Chapter 24 : Tides of Beyond
Anya skipped dinner that night. The events of the whole day were finally catching up to her as she trudged up the stairs to her room. Closing the door, she headed for a warm shower praying that it would help her body.
Her entire back was aching and sore.
Painstakingly, Anya turned on the spray and stepped inside the glass cubicle. She wrapped her arms around herself as she felt the soothing water trying to ease her ache, but all she felt was more stinging sensation on her back.
Ah, must have some cuts by the whip too.
Switching off the shower after a while, she dragged herself from the cubicle to the large counter in her bathroom in front of the mirror. While drying herself with the towel from the hamper, Anya did her nightly routine by brushing her teeth and applying the moisturizer. Not being able to reach her back due to sore muscles, she gave up on that and partially dried her long hair.
Well, at least I don't like a wraith.
She thought as she glanced at her reflection while donning her white satin nightdress. Her dark circles had lightened and her complexion was back to normal, but the weight she had lost in the 2 weeks was still in the process of catching up.
Ruefully smiling at herself, she exited the bathroom to cross the space in her bedroom and simply dump herself on her bed, face down. She tugged the blanket on herself with her legs.
Not at all elegant but quick and sparing herself from getting up at least.
Settling down after being buried under the blanket, Anya closed her eyes wanting the day to be over.
10 minutes into the cloud of bliss, Anya heard her door being opened and then closed. Not wanting to open her eyes, she just listened to the sounds of someone entering the room and heading for the couches in the center. After a pause, sounds of undressing reached her.
Already expecting the next, she wasn't particularly surprised when she felt the sensation of a cold, dry body slithering over her legs from beneath her blankets. She smiled as she felt the Snake steadily climbing over her horizontal body without going under her clothes. Usually her Silver menace loved taking that route.
The snake paused below the bare skin on her back exposed by the low cut of the nightdress. It slid sideways, not touching the skin, to reach her face.
I guess the bruises on the back must be particularly bad for him to react in this manner.
She opened her eyes to see the snake in front of her face. Smiling at it, she lifted her hand to gently rub its head while it flicked its tongue at her. Slowly, it came closer to her lips. It bumped its mouth on it once, twice, then coiled his body over her arms as it backed away.
A Cobra's Kiss.
Anya caressed the cold scaly body, her fingers trailing patterns over him. Once feared, now the sensations caused by the snake was dear to her.
Jimin slithered towards her neck, coiling and sliding around her body, to play in her long, unbound tresses, making her used to having him on her.
Anya blissfully closed her eyes, sharing her bed with the snake.
Just as Jimin slithered completely to her back, the door to her bedroom opened once again, this time, to admit Taehyung, Jin and Yoongi.
Anya blinked a little sleepily at the trio who silently crossed the room, their footsteps muffled by the soft rug on the floor.
No one switched on any lights other than the two nightshades casting a soft glow, mixing with the silver moonlight.
Anya remained where she was, as Taehyung and Jin climbed on the bed, Tae close to her face while Jin seating himself on one side of her by her waist.
Taehyung's eyes were intensely black as he gently lowered the blanket over her with one hand while his other hand carefully gathered her long hair and pushed it to one side, to bare her back.
Jimin transformed on her other side. He sat up, his toned torso gleaming in the night light as he bent towards her and without any hesitation, slipped the thin straps of her nightdress from her shoulders.
Instinctively, Anya tried to get up, but Tae's large palm pressed down on her lower back, keeping her in place.
She looked at the Tiger once. He was gazing at her, his expression blank, but his eyes . . .
His eyes were blazing with emotions. Emotions so strong, that Anya looked away.
She glanced at Jin, Who calmly looked back at her, his control intact.
"This is our right. You are no one to deny us of it."
Jin's voice and tone were mild, but the words and its implication behind it was aggressive. Assertive.
He was correct. The day she had fulfilled every aspect of her promise, she had granted this right to them.
She had granted herself to them.
And she could not deny them of it now. It was their right.
Anya slowly lay down on her stomach again.
Hands tugged at her nightdress, dragging it down her body till her lower back.
She closed her eyes as she felt every eye focus on the skin they bared. Focus on it and then tense. She knew her slender body was riddled with whip marks. 6 to be exact. Judging by the pain she felt, those had to have changed its colour from dark red to a purplish hue.
Anya felt Yoongi place his hands on either side of her body from the foot of her bed and then slowly crawl over her form, stopping himself over her lower back, crouching over her.
Her breathing quickened as she felt his soft lips gently trailing up the marks, placing whisper light kisses on her welts, his heat scorching her.
He rested his forehead against her nape as he breathed out "For the heavy price you made us pay, our change will be your debt to fulfil."
"Who decides when I have paid in full?" Anya asked, her heartbeat loud in the room.
"You think the limit of that debt is low? After what you made us watch? After the way you so casually scarred us?" Yoongi kissed her down her spine, "There will be no limit Master, the change in us will be the collar you wear for the rest of your life."
Yoongi straightened and reached for the tube of medicine he had brought with him. Jin took some ointment in his fingers as did Yoongi. Without any more words, both of them started applying the cold ointment on her injuries while she flinched against its chill.
Taehyung cupped her face to make her look at him. As soon as she did, he held a pill between his fingers. Anya opened her mouth for him to place it between her lips. Jimin passed the glass of water from the bedside table to Tae, who held it to her mouth.
Gaze locked with the turbulent eyes of the silent Tiger, Anya lifted herself a little and took a sip of the water. Tae's eyes never strayed to the soft curves exposed for the time it took for her to take a sip, his eyes held firm to her blue.
Anya lay down again while Jin and Yoongi finished their work. Yoongi got up from the bed and Jin lightly covered her with the blanket again.
Then, Yoongi flipped the blanket up from the bottom, exposing her legs. He reached below her legs and pulled the stain nightdress which slipped from her waist and slithered down. Yoongi easily pulled it free from her body and carelessly threw it towards the couches. He covered her again.
Anya was nude beneath the blanket.
Jin leaned forward to place a kiss on her cheeks, "Sleep Master. We will be here."
Anya jerked her eyes to Jin, who was looking at her. His gaze remaining steady, he licked his lips once before tugging his tshirt up and over his head in an offhand manner, his muscles and abs clenching and relaxing at the action.
Activity from the foot of her bed made Anya look towards Yoongi, who had discarded his shirt and had his hand on the waistband of his Joggers.
Being the smart and self-preserving woman that she was, Anya wisely closed her eyes as the sounds around her room made her aware of Jin and Yoongi transforming into their animal forms.
Jin flew to headrest of her bed, having a flat surface where she kept her books. He perched just above her head while Yoongi jumped on the bed and settled on its foot, the Jaguar laying down near her feet.
Jimin had slipped out of the bed a few minutes ago, only to return with two light comforter from her linen cupboard, which he passed on to Tae.
Both of them lay down above her blanket, each on her either side and covered themselves with the comforter. Tae's hand settled over her back, while Jimin threw one leg over her.
Their touch bold and unhesitant. They were no longer holding the gratitude they felt for her over their desire for her to be theirs. They were exercising the right they had been in disbelief over.
Ah, oh. Here.
Surrounded by her hybrids, Anya smiled sleepily as she comfortably snuggled herself in her pillow further. She felt warm. Happy.
Within minutes, sleep carried her in its magical realms.
When her breathing evened out, Jimin and Tae opened their eyes.
"She did not protest." Tae said quietly.
"I told you she wouldn't." Jimin's answer was equally quiet, so as to not disturb the beautiful girl sleeping with a smile beside him.
But just then, a knock sounded at the door.
The Jaguar got up immediately, padding to the door. Transforming quickly, Yoongi swung it open to face a startled Suhan holding out a bottle in his hand.
"Ah, you are sleeping here?" Suhan asked Yoongi, "Anya forgot to bring her bottle. Had I known I would have brought another."
Yoongi shook his head as he took the proffered item, "I am sleeping in my animal form."
"That I figured from your nudity."
Yoongi narrowed his eyes, "You think me being naked in your sister's room at night can only mean me being in my animal form?"
Suhan smiled, "It can only mean you are in your animal form because my sister is injured."
Yoongi nodded ruefully. His friend, was just like his sister, without any prejudice. And his approval of the relationship they were heading towards with his sister had always been open.
"I think you should know this by the way," Suhan said abruptly while turning to leave, "Jungkook, Hoseok and Namjoon are still outside. All in their animal forms. Jungkook is on the oak tree, Joon in the woods while Hoseok is in the outhouse. I don't think they have any intentions of coming in for the night."
Yoongi sighed on hearing that.
"The past week watching Master the way she was . . . It was hard on us. We literally saw her fading away in front of our eyes while we had no idea if Jimin would be okay or not. That helplessness was killing us. But today. . ." Yoongi said in his deep voice, "Her punishment changed something in us Suhan. We all felt that shift."
Yoongi breathed in deep as he closed his eyes, "You have to understand, more than simply loving her, she is the reason of our existence. We want her in baser terms, no doubt about it, but at the same time, she is sacred to us. She defines us. She, is our God.
Any person touching her with harmful intent is sacrilegious for us."
Yoongi opened his eyes to look at Suhan, his torturous suffering clear for the other man to see, "Can you imagine what it did for us to not only witness her being whipped, something that we consider painful and degrading, but also to be the cause of it? to be the one delivering that harm to her? It fucked us up Suhan. Her punishment was worse than what we have ever suffered."
Suhan nodded once, "She knew that. Which was why she did it." he paused and asked, "Joon, Jungkook and Hoseok are the worst affected?"
Yoongi shook his head, "They are simply the ones who are not able to deal with it yet. Jungkook and Joon will come around. They just need some time to themselves, but Hoseok . . ."
Suhan remained quiet for some time, then said in a low voice, "I hope you know that it hurt only because your love for her is too deep. If the feelings would not be intense, it would have no hold over you."
A mocking laugh from Yoongi, "We know."
Suhan blinked a little at that. For a moment, he thought he saw something change in Yoongi's eyes .
Long day with dim lighting in this moment is what makes you see shit like this Suhan. You need sleep.
Suhan internally laughed a little at himself as he bid Yoongi goodnight and closed the door to his sister's bedroom.
Taehyung woke up slowly, something waking him from his sleep. Something, which was stirring him on the inside, his animal content and restless at the same time.
That made him frown even with his eyes closed. He had never felt the Tiger's psyche before. Never had he so distinctly understood his animal's desire from his human side. But somehow, he could feel his animal's instincts, its feelings.
Which did not make sense at all. He was a hybrid. He was both animal and a human. Why would he experience 2 psyches in him? He was both, wasn't he?
He snapped open his eyes, feeling the Tiger wanting to get closer to the fragrance he was indulging in.
Taehyung turned his head to see Anya sleeping beside him, her face close to his, his hand holding her closer. It was her scent which was driving him crazy.
His Tiger, he himself, wanted to pounce on her. Wanted her closer still.
Realizing it, Tae jerked back abruptly, sitting up and backing away at the same time, trying to back away from the sudden grip of paralyzing temptation he felt.
"So you feel it too?" Jimin's voice made him jerk his gaze to find his friend sitting on the other side, resting his back against the bedrest. The covers pooled to his lap, his one knee propped up where he rested his arm. His head resting back, his eyes closed.
"Do you feel your Tiger?" Tae looked to find a dressed Jin pacing the floor with Yoongi still in his Jaguar form.
Tae nodded.
Jin looked at him, "How badly are u affected."
Tae could still feel his Tiger restlessly calling out to him, urging him to go back to his Master. It was bad enough that his hands were starting to shake.
"Bad." He replied through clenched teeth.
The Jaguar growled at him, communicating his disquiet. It seemed, the Jaguar was similarly affected.
"Go. We need to figure out why we are suddenly feeling our animals." Jin's command was infused with steel, "That too in such an uncontrollable manner. We cant expose its desires on her."
Tae looked at Jin, "We discussed her not being alone."
Jin nodded, "I'll go."
Tae somehow got up from the bed, moving away from the beautiful sleeping form. The more distance he put between them, the howls of his Tiger got more agitated. "How are you both okay?" He asked through his clenched teeth.
"Not easily, that much I can assure you." Jimin mocked with his eyes still closed.
Jin tilted his head towards the door, "Figure out the plan of the invitation we will ask her to get tonight. Make sure the idea is to not hurt but to extract information. What all is needed, make a list of it. include Joon, Kook and Hobi. Talk about this too."
The jaguar had already reached the door. Tae followed, feeling the weight in each step he took. His eyes flicked to Jimin.
His friend answered his silent question, "I'll be right behind you. Let me wish her goodmorning."
Nodding, Tae left with Yoongi, battling the howls of his animal, the urge to leap back to go to her, each step of the way.
Jin breathed heavily, trying to back away from the bed, but the screeching of his Eagle got unbearable at one point and he had to step closer to the area of the bed again. His chest felt heavy while his human instincts warred with that of his animal. "What the hell is going on?" he breathed.
Jimin clenched his jaw, "Yesterday, something shifted inside of us." He pointed it out. "This has to be due to that."
Jin's whole body was rigid from the control he exercised over every movement, "This thing. . . this energy was building up gradually since she told us to transform. But. Has any hybrid ever gone through anything like this?"
"Not that I know of."
Jin's Eagle wanted to get closer to its Master, it wanted to hold her close, it thought she belonged near him. The distance was driving it crazy.
"The others are not experiencing this. Makes me think only the ones near her are suffering." Jimin said, his voice deep.
Jin nodded, breathing through his mouth in an attempt to tone down the warm fragrance of her, "I suspected as much. Otherwise they would have come barging in by now. Makes me hope that this insanity might become silent if the distance from her is established."
"This is not related to our Codes." Jimin stated.
Jin remained silent at that.
Jimin spoke again, "You don't agree?"
Jin slowly took a few steps forward. He stopped again, trying to calm the excited predator inside of him, "I cant rule it out. Our Codes are decided by our animals. This sudden development is directly related to them."
Jimin shook his head, "We have all the information about higher Codes. We have ALL the information that was ever recorded about Unclassified too. There was nothing in them that indicated that the subject hybrids ever felt or acted like the animals they transformed to. Don't limit yourself to think this has something to do with our Codes Hyung, you might not be able to see the bigger picture if you are blinded by the former."
Jin acknowledged the truth, "Should we proceed with the dinner plan? In this state?"
Jimin finally opened his eyes.
One look at them and it became apparent to Jin why he had had them closed till now. His vertical pupils were contracting to mere slits and then blowing wide to completely hide the silver iris of his eyes.
His unnatural eyes, were downright monstrous right then.
"We have to. Its still some time away. The more important question is how will we go with her?" Jimin asked.
Jin rocked back to the balls of his feet, his hands in his pockets, "You obviously cannot go."
Jimin narrowed his eyes at him. For a second he stared at his hyung, then gave a short nod of assent, glancing away, "Are you positive you can?"
"I can control myself."
Jimin looked back at him, "Your bond?"
Jin bit the inside of his cheek, "As long as I can sense her love for me, I can control it. Her indifference might set me off."
Anya stirred a little on the bed, moving around to lay on her back. Her movement pulled the blanket lower on her body, the curve of one soft full breast being exposed to the morning light, the blanket managing to cover her nipple. One more shift and her breast would be fully exposed.
Both of the hybrid's attention snapped to her, their animals suddenly going quiet. Jin and Jimin remained silent as they watched the sinfully seductive woman sleeping on the bed, not aware of the danger she was in.
Losing the fight with his nature, Jimin gently traced his finger over her bared warm skin, his cold tip drawing circles on her smooth skin.
"Kiss her." Jin's husky demand made Jimin glance at him.
"Why don't you?"
"Because I will not stop at that. Kiss her."
Jimin turned back to his Master. He turned on the bed, his comforter twisting and falling away, while he braced one hand on the other side of her head.
Slowly lowering himself, he placed a wet kiss on the base of her neck. From there, he traced her with his tongue, licking over her shoulders, her clavicle.
He laved the soft skin of her chest, placing small kisses on the curve of her breast.
The sensations started having an effect on her as her nipple budded tightly against the blanket, and she started drowsily waking up.
Jimin pulled up a little, watching her sleepily open her eyes.
Before she could gather her wits, his mouth crashed down on her.
He held her shoulders firmly while he ruthlessly kissed her, unleashing all his emotions.
Anya was startled. She was disoriented and unguarded to the situation.
She felt Jimin pushing her further on the bed, while his rough kiss continued. He forced his tongue inside her soft cavern, wetly sliding his tongue with hers before retreating and biting her lips. He came back for more the next instant.
Anya pushed at his chest with her hands, the passion too aggressive on her tender senses.
Feeling her resistance, Jimin immediately pulled away, releasing her at once.
Gasping a little, Anya squirmed and sat up on her bed, having the sense to hold the blanket to her chest, guarding her modesty. She blinked a few times to see Jin standing tall at the foot of her bed, his eyes smoldering with heat, his hands in his pocket as he smiled seductively at her.
"Goodmorning Master." He murmured to her. "Did you sleep well?"
"Really?" Anya breathed out heavily, arching one brow at him.
Jimin kissed her shoulder, "I am better than your noisy alarm Master, at least admit that."
Anya jerked her shoulder away from him as she mock glared at him, "I'd prefer waking up to greet the morning without having a heart attack, thank you very much."
Undeterred Jimin came closer to her, Kissing her nose, "Oh no Master, we cant have that. I need you alive for all the things I have planned for our life. I'll be sure to tone down the intensity in the future."
Smiling at his playful conversation, Anya opened her mouth to retort back, when she noticed his eyes.
Abruptly, she dropped the smile, "What is wrong with your eyes?"
"Shall I bring to your mind the state of your nudity?" Jin's voice and words snatched her attention to see him standing with a white robe in his hand before her. "Personally I would prefer if you drop the blanket but I do believe you don't want to grant us that privilege just yet."
Anya looked back at Jimin who boldly held her stare, his pupils staying dilated for longer.
She reached for the robe, "Are you hiding things from me again?" She looked at Jin, "The distraction was obvious."
Jin's jaw clenched, "You made sure we would not repeat that mistake ever again." Referring to the events of yesterday.
Without any repentance Anya arched one brow, accepting the robe while holding on to the blanket with one hand.
"Turn around."
Without any pause, both males turned away from her, while she put on the robe, adjusting it to cover her lower body too.
"I will be accompanying you to your office today."
Anya stilled in the action of getting up. She looked at Jin to find him watching her again, "You are?" he had made a statement, not a question seeking her permission.
Jin cocked his head to one side, "I feel cooped up in here."
"Try again." Anya drawled.
A small smile, "I am curious about your office."
"Half truths don't cut it sweetheart." Anya leaned back.
Jin chuckled, "Are you ashamed to take me to your work place?"
"Nice try, I'll give you that."
Jin became serious, "We wont be leaving you alone. At least for a few days, we cant."
Anya's brows wrinkled, "Until when?"
"Until the mole in your office is recognized."
Ah, so that was the reason. She had seen her hybrids talking within themselves yesterday. Something about the way they held themselves, the way they walked, had changed. She had noticed their aura's becoming . . . slightly darker.
It seemed her hybrids were no longer content sitting on the sidelines in her life.
And for Anya, this change was more than welcome. "Okay." She turned to Jimin, "You can come too. You wont be recognized as a hybrid."
Jimin smiled and kissed her on her forehead again. Her Cobra was awfully clingy this morning. But then again, after yesterday, it was expected.
"I wanted to. That was the original plan. Me and hyung were to be accompanying you, but this" he indicated his eyes, "Changed things. Hyung will explain what's going on."
Nodding, she stepped away from the bed, "Let me go get ready." She went to her wardrobe, selecting her fit, then carried it to the en-suite bathroom.
Once she was gone, Jimin turned to Jin, breathing deeply and rapidly. Jin too bent from his waist, to grab onto the bed.
Their animals were going wild.
Both of them wrestled with their psyche, trying to control it, for a few minutes.
"I need to leave. Hyung, don't let her near the rest. If this is happening only in her presence, then she needs to stay away from Hobi Hyung until we can warn him. He is majorly upset, he will not be able to control himself." Jimin gritted out
Jin nodded. "I think this is something similar to the day we transformed. I think this will stay until we bond again?"
"All speculations at this point. We'll figure it out." Jimin said as he climbed down and swiftly went to the door. "Keep her safe."
"So let me repeat this, just so that I can wrap my head around it" Anya said to Jin in the Car, "Somehow, yesterday's punishment shifted something inside all of you, something that was bubbling since the day you first assumed your animal forms and took over in maximum intensity on seeing my state when Jimin was poisoned and now somehow, you are able to hear your animal conscious in your human form which is disconcerting you because it is loud and making you lose control of your thoughts and action which by the way revolve around me and magically only ever happens in my presence and fades away when I go completely out of range from your surroundings. Added to that, the animal thinks of me as its Master but also recognizes me as a mate?"
"If you make a litany of the occurrings it does sound fantastical rather than the reality we are experiencing." Jin coolly countered.
"Never mind the way I say things!"
Jin nodded, "Then yes, that about sums it up. Although the mate bit is not true."
Anya spread her hands in the gesture for him to continue.
Jin sighed as he adjusted himself on the seat and focused on her rather than outside the window. The car was yet to exit their society. He adjusted his suit and attempted to explain the rather complicated mess of emotions to his Master.
"The animal in us acknowledges you as its Master. Just . . . at the same time, it thinks you belong to them. As in, it is entitled to your affections, your body. Its way more possessive and obsessed than we are."
"So . . ." Anya said in a drawn out manner, "Basically a mate."
Jin bit his lips, "No. Not mate. The love for you stems from our human Psyche, not the animal."
Anya paused at that, "Your animal does not love me?
Jin speared her with a dark look, "Love is too paltry of an emotion in the face of what it feels. Its too flowery in the light of what we know the animal feels." His gaze turned stormy, "Obsession might be closer to the emotion, but it still does not touch the intensity."
Anya looked away from Jin. She glanced at Joseph quietly driving the car, then turned her body to face the window. "Your bond of imprinting is mainly from your animal. I guess the only feelings it can have for me will be dark. Should have known."
Jin could easily detect the sadness in her tone. He reached out to gently caress her nape, "The obsession only takes effect when our passions are triggered. Most of the time, it just wants to be near you, to play with you, to bask in your affections. The animal worships you too Master."
Anya stayed quiet at that.
She understood why Jin had insisted in taking their breakfast in her room, then explained why it would be better for the rest three to first be informed of the condition the four of them had been afflicted with and then meet her.
"You can call me by my name, you know." She said, her voice barely more than a whisper, but enough for the Eagle to hear.
That was it. A very clear, a very crisp no.
Anya had thought there might have been a pause, some hesitation, maybe surprise. A little happiness, a surreal disbelief before a shy acceptance. Not a definite, unhesitant no.
She whipped her head to look at the sharp and handsome side profile of Seokjin, looking out of his window to witness the busy morning of the world outside.
"Such crisp response?"
Jin did not turn from the window, "The title no longer conveys the relationship we have. Our bond has evolved above that conventional identity. We—I am well aware of that."
"You tend to forget our possessiveness." His voice held a smile, "You so easily overlook the dark need we have for you, even small things like your name is coveted by us."
Anya waited for him to explain.
Jin turned to her with a smile, "Master is a name no one calls you except us. That address is just ours. That right, is only ever going to belong to us. Besides," Jin's expression became playful, "You do have a tendency to keep reminding us that we belong to you."
Anya looked at him, "Why do you keep trying? Do you still not know that I can easily tell when you keep things from me?"
"I did not lie."
"No. but its only a half truth."
Jin's smile disappeared. His eyes dark, he said, "Because it is a way to keep ourselves in check. That acknowledgment keeps us in control from the desires you evoke. From the insanity living just beneath our skin."
Anya tilted her head, "Your conditioning had crumbled to smithereens by now, yet your servitude towards me remains iron clad strong. Why?"
"Because we, both our animal and human halves have CHOSEN you as our Master. Our servitude to you was voluntarily given before our psyches melded. No matter how much we evolve, no matter how dark our desire for you turns, you will always remain our Master."
Anya shook her head. Then looked past Jin to indicate at the scene behind him, making him turn to look out of his window. "That is the real world, Jin. That is the status of hybrids living in it. do you really wish to continue in the same vein as them? Do you not wish to grab the opportunity presented to you to rise above the rest of your kind?"
The car had stopped at a traffic light. Beside their car was the pavement for the pedestrians.
A man was standing in front of a corndog cart, buying food, while his hybrid kneeled down beside him on the road, wearing only shorts. Patiently, he waited for his master, after which his leash was tugged, and he crawled beside him.
Another woman was walking briskly, dressed in a sharp suit. Behind her, her hybrid walked with her eyes downcast, carrying her suitcase, the heavy collar around her neck linked to the leash the woman held.
On the same path, a woman was dealing with her fussy child in school uniform, assumably waiting for the school bus. Their hybrid stood beside them, his body giving the evidence of malnutrition, his cheeks sunken. His shirtless torso was ridden with bruises from a whip, his eyes, lifeless.
Such was the world they lived in, where hybrids were made by humans, only to be slaves. The norm of the society was so integral, that any deviation from it was considered abnormal.
Hybrids, to human were things. Objects, just like furniture. Having no emotional consequence of feelings. And most importantly, easily replaceable.
For hybrids? Their masters were their only form of living. They were born to be used.
Jin took a deep breath, "I don't understand which opportunity you want me to grab Master. What about them is similar to my life?"
From the corner of her eyes, she saw Joseph's eyes crinkling a little with a smile, on the rearview mirror.
Jin faced her again, "is it the lack of my collar, or the expensive suit I own and am wearing? My utter lack of subservient mannerisms? My freedom to talk to you in which ever manner I seem fit? To refuse you? To argue with you? To kiss you without your permission? Which act of mine do you find similar to the hybrids you see outside?"
Anya started shaking her head, "Still . . ."
Jin slid on the seat to come flush against her. His one hand went to her nape, while the other cupped her cheeks as he leaned down and stopped her words with his lips.
The kiss was light, merely two lips touching each other.
He spoke against her soft ones, "Do not disrespect the freedom you have gifted us. Don't demean the respect you taught us to have. Don't you ever try to trivialize the life, the dreams you built for us. Not in front of me."
Anya smiled against his lips, "Or what?"
Jin felt that smile in his heart. He kissed her lips once more then trailed kisses down her cheeks till he reached her neck. He inhaled her scent as he placed a sweet kiss there.
Then bit down hard on the spot, sucking her skin sharply.
Anya's breath hitched against the sudden pain, but she did not attempt to stop him.
Jin let go of her and pulled back, his eyes reflecting his dark satisfaction on seeing his mark contrasting so vividly against her pale skin.
He lifted his eyes to her, "Or I will make you aware of just what you have unleashed."
The car started moving again, but Jin refused to let her go.
Well, office today will definitely be interesting.
Jungkook easily finished his course, stooping down to catch his breath as he completed his routine. He grabbed the bottle nearby inside the massive gym and sat down. While thirstily drinking, he looked at Peter working with Yoongi and Namjoon outside with his false bullets.
Through the glass doors he saw Peter rapidly aiming and shooting at his Hyungs, who gracefully dodged each bullet skillfully to keep getting closer to Peter. They kept changing their forms.
So they have transforming for today.
Jungkook thought as he sipped more water. Few days they were trained to dodge only as animals or as humans.
Kook looked in the Gym towards Jimin and Taehyung sitting on the floor while Jackson stood in front of them, using their trigger word.
Usually that was painful. Each time the word evoked tremendous phantom pain, the conditioning drilled into their head since their memory had started forming. They found a way to deal with that false realization of pain by keeping Master's clothes having her scent nearby.
Each time the paralyzing pain sensation hit, they cuddled into the garment, inhaling the scent. The scent that could NEVER be associated with physical pain.
Mental pain was a different matter entirely Jungkook thought.
Today, none of them were having much trouble with it. He saw Jimin and Taehyung grit their teeth against the word, but they remained steady, focused and alert.
"That's good! Guys! I think you are finally reaching the stage where these words will be ineffective against you!" Jackson said enthusiastically.
Tae offered a small smile.
Jungkook sat back, keeping the bottle back in the holder, he swung his attention to the lone figure practicing his martial arts by himself. His kicks were aggressive, his swings and stance savagely controlled and precise.
Hoseok was still struggling with the consequences of yesterday.
Jungkook understood him. He himself took a long time just to come in terms with the fact that the person who he worshipped, who he loved, had been beaten just like a slave, just like filthy animal they had been, in front of them.
He had to watch his demeaning past being enacted on his Star, on the unblemished purity of her existence. More than that, they were the ones delivering it. They, were responsible for it. They could not stop it, because they were the ones causing it.
Something tightened inside his chest, clawing on his inside.
After the talk they had over breakfast, now he understood it was his Panther. But according to Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi, he would not feel the distinct emotions of his Panther unless his Master was in front of him.
The animal fought to come to surface when it sensed her around itself. Otherwise, it remained hidden, its psyche melded with his human mind, behaving as one entity.
Jungkook was concerned about this. If the animal inside him chose to separate its identity from the human mind, then it meant that it wanted something that his human side would reject so vehemently that it needed its independence to make its desire known.
Given the knowledge of its draw towards his Master, the bet on its twisted needs being centric only in her direction would be on the money.
What could the animal want from her that his human self would stoutly deny?
"That is the very same question which turned my insides out searching for any clue for the answer, last night." Joon came to sit beside him and casually ripped away his shirt, letting sweat dribble down his chest and abs, reaching for a bottle of water.
Jungkook shook his head, ruefully saying, "I spoke out loud?"
Tae said from where he was sitting with Jimin, both having completed their training, "You did."
Jackson left the Gym after fist bumping Yoongi on the way as he too came inside. The hybrids all gathered in front of the water tables except Hobi, who was still on his mat.
"But, how did you know your animal would manifest? We came to know in the morning while with her." Yoongi glanced at Joon.
"I saw her from the table when she skipped dinner. My Wolf talked then."
"So soon?" Jungkook lay back.
Joon gave a sharp nod. He poured the rest of the bottle of water over his head, letting the cool liquid flow down his overheated body, "My Wolf was calm, but insistent. He was clear in what he wanted from her."
Tae pulled his shirt away from his body, then discarded it completely, "What?"
"He wanted to claim her."
"In what way? My Jaguar wanted something same but the possibilities of that emotion is too wide for me to understand the specific need." Yoongi said as he sat on a recliner.
Joon remained quiet for some time, trying to get the words out. Then he said, "He wanted to claim her every aspect in this life." He paused, "And in death."
Hoseok stopped his movements from where he was, as he swung his face towards them. Everyone remained silent after what Joon had said. Not because of the extreme need of his Wolf rendering them mute, but because of the realization that somewhere in them, their animals wanted the same.
"Its just protective and possessive at the same time. Does not mean it wants to kill." Yoongi said.
"I know that." Joon responded, "But the desire was clear. My Wolf wants to live with her, and die with her too. it cannot be separated from her. In any situation if it senses its own imminent death, then it wont try to die in a sacrifice of trying to keep her alive."
Joon sighed, "It would try to take her along with him."
"What is going on Hyung? Why is this happening to us?" Tae asked, his voice loud in the quiet room.
Before Joon could articulate an answer, Hobi said from behind them, "All that point is moot. This only takes effect in a situation where the animal senses its death. That is not happening anytime soon, especially here and now." He strode towards them.
Midway to their spot, he took a towel to dry his hair as he continued, "We don't know if this awakening is permanent or will go away once we reconcile with the animal. The intensity might be strong now, but it can also fade away in the course of few days. Nothing will be achieved in having this discussion without her contributing to it. Drop the matter. We have more crucial plans to form."
Jimin nodded, "Do you know what she did to Flaker today?"
Few shakes.
"She switched on the lights in his room and cut off the laughter. Found him banging his head on the wall, the skin of his forehead torn and bleeding. He did not stop even after the dark room became bright. When we was brought out, he still remained lost to the world, his sense checked out. Looked just like a lunatic. Did whatever was told to him."
"She is really good at this, is she not?" Taehyung whistled.
Hobi turned away at that.
Nodding again, Jimin agreed.
"She still did not question him?" Joon asked
"No. She wants uninterrupted answers. Said there might still be some resistance when it came to the secrets he was trained to guard. After helping him become aware of the world, she promised him to not send him back to the dark room when he began to cry earnestly."
"That bastard cried?" Jungkook could only ever remember the gleam of pleasure and his twisted smile after inflicting them with the abuse he indulged in.
"Oh he cried all right." Yoongi said darkly. "But Master wanted more. She sent him back to the room but kept the lights on. His leash was tightened too."
"Now?" Tae prompted.
"Now, a beautiful platter of delicious food was kept in front of him. Just out of his reach. Each and every day different dishes of splendid feast will be kept just out of his reach, 3 times. But he wont be able to eat it. He will starve, watch the food, but do nothing about it. After that, Master said she planned to do something to him in the state of his starvation for about an hour. That will be when he will be so broken that he will not withhold any information." Jimin finished.
Hobi wandered towards the glass windows, "She is more dangerous than the three of them together could ever dream to be."
"But never will she use it against us—" Tae was cut off by Hobi
"She already did."
"Hoseok," Joon stood up to reach his friend, cautiously putting a hand on his shoulder, "You know why, right?"
Hobi shrugged off his hand, "I know." He stayed there, looking at the brightly lit trees dancing in the wind, "Does not mean that I don't entirely hate myself for it. The fact that she had to go down to the level of hurting herself, speaks to us about how badly we let her down."
"Hyung . . ." Jimin called out for him. He waited until he turned. With violence sparkling in his eyes, said, "What do you think we should do for the dinner invitation?"
An unholy gleam entered Hobi's eyes. It travelled to Yoongi and Taehyung, "You will help?"
Tae nodded while Yoongi said, "I'll do whatever it takes, but I wont do anything that I would do to Master."
"That will be tricky Hyung." Jungkook stood up too. He put one hand in his pocket and slicked back his wet hair with the other, the muscles on his biceps tensing on the action, "If you say we don't harm them, but use them for information, then seduction is the only way to achieve it."
Tae agreed to him immediately, "Hunting them down . . . lets keep that for our future entertainment. For now, we need more information. So, seduction it is."
The hybrids moved out of the gym, towards the House, as they planned out the encounter perfectly.
To say that Seokjin's appearance in her office caused quite a stir would be like saying a Tsunami caused inconvenience in a town's life.
Anya was seriously considering hiding him.
His beauty had grabbed her right from the very beginning when she had first seen him, but now, with the confident aura and the calm control he had, he was Devastatingly handsome.
Jin had trimmed the few feathers he had in his nape, the only indication of him being a hybrid. With that out of equation, Seokjin commanded the attention of every person whose eyes strayed in his direction.
Walking through the office, like she had done every day, had felt like a surreal show.
People stopped and some gasped at the Greek God coolly walking beside her, his tall leanly muscled body encased in a suit, his watch glinting at his wrist.
When he had held the door to the elevator and gestured for her to precede him, Anya thought she had heard some moans. Both feminine and masculine.
His sex appeal was too potent, his wild but controlled aura too addictive.
Even in the elevator, he had casually crossed his legs at his ankles, leaning on the rail, patiently waiting for her executive staff to get off at different levels. His easy stance had made a few of her level headed employees miss their floor.
Reaching her office, when Jin strode in with her, occasionally greeting some lucky soul, her core staff remained stunned.
Some with their mouth open and eyes popped out, very shamelessly ogled him.
For all it would do, Jin remained completely oblivious to the attention he received. He was mildly amused by the flurry of activity around him but that was just a mask to cover his real emotions.
Alert. Assessing. Observant.
But mostly, Calm and Controlled
Every inch of her office was mentally catalogued by him. Every face he saw committed to his memory. Her Black Eagle was coldly focused on his surroundings.
Once in her room, she had thankfully taken a seat in her chair.
Jin was strolling around the room, a hand in his pocket as he looked through the books in her shelf. His side profile attractive in a way that she had never seen anyone be.
I want him.
Anya jerked at her own thoughts, and sat up straighter. Shaking her head, she reminded herself of the bug in her office, thinking of being careful in her speech. She already knew the location of the two bugs planted here, having already searched through with Suhan a few days ago.
They had decided not to discover it, but to feed the information they wanted their enemy to know.
Yes. This line of thinking was much more better than guessing his thigh's width.
What is wrong with you Anya??
"Quite a few interesting things you have here." Jin's observation made her look at him.
"Psychology of criminal minds, Myths of Atlantis, A tale of a Diamond girl." He read the titles of the few books. Straightening up, he smiled, "Aren't the selections too . . . varied?"
"You know I have unique tastes." She said coyly.
Jin's eyes sparkled.
They had decided to make the person behind the bug believe that she was romantically involved with Jin. They would be keeping their flirtations obvious, but vague.
"You created quite a buzz in my office." Anya leaned back in her leather chair, "Should I be jealous?"
On hearing that, Jin came towards her. He rounded the Desk to reach her and then sat on it right before her.
"I have not known you to indulge in unnecessary imaginative emotions ever before. Why start now?"
Anya bit her lips. Her Eagle had a way of turning possible blasé, cliché responses into something that genuinely touched her. His answers were always straight cut, with no pretensions in them. Ironically that had an affect greater than any forced romantic lines could have on her.
"You mean to say you did not notice a single glance directed to you?" she murmured to him.
Jin picked up a pen from her table, "Of course I noticed. Your employees will never be able to boast subtility as their trait in life." He opened the fountain pen to fluidly write something on the pad of notes paper she had on her desk.
"But those glances are as meaningless as insects buzzing around on my face. It annoys me to be honest."
"Ouch." Anya felt the jab on behalf of the countless ladies who had fallen in love with the Adonis sitting in front of her in a glance, "That's harsh."
"That's the truth."
Jin handed over the note he had written.
You look delicious enough to eat Master. I bet you would taste sweeter than honey. Will you let me?
As soon as she read the note, Anya felt heat rising to her cheeks staining it red. Her hands clenched on the piece of paper while she blushed uncontrollably at the sudden sexual demand.
She could NOT look at him.
Jin casually flicked the notes pad on the table and carefully capped the pen, leaning back on the table.
"Will you?"
Anya tried to fight against the rising tide of a more profuse blush from infusing her neck and chest. What was suddenly up with her hybrid???????
A knock sounded on the door.
"Ms. Kim?" a voice said from behind the door.
"Come in!!" Anya practically shouted. Jin just gave her a devilish smile, getting up from the desk, going to stand behind her, his hand heavy on her shoulder.
"What is this about Michelangelo's David you have brought—" Yoo In-na opened the door with her queries, balancing a cup of coffee and files. She spotted the tall handsome man standing behind her boss and stopped mid speech.
"Ah. Him. Oh."
Anya hurriedly explained, "Yoona, meet Seokjin. He is friend of my brother. I have known him for quite some time now. He decided to spend his holidays with us."
"Interesting." Yoona said, not taking her eyes off Jin, "You never mentioned him to me."
She gave Jin a smile and then lifted her hand, presumably to tuck her hair coyly behind her ears. But unfortunately, that hand had her coffee in it.
The beverage splashed on her rug, while Yoona tried to salvage it. In that attempt, she lost all balance of the files she had on her other hand, which fell on the floor with its pages scattered around.
3 people in the room remained silent as they all looked on the floor, as if their gazes could somehow explain how the disaster happened in a blink of an eye.
"Hehehehe" Yoona awkwardly laughed, "that, kind of like, just happened."
"I know." Anya deadpanned "I saw."
"Let me help you with that." Jin said courteously as he rounded the table to go to the secretary, bending down on one knee to start collecting the files.
"Oh no, you really don't have to" Yoona said in a flustered tone as she bent down too, trying to work faster than Jin.
In that very instant, she reached for a file that Jin had already picked up. Before her hands could overlap with his, Jin simply let go of the documents, which fell on the floor again.
Somewhat insulted, Yoona looked at him.
Anya decided tonot interfere. Oh how she wished she had some snacks to munch on.
"Excuse me, but is my touch somehow toxic to you?" The indignation in Yoona's tone was dialed up to the maximum level.
Jin said nothing, but picked up the paper again. He stood up and then focused his attention on her. With a smile capable of charming a snake, he said, "My grip has always been a cause of concern since my childhood. I use too much power in it."
He extended the papers towards the secretary, "As soon as I saw those beautiful soft hand of yours, I could not comprehend blemishing them with a bruise due to my rough treatment. I thought it would be more prudent to soil the useless paper than harm your smooth skin."
Yoona blinked at him. Stunned.
While Anya promptly bent down on the floor to hide her laughter. Now THAT was the EPITOME of cliché! Blemish her skin???? Oh my, who bought that???
Apparently, her PA did. She blushed a little.
On seeing THAT, Anya slapped a hand on her mouth, trying not to let any sound escape.
"Umm, well, thank you." Yoona stumbled. Then without looking at anyone, she dumped the files and said in a rush, "Your appointments are penned down in your diary, I'll send any urgent change of schedule to you via email." Saying so, she turned and left.
Anya let loose her laughter which made Jin turn back to her and grin "What grip Jin? She was taking files from you! You didn't have to grasp her!" she laughed a bit more.
"Yes, well, those are the things only you will notice."
"Oh please." Anya chortled, "Suddenly faced with those beautiful magnetic eyes focusing their attention, along with that smile, your silver tongue would charm any poor woman with hormones in her body."
Jin stared at the beautiful woman laughing in a carefree manner, his gaze soft.
"You weren't." He said in a low voice.
The humour slowly drained away from her, the tension from before filling her body. She licked her lips once.
"You never tried to charm me Jin."
Jin took a step towards her, "Should I have tried to? Would you have responded?"
Anya breathed out, "Why would you want me to be?"
Jin reached her. Lifting his hand, he cupped her face and rubbed his thumb on her soft lips, "I want you to be as mad for me as I am for you. I want you to desperately crave me too. Am I too greedy to want it?"
Anya lightly swiped her tongue on his thumb, tasting him, "And if I say you are?"
Jin's pupils dilated as he stilled. He felt her gentle breaths on his finger. Slowly, he drew back, bringing his thumb to his lips and licking the skin she had.
The gesture made her stomach clench with desire.
Eyes dark with his need, he replied in a husky voice, "Unfortunately, it still would not stop me. my greed for you is the one thing I won't give up on. Even if you disapprove of it."
Anya blanked out. All she could see was the smoldering dark eyes trained on her.
Jin took a step back, then another and another, "I will have you. Its just the matter of when. Till then, I'll be patient."
Smirking a little he turned away from her, allowing her to breathe properly again. Anya felt a little light headed.
Without any further exchange, she opened her computer to log onto her account, wanting to get work to the forefront to get a little of her sense back.
"Maybe you can arrange for your executive staff to come greet me? Suhan did talk about them a lot to me." Jin said.
Anya looked at him to see him tapping his nose.
Right. He could easily scent the distress or hear the heartbeat increasing if any person lied to him. That would help a lot to catch the mole.
But, he could also do something else.
"Jin, grab the spare laptop."
Jin looked behind him, to pull out another laptop from the cupboard she indicated.
Anya rummaged in the locker she had in her drawer and selected a blue USB. She threw it towards him and he caught it easily.
"Take a look at it for me once, will you?" she asked him.
Jin shrugged off his suit jacket and sat down on the black couch. He plugged in the USB, his attention solely focused on it.
Anya wanted to hear what he would say about it. His observations were sometimes beyond the normal picture.
And so, the both of them concentrated on their work while she also arranged for the meeting with her executive staff.
Anya was beat.
Her work did get completed, and Jin helped with the designing of a few customized jewellery ordered by an Arabian princess from her collection. He also helped with the catalogue of promotional ideas and campaigns needed to propagate the Constellation collection.
But he sadly could not detect any lies from her executive team, who were too busy gawking and flirting with him to actually answer her questions properly.
Jin was drawing anyone he met, in. by the time evening rolled in, more than half of her office had fallen in love with the Gentlemanly God.
Anya snorted. Gentlemanly my foot.
All of that was just a veneer to his true self.
She shifted restlessly on her seat for the 100th time in that day. That elegant Eagle had a way of making her acutely frustrated. Sexually frustrated, by not even kissing her once.
All of that he achieved by his burning gazes, his incorrigible flirtations and the countless times of brushing up his body against her while outrageously asking for sexual favours.
NEVER was she being alone with him in her office ever again.
Anya shut down her computer, preparing to go back home when the sound of lightening made her aware of the downpour soon to commence.
Just great.
A knock heralded Yoona, "I am done for the day."
Anya smiled, "Yep, so am I" then winced a bit, her back still sore.
"Ah" Yoona smiled with warmth in her eyes, "Let me massage your shoulders a bit for you. Are you having neck cramps again?" she said as she went behind her, "How many times do I tell you to not work so hard?"
Anya groaned in bliss when she felt Yoona start to firmly dig into her sore muscles. Yoona's massages were heavenly to her. They always had been.
"Ahh" she moaned as she felt Yoona working on a knot, "I love you so much"
A light slap to her arm, "If you move about a little, delegate a little more, then you would not be having such physical body issues at this age."
"Right." Anya closed her eyes, completely relaxed.
"I accidentally spilled the coffee in the morning. Sorry for that. I know it has been days since you had it. I was thinking of getting one for you now but looking at the weather. . ."
Anya opened one eye to peep outside, seeing the skies painted in a dark shade of black, obscuring any stars, clouds heavy with rain sparkling a storm between them.
"No. its fine. Go home. Seems like summer is coming to an end."
The door to her washroom opened and Jin stepped inside. He paused, taking in the sight before her.
Instantly, his jaw clenched, "We should be going Home." His voice came out deeper than normal.
Anya nodded while she let out another moan of joy when Yoona's magical hand worked on yet another of her sore spot.
"Ah are you living with Suhan?" Yoona pleasantly asked Jin, "Oh then you have the very good fortune of having the chance to have Arissa's cooking! Is it not the best?"
A few seconds passed and the only sound was the loud pattering of the rain against the glass of her window. Anya opened her eyes to look at Jin.
He was still standing where he was, his eyes fixed on her. His expression had become blank, while his eyes remained neutral. Anya glanced down to his hands. His fists were clenched tightly as he still refused to speak a single word.
Anya shrugged off Yoona's hands, and said with a smile, "Oh I remember, Suhan had asked us to come for a meeting he had. He took the day off today. Thank you so much Yoona, but I think we really need to go."
Yoona easily smiled at her and went for her purse, she waved them both goodbye, "If you don't have umbrellas check your supplies cupboard. I remember that I stocked a couple of them there when I sensed the season change."
Anya smiled gratefully, "As usual, my life savior."
Yoona shook her head and left the room.
"Whats wrong –"
"Don't ever let anyone touch you please. That is only our right." Jin's deep voice cut through her query.
Anya hid a smile. Okay, so now she understood why jealousy was kind of enjoyable.
She innocently said, "Touch me like what?"
Jin gave her a look, "Be very thankful it was me and not Jimin or Yoongi. Otherwise you would be dragging a body out of this office rather than faking that innocent tone to agitate me further."
"Ooooooohhhhh," Anya said playfully, "No, I think they would have stopped from doing anything. After all it was just an innocent massage."
"Innocent or not, that is NOT her privilege."
"Arissa gives me massages all the time." Anya spoke with big eyes.
"She is exempt from this."
"So does Joseph," Anya ticked off, being bratty, "Then there is my brother, oh and my Uncle. Not to mention my Father."
"The list stops there."
Not wanting to stop, Anya went on irking her Eagle, "Well if I want, I can always add more people in it."
"I dare you to try it."
Anya daintily rested her chin on her folded hands, "How would you know? I can arrange for a rendezvous with someone away from you all, then wash away the scent to come back home."
"I know you are teasing me, but please be mindful of the consequence you are evoking. I am too damned restless after what you made us suffer yesterday. I am not taking this as a joke. All this is making me feel is that I fuck you so damn hard that you will be too sore to walk let alone arrange to meet someone behind our back" Jin gritted out.
Pitter patter
Pitter patter
Pitter patter
The only sound in that room was the sound of the rain and the heavy breathing of two individuals.
Anya swallowed a little.
"I would continue with your massage as I can understand that you are genuinely discomforted by the effect your posture had on your already sore muscles, However" Jin said in a now calm tone,
"My hands touching you will easily convert into the scenario I just described."
This was torture.
Anya was tempted, but she knew her other hybrids would become restless if she satyed away for longer. "Open the supply closet, see if you can find two Umbrellas." She said as she got up.
Just as Jin turned to go, Anya quickly checked her beige skirt for any dark spots.
Whoa, there aren't any? That's surprising
"You are wet but not enough to soak your garments." Came the wretched Eagle's voice from the other room.
Anya closed her eyes. She couldn't even indulge in her girly secrets without those blasted creatures realizing it!
"Just get those umbrellas!"
Jin emerged with two black umbrellas while she donned her overcoat and contacted Joseph.
"Why two? We can use one. I'll shield you." Jin said as he pulled on his Suit jacket.
Anya checked her locker once and shook her head, "These kinds of romantic notions look good only in the films. Its raining heavily and none of the umbrellas are large enough to shield us both. You'll end up soaking in your attempt to shield me."
She took one of the discussed item and handed him the other, "I'd rather have a very unromantic venture to our car where the both of us remain dry rather than have a banal and trite episode which results in you being uncomfortably wet and possibly catching a cold later just to satisfy some dispensable fantasy."
Jin exited the room with her and headed to the elevator. Once inside he smiled and said, "Hybrids don't catch cold that easily. We are stronger than that."
Anya took out her cell to check on any pending mails she had overlooked, "Yeah well, my worries aren't. They don't care about your species. Any possible bad outcome, and my worries quadruples in microseconds."
They both stepped out of the elevator and went to stand just outside the main door, waiting for Joseph to pull up as they opened their umbrellas. Anya was still busy with her mails so Jin looked around.
Just beside them, he saw two women chatting on the street. Their clothes and location indicated their employment to be under his Master.
Both the women were laughing and talking while their hybrids held up the umbrellas over their heads. One of the hybrids wore a tee and shorts while the other wore only shorts. They stood outside the umbrella which they angled to shield their masters.
Both the hybrids were shivering from the combination of the cold wind and the heavy rain drenching them completely. They stood with their eyes downcast, bearing the heavy drops without any complaints.
The hybrid in shorts looked up a little, his gaze straying to Anya. On seeing her, a wistful expression entered his eyes, as his frame shook. His expression clearly indicated that he had seen her. That he respected her or wanted her as his master.
But that distraction caused the umbrella he was holding to tilt a little, a few drops of rain falling on his master.
"WHAT THE HELL YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING???" his master yelled and slapped him hard across the face.
The hybrid instantly apologized and tilted his head down again, holding the umbrella properly.
Jin's gaze went to his inner thighs, finding a stab wound there. As expected, he had received the 3rd mark.
A car honked.
"Jin?" Jin looked forward to see his Master calling him with a smile, "Lets dash for the car? Even with individual protection, we'll get wet in this downpour" she smiled ruefully.
Jin nodded.
Joseph smiled at them from his driver seat and opened the doors from inside.
"Okay 1. . . 2. . . 3!" Anya laughed as both of them raced to the car, diving in on the back seats like children.
Closing the doors, Anya smiled at him once and bent forward a little, talking with Joseph, regaling him with what happened to her that day when he questioned her.
Jin sat back in his seat and looked out to the hazy foggy street.
That hybrid, could not even afford something that was basic to every breathing organism.
That hybrid, was so poor in his life, that the cost of dreaming was high for him.
He did not have that luxury.
He could not even have the right to simply think.
This world, had given birth to them only to serve. Their purpose in life was just to remain an afterthought, something, an object without feelings.
If this scene was shown to him when Jin was chained in that Auction Manor in his cell? Jin would have condemned that hybrid for not doing his job properly, of wasting the freedom he had by daydreaming.
Because his life had been worse. So worse that the hybrid he saw? That life would have been a dream for Jin.
He looked at his Master, laughing and talking to Joseph.
She went against this whole world boldly. She broke every single rule for them. She changed the very foundations of the society's belief, carelessly walking over their expectations without any repentance, firm in her morals, in her principles.
Her benevolence for her hybrids transforming to her weakness.
But still she did not think of stopping. Instead she went on the path of making them stronger, forcing them to dream, to evolve. To not settle for what their existence was defined as in this planet.
And she still questioned why they worshipped her.
Shaking his head and smiling at the thought, Jin abruptly tugged her hand, pulling her towards him.
Anya lost her balance and fell on his body, only to feel Jin wrapping his arms around her, the eagle inside him calm and happy at the action.
Jin nuzzled her neck, placing a small kiss, "Master." He breathed.
"Nothing." Jin tightened his arms around her, "Just missed calling you that for the past 8 hours." He said lightly as his heart engraved her name even more deeply on it.
Dinner had been . . . Interesting. Jungkook and Joonie had almost fallen from their seats when Anya joined them, in a hurry to get away from her.
Hobi had only closed his eyes and curled his hands tighter around the utensils.
Everyone had kept up a casual conversation for at least half an hour before Jungkook and Joon settled down and joined them back at the table. Hoseok had remained quiet.
The table had been laid like a banquet.
That night, different platters of Crab Fried Rice, Noodles, Jajangmyeon, Smoked duck, Spicy Stir fried Octopus, Mushroom Chilly Pork, Spicy Chicken, Steak, Salad and Chocolate mousse had been prepared. Arissa had come to hug Jimin to herself, not letting him go before giving him at least a hundred kisses.
The staff had been in a celebratory mood too, mixing different mocktails for the hybrids to try. Candles were lit in the middle of the table while Arissa kept scolding Anya for making her precious sweet boy go through a punishment such as the one practiced.
The sly snake, had obviously, milked the whole affair.
With his eyes going big and a small pout of his lips, he had transformed in an adorable, lovely, sweet boy who was wronged by the villain she had been proclaimed to be.
Jimin had happily lapped up all the attention, clinging to the adoration he was heavily receiving, to the extent it had been pissing off all the occupants of the dinner table.
Hobi and Suhan included.
When Jimin understood that in retaliation the hybrids had started inhaling all the food with plans of leaving none for him, his entire behaviour had taken a 180 degree turn. He had brushed off the pets, kisses and hugs he was getting to dive on the table, trying to secure as many items as he could on his plate.
The problem was, his pissed off brothers stole what all landed on his dish, or blocked him from taking any at all.
When Arissa had looked outraged and asked her to intervene, Anya had been petty enough to turn a blind eye to the older woman and indulge in the feast herself.
At the end of it all, Jimin could only have some Octopus, one pork piece, a spoonful of rice and one chicken wing.
But of course, the entire salad was left just for him out of the generosity and goodness of the rest of the family member's heart.
Jimin had almost cried at that, which apparently worked yet again on the soft heart of Arissa, who personally prepared Steak for him.
Well, he still could not eat the Mousse, or the mushrooms, or the duck or the pork.
Pity, really.
"I never believed you all could be this mean!!" Jimin shouted at the rest lazing about on the soft rug and butter soft leather couches. The fireplace being lit at its lowest intensity to ward of the chill the storm had caused. The center glass table was occupied with trays of coffee, which was what the whole family was enjoying after the food coma they were afflicted with.
"You jealous people! That was a family dinner! Last I checked the WHOLE reason for the celebration was because I had woken up from my almost death! And what did you do—"
"Oh can it you pipe of thermocol!" Yoongi grumbled from his favorite leather chair, "The reason you almost died was because of your cowardice to speak out the three necessary words which would have spared us all from the weeks of torment."
Jimin back pedaled, "No, I mean obviously, but my life is also to be celebrated!"
"And we were doing just that." Taehyung raised his coffee mug in the air, "You are feeling angry at our actions because you are ALIVE to feel them, Cheers!"
"I really really hate you all!!"
"Well cobra," Suhan said, "At least you have it better than Flaker. He was given the exact same food. Poor soul scratched the floor with his nails trying to reach for it. some of his nails are torn now. He has been starving for 2 days now."
"I am not Flaker! See? That's the thing! I am—"
"Going to have your coffee dumped on your lap if you don't shut up. You gobbled up the entire steak. Where do you have space in that stomach to talk about food right now? Even the mention of it is making me nauseous." Jin groaned.
"Hah." Jimin said triumphantly, "That's what happens when you indulge in excess. Should have kept to just your portion."
Anya smiled at the entire exchange. This was her family. These were the evenings she had become addicted to. The simple happiness of having a cup of coffee together with everyone.
Joon cleared his throat. Anya and Suhan looked up at him simultaneously.
"Master, we want you to do something."
"Uh huh?" Anya took a sip.
"Invite Mrs. Han and Jennifer over for dinner the day after tomorrow." Joon said seriously.
Anya sat up straight from where she was reclining against Jungkook on the sofa, "I am sorry, what?"
"The document, when it was downloaded, put Han, Dong wook and the trainers in one location, but the correspondence was from the mole in your office. Which means all of them know who it is. Since the trainers, Especially Flaker would not be knowing in details the name because for him it will just be a somebody, the only person left who is both present here and involved heavily is Mrs. Han." Joon paused to take a sip.
"Since she is someone whose intention is the only clear one in the players we have, we can easily lure her with the thing she wants the most into telling us what she knows. Her inaptitude with the level of games was apparent when we could easily decipher her intentions from the conversation in the Auction house. Dealing with her now will be a piece of cake." Joon finished.
Anya followed his logic. It was sound, but, "Why are you so invested in knowing the identity of the mole?"
"Simple." Yoongi replied, "The executive staff is exclusively loyal to you. They love you. For any one in that team to betray you this way only indicated that their desire is not aligned with whoever is D who wants your harm."
Jin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "It's very likely they are being manipulated by being promised outcomes that D has no intention of delivering, unlike the promised to Han, Jennifer, The trainers. If the mole gets to know this, we can use her knowledge about D to get to him."
Anya shook her head, "You are Assuming That the mole means me no harm."
"No. we are not." Taehyung did not open his eyes as he replied, "We checked through the records of the people in question. There are NO red flags of any kinds indicating any sort of grudge whatsoever. Nor is there any trace of greed. They are all perfectly content with the way things are."
"Plus I could not scent any deceit nor nervousness on any of them today." Jin supported the fact.
"Chipping in, we need to find him Anya. I am not comfortable with our business having a potential sinking hole of information being fed to this mysterious person having unknown reach or capabilities. I want this mole caught." Suhan said.
"Plus you never know?" Yoongi said in a sing song voice, "Han might just know a bit more than given credit for. We want to have her wanting to help us. We wont harm her obviously. We need to know more about the people involved than just guessing or being content with Flaker and Sebastian."
Anya looked down at her cup, her fingers scratching the rim. All of what they were saying was logical.
She knew that to avoid events like the last one, it would be prudent to exploit the weakest link they had. Which was obviously Han and Jennifer.
She hesitated. A feeling in her chest contacting and relaxing. "It seems you have it all planned." She mildly said.
"We have." Jimin put the coffee mug back at the tray and lay down on the rug, "All you need to do is invite them, let them know to bring their hybrid, also make them believe that Suhan uses us too. Then on that day, just have a civilized conversation. That's all. The rest, we will do. After the dinner we just need maximum 15 minutes to half an hour alone with her."
"I love that you sound so sure." Suhan said with a happy smile, "Okay, so time alone with both of them or individually?"
"Individually." Jungkook said from beside her. He made himself more comfortable and wriggled his head to position it on her lap. Comfortable with his perch, he elaborated, "We know that the both of them bonded together just to get us, not because they trust each other. It will be easy to turn them against the other. That way, them giving us what we want wont be suspected or quizzed over because none of them will discuss the matter with anyone, especially not each other."
Suhan smiled and nodded in an impressed manner. "Okay, I love it. we'll invite them over at the last minute so they cant inform anyone." He looked around at them, "Feels nice for you guys to plan it and confidently say that you'll be the one on the driver's seat. That, is exactly what I wanted. Right Anya?"
Suhan looked over at her, "That was a below lukewarm reaction."
Anya shrugged. Jungkook peered up to her at that, a tension filling the air that all the hybrids were aware of, but tried not to react. Their animals were already agitated by their refusal to have skin contact with her, added on it, this atmosphere could set them off.
Before they could worry on what was wrong, Anya said.
"Lure them how? You'll allow Han and Jennifer to touch you?" her voice was small.
Hoseok, who had remained quiet through it all, snapped his eyes in her direction.
Suhan too pursued his lips and decided to remain quiet. This was not something that he had any place, or say, in.
Her voice made everyone aware of her vulnerability. Her fear.
"Will you let them kiss you? Have you?" she bitterly asked.
Jungkook reached up to put a finger on her lips, "How can your thoughts even venture in that direction Master? Is the trust you place on us that little?"
Anya remained quiet but she felt the pack slowly sitting up, trying not to spook her, or upset her any further.
Taehyung got up from his place to come sit before her. Then he nudged Jungkook aside and lifted her bodily out of the sofa, his arms supporting her weight. Then he placed her on his lap, cuddling her closer, guiding her face to his neck.
"Master, just as you taught us that pain can be inflicted without any physical damage, like the one you are doing with Flaker? We know how to seduce without any kisses involved." He straight away told her.
Resting his chin on her shoulder, he murmured, "I know we no longer are slaves, that we have our own strengths, our freedom, but that only stands true for the world. Not you." He combed through her hair.
"You will always remain our Master. Your words, our sacred pledge. We will never let anyone lay any claim on us, because any and all claims that can be made on a living being, on us? Every single of them belongs to you."
Anya nodded against him. Truth of the matter was that she knew it, but there was a different reason she was hesitant. Not because she did not trust them. She knew they would not be doing anything that would hurt her, raising question on their loyalty akin to the definition of being blind with eyesight.
She was not a fool.
But the other reason was too petty to be expressed.
She pulled away from Tae, "Yeah sorry about that. Yes, I'll invite them over." She smiled.
Taehyung's ears twitched at that, perking up. He softly nuzzled her cheeks, brushing his skin against her and kissed her fleetingly on her lips.
"Thank you." He said, his eyes sparkling with happiness.
Joon stood up, and stretched, "I am beat. Retiring for the night. I need the howls of this blasted Wolf to cease."
Anya sat back, freeing Tae.
"Anya?" she looked at Suhan, "Come to my suite for a sec okay?" Suhan said as he too got up to leave. Anya nodded.
One by one, each of them walked closer to her to kiss her goodnight. Jimin tried to stick by her side but was wrestled away by Taehyung, who apparently had something he needed to discuss with his friend.
Once when the living room was empty, Anya stood up to walk to the French windows. She gazed out to the manicured lawns, a bit of apprehension twisting her insides. That and the behaviour of one of her hybrids.
Arms suddenly encircled her from behind, pulling her towards a warm body.
She could recognize those hands with her eyes closed.
Anya willingly snuggled back to Yoongi, settling heavily on her, his arms resting just below her breasts. Yoongi kissed her shoulders lingeringly then kissed her on the top of her head.
Both fell into silence as they looked out at the still hazy, chilly night.
"Never thought I could associate the word idiot with you under any circumstance." Yoongi whispered directly in her ears, his warm breath tickling her.
"Congratulations on proving me wrong." He teased her.
Anya smiled at that, just as he had intended her to.
Yoongi nuzzled her, inhaling her addictive fragrance and then kissed her on her cheeks, adoring her. "Do you know what is more piercingly painful to me than the sight of you being whipped?"
Anya shook her head.
Yoongi kissed her ears and said softly, "Your eyes spilling big fat tears. The reason for its origin being me." he smiled and then kept his teasing tone, "I am quite aware of the enormous crush you have on me, do you really think I will quell it so brutally by asking you to invite a woman in your own house for me to ravish in front of your eyes."
Anya jabbed him with her elbows and Yoongi laughed as he set her free.
She turned to him, "Said like that it sounds—"
"Idiotic ?" he helpfully supplied.
Anya pouted. Damn it, it did sound idiotic.
"I notice you raised no objection to the part where I revealed my knowledge of your crush on me?"
Anya turned her nose up in the air, as she regally said, "People suffering from lofty delusions should not be abruptly collected. Its rather merciful for them to enjoy their delusions. And I happen to be a very merci—hey no! stop that!"
Anya dodged Yoongi who attacked her with tickles. Laughing and running away she said, "Goodnight Jaguar. I have to see what my moronic brother has to say to me."
Yoongi smiled at her as he backed away, "Being an established idiot, I'll take your word on his moronic status Master."
"Why you—"
Laughing, her Jaguar jogged away.
Suhan's room was more of a suite in itself, having a small sitting room, bedroom, bathroom, walk in and a mini bar. Anya sat on the sofa.
"I'll keep it short Anya." Suhan said from his walk in. he was changing for the night, "I know you'll need to go so---" the rest of his words were muffled.
Anya sighed from where she sat and waited for her brother to come out. His habit of talking from a distance or when his voice could be easily muffled from the clothes he would be changing into was, exasperating. But, sadly, consistent.
All she could do was wait.
". . . Right?" Suhan came towards her clearly continuing the one sided conversation.
Anya just sighed again.
"Oh, you did not hear?" Suhan asked as he sat beside her in his pajamas.
"Because suddenly I have developed advanced auditory sense like a hybrid, right?" Anya mocked, "Of course I didn't hear, you doofus!"
"Jeez, are you on your monthly or what?" Suhan shook his head.
"I am very close to hitting you is what I am!" Anya icily said.
"You have become really violent these days." Suhan muttered.
"Do you want to know the extent??" Anya retorted sweetly.
Letting out a long suffering sigh, Suhan turned to her.
He took both of her hands between his, "I am proud of the person you have become."
"Hang on, what?"
"I am being serious—" Suhan said.
"Yeah I know that which is why I am getting confused—"
"Can you just shut up?"
"All I am doing is expressing my disbelief—" Anya butted in again.
"Anya!" Suhan growled.
Anya shut up immediately.
Suhan let go of her, "I'll get to that part later, right now I am not inclined to repeat those words again. A complete hooligan is what you are!"
Anya wisely kept her mouth shut.
"Your hybrids are close to unlocking their Codes. Once that happens, the changes that occur in them can only be theorized, not understood. Simply because Hybrids higher than Green have never had the chance to unlock their Codes. They will be the first."
Anya tilted her head, "Codes only mean their true animal nature taking over the human form, I don't think much of a change will happen except their confidence and strength."
Suhan nodded, "But you are forgetting the two Unclassified. Not only will the bond of imprinting deepen but their behaviour towards you will change. it will become . . . more deeper. Something that I have no idea of."
"I know." Anya nodded. "Jungkook and Jimin will be the first Unclassified to unlock their Codes. A code which none know much about either. I know it might have some surprise hidden."
Suhan stood up, "You also need to consider . . . them having some power."
Anya stilled, "Power?"
Suhan shrugged and went to the bar, pouring himself a measure of brandy, "Has to be a reason why all the Unclassified to be ever discovered were killed?"
"Its all speculations Suhan."
"Still, we will be the ones helping the both of them go through that change. We need to be alert of any possibility. May it be based on speculations." Suhan placed the crystal tumbler back in its resting place.
He took a sip and turned to her.
"The sign that the Code is broken is when their eyes change to the color and dimensions of their Animal. That and the voluntary fangs and hand. But of course these are just physical manifestation in terms of appearance."
"Hang on," Anya interrupted, "I thought their iris, turning black was the indication."
Suhan shook his head, "No, that just means that they are on the verge of the change. That is when they are the most dangerous at. After the change they can still be stabilized but that particular stage is tricky. Theoretically, their instincts are deadly and lethal." Suhan took a sip, "Inform them of it all, so that if they see this happening, they can isolate themselves until they calm down."
Anya nodded. "Is that all?"
"No." Suhan closed the gap between them, "Anya, the 7 hybrids you bought are more than a pack, I know you realize it."
Anya nodded.
"Society does have established relationships with hybrids, its in trend these days, but everyone knows its just an excuse to not marry, because basically, the hybrid in the relationship has no say."
Anya knew that too. Suhan kept the glass on the table and took her hands in his again, "I know that this is your future, and frankly I am happy about it. but you need to be careful about not carrying out the same mistake. You have to make sure of one thing."
Anya knew what her brother wanted to say.
"You have to love them all equally Anya. I know you already do, but you also have to make them feel it too."
Yep. She was spot on. "This is about Hobi, right?"
Suhan nodded, "You need to talk to him. He was badly affected."
Anya gave a tiny nod and drew away from him, preparing to leave the room, "I know you have taken responsibility of them, and I know you will keep it, but I think I should just remind you to take the responsibility of their well being and happiness seriously, because at the end of the day, they are still under your power."
Anya got puzzled at that, "Can you speak simply? Your riddles are always pathetically vague."
Suhan cursed under his breath, "I cant believe I am having this conversation with my baby sister without gagging." He muttered.
"Oh for gods sake! I hope you remember that at times when you did not want to bother with the girls you had spent you nights with, I was the one who had to clothe them and then get their insulting asses booted from your apartment, or the incident where YOU were kicked out from the house of your married lover, NAKED and I had to bring the clothes in the middle of the night—"
"I thought you had promised not to bring that up again!!!!!!" Suhan whisper yelled.
Anya was fed up, "Dude, your room is soundproof, why the hell are you whispering?"
Suhan cleared his throat, "Don't speak of it again. And as I told you, I was not aware that she was married. She was 19 for Christ sake! How was I supposed to know she was married to the 46 year old toad? Or that he came home??"
"Suhan, I really don't have time for your utter nonsense."
"Yes, yes. Umm. Back to the point. Gosh why am I even saying this, but yeah. Anything for a friend."
"Anytime now." Anya muttered.
Suhan took a deep breath, "Hoseok is, a bit fucked up in his head right now. His actions might be a little bold. Even if you, umm, like, get, you know excited? Man kill me now. Shit, anyways, just don't give into those feelings. It would lead to a misunderstanding down the road." Suhan completed in one breath, cringing.
"I know." Anya said quietly.
"Good. Personally, with the amount of withholding you have done, I think you are the reincarnation of—"
"I will ask Jimin to bite you."
"As I was saying, Goodnight." Suhan deflected brightly.
Anya had searched the entire Mansion, trying to find her Python. The game room, theatre room, cellar, sunroom, studios, music room, library, outhouse, the general gaming room, all the living rooms, even the pool room.
Hobi was no where to be found.
Until she tried her luck with the indoor Pool room. Usually, they used the other pool because of the sky being covered by glass and better, open, friendlier atmosphere. This one was a bit, classier and reserved that that.
She stepped into the brightly lit room to see Hoseok sluicing through the water, his lean body making powerful stroke in it.
As soon as he felt her presence, he stood up in the water and turned around to look at her.
His stare was severe.
Anya kept walking along the room to climb up the stairs and reach the loungers. All this while Hoseok stood still in the water, tracking her movements with his eyes, water dripping down from his hair, to make a rivulet over his pecs, his tight abs.
Shirtless. Of course he would be that way, he was swimming! But it did make things a little difficult for Anya.
Once she reached the lounger closest to him, she sat down on it, taking her time adjusting the simple white strappy top she wore with soft slacks.
"You cannot be surprised to see me seek you out. Your behaviour almost guaranteed that I would." Anya started the conversation.
Hoseok stood where he was, his eyes holding a banked fire.
He did not reply.
"Okay, I get you don't wish to talk. Then you can just swim and do your thing, while," Anya comfortably backed up into the lounger, stretching out on it, "I cozily fall asleep here."
"I am not talking, because I don't think you will like what I have to say Master." Hobi said with a low voice.
Anya spread her hands with a smile, "That's the beauty about family. You can let them have your piece of mind even if they want to escape. But I wont. I am here. Talk to me."
Hoseok studied her for a while, then he lifted his hand till the level of the water and slid his palms through it, playing with it.
"Tonight, it was chilly." He said.
Anya cautiously nodded.
"I don't feel the chill. Its still perfect for me. I just feel less hot." He continued, his eyes blank, his focus on her.
Anya shrugged. What else could she say? He was shepherding her into something, and she was just going along with it.
"I like the feeling of warmth. Its . . . comforting." The hybrid swam closer to the edge of the pool. Looking at her he said in a sly tone, "Don't you love me?"
Anya raised an eyebrow not falling in that trap.
"Make me feel warm right now Master, Come inside the pool."
"Now? Without changing?" Anya asked. Hobi simply walked back to the middle of the pool, inviting her without words.
Hobi's mood made her a little more alert. One thing was clear.
The python was raging mad.
Presumably, at her.
Anya walked towards him while his eyes insolently roved over her body, searing her with its intensity. Hobi had always been afraid of her reaction to him, he always wanted her to know that fear should not enter her mind when it came to him.
If he was acting this way, it could only mean he was too upset. His anger stemmed from that.
Anya sat down on the edge, dipping her slacks encased legs inside. Keeping her eyes on her Python, she slid in the pool.
Hobi tilted his head to one side, "You are beautiful." He slowly swam closer to her. The water ran smoothly over his smooth supple skin, meandering between his lithe body packed with muscles.
Hobi stopped right in front of her, "But then again, you wield that Beauty like a weapon against everyone."
"Never you."
Hoseok stepped up the remaining distance, closing any gap between them. His hands stretched out on her either side to rest on the edge of the pool, caging her in between them.
His unnatural eyes brazenly traced her curves, her neck, her lips, "I wouldn't be opposed to such a weapon Master. If its permission you seek then know that I would relish it."
Anya lifted her chin, "I can only use my beauty on people who are shallow enough to be easily distracted by skin deep attributes."
Hobi murmured, "I can be as shallow as that. Then how will you deal with me Master?"
"You cant change who you are Hoseok. And the person you are, is a good soul."
"No?" Hoseok bent to her ears, "You think I cant change?"
Anya's body was strung tight. She was trying not to be aroused, "You can act Hoseok, but that's the limit you can't cross."
Hoseok bent down further to lick a stripe of her skin from the base of her neck till her ears, "Oh how wrong you are." He whispered before his arms closed around her, "Never once did you think that maybe I had been acting all along."
One hand scooped up water and poured it on her shoulders, wetting her top, "That maybe, this might be the real me, hidden from the new Master I got?" his voice was smooth.
Anya kept her eyes on his impassive face while the hybrid pushed her down a little by her shoulders, submerging her uptil her neck, then urging her up again. Her top was now transparent.
"Lace . . ." his eyes gleamed as he saw the lacy bra she wore underneath. He traced the outline with his fingers, his lower body touching hers, his hand, securely keeping her in place so close to him.
His arm was an iron band that she willingly did not want to escape from.
She raised her hand and gently cupped his sharp jaw. Hobi's eyes locked on to hers.
"Tell me what is wrong Hobi, don't keep that hurt to yourself."
Hoseok's vertical pupil narrowed as his other hand roughly grabbed her waist, his fingers slightly digging in, "Why? You want to help me through it?"
Anya caressed his cold cheeks with her thumb, "Is that even a question?"
His blank expression finally broke its mask, cold anger burning through him.
The hand on her back grabbed her neck in a hard grasp, startling her, "You dare to say that after you are the one who put me in that state?" his gritted out.
Hoseok pulled her closer as his grip tightened, "You think that saying these words can make me better?"
"Hobi . . ."
"Did you like the shattered expression in my face Master? Do you want more?"
"Hoseok that was not—"
Hoseok smashed his lips with hers. He held her by her neck and brought her impossibly close to him. Her body heat seared him as he moved his lips roughly over her.
His kiss was brutal, no hint of softness in it.
His fangs scraped on the seams of her lips, biting down on the softness, his tongue pushing past the softness, to her inner core.
Savagely, Hoseok kissed her.
His lips bruised hers, branding its imprint of them.
His tongue invaded her senses, flooding her with his taste.
Hoseok was overwhelming her with his sexual violence, violating and fulfilling her at the same time.
He abruptly parted from her, "Or is it that you like being marked by us?" he panted out.
Anya was wildly trying to anchor herself, trying to steady her emotions and her heart to concentrate on him. But the Python was making it hard.
Hoseok grabbed one of her arm and brought it above water, his hold vicious, "These scars from Jin's claws, the bite from Yoongi's teeth?" he roughly turned her forearm, "This scar from Jimin's fangs. Did you want more?"
"Hoseok let go of me."
Hoseok pushed her arms away and freed her hair from the bun and then grasped her tresses and pulled at it, making her tilt her head back, his arm a steel manacle around her waist.
He spoke against her lips, his voice maliciously cold, "You are asking a Python to let you go from his grasp? You hope to free yourself from me?"
Anya tried to struggle a little, to see if he would really not release her.
He didn't.
Hoseok laughed lightly, "I wont let you go Master. I never will." He wetly kissed her ears, and then placed hard, biting kisses down her side of neck.
A buzzing filled her head at those words...
"Answer me. If its marks that you want then there are far more enjoyable way for me to give them to you."
Anya could barely understand him, she was getting drugged by his presence, his Pine and spice scent, the feel of his hard muscles pressing so intimately against her body.
The command he had over her was addictive too, his hold was severe, but the pain was minimal.
She was drowning in his embrace.
Hoseok is a bit fucked up in his head right now. His actions might be a little bold. Don't give into those feelings. It would lead to a misunderstanding down the road.
Right, she needed to control this situation.
But how could she? When it wasn't just desire that was clouding her, but also a twisting sense of acute longing that his attitude was evoking? Her body was straining towards him, at the same time sagging in . . . Not relief, but a clamourung sense of happiness, of disblief?
A tearing sound made her come out of the fog of desire she had sunk into. Hoseok had torn open her top from the back. He tore it like the garment was nothing more than wet tissue.
He discarded it ruthlessly and then boldly cupped her breast, "So soft" he kissed her again, "I can bruise you Master, as much as you want." He said while his thumb stroked her pebbled nipple.
Anya moaned involuntarily as she moved against him.
His grip on her upper arm tightened painfully. So much so that she flinched, "But I will enjoy doing it to you. I'll make you come so hard that the pain will not register." His seductive voice was husky.
"You'll get out of the bed wearing my marks, the discomfort throughout the day will just remind you of the ways I would have taken you. Do you want that Master? I am really good at that."
Anya struggled against her own desires, as much as she struggled to leave his potent embrace.
I'll mark you for the world to see. They'll know, you belong to me.
Hoseok rested his forehead against her, his fingers plucking at her nipple, his breaths coming fast. He backed her up to the edge and pushed himself against her core. His throbbing erection crushing her soft, weeping center.
"Did you know, the partners of a snake's heat never survive?"
Anya blinked her eyes open at that.
Hobi groaned as he thrust himself against her, "One of the reason why our species is feared. We kill our partner in our heat. Their deaths are always sexual. What will you do when we go through it? offer yourself as our partner so we don't hurt? Command us to kill you? Make us obey you?"
Even though his movements got frantic, his voice was heavy.
Hobi desperately kissed her again. He did not let her part from him to breathe. He kept thrusting against her slacks, his arms holding her close as his tongue slid against hers.
Anya jerked with each thrust, trying to hold on to him as his passion for her finally eroded the filter he was speaking through.
"Why did you hurt me that way? Why did you make me darken the only thing that was mine? That I was proud to protect?" he whispered to her.
"And I will make you do it again."
Anya's cold answer stopped him. Hoseok lifted his feverish eyes to glare at her, finding her own azure shining with determination.
"Listen and understand me clearly Python. I. Will. Make. You. Do. It. Again. If that is what benefits you."
Hoseok squeezed her neck, his eyes blazing, as he pulled her on him, "Say that again."
Anya smiled cruelly.
With the speed of lightening, her hand jabbed the right side on the base of his neck, while her other twisted a spot on his side lower back. Hoseok felt his body lock. Anya pushed him away easily with her leg, lifting herself from the pool to stand up.
Her specialty in knowing the 36 different spots in a body never failed. She had only ever indulged him, never was she in any danger.
She crouched down at the edge, "You hybrids are all the same. You keep talking big about your obsession for me, your devotion for me but do you ever pause to think about how I feel? Ever thought about the limit I could go to for you?"
The mild paralysis was slowly wearing off of Hoseok's body.
"If I sense you are in danger, there is NOTHING that I wont do, NO limits that I wouldn't cross to get to you." Anya seriously said.
"That punishment was needed. You needed to know that there was a spot that can still hurt you. That I will exploit it to make sure you never do anything that makes me lose you. Did I like the hurt I caused? No. will I do it again to ensure my rule is understood? In a heartbeat."
Hoseok breathed out, his eyes still bitter.
"Hobi . . . Anya gentled her tone. "Imagine this. If you withheld information from me, and were somehow caught by anyone and they ask me to strip in front of them for them to rape me? if it meant you not being harmed, I would gladly obey."
"MASTER!" Hoseok shouted in a shocked tone.
Anya smiled ruefully.
"I told you. There is nothing that I wont do for you. And your habits, the way you are now, may as well as lead to such situations, which can be easily avoided if you just talk. I needed to drive home that fact."
Anya gently slid in the pool again, walking towards her stunned Python. Reaching him, she cupped his face again, "You are my weakness, as you are my strength. And no matter how much you evolve, I will always protect you. That would occasionally result in such punishments, but as long as it guarantees your safety? No matter how much you protest, I will go through."
"I cant do that again." Hoseok whispered.
"That's the difference between you and me. You show me what obsession can do, while I'll teach you how protective love can be. At the end of the day, both is needed, wouldn't you say?"
Hoseok simply hugged her to himself. His embrace gentle and loving. Anya swallowed and held on to him.
His hurt, his anger against her slowly draining. He was just too stuck on what had happened that he had missed the point of it.
They remained that way for a few minutes.
"I am sorry." His voice was muffled in her hair.
"Huh? Does this mean that the aggressive you was not the hidden reality from the new master you got?" Anya teased him with a smile.
Hoseok smiled bashfully, but still said, "If you want him to be the reality . . . I can always adjust to accommodate you."
Hoseok gently ran his fingers down her back, "You are wet."
Lord. Was she wet or WET.
Anya was the most turned on that she had ever been in her life. It was difficult to stay still and not restlessly move around. On his leg. Or him.
Or just jump on him commanding him to finish what he had started!!
"Let me take care of you." His guttural voice sparked the fires she had wrestled inside. It roared to life.
This. This is actual torture! Not the whips. The amount of time I had to stop and then withdraw! Why????????????????
Making sure her inner screaming did not reflect itself in her tone, she pushed him away lightly, "Its late. You have been though an emotional turmoil since 2 weeks. The second you reach your bed, you will crash hard. Right now is not the time for this."
Hoseok's smile turned wicked as he refused to let her go, "I can be fast."
"What if I want it slow?"
Wrong thing to say.
His eyes blazed with his desire, "Then I will drag out every single drop of pleasure from your body when I fuck you slow and hard, until your voice is gone from screaming my name all night long."
Oh. My.
"I'll have to decline."
"As you wish Master." Hobi let go of her.
Anya breathed out and turned around and swam till the stairs, cursing herself a blue streak inside her head. She silently walked to the lounger having a robe on it and slipped it on, trying to ignore the wet rubbing sensation from her core sending sparks to her body as she walked.
The sound of water made her turn to the pool. The sight inflamed her lust to volcanic proportions.
Hoseok stood straight inside the pool, his muscles taut and tight, his abs clenching, glistening with water, his head tilted back exposing the strong column of his throat. His eyes were closed and an expression of tortured bliss stamped on his handsome face, his dark hair slicked back as his hand moved below the water.
He was pleasuring himself.
Hobi let out a low groan which made Anya clench her thighs. She felt that sound in her center.
He was violently arousing. Brutally beautiful.
His head tilted to her, his heavy eyes focusing on her face. His hand kept moving languidly on himself as he maintained eye contact.
Anya's breath hitched. She wanted him.
"Change your mind." His husky voice tempted her, "Let me serve you."
Anya closed her eyes. She was incapable to do anything against the onslaught of lust Hoseok was smothering her with. She could not move, she could not leave.
All she could do was stand still with her eyes closed, hearing him get out of the pool and walk closer to her.
She kept her eyes closed when she felt his breath on her sensitive skin. She remained still when she felt him pull her close to him with one hand, kissing her neck while he kept pleasuring herself.
Her core was spasming hard now, her desire flowing to make her thighs sticky, her blood was pounding through her veins. Her desire was churning fiercely inside but she remained quiet.
Hobi groaned again as she sensed his movements speed up. Her heart kept pace with it.
"Give yourself to me then," he whispered urgently, "Let me have this gift."
He did not wait for her permission but crushed her soft lips with his, straightaway spearing her soft cavern with his tongue, getting drunk on her taste.
Anya kissed back just as desperately, their mouths moving in tandem.
Until Hoseok let out a keening moan, his body jerking slightly as his kiss gentled.
Panting, he kissed her softly once more before dragging her to him, his shivering body locking her in an embrace.
Do something about this please???? God please!!!
Her insides were now crying out for relief. She really needed to leave. Anya pushed Hobi back a bit.
Without seeing his expression, she turned away and started walking out of the room.
"Never did I see anyone be this sane when their body is clawing with need. Not even in any auction. Should I be horrified or proud of you Master?" Hoseok teasingly called to her.
Really???? Now the snake thinks he can tease me?????? in this state??????
"I'll be sure to talk to you about the snake heat thing. It was . . . Interesting."
She shot back. That shut up the python who gulped at the reminder of just what secret he had let out in his anger.
Anya walked through the house briskly, her body felt like a bomb with a live wire. Anything could set her off. She was too sensitive.
Reaching the staircase, she saw Jin and Tae sitting on the bottom step.
One look in their eyes, and Anya knew they were here as the result of her arousal heavily scenting the air.
"Oh hell no. I am NOT in the mood for any more teasing." She said rigidly as she went to go between the two.
"We promise not to tease." Jin said "But it seems like you need some help?"
"We cant let our dear Master be left in such a painful state." Taehyung came closer to her, "However will we answer our conscience otherwise?"
"BUNCH OF HYENAS you lot are!" Anya half screamed as she stomped away to climb the stairs, "GO SLEEP!"
Only to be met with Jungkook on the landing.
"Master . . ." he inhaled deeply, "I can serve you with my tongue, all you need to do is just lay back and open your le—oomph!" Jungkook's eyes got big in surprise as Anya's hand clamped down on his mouth.
She said in a low voice, "I will skin your Panther alive and turn him into a pretty coat and purse then maybe decide to gift those two items to assassins to be used for practice for sharpening their sword skills at night by chopping up your fur with their eyes closed."
Jungkook gave her a mega watt smile, "Goodnight Master, I just wanted to wish you to have sweet dreams." Saying which, the man wisely waved and jogged back to his room.
Anya continued to her room. She closed the door and went towards her closet only to stop when she heard,
"You smell divine. Should you not let me enjoy waking up from death by making love to your beautiful body Master?"
Without any pause, Anya snatched the nearest perfume she could find. Turning abruptly around she marched up to the smirking Jimin and sprayed the rose and apples perfume straight on his face.
Instantly, her Cobra's face twisted and a sneeze left his body.
Feeling really frustrated and unsatisfied, Anya happily took out her anger on her Unclassified Hybrid.
She sprayed the perfume a couple of more times.
Jimin started sneezing in succession, his sneezes blending into the next, his sensitive nose being highly disturbed.
The poor hybrid bent down on his waist sneezing away when Anya took hold of one of his ears, "OWWWW ACHOOO! OWW!"
Twisting it squarely, Anya strode towards the door, Jimin sneezing and following her with his ear between her fingers.
She opened the door to look at the startled faces of 5 hybrids standing in front of the door, crowding around it, with Jungkook hiding behind Namjoon and Hoseok.
She tugged the apple and rose smelling, sneezing snake hybrid by his ear pushing him on the highly cautious hybrids outside who took poor Jimin between them, hiding him from her.
"No . . . Master, we—" Namjoon bravely tried to speak while the others shushed him urgently.
"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Anya legitimately growled at them.
All of their eyes grew big in alarm as they took a step back.
"Nice Master. Stay." Taehyung said.
Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi turned their faces towards him, their eyes incredulous. Jungkook winced and hid his face while Jimin just sneezed away.
"Good. Freaking. Night." Anya slammed close the door.
I need a shower. A cold, cold, cold, shower.
"I still don't understand what you plan to do to him." Suhan said as he straightened his white shirt, buttoning his cuffs.
Anya sipped wine from her glass, while she waited for the packs to arrive.
"Its simple. Flaker has been starving and going out of his mind seeing the food right in front of him for 4 days now. He is mentally unstable, malnourished and depressed. I left him crying on the floor at the sight of the food taken away."
"I get that. But why did you dump his entire room with crumpled paper balls?"
"Because, my dear brother, I don't want him mentally unstable. I want him broken. Only then will he talk without ever pausing to think." Anya nodded towards his phone, "In half an hour, the lights in his room will be switched off. Then the sound clip I sent you will be played in his room in minimum volume, gradually increased until maximum. The effect it will have will destroy him."
Suhan wrinkled his brows and picked up his cellphone. He got to the sound file she had sent and pressed it on. The scratching and buzzing of insects filled the air, the sound making his skin break out in goosebumps.
He switched it off.
"Yep." Anya turned away towards the view, "The paper balls will feel like real actual insects in his weak mental status while the sound of the insects will make him crazy. He would give up his soul to make it stop."
"Anya," Suhan said, "It might really drive him crazy."
"Oh relax. I'll only subject him to it for 3 hours this fiasco of the dinner lasts. You'll be the one questioning him while I drive away with the pack and Han to our holiday cottage."
Suhan came to stand beside her, "About that, why tonight?"
"Han lives close to the holiday inn, its going to be an excuse to prolong conversation. As for why I want them to stay there with me for a few days? Well you know Mom has commanded us to come for dinner to their house. I think I should tell them about our family. Away from here because I suspect Father might drop in any day now. He is very eager to meet them. And I don't want them to be suddenly exposed in their home before they meet our parents formally. It might set them off."
"Hmmm." Suhan murmured, "So about our guests, are you positive you are not jealous or you know, see them as some sort of competition?"
"Why would I feel that way?" Anya coldly answered back.
"Well I don't know. Your dress kind of screams ATTENTION which is peculiar because you are in your own house." Suhan mocked.
Anya cleared her throat, "This old thing? Ah pffft. I saw it neglected on my dress partition and decided to throw it on."
"Oh yes. Of course. So this was not the new dress which Yoona delivered this evening?" Suhan said being infuriatingly agreeable. Teasing his sister.
"You should be thinking about Jennifer making her moves on you especially after she was delighted to know that you use hybrids sexually too. she is dreeeeaming about getting hitched to you and living in wealth and any other hybrids that she wants, the both of you indulging in a sadistic, hedonistic sexual lifestyle with hybrids." Anya shot back.
Suhan gave her a disgusted look, "Way to ruin the mood. Why did you let her believe I use hybrids?"
"Don't look at me! You are the one who jumped in the scheme your precious friends cooked."
"Master? You look . . ." Anya looked to see Namjoon, Jin and Jimin standing on the doorway to the terrace they would be hosting the dinner party in.
While Joon and Jin appeared to be mesmerized by her, Jimin's heated gaze was openly sexual, raking across her body, "You are wealthy enough to dress like this everyday in the house. Why don't you Master?" the cheeky snake said.
Two heads nodded dumbly at that statement.
"Ah, how you have pleased my puny insecure scared little sister. Thank you Jimin with—hey you violent little mangy cat! Keep your claws to yourself in the face of truth!" Suhan hastily dodged her attack.
Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hobi came behind the 3 other hybrids. Their gazes locked on her.
While Jungkook and Tae simply stared, Yoongi smiled a little.
Suhan greeted him, "My man feels me!" Yoongi acknowledged him and turned to her to mouth, "Idiot" before searing her exposed skin with his dark gaze.
Huh. Their imaginative perspectives on my activities doesn't stick.
"The arrangements are nice." Hobi said.
Anya looked around the balcony, "Yes, I don't like inviting people inside my space if I can avoid it. the weather was beautiful enough to let us set this up."
Joseph came to them, "They have arrived. Shall I escort them here?"
Suhan nodded.
"Master, quick, where are our false collars?" Yoongi asked her.
Raising her brow, she took a seat on the sofa, "I got rid of them."
Shrugging her delicate shoulder Anya said, "I told you. I hate collars. You should have thought of it before you made these plans."
"Master" Yoongi said in a long suffering tone, pinching the bridge of his nose in a bid for patience.
"Oh, is it their footsteps I hear? Dear me, looks like u have to act without them. They are almost here, unless you want them to know about—"
Collectively, the pack sank down on the floor where they were standing, their heads bents, backs straight, hands laying on their thighs.
Suhan's eyes widened while Anya's grip tightened on her glass in anger. She Loathed such a sight.
"Ms. Anya! Its so very nice of you to invite us tonight!" Mrs. Han's grating voice made Anya flick her eyes to watch the woman enter the verandah wearing a red lacy dress and a burgundy wrap over it, the leash of her hybrid in her hands while the hybrids crawled on his hand and knees beside her.
Behind her, Jennifer walked in too, wearing a white gauzy net dress, the dress strategically hiding her nipples and her womanly core. She had her hair open while she too had a hybrid beside her.
Both the hybrids wore thick collars and nothing else. Their ears indicated Jennifer's to be a fox while Han brought with her the bear hybrid she had bought in the auction. She had named him Joke. Both hybrids were perfectly conditioned.
Anya did not bother to get up from her sofa to welcome them neither did Suhan.
"Welcome Mrs. Han, Jennifer. Please do take a seat." Anya greeted them.
Han and Jennifer did not have to be told twice. They took the seat from right across her, their hybrids kneeling beside them.
Once seated, Han and Jennifer eagerly cast their eyes around the 7 dressed hybrids who were kneeling down with a perfect posture, their gazes greedily drinking in the sight.
"I am so glad you decided to accept the invitation. I feared you might reject it as we gave you only half an hour of notice." Suhan smoothly said.
Jennifer looked at him and adjusted her posture in a manner that her figure was revealed in positive shadows, "Oh no. it was our honour." She breezily replied.
"Suhan, shall I call you Suhan?" Mrs. Han tittered, "I never knew you use hybrids too. Which one are your favourite dear? I happen to know all the ones Anya has."
Anya felt her anger rise at the insinuation of her having been intimate with her hybrids.
This. This had been her other reason that she did not share with the rest.
The fact that the two ladies before her knew her hybrids in a sense she yet did not. Had a sexual past with her hybrids when she did not. Provided, none of what they did was consensual.
Suhan gave a charming smile, getting up from the sofa, "I am more of a what pleases me in that instant kind of a man." He went to the small bar he had set up, "I have no favourites."
Jennifer laughed at that as if her brother had made a brilliant joke.
Anya barely suppressed a sigh.
"Drinks?" Suhan asked.
"I'll have a Cosmo." Jennifer piped up. Suhan nodded as he picked up the vodka and cranberry juice, "Mrs. Han?"
Mrs. Han looked at the figure of her Jaguar, "Yoongi dear, do you remember what I liked? Tell Suhan of my preference."
Anya's blood boiled at that. How dare she show some sort of claim over HER hybrid????
Before she could retort, Yoongi's voice clearly reached her, "Bourbon with 4 ice cubes."
Once this night is over, she would be murdering a Jaguar.
"Awww he remembers!" Mrs. Han clapped her hands in delight, her wistful eyes fixed on him.
"Yes. I do." Came the reply from her soon to be killed Jaguar hybrid.
"Will you help me mix the drinks Jen?" Suhan called the girl who promptly stood, abandoned her hybrid and strutted towards Suhan.
If Yoongi would be unable to recall her coffee order then his eyes are going to get plucked.
Mrs. Han was watching Yoongi with unbridled longing. On the logical level, Anya understood their plan. It was to make Han so out of her mind with longing for him, that she would let go of any secrets as long as she felt like she could get her wish.
The only problem was, it was making Anya lose her mind too. With anger.
"Anya?" she looked at Han calling her.
"Can u let me meet Yoongi?" she asked in a vulnerable tone.
Wow. Vulnerable with the uncontrolled desire to sexually assault a slave. Some people were beyond the help a mental asylum could provide.
Anya sighed, "Did you not hear her?" she mildly said.
Yoongi rose from his position gracefully, to walk towards them.
And thank god for it. If he would have crawled, Anya would have started screaming.
He sank down beside her, his eyes still downcast.
Mrs. Han stilled, "He does not wear a collar?" she asked, shock heavy in her voice.
Oh. So now I am supposed to make her jealous of me? okay, that I can do.
Anya combed through Yoongi's hair, tilting his head to make him look up. His eyes were closed as he savored her touch. Anya gently rubbed his soft ears, caressing them, "It ruins their Beauty, don't you think?" she murmured.
Han was by now looking mesmerized by her ability to so openly touch him. "Do you use him often? Is he still as wild as he was with me? does he leave you sore and aching for more?" Han didn't seem to be in control of the words which left her lips, she seemed to be drunk in Yoongi's presence.
"Does he still tilt his head back when he comes? His neck looking so beautiful that you cant help but want to bite it but the savage look in his eyes warns you against it? does he still thrust so hard that you cry out?"
With every word out of Han's mouth, Anya's anger climbed on a higher level. She was seething with rage, something, that the entire pack smelt and caught on.
"Master." She heard Hobi's voice as he stood and came to her. His movement broke the spell under which Han was and she looked abruptly to check Anya's reaction.
Her mask was intact.
Hobi came to sit on her other side. he lovingly placed a small kiss on her exposed thigh and said, "Allow me and Jimin to sit beside you during dinner?"
"He is a snake hybrid! Oh my god how are you controlling them? That too without a collar?? Suhan, help me! I am so scared!" Jennifer squealed from behind and attached herself like a leech on Suhan.
"You are paying for this fuck up you are making me go through." Anya muttered under her breath, her words inaudible to the humans in the room.
"Lets proceed with Dinner. We'll talk more there." Suhan grimaced, as he tried to make the girl detach herself.
"Sit by me! what if the snake hybrids attack??? You fuck them too? my god Suhan you are so cool, will you teach me how to command them too?" Jennifer said in a girly voice.
Anya closed her eyes, barely holding on to her sanity and composure. This was going to be One Long Dinner.
Throughout the dinner, Suhan had kept the conversation flowing naturally, steering it away from hybrids, sex or business. Jennifer hung on to his every word. But she also kept glancing towards Jungkook and Taehyung.
Han was a completely different matter. The more the dinner progressed, the quieter she had become. Since the last half an hour, she did not even glance towards Anya or Suhan.
Her focus became central to Yoongi.
She had started moving restlessly on her seat. Even without being a hybrid, Anya could easily say that she was aroused.
There was such a person as her who was so twisted in her brains that having fantasies about the object of her desire was enough to make her so completely lose control. She did not even touch him once.
How could Anyone be so ruled with physical pleasure?
The bear hybrid she had, had been sitting on the floor besides Han. She kept grabbing his hair and slapping him occasionally trying to relive her tension with violence.
On the other hand, here was she, with Jimin and Hobi sitting beside her, constantly grabbing her legs in attempts to stop her from spoiling the plan.
At one point when Jennifer had wanted Suhan to make one of the snake hybrids kiss her feet, Anya had almost surged to her feet to let that stupid idiotic vapid girl really understand who she was, her anger at that point had almost been volcanic.
Jimin had understood that. Having no other option, Jimin had bitten her leg right on her calf.
Because his venom had been drained from his body, the bite was only painful for the fangs entering her flesh. Beyond that, no venom was injected.
But it served the purpose. She had remained quiet while Suhan had charmingly deviated the subject.
And now, with the dinner winding down, she needed to perform her part. But she seriously was too pissed to play along.
"Jen? Do you want to freshen up? I apologize that I held the dinner in the balcony with no powder room around it, but the romantic in me wanted you ladies to enjoy this evening beneath the stars." Suhan smiled up to the Girl in white.
"Oh no please don't apologise for being such a wonderful person! I enjoyed this dinner so much! Although, yes I would like to go freshen up a bit."
Hobi nudged her.
She remained quiet.
Jimin poked her.
She still did not speak.
Both of them tickled her.
"Ah . . . in that case why don't you follow Taehyung? He'll show you where the room is." To her own ears, she sounded extremely robotic.
Well at least I got the words out! that's what counts!!
Jennifer dazzled at that, springing up on her feet with a bounce. Taehyung elegantly rose from the place he was kneeling and suavely held out his hand in a gesture for her to precede him.
Without another glance Jen flounced away from them, going through the door with Taehyung behind her.
"Mrs. Han, hello, penny for your thoughts." Suhan teasingly called the older woman who kept staring at Yoongi.
When spoken too, she snapped from her daydreams and looked around. "Jennifer?"
Suhan laughed, "She just now went to the powder room."
"Oh, umm I apologize I was just--- I just . . ."
Ever the delightful host, Suhan held up a hand, "I saw you looking towards the outhouse throughout the dinner. Do you happen to like structures such as that?" he asked with a sincere tone.
The outhouse was in the direction where Yoongi had been sitting. That way, Suhan was letting Han think that they mistakenly thought her stare was directed towards the building.
Grabbing the opportunity, Han agreed in a honeyed tone, "Oh my yes! What an observant man you are! I happen to love glass structures like those!"
"Would you like to go see it? Yoongi and one of the staff can guide you there. He is the hybrid that spends most of his time in it so he is pretty knowledgeable about the herbs kept inside if you are interested in that. The staff can open the lock." Suhan fluidly inserted, his expression that of a dutiful hospitable host.
Mrs. Han was stunned for a moment, but then practically screamed, "I would love that! Yes, I happen to be extremely interested in herbs because those are the things that one puts in the food to bring out different kinds of flavour and I love to see and smell the way each and every specimen is different. Although I don't cook but I still understand a lot about herbs!"
Really? Seriously?
Jimin suppressed his laughter while Hobi almost lay down on the floor in a bit to become invisible.
"Oh. Had I known about your . . . enthusiasm, I would have suggested this a long time ago." Suhan said as he rung the bell on the table to summon a staff, "Can you please escort our guest and Yoongi to the Outhouse?"
Turning to Han, he smiled, "Take as long as you like."
Han sprang up from her seat, eagerly looking at Yoongi, who stood up, and without any flourish, went away with the staff.
"Don't mind him, its just he has been punished a lot." Suhan said in a conspiratory tone to Han who was already going towards the door, "Oh no, I don't mind at all." As she left.
For a few seconds no one said a thing.
"What a great help you are! I had to practically carry the entire conversation by myself! Way to be so damn helpful Sister!!" Suhan exploded out of the table.
Anya let out a groan of complain, "Shut up. Seems like you are headed for a relationship with you virgin In white. Good luck for that!"
"Fuck you."
"Real mature retort brother." Anya drawled as she stood from her place.
The pack had risen to their feet as well. Jimin came to hug her from behind, rocking her with him. They all turned to look at the bear and fox hybrids still kneeling on the floor.
"Umm, would you come with us to the living room downstairs?" Anya asked them. They did not even look up.
Conditioned hybrids.
"We'll get them. You guys go." Joon said.
"What do we do now?" Anya asked.
"Something you hate." Jungkook came close to her to boop her nose, "We wait."
As soon as the door to the powder room closed, Jennifer moaned, "Taehyung, I missed you so much! Get down on your knees right now and lick me!"
Tae spun on his heels and fixed the woman with a stare, "Did you? Did you really miss me?"
Jennifer was stunned on hearing his deep voice. She had never heard him speak, she never knew how deep and masculine his voice was. It grabbed hold of her soul.
Taehyung turned and started walking towards her, his gait predatory.
Jennifer felt her blood boil with lust, such a potent aura could not be real.
Taehyung stopped a little distance away, and tilted his head back. The light from the fixtures above fell on his face, flicks of his dark hair tempting her to clutch at it.
He bent on the counter top and rested his elbows on it, looking at her with a bored expression, he cupped his face and said, "Did you?"
Jen was so mesmerized by this Hybrid. "I want you!"
Tae smiled, "You always took me. always on the top." His voice was deepening as he closed the distance between them, "Don't you want me on top of you?" he whispered, his eyes holding her hostage.
"I want to thrust inside you without any inhibition while you lay beneath me, begging me to stop."
Jen cupped her own core, stroking it as she moaned.
"I'll make you come so good. And still I wont stop. You'll pass out from the force of your orgasm and even while you black out, the last thing you will remember is me between your thighs, still working myself into you."
Taehyung stroked the fires of her lust.
"Even when you wake, you'll find me fucking you." He slowly backed away from the woman frantically stroking her own flesh, "Don't you want that?"
Jen moaned loud. Panting, she looked at him, "Fuck me now!"
Taehyung shrugged, "I want to. But I cant. My Master will ask the other hybrids to smell me and know if I have been with you or not."
His eyes became serious, "And I care about you too much to expose you to her anger. She is dangerous Jen."
Half out of her mind with lust, Jennifer was oddly touched by his emotions. She lifted her dress, plunging her fingers inside her own wet flesh, "Then talk to me. tell me what you want." She begged.
So easily, she begged.
Taehyung was disgusted at it. still, he kept up the farce.
"I lay in the basement of this prison thinking about all our encounters together. You used to be so beautiful when you commanded me. Over time, I wanted to stay beside you again. Why did you not bid for me? Did you not want me?" Tae asked.
These kinds of lines, this attitude would have never worked on his Master. She would have heard him just once and then demanded what was it he wanted, looking right past any pretense.
Only sincerity worked on her.
But these pathetic people? They were as shallow and blind as they were capable to be making it so very easy to dupe them. Being ruled by the pleasure of sex like a drug addict looking for a fix eroded away any and all intelligence they possessed.
Not like his Master. Oh no. She would bear countless occasions of sexual frustrations, rigidly denying herself of that release, if it meant that they would not be in any way exploited.
"I wanted you! Taehyung I wanted you so much! But I did not have the money to buy you! I wanted you by my side too!" Jen cried out.
"LIAR!" Tae shouted at her, startling her as he turned and walked away, "If you wanted me, you would have been doing SOMETHING to get me back! You would not be turning up in my prison, taunting me with your beautiful presence and flirting with Suhan, making me understand that being with you can only ever happen in my dreams!"
"NO!" Jennifer let go of her dress as she ran to him.
Before she could reach within touching distance, Taehyung held up his hand, "STAY BACK. You scent is making me lose control! If I give in to my desires then I know when my Master gets to know this she will destroy you."
Then he laughed out bitterly, faking it, "See? How pathetic am I? Even with your lies about wanting me I still am looking out for you. Do you see what you have done to me?"
Jennifer started crying. She never understood just how deeply the hybrid worshipped her, loved her, was crazy for her. She wanted to own that hybrid.
While Taehyung tried his best to hold his breath. The stench of Jennifer's arousal was making him want to puke.
"Taehyung, trust me! I am in contact with a person D and X. they are working together to destroy your Master and let me have you. I am doing it all to get you back."
Taehyung laughed again, narrowing his eyes, he speared her with a cold look, "Mock me all you want, beat me, take me all you want Jen, but don't try to fool me with false platitudes. D and X." he scoffed, "Even though I am a hybrid I know what made up stories sound like."
He fake sighed in defeat. "I'll just imagine your face when she takes me. That is how I'll spend the rest of my life while you be happy with your Fox hybrid."
Jennifer knelt down in front of him, "No Taehyung, I am not lying! Both X and D are powerful. Almost as powerful as Anya! X even knows her. He too is a big businessman working in the line of hotels! Also, we have been working with Lee Dong Wook, who is even now buying out the suppliers for sapphire, making sure that for the next line, Anya wont get any gems at the right time, making her take a huge loss and X and D will buy up her shares when the stock price goes down! The plan will work because both D and X are in her inner circle! She wont ever suspect them!"
Tae absorbed it all.
He softened his gaze, "You are not lying right? Don't make me hope. I would rather take your cane and flogging than this."
"No baby I am not. I swear it to you! In just a few months, you will be mine. Although I don't know who D and X are, but I do know that they have someone from Anya's office and the legal department on their side! I know you will be mine!"
Taehyung decided not to push it any more. She might suspect it.
"I cant wait for you to choke me again Jen, but this time, I will not cry. I'll bruise you too." he made his voice husky.
"Oh god Taehyung, tell me more!" Jennifer said as she tugged the straps of her dress down to palm her own exposed breasts while rucking her dress up to stroke her clit again.
That easily she exposed herself to him. There really was no self respect in her.
Taehyung wanted to get as far away from her as possible. What more could he say? What more shit could he make up?
He decided to say all the things he would never say to his Master. All the things, his Master abhorred. All the things, he hated.
"Once I have you beside me, we'll stay in your basement for weeks on end. This time, I will gladly submit to all the toys you have there . . ."
Jennifer's breathing became rapid.
Taehyung sighed. He was NEVER volunteering to do this ever again.
The next time, he would be bathing himself preferably in this girl's blood.
"Look around. Pretend to like herbs. Let me know when you are done." Yoongi carelessly told Han and went to lean against the central desk, indolently tracking the older woman's movement.
Han stopped in front of him, "You know it was a ruse."
Yoongi tilted his head, a savage smirk on his lips, "Yeah? To what effect? I will not obey you. What did you dream to achieve being alone with me?"
"This thrill. This thrill of danger that I get from you." Han stepped closer, "You make me feel alive."
"And you make me want to rip you apart with my teeth." Yoongi said in a violently calm tone.
Ironically, the threat, excited Han more. "I have always known you don't like me." she said. "What must I do to have you Yoongi? Let me have you."
"Dream. Fucking. On." He leaned back on the desk, his dark eyes on Han, "You are never going to get what you want from me."
Han's hands cupped her mons, while she challenged him, "That's what you think."
Yoongi smirked and stood up, going away from her.
Han closed her eyes as he passed from beside her, the electricity of his wild nature exciting her to fever pitch. She knew he was dangerous, and the rush she got from being alone with the uncollared hybrid was huge.
"I am addicted to my Master." Yoongi said quietly. Han turned to see him standing near the middle.
"She fucks like she owns me in a manner that I cant deny. She twists me around with her cruel punishments in a manner that I am kept wanting more. One glance, one word from her and I lose control of my desire. All I want from her is to be mine. I get intoxicated in her beauty whenever she becomes naked in front of me. All I want is to keep serving her. And her body."
Yoongi groaned and closed his eyes. he tilted his head back and swayed from one side to the next in seemingly sexual arousal at the remembrance.
The sight captivated Han.
She forgot how to breathe.
All she could do was keep staring at the brutally wild hybrid enjoying his pleasure in front of her. She wanted to ride him with that expression. She wanted to cause him that please.
Her chest burned with jealousy at the knowledge that Anya saw this expression. That she got to own him.
Yoongi opened his eyes and took a deep breath, "But that was before last night."
"what happened?" han asked.
Yoongi walked further away. "The hybrids . . . we don't get along." Letting out a harsh laugh he continued, "We hate each other. No one can stand the other. Especially not me. Yesterday, she decided to tie me up in the metal chains she so likes and then indulge in her desires with the other 6, right in front of me." he paused.
"She broke me." he whispered.
Han stored away these information. Yoongi turned to her, "I am very sure of one thing about you. Your obsession with me rules you. I am certain you have some information that can help me."
Han looked back at him, not understanding, "What?"
Yoongi gave her a slow seductive smile, "You have connections that I want. All I want to do is teach my Master a lesson. In return, I'll let you have me." he paused and licked his lips, "Daily."
Han's heart started beating harder, "Your offer is tempting, but I want to own you. I wont settle for mere 1 encounter—"
Yoongi's mocking laughter cut off her sentence.
"Own me? You will never be able to achieve that." He straightened and speared her with a deadly look, "My Master has secrets which protects her, its no hidden fact that she is well connected to the dark side too. No one will be able to bring her down. Even if you achieve it, I'll happily choose death over being owned by anyone other than her."
He stopped in front of her, "In other words, no matter what you do, You. Will. Never. Be. Able. To. Own. Me."
With every punctuation, his aggressiveness increased. Tilting his head he observed her.
"The best you can have is my promise of being able to have me every day. That is exactly what I am offering. In exchange of which, I just want information on how to completely disrupt her professional life. I cant stand the dedication she has to her office which keeps her away from me."
Han thought about it.
Fact of the matter was, she knew he was right. She had always known that whoever D or X were, they could not actually take Anya down. If they could, then why did they wait till now? And in any matter, her objective was not her downfall. All Han wanted was Yoongi.
X kept vaguely promising her to get Yoongi but never elaborated on how. Even if Anya was taken down, how would she come to possess him? He would belong to Suhan.
And now that she heard it from his own lips, she knew the fascination she had seen in Yoongi for his Master was acute. She could well imagine this Hybrid taking his own life with a smirk to avoid being owned by her.
But. But with time, she could make him loyal to her.
It was better if she jumped away from the boat of D and X and take Yoongi's offer.
And his desire was simple too. Being a hybrid, he didn't understand the significance of his Master's job, which was why he childishly wanted to disrupt that in his tantrum. That worked well for Han.
Decision made, she looked at him, "Prove to me you will keep the promise. Fuck me here."
Yoongi's face came closer to her. He stopped an inch from her face, "I don't need to prove shit to you." He coldly delivered. Straightening up, he tucked his hand in his pocket, looking dangerously handsome.
"You give me what I want, and I deliver my side. unlike you, I don't lie. If you don't want the offer," he shrugged, "I don't fucking care."
Saying so he turned around to leave.
"Yoo In- na!" Han called to him. Yoongi paused, his heartbeat increasing.
"Her secretary! I know a person who is using her PA to gain information to destroy your Master. You can use her too."
It couldn't be. Not her. The mole could not be her!
Yoongi closed his eyes, reeling from the shock of the discovery. Keeping his tone light he said, "What's her motivation to work against my Master? If I need to use her, I need to know her weak spot. Just like I know yours is me."
"Ah Yoongi, you are delicious." Han agreed. "That bitch is mental. She loves Anya. Thinks Anya loves her too. She wants you hybrids gone then she believes Anya will confess her love to her. She is insane."
Yoongi took a deep breath. Then turned around and smiled at Han.
"Thank you. In exchange of this information, I'll persuade my Master to go to her holiday cottage with us. I remember she told us its close to your house. That way, we could meet up."
Han was taken aback, "You'll do it? truly? Right now?"
Yoongi laughed indulgently, "Make sure to be friends with my Master. Then you can easily come and go. Yes. I keep my word. I'll make her agree to it."
Han felt giddy like a little girl. Just having Yoongi near her would mean that her dream would be coming true! "Lets go back to them then! She'll agree?"
Yoongi opened the door, "She can never refuse me."
??????? POV :
Yoona was rolling on her bed, pleasuring herself yet again with the picture of Anya.
"You wanted a massage from me. I know you were moaning because you wanted me at that time. If that blasted male hadn't interrupted then I know you would have confessed to me today."
She sighed and smiled, "Soon. Soon my love. D will take care of your hybrids and we will be together. Soon."
Suhan watched Flaker sitting in front of him. The man was shivering, his eyes darting from one place to another, his dark circles more enhanced in his sunken face.
But, the most glaring fact were the bloody, deep scratches on every single part of his skin.
For the last half an hour He had to be calmed down. For 3 hours, he had been locked in the dark black room with the sounds of moving and buzzing insects being played loudly. The crumples of paper balls had added to the delusions of the starved man into believing he was in a pit filled with insects crawling over him to eat him alive.
Flaker had been screaming non stop and scratching at his own skin for hours.
Right now? He was completely broken.
My sister is savagely genius in playing mind games.
Now for some answers.
Suhan sat down on the chair in front of the man, "My sister has left this house. That is why I am able to rescue you. I will try to protect you from her, but in return you have to answer truthfully to every question I pose to you. Its either that, or my sister puts you back in the room filled with insects again."
"NO! NO! GOD PLEASE NO!" Flaker shouted out then started crying again.
Suhan uncovered a plate full of freshly baked bread, "Additionally, with each segment you answer, I will let you have food."
Flaker looked at Suhan as if he was God, nodding rapidly, his dry cracked lips stretching in a smile.
And that marks the start of his Stockholm Syndrome. Funny, a abuser being a victim of it.
Suhan thought for a while. He decided to ask about their enemies of D and X later. First he wanted to know more about his friends. The pack.
"Tell me about the 7 hybrids. Start from the very beginning."
Anya was quickly told by a agitated Taehyung, who was still now inhaling her scarf, and Yoongi about their encounters.
Anya had gone in complete shock when she heard about Yoona.
Jin although hadn't been surprised. When asked about it, he had shrugged, "She said that you did not have the coffee you like for days now. How did she know that? According to her, it should have been a month. The coffee you had Days ago had been the poisoned one which only Suhan's PA knew about and he did not tell Yoona."
Anya had struggled against that realization. She could not process it. added on top of which, Yoongi's apparent fake promise and Tae's encounter with Jen had made her a bit jealous.
Now that they were sitting in the living room of her Holiday Cottage with Han and her hybrid, she was not think straight. She was not very in control of her petty emotions.
Her hybrids were kneeling on the floor while Han chatted amicably with her, Jen having left for her home.
"You look a little tensed. Are you okay?" Han asked Anya.
She just shook her head and smiled politely.
"You know, my hybrid is not really that good. But the one thing he is exceptional at is relieving frustrations. He has a talented tongue."
Usually, Anya knew not to react to these types of dialogues, but her jealousy spoke to her when her cold logical side had taken a nap.
Come on. Make them a little jealous. Its not like you will actually touch the hybrid.
And she listened to it.
Injecting a little curiosity in her voice, she thought back to the countless times her hybrids had teased her, making sure to get mildly aroused by those memories. Just enough for her hybrids to smell her.
Then she asked, "Oh, really? How good is he?"
Even Han was surprised at her response but she thought it was Anya opening up to her, "He is better than any vibrator in existence."
Anya relaxed back in the sofa, "Hmmmm? You are making me curious."
A dangerous electricity went through the room at her words. The pack scented her desire. For some other hybrid. While they were only allowed to kiss her.
One by one, they lifted their head, eyes narrowing on her.
Their posture changed.
The animal in them woke up.
Flaker did not hesitate to answer truthfully.
"Those 7 hybrids were our experiment, thought by our imagination. Michael researched the possibility of what we wanted to achieve. His theoretical results were promising. We approached the few ministers in our debt, asking them for this one favour. They granted it.
The mother and fathers for our hybrids were chosen by us. We drugged them with stimulators for them to copulate and impregnate the mother.
We knew what their capabilities were, because we had selected those genes. But we also knew that their Codes were higher, that we needed to keep them in control right from the start. They were our weapons and we needed to manage them from their childhood.
We made sure to keep them together because the bond would keep them in control. The bond they shared with each other would weaken them. Individually, they could become too ferocious and uncontrollable. Because the bond between them was sacred to them.
If that remained untouched then they would obey to anything. Also it helped us to control one by punishing the rest. But that bond became their strength too. it was unavoidable.
But we still needed to control them. Their true natures, Their Codes could not emerge. Which was when Michael started the hypnotic lock on them. That made them our puppets while completely abolishing the animal's control over them.
We made sure to never let their animal side emerge."
Flaker looked towards the bread. Suhan gave him one.
Flaker devoured it within seconds while Suhan patiently waited.
"What if they imprinted?" Suhan asked.
Flaker shook his head, "Then it would mean death for the person they imprinted on."
Suhan stilled.
Flaker eyed another piece of bread and continued.
"Imprinting is the result of the animal mind melding and interacting with their Human psyche. The whole point was to make sure their animal side NEVER awakens. Once imprinting starts, it will mean that their animals will be awakening, which in turn would mean them reaching their true self. Which SHOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE happen.
The bond of imprinting will have nothing Positive in it. it will be completely black, with possessiveness and obsession. It would mean them going to the extreme spectrum of obsession.
That would be a danger worse than death. They would NEVER behave normally, their bond would no doubt want them to serve the person, but it will also make them a threat to the person.
There will be nothing good in it. It can only result in hurt and pain. They would become monsters, savagely attached to someone. Capable of not comprehending any other emotion than feeling the joy of feeling that person's breath, their scent.
Imprinting was something we wanted to actively suppress, because it would bring out the DARKEST part of their animal side. and their animals are alpha wild predators. Which was why we kept the hypnotic triggers in place.
Jealousy, sex, scents can possibly trigger it, making them uncontrolled. Which was why they were not auctioned permanently.
If they imprint, it would become a tale of blood and horror befalling the person they share that bond with. There will be no light in that dark night.
No one can survive their passions, or desires if it was unleased. Their lust would burn the person alive."
Anya could see her hybrids becoming still, their expressions slowly hardening.
But she wanted to play this game. She deserved a little reprieve after the evening she had.
"Do you want to try him?" Han offered.
Anya did not immediately deny.
That caused Jimin to Clench his fist, his gaze becoming deadly, his jaw working in a brutal way while Jungkook's eyes shone with malice. His body tensed, a current working through it.
"Come to me." she said to the bear hybrid who obediently kneeled before her.
Namjoon glared at her, he clawed at the rug, silently tearing it in ribbons. His nails were becoming sharper. The howls of his Wolf changing to a menacing growl inside of him.
Anya gently speared her fingers through the bear's head. The hybrid was slightly surprised at the gentle touch, something he had never felt.
Anya looked at Han, "Why don't you show me"
Han laughed and opened her dress a little, urging her hybrid against her core, immediately moaning as the bear started tonguing her fiercely.
Anya averted her eyes towards the sofa, but Han's moans reminded her of the times she had suppressed her own moans in the arms of her hybrids. She remembered each and every encounter with them.
With each memory, her arousal increased too. she knew her hybrids would misunderstand, that she was getting aroused by some other hybrid, but it was an episode of harmless jealousy. She planned to clear it the minute Han left.
For now, she thought to enjoy it.
Yoongi and and Jin were breathing deeply, their eyes closed. They were trying to wrestle their animals who demanded them to butcher the two people who dared to put even such a paltry claim on their Master's attention.
They felt a rope inside of them slowly unravelling. They gritted their teeth, trying furiously to tame the violence they wanted to unleash.
Han's moans crested to a peak. Anya kept quite while the woman came down from her high.
"He is good." Anya said appreciatively. Han laughed "That he is." And then nudged the bear towards her, "Go place a kiss on her feet."
The hybrid wiped his mouth and turned to her but Anya stopped him, "No need for that." The bear stopped but slowly lifted his fingers towards her.
He had been present in the ceremony. He had seen what this Master had done to the man who had touched her hybrid, how she had openly encouraged her snake hybrid to retaliate.
He was in awe of her. Countless nights he had spent dreaming of belonging to her. He could also see how her hybrids were so free. They could kneel when they wanted and hug her when they wanted. She had placed no restriction on them. She respected them.
Back at the dinner, she had so gently and softly asked him to go downstairs. His heart and burst with happiness at her behaviour. Even now, the way she had so carefully touched him, he could easily realize that she had absolutely no intention of ever causing him pain.
He longed to belong to her.
All he wanted to do was somehow make her aware of his adoration, his respect. He could only make her feel that if he overruled any command because it was clear that she did not like servitude.
So he fought against his Code, and reached for her leg, even though she had forbidden him.
Her eyes softened. She understood him with just one look.
Bending down, he reverently placed a single kiss on her feet.
Taehyung and Hoseok simply sat straight, their faces blank while their eyes were narrowed and focused on her every move. Not a single muscle on their body twitched, but their gazes held a tsunami of threat in it.
All 7 hybrids waited for Han to leave.
After giving Flaker yet another slice of bread, Suhan asked, "Even if they are a higher Code, such a Danger should not apply to imprinting. Both Black and Red Code have an inherent need to belong to just one person. Even Unclassified, to some extent. So why?"
Flaker answered, "Once their Codes are unlocked, their eyes will perpetually change to the colour of their animals. Their speed, their strengths their abilities will be enhanced. Their hands will resemble the animals in some occasions.
More about these theories if their animal awakens is something Michael knows. All these that I know only applies to the extent when their animal psyches meld with their human mind. But if their Codes unlock, when the animal makes his presence known separately, that is the point where even Michael has no information on.
All that we can assume is that, they could also have powers. Because if that comes to pass, they no longer will be hybrids. They will become a different species known to humankind, with no information on them whatsoever. They will become, Death."
"Hang on. You lost me." Suhan shook his head, "No longer be classified as Hybrid? Will become a different species? On unlocking their Codes?"
Flaker's eyes lost focus.
"You are assuming they are Codes Black, Red, Silver and Unclassified."
Suhan nodded.
Flaker shook his head.
"All of their fathers were Unclassified."
Suhan's eyes grew big, his pulse started throbbing wildly. But his heart stopped at Flaker's next statement.
"While all of their mothers were also Pure Unclassified. They, are not Unclassified. They are a Code which has never been recorded yet. They are beyond Unclassified."
Anya! Suhan's brain screamed at him
She is alone! I need to call her!!
Anya bid Mrs. Han goodbye and walked up to her room.
She did not pay attention when she saw all her hybrids standing inside it. She just walked in between them to reach her cupboard, smiling at the cute jealousy they would be displaying now.
As she reached for her clothes, planning on letting them know the truth, she heard the door of her room shutting close, then the soft sound of the lock turning.
Strange. They were the only people in the house. Why would her hybrids want to close the door.
Mildly curious, she turned to them with a smile and stopped.
Her clothes slipped from her fingers as she stared at the 7 men standing in front of her.
Their eyes were completely black. There was no white in them.
Their entire eye, was black.
Taehyung took one step towards her while he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. His voice was unnaturally deep, almost growling in its nature.
"You should not have let him touch you Master."
A/N : 27.7k
So yeah. 😅😅
Hope I did justice to the attraction between the characters in the story.
Did you like the office and the pool encounter? or the soft encounters of them putting the balm?
My very talented friend made three sketches of Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi based on this story. LittleLezbo is she not amazing?
Things are getting interesting now, wouldn't you say? Also, ?????? was uncovered.
Did you like the chapter? are u enjoying the story?
Let me know what you think, please comment a lot.
And do vote!
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