Storyline 4 [CLOSED]
3 is closed!
(No, this is not a roleplay area)
Wolfcry has confessed that he killed Stagpaw moons ago and currently (not anymore) tortures Crookedspirit, his daughter.
Lionstar held a Clan meeting and the rest of the Clan decided to banish Wolfcry for his crimes.
Lionstar and Riverfrost are taking Sootfang, Oakleap, Crookedspirit, and someone else that I forgot. (Lol XD)
Mourningpaw and Mistfeather will be halfway between camp and the patrol chasing out Wolfcry with herbs for safety purposes.
Apprentices are not allowed put of camp without permission from Lionstar, Riverfrost, or their mentor.
Moonpaw, Swiftpaw, and Sunpaw aren't allowed out of camp at all, since they misbehaved A LOT. lol...
Every cat has to take a warrior with them, no matter who it is, apprentice, queen, or another warrior.
If an apprentice disobeys these orders, they get stuck in camp permanently, and they'll have a warrior permanently stuck to their side until Wolfcry is no longer a threat.
Wolfcry, Moonpaw, and Blackbear escaped, so Lionstar sent Icefall, Oakleap, and Whitechin to lead patrols and find them and chase them out of the territory. Lionstar is taking all the apprentices not going on one of the patrols to the Shadewillow for some training. No cat is allowed out of camp unless from Lionstar or Riverfrost. Apprentices may not even ask their mentors.
(This is mostly a thing for newcomers, so anyone who has been here longer can comment and tell me anything you think I missed)
I swear I'm gonna forget something on here.
~Queen Ninja Lion~
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