Reclaiming the Homestead Chapter 3
I watch the toms come out of the various buildings as Micah parks the car near the quarters. I hear a nervous hiss behind me and glance in the mirror on the sun visor to look at those in the back seat. Lydia is seated behind me with Sasha leaning against her looking around sleepily. In the seat behind Micah, Lana is glancing around the different toms with a mixture of fear and excitement on her face. As if feeling my gaze on her, Lana glances my way meeting my eyes before looking back out the window.
"There's so many of them," Lana says and I can hear the uncertainty in her voice. "Who are they all?"
"You'll meet them soon enough," I say curtly. I haven't gotten used to the idea of having sisters. Even if Lana isn't related to me by blood she is related to Sasha who I cannot deny is my sister. The idea of Lydia as a stepmother isn't too bad though. In the few conversations I have had with her it has been easy to see she is a level headed, sensible woman.
"Don't worry we will introduce everyone to you," Micah says in a soothing voice and I grit my teeth as I hear a breathy little sigh from Lana.
"Where do my brothers live?" Sasha asks quietly. I glance in the rear-view mirror and I am not surprised when her gaze flicks to mine and she gives me a slight smile before turning her attention back out the windows.
"Are all of them cats?" Lydia asks.
"There is a human woman here at the moment," Micah answers smoothly. "But everyone else are werecats. Lana has one brother here, Sasha has ..."
"Sasha has two brothers, one sister in law, a sister, plus three nephews here," I say levelly as I watch Mitchell walking towards us as Micah opens his door to get out of the car. I get out as well and step back as Lydia opens her door. I glance across the car to see Micah opening Lana's door and helping her out.
"Are they sniffing the air like dogs?" Lana demands loudly as she glances around uneasily while clinging to Micah's arm.
"Wind's blowing past us to them and they would be becoming aware you two are like them," I say dryly. "Or would you rather they walked up and sniffed close to you, like near your ear or your hair?"
"Rosy," Micah drawls in disapproval.
"I was hoping I was related to you," Sasha says and I glance at her to see her watching me. "You're nice even though you act like you don't care about us. And you and I type of look a bit alike."
"Hallo, I'm Mitchell McIntosh," Mitchell says as he stops back a bit and I know he is giving the three visitors some space in case they are nervous.
"Oh," Lydia says on a soft startled sigh.
"Mitchell these are Lydia ... McIntosh, she was with Ray for a few years before he left her," Micah says in an even tone. "Lana is here with me and Rosy is helping Sasha out of the car. Where's Kirby?"
"At the house helping Malcolm paint the back patio," Mitchell says but he doesn't take his eyes off Lana and Sasha.
"I'm Sam McIntosh ... Lydia," Sam says stepping forward with a grin. "Pleased to meet you and may I welcome you to our home? Hi Lana and Sasha, Mitchell and I are your big brothers and ..."
"Kirby is Lana's brother," I cut in. "Long, involved, Lydia might tell you sometime. But for now lets go in the quarters, and where are my sons?"
"Asleep, they didn't go to sleep when they were supposed to earlier ..." Sam starts to explain but I cut him off with a frown.
"It must be close to Wynn's feed time," I say and glance towards the quarters, my breasts are full and heavy with milk making me uncomfortable almost to the point of pain.
"I can look after Sasha from here," Lydia says, a note of censure in her voice. I glance at her a moment and see the steely determination in her eyes. She might not be a werecat but she was clearly a force to be reckoned with if anyone messed with her daughters.
"Okay, good," I say with a forced smile as I ease my arm from Sasha's grip. I head for the building where I know my sons will be asleep and pass close to Mikkarl and Steven where they stand watching Lydia, Lana and Sasha.
"Do an early meal," I say as I pause beside them. "Make lasagne, meat balls and spaghetti, salad, roast vegies, a bit of a feast. But do a cup of tea and cake or biscuits for them first,"
"Sisters, eh?" Steven says softly under his breath with a wide grin and I growl at him as I walk away.
"Rosy! Rosy I want to go with you!" Sasha calls out. I take several steps before I hesitate. Sasha's not that bad really, she's done everything she was told to do without complaint. I take a deep breath and stop before motioning with my right hand.
"Well come on then," I say evenly.
"Maybe Sasha would like a drink of some kind and something to eat while you go see to Wynn," Mikkarl offers when Sasha rushes to my side. She grabs hold of my right arm and presses close for a moment.
"Would you like to see if Mikkarl has anything you want to eat in the kitchen while I'm busy?" I ask Sasha as I lead the way towards the quarters.
"Is he like a cook or a chef?" Sasha asks and I glance at her to see her looking around with interest at everyone.
"Yeah, Mikkarl's a really good cook," I tell her as we enter the quarters with Mikkarl and Steven close behind. I come to a stop where the hallway opens into the sunroom or lounge room.
"How about you come into the kitchen while Rosy checks on her sons?" Steven asks gently.
"Are you my sister?" Sasha asks firmly and I glance at her to find her watching me with a no nonsense expression I've seen on Lydia's face.
"We've got the same father if that's what you mean," I say a trifle coolly.
"It's really weird to suddenly find out I got brothers and a sister on my father's side," Sasha says with a sigh. "I was hoping you and I could be friends, but it sounds like you don't like me much."
"Come on Strawberry Shortcake," Steven says brightly. "I'll be your friend. Now don't you worry about Rosy, I'm sure once she has gotten to know you you two will be friends."
I watch Rosy and Sasha disappear into the quarters followed by Mikkarl and Steven. Lana moves beside me and I glance her way with a forced smile.
"How about we all go into the quarters for a cup of tea?" Sam asks and I look his way with relief. I will be glad to hand Lana off to Kirby who is her brother, so far she has done nothing but annoy me with her clingy behaviour.
"I'll be there in a few minutes," Mitchell says. "I'll just go get Jazzy, my wife, and tell Kirby and Chris to come as well."
"I'm not sure this is such a good idea," Lydia says softly as she glances at everyone standing around watching Lana and her with interest.
"Everything will work out just fine Lydia," Sam says as he walks over and offers her his arm. Lydia hesitates a moment before slipping her hand onto his forearm and allowing him to lead her towards the quarters.
"Is it okay if I call you Lydia?" Sam asks. "I'd feel a bit funny calling you Mother, you're way to young and pretty to have a son my age."
"Do I only have one brother?" Lana asks in a small voice.
"No you have three brothers and a sister," Sam says sending a smile her way. "I am sure your father will be excited to hear you're here."
"I hope so," Lydia says quietly.
Inside the quarters we go into the lounge room and I am not surprised to find Sasha in the kitchen where Mikkarl is already busy mixing something in a bowl while Steven and Sasha watch. Sasha has a large glass of strawberry milk in front of her and there is a plate with scones as well.
"Hey Mum!" Sasha says excitedly. "Mikkie is making choc-chip cookies for me!"
"Mikkie?" I ask with a grin.
"Yeah, I asked if I could call him Mikkie," Sasha says brightly. "His proper name is too long and hard to remember."
"Can I have some too?" Lana asks.
"Yeah," Sasha sighs pushing the plate of scones towards us. "I told Mikkie they're your favourite."
"You shouldn't be bothering ... Mikkie, Sasha," Lydia scolds gently. "I am sure he has work he is supposed to be doing."
"Cooking is his job Lydia," Steven says levelly. "Mikkarl keeps Rosy fed with lots of bacon and a bit of good food and she's happy. Makes her easier for Micah to put up with."
"You're making my sister sound like some kind of monster!" Sasha protests. "Rosy was nice to me!"
"Probably only because you were sick," Lana says before taking a large bite of scone. She sighs and chews it well before swallowing. "She wasn't real nice to me."
"Stop bickering girls," Lydia says firmly as Sam guides her to a chair and encourages her to sit down.
"Lydia, this is Steven Willoughb,y my work partner, and his brother, Mikkarl," I introduce them.
"I'm Lana," Lana says coyly and I glance at her to see her batting her eyelashes at both of them.
"It's alright Lydia, I don't mind making Sasha her favourite cookies," Mikkarl says with a grin. "Cooking is part of my job."
As the rest of the toms come in I introduce them one by one, giving Lydia and the two girls a few minutes now and then before introducing the next eager tom. I hear the screen door close and the light quick steps that herald Jazzy's arrival. I glance towards the archway to see her pause as she takes in the three strangers while Mitchell stands just behind her with Lilly at his side.
"Sasha, you've met Mitchell," Sam says quietly. "Well this is his wife Jasmine, or Jazzy as she prefers. She's your sister-in-law,"
Sasha immediately gets to her feet and moves to stand behind Lana and both girls eye Jazzy uncertainly.
"Are they your scones Mikkarl?" Lilly asks walking into the kitchen. She doesn't wait to be answered as she picks one up and breaks a small piece off to pop in her mouth.
"So has Mikkarl tried to poison you yet kiddo?" Lilly asks brightly as if she is unaware of the sudden tension in the room. "He makes the most delicious, to die for cakes and biscuits. They really should consider selling him to some fancy bakery, he'd be worth a bundle."
A girlish giggle comes from Sasha and even Lana can't help a small smile as Lilly tosses a small piece of scone at Steven. Mikkarl laughs and shakes his head.
"Don't you girls believe Lilly," Mikkarl tells them. "She is just sweet talking because it her turn to wash up tonight."
"Are you married to one of them?" Sasha asks uncertainly and Lilly laughs.
"No of course not, I'm Rosy's best friend and I am just here to visit her for a while," Lilly says with a smile and a shrug. "So both of you girls are werecats like Rosy. That's pretty cool."
"I'm Rosy's sister," Sasha says almost defiantly.
"Then you'd also be a sister to Sam and Mitchell and of course Jazzy's sister-in-law," Lilly says in a matter of fact voice. "Jazzy's cool. Sasha's a pretty name, what's your other sister's name?"
"I'm Lana," Lana says in a cool reserved voice. I make a mental note to watch her around Jazzy. She clearly isn't interested in being friends.
I pull Wynn's shorts on after changing his nappy and glance at the two older boys who are still asleep as I pick Wynn up. Wynn grins happily showing his little white baby teeth and I take a moment to brush his silky baby hair back off his face.
"Dadda, Dadda!" Wynn demands. I frown but turn towards the bedroom door as I head out to the lounge room. I stand back near the lounge and watch as Kirby tries to coax his sister into sitting near him at the kitchen table. I frown as I see the way she clings to Micah and clear my throat making nearly everyone start nervously.
"Rosy! You're back!" Sasha exclaims in delight and starts towards me but stops as she spots Wynn in my arms.
"Dadda! Dadda!" Wynn repeats happily as he holds his arms out towards Micah. I turn Wynn around in my arms so he is facing into the lounge room and he grizzles as he tries to turn his head to see Micah.
"Can you bring me a drink and something to eat into the lounge room Micah?" I ask as I meet his eyes. I can tell just by the look on his face he isn't comfortable with the way Lana is acting and I smile at him before turning away.
"Knock, knock, where is everyone?" A familiar voice calls and I grin to myself as I make myself comfortable on one of the mattresses in front of the lounge.
"Kitchen Pete," Steven calls.
"Chuck another steak or three on the barbie," Pete says walking into the lounge room and stops as he spots me. He grins widely and leans on the back of the lounge, but makes no attempt to approach me as he watches Wynn bouncing in my arms.
"Now there's a handful of trouble," Pete says admiringly as he watches Wynn.
"I forgot you called and said you were coming for the weekend," Mitchell says from in the kitchen.
Conversation begins to flow among Mitchell, Micah, Steven, Pete and Mikkarl and I notice Lilly edging Sasha out of the kitchen and into the lounge room. Lilly picks up the remote control for the tv and grins as she begins surfing the channels.
"How about we find something we want to watch while they're busy?" Lilly asks Sasha with a grin. I glance at Lana where she has ventured into the room not far behind them and I am pleased to see her away from Micah.
"How old is your baby?" Sasha asks curiously. I feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck as she sits down on the floor beside the chair Lilly is in but inches closer to where I am sitting. Every instinct screams at me to hide Wynn away from the female curiosity and I curl my top lip in silent threat.
"Are there any reality shows on at the moment?" Lana asks with interest. I glance towards the kitchen, it seems my request for a drink has been forgotten and I frown as I sit Wynn in front of me on the mattress.
"Timny," I say speaking to the closest tom. "Can you get a drink for me? Looks like Micah got side tracked."
"I'll get it for you if someone tells me where everything is," Sasha volunteers as she gets to her feet hurriedly.
I glance at her, then at the busy kitchen and give a nod, impressed by the fact she isn't letting so many strange werecats daunt her. Sasha grins widely and heads towards the kitchen.
"I'll show you where everything is," Timny says falling into step beside her. A few minutes later Sasha hesitates as she comes into the lounge room carrying a large glass of juice. I eye her a moment before patting the mattress beside me and watching her as she approaches slowly. I take the glass of juice and sip it before looking at her where she stands beside me nervously. I put the glass down out of Wynn's reach and lift my hand to catch hold of her jeans and give them a gentle tug.
"Sit down, you're making the place look untidy," I tell her softly. Sasha sits down beside me even though she keeps flicking nervous glances my way. Now she is close to me I can see the exhaustion shadowing her eyes and remember that only hours ago she was very ill.
"Tired?" I ask her and continue without waiting for a reply. "Lay down beside me and make yourself comfortable. No one will disturb you or step on you," I reassure her as I twist around enough to snag the folded blanket off the lounge beside me. I spread the blanket over her easily having had plenty of one-handed practice doing things since Wynn was born.
Five minutes later when Sam comes to see where Sasha has gotten to she is sound asleep beside me, one of her hands resting on my thigh as if making sure I can't sneak away.
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