The rush from the restaurant on to The Grand Prix racetrack was a blur. In short, Tony had decided that he wanted to drive the race car that would be representing him on the track. Sue and Pepper watched in agony as he soared through the race before someone walked on to the track dressed in worker gear. The man pulled out electronic whips and began slicing open cars that came rushing at him. Pepper and Sue knew it wouldn't be long until Tony got to the part of the track where the man was. He would undoubtably need his suit.
Happy had broken through the barrier of the track and was driving against the oncoming race. Sue sat with one hand clamped over the doorhandle and one against the back middle seat. Her heart pounded in her chest as Happy slammed down his foot on the pedal and swerved around cars that were nothing but flashes of green, red and blue as they passed. Tony's suit sat enclosed in a case next to Pepper's feet and Sue was careful not to let the solid metal collide with her ankles.
'This is insane!' Pepper cried as she too clung to the sides of the car.
'Is this a normal vacation for you?!' Sue asked sarcastically. She brought her hand up to check if it was still visible and was surprised to find it was.
'I would say it isn't, but I don't think I'm allowed to anymore!'
Sue watched through the front windscreen as Happy skidded around a corner. What was a small commotion in the distance gained on them quickly, and Sue saw the bleeding face of Tony Stark right through her window. Pepper like out a shriek as the bonnet of the car ploughed into the man with whips, pinning him against the barrier of the track.
'Were you heading for me or him?! 'Cos I couldn't tell!' Tony yelled to Happy. They could finally get a better look at the man with the whips and saw he had tanned skin, long black hair that had grey streaks throughout its mess. His upper half laid unmoving on the bonnet, but the whips still buzzed with electricity.
'Are you out of your mind?!' Pepper screamed as she wildly pointed at Tony. 'Get in this car right now!'
'I'd get in the car, Tony,' Sue let out from her shrunken place in the car. She stared at the man who was beginning to stir awake on Happy's bonnet and swallowed dryly.
'First vacation in two years-'
Tony's mumble was cut short by the whip of electricity slicing the car door in half. The door was left in Tony's hand as Pepper let out another scream as the hot metal leaked on to the road below her. Sue watched as blood poured out of the whip-handling man's mouth as he reared back the whip once more, slamming it down on the floor below Tony's feet.
'Hit him again! Hit him again!' Tony cried. Happy reversed the car and slammed into the man again. Pepper let out all sorts of shrieks and cries, while Tony tried to hold the cut-in-half door open to grab his case.
'Give me the case!'
Sue somehow found herself out of the car and on the track below. She got to her feet and wobbled at first, the heels proving to be a nuisance when needing to move quickly. There were only actions on her mind as she ran behind the Royce that was sliced at again by one of the electric whips. Pepper was yelping as she was thrown around in the car with the case in hand, trying hard to throw it towards Tony.
Aware of the watching eyes of crowd that gathered to watch the ordeal, Sue appeared around the car and saw the man rear back his arm to land another blow of electricity. Without a passing thought, Sue stuck out her arm and felt the icy blast run through her veins and out of her palm. The whip came to a halt about three feet above Tony and Sue's head, a sheen of blue running around the barrier that surrounded the two. The current slammed down on to the ground and a silence ran throughout the track and stadium.
The crowd watched in confusion as Susan Storm produced some sort of barrier with her bare hands to protect Tony Stark. Mumbles and chatter echoed throughout the stands for some possible explanations, but most were in amazement of the happenings.
The man that was pinned against the wall and Happy's car wiped away his grin as no mark was made on Tony Stark. He stared at Sue who held her forcefield strong while Tony took the time to grab the case that Pepper had thrown out of the car. He pulled it on to his chest and the crowd in the stands cheered as the suit encased him. Even Sue glanced back in awe as the metal of red and light gold moved on its own across Tony's body, leaving his helmet until last before clamping down over his face.
Planting his foot against the car, Tony pushed it away so that Happy and Pepper were out of harm's way. Sue made the mistake of turning her head to make sure the car stopped safely, which resulted in her barrier faltering in stability. A whip of electricity broke through the loose field and Sue stumbled at the brute force.
Tony held up his repulsor and fired a few shots. But the man was skilled and used his weapons to counteract each deployment. The length of the whips slicked across the chest of the suit and scratched through the red and gold paint. Tony took staggered steps backwards from the force and the man took the opportunity to wrap a whip around the arm of the suit.
From Sue's place near the car, she watched as the electricity roared and began to surge through Tony. A cackle from the man who wrapped his other whip around Tony's neck and Sue felt like she should do something. She looked to the crowd and saw people with hands over their mouths as they feared for Iron Man. Children were crying for Tony to beat the man who relished in Iron Man's struggle. He carelessly threw the suit around and slammed him into the floor, grunts coming from Tony who tried to pull himself from the grasps of the whips.
Tony began to wrap the whips around his arm to get closer. If he couldn't get the man close enough to him, Tony would bring himself forward instead. He continued to wrap the whips around himself before launching his fist into the man's face. The man was stunned for a moment and Tony reached down to rip the copy of his arc reactor off his chest.
Cheers came from the crowd at Iron Man's triumph and the authorities arrived on the scene. Tony watched as the man's arms were taken into the police's and he was dragged away to the police cars and vans. But not before he lunged his head back before spitting the blood that remained in his mouth.
'You lose! You lose!' he cackled. His Russian accent was thick, and Tony couldn't help but stare as the man was dragged past Sue.
The man turned his head while cackling and met eyes with her. She stood frozen as his eyes raked over her figure. Her gaze followed him into the police vans, his laugh ringing in her ears even after he was out of sight and earshot.
Sue turned her head back to Tony and saw him staring at her through the Iron Man mask. He crushed the arc reactor in his hand before JARVIS used the face identification square on his screen. The electric blue square sat around Sue's face and Tony couldn't help but notice how scared she looked. She'd just revealed herself to the public and confirmed the many rumours about her abilities. All because of him.
Their mini vacation had turned into a world of mayhem.
'You don't have to come with me, you know.'
'No, I think you could use some of my protection.'
'Your protection? Am I a damsel?'
Sue tried to keep up with Tony as they stalked through the European jail. Tony had requested to see the man before they shipped him off to a maximum-security prison for his crimes. When Sue heard this, she was adamant that she should come with him.
The reporters that sat waiting outside their hotel made it difficult for her to stay in the room with Pepper and Natalie all day. The hotel staff weren't the best at keeping them in the lobby, so Happy had to stand outside their door. It put Sue on edge, so she decided to give Tony her support in visiting the man who had tried to kill him.
'I don't think you should come in,' Tony stopped as they reached the cell door the authorities had led them too. 'It was bad enough to bring you on the vacation so suddenly. I shouldn't bring you into any more of my crap.'
'Nous allons regarder de l'autre côté de ce miroir là-bas,' one of police inspectors spoke up while pointing to a one-way mirror that sat on the left of the cell. Sue turned to Tony with a raised eyebrow as he apparently knew fluent French.
'Follow him. You'll be able to see what's going on,' Tony gestured to the man as he looked down at Sue. He was worried about her. He was used to the events of today, but Sue wasn't introduced to the world of men who weren't happy with Iron Man. Or happy with the world, for that matter.
Sue gave him a close-lipped smile and followed the inspector. He took her to a room that overlooked the cell through a one-way mirror. The man, who once threw electrified whips on the racetrack, was sat on a bench in the far corner with handcuffs around his wrists. The police left him in the orange pants they found him in, and the full extremity of his tattoos were on full display.
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