Blind Naruto
Darkness greeted me as my eyes flutter open. I could feel warmth on my skin, it was hot..the sun? Was I outside?
My hand twitched, I could feel something fine under my palm. It was rough and itchy..sand. It was sand. I couldn't hear water so I wasn't on a beach, that meant I must be in a desert. How did I get in a desert?
I couldn't remember....
I push myself up into a sitting position, I could feel sand covering me. Bringing a hand to my chest I could feel grains of sand stuck to my clothes. Was I buried in the sand? What happened?
A sudden pang of pain explodes in my head. A whimper of pain escapes me as my hands move to grab fistfuls of my hair. It hurt!
"Naruto!" A girl. Pink hair. Did I know her? Why was she getting further way? No.. I was falling...from a bird? It was a strange bird..other people where on the bird aswell..who where they? My vision is clouded over by..sand? So much sand..them darkness...was this a memory? Or a dream? "No! Naruto!"
Huh? That voice? It was the same voice of that girl...was I still in that memory? My head turns around in different directions, trying to find the person that belonged to the voice. Why was it so dark?
I could hear footsteps running towards me then hands on my shoulders. "Naruto! Naruto are you okay?" The voice was loud yet soft. Female. Who was she?
Naruto? Was that me? Was I Naruto?
"Naruto! Answer me!" The hands over my shoulders started shaking me. Why couldn't I see her? She was right in front of me...
"I...I can't see.." I mumble softly blinking my eyes just to make sure that they where actually open. Blinking something was in my eyes.
"You can't see?" The girl suddenly pushes me onto my back her hands on my face. I could feel her forcing one of my eyes open wider. "My god...he has sand in his eyes, the grains cut his eyes. I can't heal him without removing the sand first" the girl says, it was then that I realised that other people where around me.
"The Kazekage could remove the sand" A voice that was kind of monotone says. My head turns in the new voices direction but hands on my chin stop me from moving. "Naruto, I'm going to wrap your eyes okay? Try not to blink or move your eyes to much" the girl says pulling me up into a sitting position.
I feel her hands wrapping something around my head and eyes. Reaching a hand up I feel something soft, bandages. "Thank are you?" I ask lowering my hand to my lap. From what I could tell three people where around me.
"Huh? It's me, Sakura. Don't you remember?" The girl says.
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