It felt like a lifetime ago when Sue and Tony fought against Ivan Vanko in Monacco. They both had grown so much since then, but Tony still saw the caring, strong woman, who was afraid to show the world that she was The Invisible Woman. And now, her ring finger sported the large diamond ring that the world gossiped about constantly. 'The Super Couple' was what the press called them, and every entertainment segment on the news contained the latest update on the progress of the wedding.
Tony's proposal wasn't completely planned. He had bought the ring without considering when he would drop down to one knee and ask Susan to be his wife. But he had thought about it enough to know that it was what he wanted more than anything. After seeing the way Clint lived with Laura and their two children, Tony was sure that marriage would be the next step for him and Sue. Whether they continued their hero work, or retired for good, the Stark wanted the Storm to become Mrs Stark. And he wanted to have a house like Clint, where no one would bother them, and their family of two or possibly more, would be away from harm.
Sue reunited with Tony after the battle in Sokovia with a tight embrace. Tony's beaten and battered suit opened its hold once he landed from blowing up the vibranium core, and Sue jumped into his arms. Her face buried itself into his shoulder and he leaned his head against hers, strands of hair sticking to the blood that leaked from the bridge of his nose. The suit behind him closed its hatch and stood in stationary mode, eyes lit and waiting for instruction.
Tony pulled out of their hug and stepped back, Sue's arms reaching out for another embrace. Her smile faltered in confusion, but her jaw dropped completely when he reached into his jean pocket and put one knee to the floor. Her dirt covered gloves went up to her mouth and she was sure that FRIDAY documented the sudden rise in her heartbeat.
'I was hoping to do this in Venice or something,' Tony said, one knee propped up and the other laying flat on the ground. 'But let's face it, we're never gonna get a second to make things romantic. Not with flaming moe behind you-'
'I resent that, Stark,' Johnny butted in from beside Steve. Wanda and Vision were off to the side, Pietro's death still fresh in the twin's mind.
'Anyway, I want this done before the L'oreal commercial-' Thor '-gets here and makes a big deal out of it. So, Sue, Susie, Susan, would you do me the honour of becoming the world's most awesome, amazing, handsome man's wife?'
The woman's eyes welled up with tears and a large smile pinched at her aching cheeks. In her scraped and scratched red suit with her knotted hair blowing into her face, Sue stared down at the man she loved. The square, crimson box sat open in his hand that he held up to her. She could see the scarred dots that lined his inner forearm, reminding her of the time where Tony was mentally unwell. The micro-repeater implants he injected were long gone, removed from her pleads. It was another example of how much better he had become because of Susan.
Tony's eyes looked hopeful yet knowing, the grin on her face giving him his answer. His own smile graced his face, the sting of pain from the cut on the bridge of his nose not bothering him in the slightest.
'Yes...' her voice was a whisper, but Tony heard it loud and clear. 'Yes, Tony. Yes.'
Steve and Johnny watched with joyful grins as Tony slipped Sue's glove off her hand, revealing the clean skin underneath. He stood up and was inches away from her, the ring's gold band gliding past her nail and over the joint of her finger. It settled at the base of her digit, the size of the gem making her eyes widen.
'Woah...' she gasped.
'What, too small?' Tony joked and Sue looked up, shaking her head at his ability to joke even now.
'No. It's perfect. Thank you... I love you, Tony,' her teary eyes blinked up at him.
'I love you, too.'
Tony leaned down, his eyes beginning to slide shut. But before he could plant his lips on hers, they disappeared along with the rest of her. He looked down to see that her feet were imprinted in the dirt, showing that she was still stood in front of him, only invisible. Tony hummed in amusement and leaned down again, pressing his lips where he thought hers would be. But instead of the soft, plump lips that he adored so much, he encountered hard cartilage.
'That's my nose, genius,' Sue laughed softly as she materialised, her grin wide. 'These are my lips.'
Sue thought about the moment while Tony drove his car through the streets of Queens, New York. So much had happened since the meeting with the Secretary of State and the Sokovian Accords. She and Tony had signed them, along with Rhodey and Vision. But Johnny refused, as did Steve. The rest didn't want to admit their decisions.
The accords were going to be ratified in Vienna, but an explosion laid by a HYDRA agent killed the Wakandian King T'Chaka. The HYDRA agent was believed to be James Buchanan Barnes, also known Bucky. From what Sue was told, Steve and Bucky were friends back in the war, yet, Bucky was in the twenty-first century. Only there was so much more to the situation that Sue didn't understand.
Tony was there when Steve and Johnny helped Bucky escape. Sue was at the Avengers headquarters at the time, as she said she wasn't feeling well. It was partially a lie, but Tony bought it, kissing her forehead and saying that she should sit this one out. She had been feeling strange for a few days and thought it was something that would eventually pass. She wasn't up for a fight, especially if it was against the HYDRA agent, Bucky Barnes.
From what Tony told her, they had restrained Bucky after picking him up somewhere in Romania. He somehow got free and attacked everyone, eventually disappearing with Steve, Sam and Johnny. Sue was worried about her brother, as he was insistent that the accords should be scrapped. The Storm seemed to follow Steve's every command, seeing his friend as a leader and role model in battle. But whatever Rogers was getting involved in with Bucky, Sue hoped that Johnny would have the sense to abandon ship when things went sideways.
Tony pulled the car into a parking space and FRIDAY turned off the engine. This brought Sue out of her daydream, and she turned to look at her fiancé who sported a large black eye and a cut along his brow. She insisted she help disinfect his cut when she first saw him after the incident, to which he tried his best to avoid her cotton wool and q-tips. He groaned at her attempts but eventually sat still, informing her of all the details while she nursed his eye socket.
'So, this kid's the bug, right?' Sue asked when her door was opened by Tony, and she undid her seatbelt.
'Yeah. He's a good kid,' Tony closed the door once Sue was out and the two walked towards the porch steps. They bumped shoulders as they ascended to the front door and Tony knocked against the wood with his knuckles.
'Are we recruiting? Is that what this is?' Sue turned to Tony; her eyebrows raised in realisation. 'Are we really going to fight against the others?'
'We don't have much of a choice. That Bucky guy is wanted for all the things under the sun. Rogers made us do this,' he said, side-eyeing her as they waited for someone to come to the door.
'Does this mean we;re going to have to go up against Captain America? Nazis did that and lost. How are we-'
The door was swung open, and Sue whipped her gaze to the person in the doorway. She tried to appear like they weren't discussing their next fistfight, and a woman stood with her hand on the side of the door. She was middle-aged with long brown hair, and she had thin-rimmed glasses over her eyes. When she saw the two standing on her porch, her shoulders hiked up in a gasp and Tony sent a stiff grin.
'Hello,' he greeted with his hands together in front of him. 'Is Mr Parker in?'
'T-There is no Mr Parker...' the woman stuttered, her eyes flicking back and forth between the couple. 'A-Aren't you two-'
'Oh, really? Oh, it's school hours. The kid's at school,' Tony sighed and 'tsk'ed with a look at his watch.
'You mean Peter? Oh, yeah, he's at school. B-But he should be home soon!' the woman let out a nervous laugh. 'P-Please! Come in!'
She stepped to the side and Tony thanked her, walking in first with Sue close behind. The owner of the house hurriedly shut the door, before walking to catch up with the unexpected guests. She attempted to smooth out her hair and fix her tank top's strap that fell down her shoulder. It wasn't every day that Tony Stark and Susan Storm appeared on your doorstep asking for your nephew. They came to a living room and Sue took advantage of the few seconds they had before the woman caught up to them.
'This kid's a high school student?!' Sue hissed over Tony's shoulder in her best hushed voice. 'You want to fight Captain America with someone who still does calculus?!'
'I do calculus and I can take him,' Tony shrugged. Sue went to reply but caught sight of the woman who slipped past them and stood with fidgeting hands and a nervous grin.
'You're welcome to wait until Peter gets home. I-I have some walnut, date loaf!' she chirped. 'I can make tea as well! Or coffee?'
'Coffee would be great.'
'Tea, please.'
As the homeowner scurried into the kitchen, Sue plonked herself down on the green sofa, while Tony wandered around the living room with his hands in his pockets. He picked up knickknacks and played with photo frames, looking at the picture of a young boy stood with the woman who was in the kitchen. Sue ran a hand down her face with a groan and couldn't believe what she had gotten herself into.
'Why are we here, Tony?' she whined, her face left with a hue of red from pulling at her skin. 'Is this really our next endeavour?'
'Cap's got a HYDRA soldier with a metal arm on his team, and a flaming turd with the mind of a fifth-grader. This kid's gonna be our secret weapon,' he put down a wooden elephant and wandered over to sit next to the woman. He put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side, her arms limp in between her legs as he did so.
'I know that you don't want to hurt Johnny, and I'm sure he doesn't want to hurt you, either,' Tony lowered his voice into a more caring tone. 'We might not even have to do any of this. But I have to be prepared. I've got the Secretary of State on my back. Rhodey's down and Vision and Nat will be there. I don't know who Cap's bringing in. He's pulling a part the Avengers, not me.'
'Whatever you say, Tony...'
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