetic expression of Jungkook and Jimin cleared up at once. Gazing at Song's retreating back, Jungkook reached up to wipe his tears while a icy smile turned the corners of his lips up.
"Why would you idiots do this?" Arissa sighed, shaking her head.
"Because." Jungkook stretched while yawning a little, "We successfully turned him into a game piece we can use whenever we want, however we desire to."
Her head was throbbing over the lack of sleep and her confusion, she did not have any way of dealing with having the energy required to ask her brother of what he was doing.
But Hobi shook her completely.
Taehyung had bounded upstairs to sleep while she wandered towards the back of the house, trying to find where Hoseok had taken Guk.
Wasn't he supposed to get mad over Song touching me though?
Anya stopped abruptly and an incredulous expression spread over her face.
She, was actually jealous of Guk????
Madly shaking her head, she tried to reason. It was just that it was VERY unusual for Hobi to be possessive or protective over Guk, she just wanted to know the reason why.
Nodding her head with a satisfied smile, Anya understood she was not jealous. Nopes. No no, she was just puzzled over the behaviour.
Just then, the anger in Hoseok's eyes and the way he stopped Song flashed in her mind.
Scratch that! Fuck it yes, for fucks sake I am FUCKING JEALOUS!!!!!! Why would he have such a reaction for someone NOT me???
Anya was standing in the corridor while the white drapes kept fluttering in the breeze, trying to calm herself before she found Hobi, when she felt her hand slowly being taken into someone else's.
Surprised at being so unguarded that she had not felt someone approaching her, she turned around to see the Bear hybrid gently enclosing her hand in both of his, kneeling down on the floor.
Guiltily Anya looked around. The last time she had had an association with this hybrid was the night when she had met the lovely Vrâgs. Also she felt a twinge of shame at completely forgetting that he too had been a guest in her house.
She had treated him just like the others treated Hybrids in general. A pet or a slave who was completely invisible till they had the desire to play with them.
"I am so very sorry." Anya said softly, "Will you forgive me for neglecting you?"
At once the bear hybrid looked up at her with shiny bright eyes, "No! No Master please don't apologise to me." He was a good looking, gentle being with adorable fuzzy brown ears on his head. He looked to be around the same age as Jungkook, his eyes earnest and filled with worship.
Even though Anya acknowledged that worshipful emotion, she felt a little fearful of the hybrid calling her Master.
"I remember Mrs. Han named you Joke in the auction. That is a name I did not like." Not prompting him to stand up as she knew it would be hard for a fully conditioned hybrid to act at par with humans.
She herself crouched down in front of him. The hybrid tried to protest but Anya shushed him.
Gently she spoke, "And I believe Guk too does not like such names. Did he give you a new one?"
Hesitantly, the bear hybrid nodded, "Ash."
"Perfect." Anya smiled, "The name suits you. Is he treating you well?"
Ash nodded again. Then he opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again. He did not let go of Anya's hand, holding it dearly like a precious object he cherished and would give his life to protect.
"Ash?" Anya sat down on the floor. She did not force her hand away from him, "Do you want to tell me something? Take your time."
Ash tightly closed his eyes and swallowed repeatedly. For a few minutes the poor hybrid appeared to be gathering all his courage, fighting against his conditioning, his Code, to speak.
Anya patiently waited.
"Master," he clenched his eyes shut even more tighter. With trembling lips he started speaking, "I have never known what the word kindness meant. All my life, all I have known is to be a receptacle for someone's anger or pleasure. I never had any complains about my life because I did not know that one could live differently. Pain was all I knew, so I thought pain, was normal."
His words caused her to feel heavy. Not because she could share the darkness of despair with Ash, but because each of his sentiments somehow tagged itself to her hybrids. Something that maybe they too had felt.
Those words, "Pain, was normal" somehow made her heart stop at the thought her pack's past.
"I did not know the life I was experiencing was wrong." Pausing a bit, his closed eyes eased up a little over the way it was clenched, "I did not understand that the way I was being treated was someone harming me. That the humiliation I suffered which I thought was normal, was something that I did not deserve. Are you understanding me, Master? I never knew I was suffering at all, because since birth, that was my normal. Life to me meant being beaten and raped. Living, meant breathing. Living meant being hurt. I was born a dirty slave. I thought as long as I breathed, I would remain a filthy slave."
Anya was breathing shallowly trying to fight the welling sympathy in her heart.
"The night of the Ceremony was no different, I had thought. But then, you appeared. You, with your brilliant shine and dazzling light. You, who repaid the ugliness in kind to that human. The way you made him break his own hand, the way you let your hybrid tear into another human. All, to protect your slaves. To PROTECT hybrids. . . dirty slaves. You protected them. You respected them. You. . . loved them."
Tears escaped from the closed eyes, meandering from his face to fall steadily from his chin. Ash still clutched her hand preciously to himself, holding it like a lifeline. He talked in a choked voice, his throat closing with emotion, but he still forged on.
It was clear to see that he had rehearsed it countless times.
But through it all, Anya's guilt kept on multiplying in leaps and bounds. She started feeling sick the more Ash spoke, the more she saw the clear and honest way he talked.
Because even though she felt bad for Ash, her heart was not moved the way it had been for her pack.
Instead, the pain Ash described of himself, was translated to the pain of the pack in her mind.
I am a horrible, rotten person.
"That night, Mrs Han gave me away to countless men and woman to be used. I was fucked till the dawn, my injuries ripped open. But I did not flinch. Not once. I suppose, none of the other hybrids did either. Because our minds were filled with the Goddess we had seen. Someone for whom, we mattered. Even when Mrs. Han took me home, I found myself desperately wishing, praying for just one thing. Just one thing. I wanted to meet you.
I wanted to meet you just once to—"
He choked as he broke down, sobbing wildly as he bent over the hand he held. With broken sobs he still spoke, "To thank you. To just thank you for existing. To just thank you for existing. Thank you."
Anya helplessly sat there, another wave of guilt crashing hard on her as her hands hesitated in soothing the hybrid. Repeatedly she lifted her free hand to comfort Ash, but ultimately she lowered it.
She did not wish to harm him. and her touching him, would do just that.
"Bu-but now that you sa-saved me. Saved me again, I be-bec-became greedy. That evening when I thought you would let me serve you, I thought that was the reason of my existence. But then you saved me. You saved ME. Out of all the hybrids in this world, you saved ME. So I became greedy."
Ash opened his eyes, warm brown awash with tears as he looked directly at Anya, "Please own me too. Please let me belong to you? Please. I swear to be good, I will get along with the rest of your hybrids too. I will love you, I will serve you. Please. Please let me be yours?
You are my God, you are the one Holy for me, so I dare to pray for this to you. Please. Please. Please don't refuse."
Oh no child, please don't say that. Please. I am BEGGING you not to say such things!
Absolute fear trickled down her veins when she heard his plea.
How could she tell this pure hybrid that far from being treated like a God with complete control and unflinching obedience for her, her hybrids were the wilful ones who exerted their own indulgence.
That being a Master was just in name, there was no authority present in the word. In many ways, they took care of her. Not just her, but Suhan too.
At this point of time, the equality of her pack with herself was on a knife's edge. Only she could keep their Vrâgs in check who voluntarily remained in her leash because they wanted to be.
But if they thought she was being approached, was being touched by any other person. . . .
Anya awkwardly laughed. She tugged at her hand wanting to save the poor hybrid with his heart on his sleeve.
Ash tightened his hold, "Please don't refuse me Master, please. I wont take up much of your space, I eat really less. I can sleep outside. I promise you, I really wont be a strain to you."
Anya was already shaking her head, "Child, listen—"
"Please Master, please I will—"
"Just who the fuck do you think you are, to dare to call her Master?" a deeply enraged voice greeted them both.
Oh. Fuck.
Nisa sat inside Suhan's room for some time before she heard the door to the room being unlocked. The tall figure of Suhan slipped inside and shut the door. He stood there for some time, lazily leaning on the door while he stared at her sitting on the couch.
Nisa sat up a bit straighter.
"A beauty, aren't you?" Suhan drolly said. Then his hands went to the first button of his shirt, undoing it while walking towards her, "Are you still bothered by what I did to you downstairs?"
Nisa blushed lightly, "I am. You disrespected me. In front of my peers."
A sardonic smile playing over his lips, Suhan came to stand in front of her and cupped her chin. He lifted her head to look at him, his thumb caressing her skin, "But it turned you on."
Nisa clenched her thighs instinctively. "N-no."
"My little toy." Suhan murmured, "Do you think I am unaware of your deep desire to be watched? Your need to be owned?"
With each word, Nisa's core became wetter, her heart beating faster, "How did you know?" her voice was barely audible.
Suhan traced her lips with his thumbs, parting the soft plump flesh a little, "Your little visits to a certain club are no secret now, are they?"
Nisa licked his thumb, sucking at the tip, "You noticed me?"
The chuckle was as sexy as was it insulting, "You think I have the spare time to notice you?" Suhan speared his hand through her hair and gripped it behind her head, tilting her head even more, "A woman who comes running the moment she hears that her two friends have fucked the guy she wants? Do you deserve my attention?"
Nisa flinched, "You don't have to be so crude!"
"Babe, I respond to how people are. If they deserve my respect, that's what they get. Man or woman. If they don't. . ." Suhan gripped the hair tighter making her gasp, "then I don't bother."
With his other hand he caressed her exposed and extended neck, "And do I need to bother being polite with you? If I thrust inside you right now, I will be drenched in seconds. You get off in being treated this way. Why deny it?"
Nisa licked her lips, spreading her legs a little.
"Do you want to be fucked hard?" Suhan softly asked. He released her hair to take a step back.
"Yes." Nisa shivered with her riding lust.
Nisa had long been Jennifer's friend since childhood, but she was better than her. Though her family's status was nowhere near the reach that Jennifer had, but their family's connections and work had been prestigious enough to make up for what they had lacked in wealth.
Her parents were content with the social status as it were, but she never had been. She desired to have a life that was luxurious. A glamorous life being as wealthy as she dreamed to be.
It wasn't something to be ashamed of. A person could have any dream that they wanted.
Since the day she had seen Suhan, she knew she wanted to be with him, become his wife. But it was a dream shared by many women in the world, including Jennifer.
Which was why, she tried her hardest to be different from the rest of the society girls. She tried to act more humbly, tried not to too flashy in public. She ruthlessly controlled her public image while always being around Suhan.
She also knew that sexually, Suhan was wild. To see more of him, like many other women, she started visiting the sex clubs Suhan occasionally went to. Most of the time he would just watch while sipping on his drink, it was only just a handful of times that he participated. But when he did. . .
He was as dominating as he was filthy.
The woman would be left utterly drained with no voice left. He could really make them scream in ecstasy but he still remained detached from it all. His actions, the way he touched would almost be clinical yet forceful. Careful yet firm, still, it was for all to see how he was not affected on the level an intimate encounter should have been while his partner would be satiated and well pleasured.
The women clamoured even more to be the girl who could tame him.
She too wanted that. Wanted to be perfect for him sexually, so she had started visiting the clubs. Soon she had found that she was addicted to it. She could not stop, but she longed to have him, to have Suhan as her partner.
Nisa had always been looking for a chance, even a single chance to be near him.
Yesterday, though she had not been invited to the Gala, she had been the most happiest knowing the way Jennifer had been publicly humiliated. Nisa had spent time thinking about how to talk with Suhan next when her friends called her to squeal about the amazing night they had spent with him.
Hearing that, Nisa could no longer hold back. She had been afraid that if she did not act fast, some other 'Jennifer' might ensnare him before she had a chance.
She had spent too much time, too much effort, trying to be the ideal girl for Suhan. Including sleeping with a lot of people who knew him to get information about what he liked and trying to adapt to it.
"How much do you want me?" Suhan unbuttoned the rest of his shirt slowly, exposing the solid expanse of his chest, the strip of skin ratcheting up her lust.
"Will you keep me?" she reiterated.
Suhan's laugh was husky and sensual, "That depends on how well you please me." He looked at her with an indifferent gaze, "And how useful you are."
"I have always loved you Suhan, I truly have. Even though you might think I have had a lot of relationships, in actuality none of them had been real. I know what pleases you the most, and I will always try too—"
"Suck me."
Abruptly, Nisa stopped and trembled.
Suhan raised a brow, "Get on your knees. Unbutton my pants. Take me in your mouth."
His commands had no essence of love or even affection in them. Just cold demand. Still, her core clenched tightly at it. Nisa bent down on her knees and reached for his pants button. Fumbling a little, she managed to somehow unbutton them but then made a fist of her hands to control the trembling in them, hesitating in reaching in.
Suhan's hand rubbed her head while he spoke gently, "The cute virgin act turns me off."
How could he be so cruel yet commandingly sensual at the same time? That was the only thought in Nisa's mind as she hurriedly reached for his hardness, then trembled all over again at seeing its length.
Nisa kissed the head and licked at it tasting his saltiness. She wanted to take it slow, to show him how much she loved him, worshipped him, but Suhan's hand cupped the back of her head and pushed her a little forward,
"Don't bore me."
Hearing him, she took him in her mouth, sucking gently at his length, her tongue rubbing along the underside.
Suhan stood with both of his hands buried in her hair while she started enthusiastically trying to show her skills, licking him and sucking him. She tried to take all of him in, choking on his hardness in the process, but that did not deter her. She wanted to show how good she was, she wanted him to be addicted to her.
Even though she was gagging, even though the sloppy blowjob made her saliva dribble down her chin, she took him down her throat, fucking him with her mouth.
Through it all, Suhan did not push her, nor did he grab at her hair. He simply stood there, his eyes distant and emotionless. He let her get lost in the feeling of proving her worth on her knees before he grabbed her head and gently drew her back from him.
"Not bad. You have some skills."
Nisa smiled at him when she heard the praise. Saliva smeared on her chin, lipstick smudged around the mouth, mascara dribbling down due to the tears that escaped on being choked on.
"Tell me, the property in Ilsan is owned by your uncle now. Right?" Suhan asked Nisa while he skilfully unzipped her off shoulder top.
Even though the topic was changed, Nisa responded while moaning when she felt Suhan unhook her bra, "yes. . . it belonged to my Aunt. After she died, its now my Uncle's."
Suhan urged her up then unbuttoned her shorts while placing kisses down her neck, "Its valuation is a drain. Does your Uncle have any sentimental attachment to it?"
Suhan's fingers delved in her completely wet flesh, finding her little button. He lightly flicked it, making her gasp, "No. . . he just doesn't know what to do about it." Nisa breathed out.
Suhan circled over her clit slowly, placing biting kisses down her breast. His tongue circled her nipple and then lightly bit it. "I am interested in buying the plot. Will you help me attain it?"
"YES!" Nisa shouted out as she felt three long fingers plunge in her hungry channel, fucking her rapidly while his thumb still infuriatingly kept teasing her clit, "Yes, I can! He listens to me."
"Good girl." He kissed her lips softly, "Seems like you might just be useful to me after all. Investing my time in you will be worthwhile." Suhan pushed her carelessly on the bed, "Turn on your stomach, get on your knees, and brace your hands against the headboard."
While Nisa scrambled to follow the instructions, Suhan's gaze turned thoughtful. His mind racing over making the next stage of his plans.
All the while making sure to put measures of not letting the hybrids or Anya know about it.
Not right now. Not when he himself needed answers.
Downstairs, Yoongi's eyes opened. He got up from the chair he was sitting undisturbed for the last 20 minutes and walked out of the room.
"Just who the fuck do you think you are, to dare to call her Master?"
On hearing the voice, Anya reflexively tried to pull her hands out of the grasp it was trapped in but she found to her surprise, the hold tightened.
Ah God please just no.
Getting major flashbacks to the evening of when she was very beautifully introduced to their delightful Vrâgs, Anya commanded, "Let Go."
But it was kind of, too late.
A huge hand wrapped itself around her fragile wrist and yanked it away from Ash. She was pulled up, her back colliding with a solid chest, the other hand coming from back to wrap itself around her stomach.
The angry voice lowered itself to whisper hotly in her ears, "I think we had agreed on not letting anyone touch you Master."
"Joon. . ."
"I repeat. Who the fuck do you think you are for daring to call her Master?" Namjoon was livid. His words had a bite in it as he stood glowering down at the dumbstruck hybrid.
He repeated, "How. Fucking. Dare. You. Touch. Her?"
"Joon, calm down." Anya turned around only for Namjoon to hold her from the waist and lift her up, at the same time walk the short distance to the wall.
He slammed Anya on it, guarding her head with one palm, then lifted her legs to wrap around his waist.
Anya was dazed at the speed with which she was so easily overpowered. Her heart sprinting at the similar position she was in when Joon had first let go of his Vrâg, she did not have time to get a word out before warm lips kissed her mouth, prying the soft flesh open.
A tongue licked at her, begging to be given entry, which when provided, wasted no time in tangling with hers.
Namjoon desperately kissed her. He had Anya pinned on the wall, both of her legs around his waist while he carefully held her head, protecting it from the hard wall behind her.
He ate at her mouth, his teeth tugging the soft pink flesh, his mouth moving earnestly over her.
Anya went with the emotions he brought to surface, never trying to resist. She stroked the warmth of Joon's tongue, sucking a little at the tip. Their breaths mingling in the frenzy he started, Anya held Joon to herself, her hands gently brushing his hair.
Namjoon kissed her like a man thirsting for water, he sucked at her lower lip till it pained, then soothed it with licks. His taste flooded her senses as he kept going deeper, not allowing her to escape.
Anya tried to breathe, tried to break away the connection, but Namjoon followed her lips, sealing them with his, greedily lapping at the softness, constantly wanting more.
He suffocated her with his passion, he smothered her with his breath, tangling and stroking wetly with her until Anya did not know any individuality.
When Anya was truly in the danger of blacking out, Joon drew back to speak urgently, "You are no one else's Angel! You will save no one other than us! I will not let you. Do you hear me? Do you hear me, Master???"
He kissed her madly again, pushing his body into her soft one, "No one in the world can call you what we do!" his eyes were slowly changing to black.
He cupped her cheek with his palm, turning the kiss into a painful one, adjusting his angle the best to extract more of her sweetness to himself, "I will rip him apart limb to limb and pull his heart out twisting it into a mangled flesh of blood and filth before I allow him to be near you again." He breathed on her lips, licking them with his tongue repeatedly, "You are ours. You are Mine."
What the tearful confession of Ash could not achieve, the threatening violent words of her Wolf hybrid pierced her within seconds.
Behind the frenzy of his sudden lust, hidden in the savage brutal threats, was a fear, an insecurity so deep that could only burst forth in an outburst of violence.
Joon was deeply afraid of losing her to someone else.
And like a child who was jealous of losing their precious love to another, he threatened her, all the while his heart shrivelled up in icy fear. Just like a baby giving an ultimatum with tears in their eyes.
Anya smiled as she kissed him, "Sweetheart?"
Her one word made Namjoon go absolutely still.
With a helpless smile, Anya embraced the Wolf, her hands securely around his shoulders, her face buried in his neck, cocooning him in her scent. She gentled her voice and spoke with the immense affection she had, knowing that only that could reach through the panic and calm the Vrâg, "Even after all this time you fear me being taken away? By whom?"
A subtle tremor started in Namjoon's body, "I don't fear humans." His voice was tight, "But you are soft hearted, Master. You feel a lot for hybrids who are wronged. I cant take the sight of you loving someone else. Of caring for someone else." He did not hold back but told her everything, "I know its being toxically possessive, but you—"
His voice broke down as he bent his head on her shoulder, "—you cannot belong to anyone else. You cannot be touched by anyone else. Master, you really can't. I—we—" he hugged her closer as his voice became smaller, "We will lose control. And if we do, Master. . . Master, if you are touched then we will. . . I don't want to be someone you hate but I will—"
"Shhhhh." Anya stopped his struggles. "I know. I am yours." She soothed him by stroking his back. She remained in his arms for a while.
Anya knew it wasn't just because of Ash, but the visit of Song and Kahil had also left them restless.
For some time, no one moved, then she said, "I need to find Hobi. Can I trust you to not physically harm him?"
Namjoon drew back to kiss her lingeringly on her moist and soft lips, rubbing his lips on hers. He licked her pink plumpness a little before slowly letting her go, "Go ahead Master. Please don't look at him."
Anya saw Namjoon. Her Wolf, was back to being the collected and calm person he usually was. Smiling at him once, she spared no glance at the now standing Bear hybrid and left them alone.
For a while no one spoke.
Ash felt strange at seeing what he had. On one hand, he felt a happiness that he was experiencing for the first time. Namjoon came from the same batch of hybrid training place that he had been a part of. Their cells were opposite each other.
He would see the seven of them everyday when they were being locked back in that dark rotting rank cell, gasping with hunger and pain. All the hybrids in this house had suffered, sometimes more so than he had.
They were all regularly used by the guards, fucked by whoever wanted them, beaten with rods or stabbed and cut by knives whenever the masters felt like being amused.
Namjoon, usually just kept his head down, accepting all that was given to him. If pushed he would fall, if hit, he would remain silent. Just like he had.
To see the very same hybrid become this forceful with his Master, to watch him do whatever he wanted with the person who had bought him, who only embraced him and indulged him was unreal for Ash.
His master not only did not punish him, but comforted him, smiled at him. Against the unperceivable evidence of a slave daring to manhandle a Master, she actually. . . . . loved him?
The word "Master" remained just a word. Just a meaningless jword.
In this world, where hybrids spelled slaves, the knowledge being as common as the sun rising from the east, in a world where hybrids were taken to be replaceable life forms with no value, just convenient bodies to be used, She gave them an identity. She gave them, a life.
Ash had felt tears falling from his eyes without his awareness as he absorbed the truth.
The previous two times he had come, must have been the hybrids acting in front of Mrs. Han.
He still could not believe, that hybrids, the hybrids he had seen, were truly loved. That they Belonged.
But with that sentiment, his greed too had grown. Had multiplied exponentially.
Why was he not the one she selected? Why was he not given the fate the seven others had? Why could he not belong to her as well???
Was it not wrong of Namjoon and the others of the pack to limit this kindness? Was it not a blasphemy, an atrocious cruelty for them to stop others from getting the happiness that they had? WHY could he not hold her in his arms too?? Why could he not kiss her the way he had??
He had suffered the same way that the pack had.
Then, was it fair that Namjoon cut off the way for him to be loved by her too? Because he knew, this Master and her brother would no doubt want him. Would no doubt want to help him too.
Right now, Ash was both happy and angry.
"You are a selfish being Namjoon." For the first time in his life, he spoke up. His anger at the injustice made tears fall down in a constant stream, "You know how much we suffer. If any other person can be saved, can be loved then how DARE you block it?? She loves me already, she cares for me!"
Namjoon turned towards him, directing an icy stare. He made no moves, he made no threatening gestures, but something about him caused Ash to choke up.
He looked. . . deadly.
Nothing like the panicking male he had been with his Master.
He took a step towards him, to which, Ash took a step back. Namjoon did not stop. He closed the distance between them, staring at him.
Then without warning, he punched Ash in his gut with a powerful enough force that made Ash double over and stop breathing.
The pain burst through his body but he was habituated enough to breathe through it.
Namjoon held the back of his neck, then started dragging his body on the floor, moving purposefully towards a destination only he was aware of.
Ash could not believe what was happening. He tried to free himself but the grip Joon had was so painful and firm that he freeing himself was an impossibility.
Painfully, his body was dragged by the striding male who calmly went down the stairs and then chucked him out, making him be humiliated as he fell from the stairs to roll on the ground and come to stop before a set of shoes.
"NAMJOON??????" Seo In-Guk bent down to check over Ash, "What are—"
"Take this trash and get him out of the house Doc." Joon's cold voice cut off Guk's words, "He dares to dream about being with my Master. Make him understand that the benevolent light of a Goddess falls on many, but not just anyone can touch her. A divine presence can be worshipped from afar, but wanting to personally desire her is an action which will be brutally punished."
Joon looked with an expressionless face but his dark eyes glinted with danger, "Make this hybrid aware that my Master has already saved him from despair by giving him to you. He already has happiness, his life from that point was without any pain or humiliation. He should be satisfied by the huge fortune bestowed to him."
Guk understood what had happened. He also knew that Ash was a Code Blue, which was why this situation had arisen.
"Master belongs to us. Not a soul can reach her now that we surround her. If he attempts to repeat his mistake again, his existence will be reduced to broken bones, ripped organs, severed limbs and rotting flesh."
Joon looked at the burning fire in Ash's eyes, "And that outcome is me being merciful."
He addressed Seo again, "Because if this hybrid falls in the hands of Jimin or Jungkook. . . ." his words trailed away, "Get him out of here."
A molten fire of anger kept bubbling in Ash who could not believe that the freedom given by his Master made Namjoon this arrogant. All he had to do was somehow make Master aware of what Namjoon said behind her back. Her or even her brother, and then not only would the Wolf hybrid be punished, but if he cried, then at least the brother might take Ash as his hybrid.
Not knowing what kind of thoughts ran in his hybrid's mind, Guk nodded, knowing the bond between Anya and the pack to be at a level which was not open for the understanding of any other.
Namjoon nodded, turned and went away. Striding back into the house, while a pleasant voice rang from behind them,
"But you are welcome here anytime Guk!" Joseph beamed while playing a game of chess with Jin, who did not say a single word.
It took about 15 more minutes before Seo In-Guk went back home with the hybrid.
Once gone, Joseph chuckled and asked Jin, "Seems like after the Gala, your lives will not be as quiet as it used to be."
When Jin looked at him questioningly, Joseph spoke, "The other hybrids will be jealous, more people will want the already trained stellar 'slaves' that they think you are, friends will come visit to lure you away, Anya's suitors will redouble their efforts while the enemy will use this chance to try and harm Suhan and her."
Jin smiled, "I think you put it very mildly. I am sure that more than that will take place." Jin moved his Horse forward, "Check."
Joseph raised his brows, "True." He contemplated the board, "Why don't you sound concerned about it?" He moved his Queen to block Jin's move.
Jin rested his chin on the back of his folded hands as he studied the chessboard, "Why should I be? Any external force with their various intent on this family is not something any of us should lose their sleep over."
Anya went straight to Hoseok's room. She knocked the door, but on receiving no answer, cautiously turned the doorknob to peek in.
In the room, at the corner of the placement of the desk and chairs, Hoseok sat with his back to her, twirling a pen in between his fingers, nimbly making it spin. Light streamed in from the tall open French windows, the warm classic room reflecting the changes Hobi had brought to it.
Anya closed the door and stepped inside the room.
The dark locks of his hair fluttered a little in the wind, before him, a piece of paper filled with some designs of a body chain.
"Don't ask me what happened. I don't know it myself." He spoke in a low voice.
Quelling the irrational and fairly idiotic sentiment that had been flaming inside of her, Anya tried asking airily, "Do you, perhaps. . . you know? Prefer. . . him?"
The spinning of the pen stopped. Hobi turned around the swivelling chair to look at her with a frown, "Prefer him?"
Anya bit her lips. Casually, she strolled in the room, going to the once empty bookcase now stuffed with too many documents and books, "I mean, I will understand if you do. I—what I want to say is that. . . you can talk to me if you do. I won't . . . . judge."
The frown deepened, "What are you even saying?"
Anya dropped all pretences and blurted out, "Do you like him?"
Hobi was even more stumped and it showed. When she did not receive an answer, Anya asked again, "Do you like him romantically?"
She did not look at him but continued to browse the books he had brought back to his room.
"And if a do?"
The question caused a screeching halt of her brain. That single sentence somehow toppled all that she was feeling. For a second, her mind went black.
"What will you do? Will you let me go?" Anya heard him getting up from his seat and walking close to her, "Master?"
"I genuinely despise this habit of answering a question with another." Anya said with growing anger, "Just answer my damn question." In just a spilt second, all intentions of having a peaceful discussion went flying out of the window for her.
Hands came around her, warm body plastering itself on her back. Hoseok's warm breath scalded her ears, "Such anger over a small question?"
"You must be one hell of a scumbag, if you like another while becoming sexually aroused by me." Anya gritted out.
With a smile in his voice, Hobi placed a small kiss on the sensitive skin behind her ear, "Am I hearing jealousy in your voice?"
The sensation, the knowledge of being toyed with was something no one liked. Anya especially did not. With one practiced move, she elbowed Hoseok hard, at the same time hooking her arm around his neck and twisting skilfully. Turning while kicking his legs, she pressed down at a particular point on his neck, making him fall on his knees.
Anya raked her hands through Hobi's hair and made a fist of it behind his back, then painfully jerked his head up while looking down at him, "You are not allowed to like anyone else."
Hobi looked in the azure eyes blazing with emotion, a slow smile curving his lips up, "Look at that Master. How do you pretend to be any different than our Vrâg?"
Anya jerked his hair harder, which only made Hobi's smile deepen, "Do you like Seo In-Guk?"
"I don't know. All I knew was that I could not let that person touch him."
Anya let go of his hair but still stood before him, looking down at him on his knees, "You don't like him either? Song?"
Hoseok shrugged. He leaned forward to kiss her stomach, his hands anchoring her waist "Something about him was absolutely wrong. And there was a strong feeling in me to correct it. So very strong that since the moment I saw him, all I did was to try and control myself to remain seated. I have suffered countless situations in my life, but today was the hardest one to keep myself in check."
"Wrong? What was wrong?"
Hobi buried his face in her stomach, "His head was still attached to his body."
His voice, split. Various pitches came out in a demonic tone to be one. Hobi drew back from her. With his eyes pitch black and his face and neck covered in black vines, he answered with that frightful voice, "It should not have been."
Jin moved his queen "No, it is not the other people who may break us." His move made Joseph frown.
"It is us who are the only ones capable of it. The way we are changing, I am afraid of what we, ourselves are hiding. Or what is hidden from us of our own past. If things are not brought to light, destruction might just be propagated by our own ignorance.
Starting with Jimin."
Jin looked at Joseph, "Checkmate."
A/N : 25.6k (58 pages)
Part 1 is completed, please proceed to Part 2
P.S : if you did not understand what exactly happened during the conversation while Song, Kahil and Nisa had visited, don't worry, that will be disclosed later. As Suhan said, soooooon.
By the way, Thoughts on Suhan? 😉
The Jimin scene called the gemstone "Silver Lady" or Sodalite is this.
On to the next chapter!
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