The 7th of October 2009. Sue set the date into her keypad and put the particles in their rightful place. The familiar feeling of being sucked into the Quantum Realm churned her insides and the surfer was pulled through with her. The waves and swirls of colours passed by and it wasn't long before Sue's feet touched the floor of the Marvel-1 spacecraft.
Sue looked up at first, the roof of pipes familiar yet distant. The hallway was coated in silver and grey panels and her eyes travelled from the ceiling to the wall to her right. Instead of panelled metal, she saw a window that stretched the length of the wall. Outside the eight-inch-thick glass was space and the Earth sat below the Marvel-1, its colour rich with the ocean's blue and the land's foliage. She willed the helmet of her suit to retract, and the stale air of the Marvel-1 hit her nose. She remembered how hard it was to catch a breath of quality air while in space.
'Sue! Sue! The Storm! It's gonna hit in the next two minutes!'
The sound of Johnny's voice made her turn to the left where the hallway came to an end. There stood her brother, who was unaware of her presence. Johnny had his back to Sue as he peered in through the window of the storage door. The silver jumpsuit gave Sue a wave of nostalgia and the memories of Johnny's jokes about looking like he was in an 80s boyband flooded back to her.
'This is the moment where you must interfere, Susan Storm,' she whipped around at the bland voice and came face to face with the silver surfer. Its form stood tall over her, but its eyes remained on Johnny, who pounded at the door that lead to the storage room with his fist. Inside, stood Susan from 2009, who turned from her instincts that told her that Johnny was on the other side of the door.
'This is when the cosmic storm hit the vessel,' the surfer turned to the window, making Sue do the same. The swirls of orange barrelled towards the Marvel-1 in its mass, its ends already trickling into the control room where Reed Richards and Ben Grimm died from the exposure.
'B-But wait!' Sue eyed the storm in panic and turned to the surfer. 'What about Reed and Ben?! Why shouldn't I save them?! And how am I going to save Johnny?!'
'The storm, Sue! The storm...' Johnny trailed off helplessly and Sue looked back towards him. She watched him turn to look out the window and she did the same, the amber mist impending on them in the next three seconds.
Without a thought, Sue ran the length of the hallway and skidded to a stop in front of her brother. The storm hit just as a forcefield formed from her hands and the radiation knocked Johnny off his feet. But Sue held steady, the rush of heat sinking through her suit and blowing her hair back. A great pain invaded her skin and the feeling of burning from the inside built to the surface. Orange waves crashed through the Marvel-1 and penetrated with full force through all except Susan, who laid in protective gear in the storage room, and Sue who held a dome around herself and Johnny.
Johnny forced his head up from the floor, the impact of his skull against the panels causing an ache at the nape of his neck. The radiation leaked in drips through his silver jumpsuit, but the deadly edge was absent. Cosmic currents pierced through the ship and killed Reed Richards and Ben Grimm almost instantly, but the Storm was able to keep awake long enough to see something in the way of the window.
The outline of someone standing over him with their arms out and their feet spread wide sat in the limited vision he still had. The radiation that had gotten through to Johnny's form sent his body into lockdown to exert the deadly gas. But he forced his eyes to squint and try to make out who or what it was that stood over him. The shimmering blue dome that protruded from the person acted as a barrier, protecting him and itself from what would be the deadly dose of cosmic radiation. When his body couldn't stay awake any longer, Johnny gave up and slipped into unconsciousness.
Sue had never felt so much pain before. She had endured childbirth twice, but they were nothing compared to this. Her past self that was a metre away in the storage room was unconscious during the cosmic exposure, so she never experienced the full ferocity of the storm. She struggled to keep the forcefield intact, pieces of radiation breaking through and slinking into her and Johnny's bodies. As if every pore was on fire and laced with a million paper cuts, Sue cried out in agony. The storm continued to wipe through the spacecraft for forty seconds, and for every moment, Sue wished she was dead. She couldn't even think of the things she would lose if she died here, but if she could, she would think of Tony, who was back in 2023 with the Stones, and Booker, who was unaware of his mother's sacrifice.
The Marvel-1 was freed from the clutches of the storm as it drifted off into space. The shuttle was left in silence with all communications and power cut. It was dead in the gravity-less void of space, and it would soon drift to wherever the orbits decided.
With the emergency lights dousing the shuttle in red, the hallway was filled with Sue's heavy breaths. Her arms fell limply by her sides and her neck could no longer support the weight of her head. It hung with sweat dripping down her cheeks and temples, her fingertips losing the last splash of cool that usually came with the use of her powers. The forcefield diminished and Sue tried to take in as much oxygen as possible, but her lungs felt tight, and her throat felt dry.
Johnny laid behind her, his heartrate slowing, and it would soon stop briefly. The radiation was altering his DNA by the minute, and he would wake up back on Earth in the care of SHIELD. It would be three years before he saw Susan again, and it would be on the helicarrier where it was revealed that he was alive, after being pronounced officially dead to the rest of the world.
Sue's knees gave way and she fell to the panelled floor with a thud. Her fringe stuck to her face and her lids were heavy over her eyes. She looked around at the blurs that was the Marvel-1's hallway and she was sure that she was inches from death. The extra radiation combined with the original dose fused inside of her. Cells changed and some even died, but her heart kept beating.
'You have corrected the prophecy of your timeline, Susan Storm.'
Sue forced the muscles in her neck to look up at the surfer, who stood beside her with its lifeless gaze angeled down. The reflection of her panting and perspiring self blared back at her in the spotless skin of the alien. Her skin was sickly pale with blue veins faintly visible and bags lining her under eyes.
'W-Where... what...' her words tumbled out of her mouth. 'What did I... just do?'
'You saved the Earth's light,' the surfer's eyes moved to Johnny, who lay still behind his sister and saviour. 'Your timeline will now continue as it was intended.'
'B-But what about me?' Sue was getting weaker and weaker by the second. Her blinks were slow and it wouldn't be long until they closed her eyes completely.
'Am I... am I dying?'
'No, Susan Storm. You are far from death.'
'Doesn't feel like it,' Sue wiped at her forehead with the back of her glove. 'W-Where were you through that?! W-What about the radiation?!'
'Cosmic radiation has no effect on me.'
The silver surfer stepped to be beside Sue and lowered into a crouch. She could feel how cold its skin was and she wanted nothing more than to absorb it to cool down her searing being. A cough erupted from her chest and her head swam, the few words she had spoken tiring her beyond consciousness.
'I will now take you back to your rightful time, Susan Storm.'
The helmet of Sue's Quantum Suit formed around her head, turning her breaths into distorted static through the mask. The surfer delicately took hold of her wrist, where the keypad displayed the current date of the 7th of October, 2009. With shiny fingers, the alien typed in the year 2023, followed by the date back on planet Earth and the coordinates of the Avengers headquarters.
Combined with the surge of the surfer's power, Sue was whipped through time. Not through the Quantum Realm, but through the years and events of her own timeline. Years passed of her meeting Tony, her entrance into the mansion in Malibu a key event in her life. The look he first gave her when she walked into her workshop was blissful to remember, her suit in a briefcase and once hopeful for control over her new found abilities.
She passed through their meeting with SHIELD and the team. Their battle in New York flashed past and Aldrich Killian went by unnoticed. Ultron came and went, before their wedding appeared. Morgan was brought into the world and then roughly taken. The memories of Thanos' snap were painful and then Booker came along. Sue's life then paused as she met the present and the platform of the testing room met her limp body.
'Is that-'
'Oh my god.'
'She's alive?!'
Voices were thrown about, and the stairs were climbed, before its climber was stopped by a heavier and larger form. Sue was beyond hearing, but the base of noises and vibrations through the platform alerted her that she was home. The daylight shown through the windows of the Avengers headquarters, and she usually welcomed the warmth, but in this circumstance, she cursed it.
'Tony, wait!' she was able to link the voice to Bruce, but the name of the Stark made her hopeful to see the man she last saw in 1970.
'Bruce, I swear to god, don't try to keep me from her-'
'There's radiation! I-I don't know why, but I can smell a whole lot of it. I should go up there. It... it seems deadly.'
A silence ensued but the thuds of footsteps grew closer. They were larger than a normal human and Bruce appeared over the top of the withering woman. Dressed in his Quantum Suit after just getting back from 2012 with the Time Stone, Bruce crouched down to look at the woman who wreaked of radiation. The amount of the gas that was inside Bruce outweighed the amount Sue currently had in her body, but it was enough for him to sense it. It stunk of burnt toast and something sour. And when he saw the Storm's face slick with sweat and her veins protruding from underneath her sickly skin, he knew that something wasn't right.
'Sue. Sue, what happened?' Bruce's voice was gentle despite his colossal size. He peered down at her through his glasses, his stare worried and confused. He caught sight of the keypad on her wrist, the numbers all jumbled as if it had been powered to its limit.
'I-It was me...' she let out in a whisper. 'I saved him... I was there...'
'What do you mean, Sue? Who did you save?' Bruce's eyebrows pinched together, his worry heightening at her falling eyelids.
'Bruce, tell me she's okay! Oh god, Bruce, please!' Tony's voice cracked from below the platform, but Bruce waited to hear Sue's whispers.
'Johnny... I was the one who saved Johnny.'
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