"Sam, Dean?" You called out, trying to see in the darkened room. At least you assumed it was a room, but with how dark it was, you couldn't really tell anything. With your hands outstretched in front of you, you carefully walked forward, bumping against one thing that creaked before slowly continuing on.
"Y/N!" You heard Dean's voice muffled from in front of you.
"Dean, I'm in here!" You yelled, before a door was thrown open and you could finally see. You were in some sort of closet, no bigger than five feet by six at the most. It was crowded with broken furniture, and long forgotten items that had at least an inch of dust.
Dean reached in, pulling you tight against his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. "We couldn't find you," he whispered against your hair.
Being held like this, in his arms, felt right, and even though you were concerned about your surroundings, you couldn't help but relish in the touch. "What happened? Last thing I remember is falling asleep, but this doesn't look like my room."
"Same with me sweetheart," Dean agreed. "I was sitting at the library table, a cup of whiskey in my hand and them bam, I woke up on the outside of this creepy cabin."
"I was in my room reading when I felt this weird energy come over me, and I woke up on the floor of a kitchen." Sam spoke up, standing behind Dean.
"Do you think this has anything to do with those other hunts?" You asked, pulling away from Dean even though you didn't want to. "I mean the weird energy, the landing in this strange place. It's too much like last week, and it's really starting to freak me out."
"I'm starting to agree with you," Sam mumbled, running his hand through his hair. "This is too much of a coincidence. I just wish we could figure out the common factor."
"Yeah, before one of these becomes too much," Dean grumbled. "But for now let's figure out where we are, and how to get the hell out of here."
Surprising both of you, he reached down, grasping your hand with his. Keeping you at his side, the three of you began a trek through the small cabin, noticing nothing but dust and lack of habitants in years. "It doesn't seem to creepy," Sam said once you had taken in the small kitchen, the rustic living room, and the bathroom/bedroom combination. "Let's check outside."
Sam went to pull the door, frowning when it wouldn't budge. "Dean, weren't you just outside?"
"Yeah. I woke up on the porch," Dean answered. "Why? Won't it open?"
"It won't budge. Try the windows."
There were only three windows in the entire house. One in the living room, one in the kitchen, and one in the bedroom. Each of you took one, tugging and pushing as hard as you could, but none of them would budge. You were completely locked in, with no way out.
"It's late, and there's a couch and a bed. Let's get some sleep, and we can try again in the morning." Sam suggested. "I'll take the couch."
"That leaves you and me on the bed," Dean said, watching for your reaction. Suddenly feeling butterflies flying around in your stomach, you nodded. It wouldn't be the first time you had shared a bed with Dean, but this time it felt different. After the hug and the hand holding, you knew that was a step in your relationship with Dean. And it excited you. "As long as you're okay with that. I could always take the floor."
"No, the floor is cold, and we don't have any extra blankets. You can sleep with me," you assured him, watching as his tongue darted out, licking his bottom lip.
Without any spare clothes, Dean slipped out of his boots and flannel, leaving him in his jeans and t-shirt. You were already dressed for sleep, wearing a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top, and you couldn't wait to climb under the covers and heat up from the chill of the cabin.
Sam was already lightly snoring on the couch in the living room, and you threw the only extra blanket over him, before slipping into bed beside Dean.
"Eww, I don't want them in bed together," Sophia muttered, her face pinched in dismay. "This is a horror book, I don't want to hear about what people do in beds."
Sighing, Zach stared at his sister. "Don't you want to hear the rest of the story or not?"
"Fine, but I just wish you could skip over this spot."
"I just want to know why it's the same three people in each and every chapter. And why they think something is doing this," Tyler thought out loud. "This is just a weird book."
Rolling his eyes, Zach ignored his friend before continuing on, lowering his voice for effect.
It took awhile for you to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep. With Dean's even breathing beside you, radiating warmth, you should have fallen asleep a long time ago. But you couldn't help but imagine what this could be like on a daily basis. If you could share a bed with Dean nightly. To have a relationship with the man. Sure, he always says he's not relationship material, but you had always disagreed with that fact. Dean was perfect relationship material, he just needed someone to show him that.
"Y/N, aren't you ever going to fall asleep?" Dean grumbled, his voice even deeper with sleep.
"I'm so sorry, it's just hard going to sleep when I have no idea why we're here, or what's going to happen. In the other hunts something would have happened by now."
"I agree. But I also know there's nothing we can do until whatever monster it is decides to make an appearance. And I'd rather have a little bit of sleep under my belt."
"I know," you sighed, feeling him shuffle around in the bed beside you.
"Here, come here," he insisted, and you could feel him gently pulling on you until your head was resting on his chest and his arm was wrapped around your shoulders. "That better?"
Nodding, you snuggled in, finally ready to fall asleep when you heard a sound inside the cabin. "What was that?" You asked, stiffening slightly.
"Probably the wind," Dean muttered, ready to get to sleep.
Trying to play it off as the wind, you closed your eyes, only to hear the sound again. It sounded like something scratching at the wall of the cabin. This time Dean heard it too, and with a groan he sat up the same time as you. Reaching over, he took his flashlight from beside the bed, turning it on and flashing it towards the end of the bed.
You really wish it had been your imagination. That you had just been hearing sounds and it wasn't the thing at the end of the bed. Reaching over, you squeezed Dean's arm, trying to contain the scream that threatened to leave your lips.
"What the hell is that?" Dean mumbled under his breath as both of you stared at the creature staring at you. It had four legs and the body of a dog, but that's where the similarities ended. Short and stubby, it had long pointed ears, and these yellow eyes that gave you the creeps. It had thick, wiry black fur, claws that curled into the wood, and a long thick tail.
"Is that a hell hound?" You asked as it sniffed the air, stepping towards your bed.
"No," Dean answered, making you even more scared.
"What are we going to do?" You asked him, just as you heard stumbling coming from the main room.
"Sam, we've got a visitor!" Dean yelled, just as Sam came stumbling into the room, his knife in his hands. The monster snarled at Sam, before rushing to the side of the room, scurrying into a hole in the wall. A hole that hadn't been there earlier.
Sam raced after it, slamming the knife down just as it slid into the hole, and at first you had thought it had escaped. But then Sam reached down, picking up the monster's tail, black blood oozing from the cut. "What the hell was that thing?" He asked, both you and Dean shrugging.
Taking the lighter from his pocket, Sam lit the tail on fire as Dean moved the dresser in front of the hole. "Whatever it is, it's gone now, and probably won't be coming back. Now, let's get at least another hour of shuteye before we figure a way out of here."
Even though you weren't sure you could fall asleep again, you climbed into bed beside Dean, snuggling up against him this time without even asking. He didn't mind, holding you tight to him. "Dean, that thing was...,"
"Yeah, I've never seen anything like that," he agreed. "But maybe now this hunt is over with and we can get back to the bunker in the morning."
Knowing neither of you believed that, you still closed your eyes, trying to go to sleep. With Dean's hand rubbing soothing circles on your skin, you felt yourself relaxing, finally falling asleep.
Not sure how much later, you were startled awake, once again by the sound of scratching. This came from outside the cabin, right where you had patched up the hole. Trying to ignore it, you snuggled closer to Dean, but the scratching only grew louder, followed by a strange voice. "Tailypo! Tailypo! I want my Tailypo!"
Your hands shaking slightly, you shook Dean awake. Grumbling, he blinked his eyes, finally focusing them on you. "What?"
"I think it's back. And it spoke," you whispered, pointing to where the dresser blocked the hole.
Dean listened for a moment, his eyes widening when the scratching came back, louder than before. "Tailypo! Tailypo! I want my Tailypo!"
"What the hell?" Dean exclaimed, climbing out of bed. Sam came rushing in, no doubt hearing it as well. With their flashlights, they shined them out the window, but didn't notice anything strange. "Whatever that was, it's no longer there."
"Dean, I don't like this," you muttered, wrapping your arms around yourself, partly to comfort yourself, but also to keep yourself warm. Seeing this, Dean picked up his flannel, wrapping it around you, missing the look Sam sent your way.
"So, what do we do? Stay up the rest of the night, see if it comes back? Or catch some sleep? I don't think it can get back inside," Dean wondered out loud.
"Why don't we take shifts?" Sam suggested. "I'll stay up, you two catch some sleep."
Sliding back in bed, you felt Dean snuggle up against your back. "Don't worry Y/N, we'll figure this out. And then maybe we can finally talk about us."
"Us?" You squeaked, making him chuckle.
"Yes, us. I know you feel this between us, and I know we both want more. But we just need to figure out a way out of this loop," he spoke softly before pressing a kiss to the hollow of your throat.
"I do want more," you admitted, before the scratching started once again, louder than before. Stiffening in Dean's arms, you heard him curse behind you. "Dean, is that coming from more than one spot?"
"Yeah," he sighed, climbing out of bed, taking your hand as the two of you joined Sam in the main room.
"Tailypo! Tailypo! I want my Tailypo!" The creature screamed, the front door of the cabin shaking with the force of the scratching. With only Sam's knife, and Dean's gun to protect you, you felt cornered and scared.
As suddenly as the scratching started, it stopped. Confused, the three of you sat down on the couch, the thought of sleep no longer in your minds. "What the hell is going on?" Sam asked, as you wrapped your arms around your knees.
"I don't know. But I just think we have to wait it out until morning," Dean said.
The three of you stayed on the couch, waiting for another round of scratching to happen, but time slowly passed, and the three of you drifted off. Sam with his head in his hand, Dean with his head tilted back, an arm wrapped around you as you snuggled against his chest.
It wasn't until the sun was coming up that the scratching resumed, this time coming from all sides of the house. Shooting straight up, the three of you glanced around frantically, having no clue what to do. "Tailypo! Tailypo! Give me back my Tailypo!" It screamed.
"We don't have your Tailypo!" Dean yelled back.
"What the hell is a Tailypo?" Sam wondered out loud, holding his knife out as loud scratching came from the front door.
"Maybe it's that creatures tail? But we can't give it back, we burned it!" You exclaimed, just as the door busted open, and the mangled, ugly creature came stalking inside.
"Tailypo!" It screamed, showing off it's hideous, sharp, blood stained teeth. Dean pushed you behind him, holding his gun out as the creature stalked you. Shooting the creature between the eyes, all three of you froze when it didn't phase the creature at all.
"What the...?" Dean muttered, just as the creature jumped, heading straight for you and Dean.
Sam stepped in, right as the creature's mouth snapped down on your arm, it's teeth digging painfully into your arm. Slamming the knife down, Sam severed the creature's head from the body, the teeth releasing your arm before the head flopped to the ground.
Twitching for a moment, black blood oozed from the body, steaming as it touched the air, before vanishing completely from sight. Dean's eyes frantically took in your bloody arm, as Sam ripped off his flannel shirt, wrapping it around your arm to staunch the bleeding.
"Cas buddy! We need your help!" Dean prayed out loud, and automatically your Angelic friend showed up, his eyes narrowing as he took in your location.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"We might need your help with that too. But first, help Y/N," Dean ordered. Stepping forward, Cas quickly healed your arm.
"Now, tell me what's going on," he insisted. So Sam and Dean told him everything, about the previous hunts, and your suspicions.
"It is a very powerful spell. I can feel it. But I don't know if it's witch, or Angel," he explained. "I will search, see if I can come up with something. But until I do, please be safe."
"Hey Cas," you finally spoke up, his blue eyes turning to face you. "I'm not going to change into a monster or anything after that bite?"
"No, you won't," he answered, before transporting all of you back to the bunker, leaving as soon as your feet were down.
"Well, that was quite the night," you yawned.
"Yeah, I think I'm going to try to get a couple hours of shut eye," Dean agreed, his face unreadable as he stared your way. "Y/N, join me?"
"I'd like that," you agreed, knowing that this case could wait until you had caught up on sleep. And you weren't about to pass up an opportunity to sleep in Dean's arms once again.
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