Bruce had built the Quantum Realm pad to be mobile and decided to install it somewhere the team could meet. It would be the final close to the saga of endles fighting they had gone through for nearly a decade. So, what better place to close the chapter than at Clint's house?
It was somewhere the whole team had been after Ultron's attempts to destroy the Avengers, and it was unsuspecting. The world didn't know what they had done to reverse Thanos' effect on the universe, and they wanted to keep it that way. They needed to put the Stones back and act as if they were never taken. Messing with time travel could open more bumps in the road, so the Barton's family home was the best choice for private reasons.
While Bruce and Scott set everything up outside, Steve dressed in his Quantum Suit for the last time jump. Unknown to the others, he was preparing to leave the team for good. With his blonde hair slicked back and nerves running wild, Steve released the air he gathered into his cheeks. He was nervous not only to return each of the Stones, but to lie to the others before he fell through the Quantum Realm. Bucky and Sam were waiting for him outside while Bruce and Scott finished the pad, and he didn't know if he could face them without spilling his intentions. But Steve's heart was set. He would be jumping back to his time, back to Peggy. And nothing excited him more.
At the sound of the doorknob turning and the wooden door creaking, Steve turned as if caught doing something he shouldn't. But his hiked shoulders relaxed, and he breathed a sigh. Sue smirked at the man's jittery behaviour and slipped into the room, making sure to shut the door behind her. With her green shirt tucked into her jeans and her hair back in a low bun, Sue slid her hands into her pockets as she looked at Steve for one of the last times.
'It's ready. Time to head back, Cap,' Sue chimed. Her tone held a slight sadness, but she was didn't want to dullend his last moments in the twenty-first century. It was what he wanted and if it meant Steve found a direction in his life, then Sue shouldn't be sad to see him go.
'It feels like yesterday I ran out into Times Square with Fury on my tail,' Steve laughed lightly with a shake of his head. He fiddled with the hem of his glove before he looked back up to Sue. She wore a tight smile, aware of his half reluctance to fulfil his one desire.
'You're doing a good thing, Steve. You deserve to be happy.'
'Should I tell them? The others?' Steve looked to Sue for reassurance, her level-headed trait always a help in tough situations. But he knew what she was going to say, so it disappointed him when he got little to no advice.
'It's your decision. But I know whatever you do, it'll be the best for you.'
Steve turned to look out the window and saw the path that led into the woods. He could see Bruce's green frame hunched over the control panel and Scott standing with the case of Stones in hand. They were waiting for him to venture out the house, but Steve hesitated. He had to be sure that this was the right choice. The last time he spoke to Peggy was when she was old, their time together missed. But he would be able to see her again and make a life with her, which was all he ever wanted. He was lost in today's world. He didn't belong here. He belonged with her.
'It was honour knowing you, Sue,' Steve turned and smiled, his mind made up. The sting hit Sue's eyes before she could stop it and they watered within seconds. With a clench of her teeth and a purse of her lips, Sue took long strides across the room. Steve opened his arms before she met him, the two embracing each other tightly. Her arms sat around his middle with the side of her face against his chest, the chill from the white breast plate on his Quantum suit shocking her cheek. Steve held the woman tight and relished in the quietness of the room.
'You were a good friend, Steve,' Sue's tears never spilt, and she pulled away with them still glossing over her irises. They exchanged their last smiles before the two turned to the door, ready to put on the act of the century.
On their way down the stairs, Steve walked ahead while Sue stopped in the hall. Lila, who she hadn't seen in years, was sat in the living room. The girl that used to only make it to Sue's waist stood from the sofa and showed her immense growth. Lila saw Sue and beamed, the sight of her childhood hero back in her house igniting her still young soul.
'Gosh, you've grown,' Sue said through a bewildered laugh. From where she stood, Sue could see that Lila's height would be to her shoulder. She knew that all of Clint's family were blipped, and Lila should be five years older than she currently was. But if everyone spent their time dwelling on the years they lost, the world wouldn't be able to move on.
'Yeah. I'll be thirteen in November,' Lila replied with a grin. 'It's great to see you, Miss Storm. Even with the veins.'
Sue instinctively brought her fingers to the blue veins that were yet to fade from her cheeks. Although not as aggressive looking as when they first appeared, the physical effects of the extra cosmic radiation seemed to be permanent. But Sue wasn't worried. Her appearance wasn't something the woman worried about especially when approaching the ripe old age of fifty. And Tony had mentioned that they were unique, so the strange phenomenon on the Storm's face had become just another part of her.
'Where's Mr Stark? Is he here, too?' Lila asked when Sue didn't reply.
'No, he's at home with the kids. He didn't want a part in this and he always seems to be dragged into something, so...' Sue shrugged and resisted the urge to mention that Tony had already bid his goodbyes to Steve. But when Lila nodded in understanding, Sue took that as her cue to head out of the house.
'I better get out there,' she pointed outside and started making her way to the door. 'It was nice seeing you, Lila.'
'You, too, Miss Storm! You're still my favourite Avenger! Don't tell my dad!'
Sue chuckled as she stepped out onto the porch and descended the stairs. She jogged to make it down the path to the Quantum pad, where the figures of the team gathered for the jump. Scott was handing over the Stones in the case while Bucky and Sam waited behind their friend. Bruce gave the rundown and Sue stopped beside Bucky, the group giving her a glance on her arrival.
'Now, remember, you have to return the Stones to the exact moment you got them. Or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities,' Bruce briefed as he flipped switches and turned dials.
'Don't worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches,' Steve replied with the Stones in hand. His eyes flickered to Sue, a layer of of guilt visible only to her. But he kept his composure. Bruce looked up from the control panel and paused, his face dropping for a moment at the thought of who wasn't present.
'You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the Stones, I really tried to bring her back,' Bruce muttered with an ache in his chest. 'I miss her, man.'
'Me too...' Steve muttered back, and Sue agreed silently.
Natasha would be happy to know the turn out of their mission to reverse Thanos' deeds. But that didn't mean that her sacrifice was put to rest with a simple showing of gratitude. She didn't have a family to miss her, so the team gladly took that place. She was missed dearly, and her death hit everyone. Especially Clint, who found refuge in his returned family. He knew her the longest, and their missions with SHIELD would live forever in his memories.
'You know, if you want, I can come with you,' Sam suggested.
'You're a good man, Sam,' Steve said in sincerity, the meaning more than his friend would know. 'This one's on me, though.'
He turned to Bucky Barnes. Steve started to find the goodbyes hard. Bucky didn't have the same hero stature as he did. He was taken by HYDRA and crafted into a solider against his will. His memory was wiped, and Bucky was a shell, but he was trying to return to his former self. His arm would never grow back, but at least Wakanda was a safe place for the Winter Soldier. Steve felt better knowing that he would be okay without him, even if he didn't know he was leaving him behind.
'Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back,' Steve forced out. He would be back, but maybe not as young and 'spry', as Tony would say.
'How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you.'
Sue turned away when Bucky and Steve embraced. She couldn't cry because it would give away Steve's plan. She respected his wishes for keeping it from the team, but it was hard to watch him say goodbye to his friends that didn't know it was their final goodbye. She knew that if Tony was here, he would be itching to spoil the plan. It was a good thing that he didn't have an interest in watching Steve pass through the Quantum Realm. It made Sue's job easier as she didn't need to call on Pepper and Johnny to babysit Booker and Morgan, and she could hold herself together at Steve's farewells.
'Gonna miss you, buddy,' Bucky's voice made Sue turn back. The Barnes and Steve stared at each other, their eyes conversing silently. Sue was confused before it hit her that Bucky knew. Whether Steve let it slip or not, Bucky knew that Steve was going to spend the rest of his days where he was meant to be.
'It's gonna be okay, Buck.'
Steve climbed the stairs of the Quantum pad and picked up Mjolnir, which also needed returning to its designated timeline. Thor had requested this before his departure and seeing as Steve was worthy, he had the added responsibility of making sure the alternate universe it was taken from wasn't misshapen.
'Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?'
'You bet.'
Sue fiddled with her fingers, biting her lip to resist another tearful goodbye.
'Going Quantum. Three, two, one–'
Bruce flipped a switch and Steve disappeared from the pad. A weight was dropped onto Sue's shoulders before it slipped off, as if a dumbbell had fallen from the sky. While Bruce fiddled with levels and Sam and Scott waited, Sue inched her gaze to Bucky, who she could see was glum. At the heat of her stare, he turned his head and met her with the same sorrowful eyes. But he was content knowing that Steve would be happy.
'And returning in five, four, three, two, one-'
Sue turned on her heel at Bruce's countdown that led to nothing. He turned a dial and Steve was meant to reappear without the Stones and Mjolnir. But when he didn't, a panic ensued from the Banner. There was rushing across the panel and Sam's confused questions rang out, urging Bruce to do something.
'Get him the hell back!' Sam cried.
'Hey, I said, I'm trying!'
With Bucky spotting a figure on the bench near the lake, Sue left the scene. Everything had worked out, and it was now time to start living.
'Now don't freak out. You know I can't move that fast. But she can. She's like a race car. She was there, and then she was gone. But she's in the house, I know that much. In all fairness, I am a cripple-'
'Dad! I found her!'
'Oh, thank god.'
Sue rolled her eyes and watched as Booker stopped by her side with Morgan in his arms. The little girl let out a squeal of laughter at the sight of her father's fright, the man having spent the last hour searching the house with Booker for the disappearing delinquent. Sue had only just walked through the door of the house when Tony prevented her from venturing any further. He did well to hide his panic, but the troubled eyes of the Stark she knew too well gave it all away instantly.
'All I ask is that you, mister-' Sue bent down to take Morgan with her eyes trained on her son. '-don't also have the ability to float around unseen.'
'Oh, don't worry, Mum. I think you would know by now if I had any of your powers.'
'The squirt's right,' Tony put his good hand on top of Booker head. 'Following in his dad's footsteps. Did you know he's already finished my quantum physics textbook?'
Sue bounced Morgan on her hip as she listened to Tony. She took the moment to look at her family that she finally achieved. She had thought it was impossible to be normal. Although it was an altered picture from what she had originally imagined, it was still perfect. Tony was there, his burns gruesome but they would soon become a part of him. Morgan was giggling, meant to be at least six years old, but Sue didn't know if she was ready to see her all grown up yet. And Booker was beaming at his dad's praise, the boy already well beyond the knowledge level of someone his age. Sue couldn't be happier with what she had, and she would never take it for granted.
'What's wrong, hun?' Tony's concerned face made Sue realise that she was staring with tearful eyes. She cleared her throat and looked to Morgan, who cooed endlessly with her fingers in her mouth. She hoped Steve would have something like this. A family.
'Nothing,' she smiled, her cheeks aching and her chest swelling with joy. 'Nothing at all.'
Tony put his hand on her waist, the hiss of his mechanical joints sounding as he moved. The electric blue ran up his side from the reactor and Booker eyed his abnormal parents. He didn't know any other kids his age who had a dad with charred skin and a machine to power his right side, and a mum with blue veins visible from underneath her skin. But he knew that his parents were superheroes and if anything, they were cooler than any other kids' parents. He loved them all the same, and he was proud to say his mum and dad was Susan Storm and Tony Stark.
'You know, you never told me about going back to the Marvel-1,' Tony said, his voice soft and soothing. His hand gripped Sue's waist and stared at the woman he would gladly spend the rest of his life with. They had been through too much together and they had a bond that was unbreakable. Most couples would break under the pressure of constant battles and uncertainty, or would find a way to grow a part. But not them. Not after their lives of sticking together through mad Russians, murder bots and murderous titans.
'The whole altering Johnny's timeline. Thought it wasn't supposed to be like 'Back To the Future',' Tony eyed Sue. 'Do you want to tell me about it?'
'No,' Sue leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. 'I don't think I do.'
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