Miqdaad Bin Aswad R.A
Heroes of Islam
Falling in love with Sahabah💫
Sayyidina Miqdaad ibn Amr/Aswad رضي الله عنه
Part one
He had blood on his hands
And he was not willing to surrender...
Flee from the place he called home
Or hand himself over?
Amr ibn Tha'laba from the Buhraa tribe, chose the former option and fled, seeking refuge within the city of Hadra Maut. He settled here and married a woman from this region who was to give birth to a giant of a Sahabi, Miqdaad ibn Amr (popularly known as Miqdaad ibn Aswad رضي الله عنه)
Might I enlighten you on the description of sublimity inherent in this companion of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه ...
Miqdaad رضي الله عنه inherited the external image of his father Amr, as well as the excellence of his disposition.
He was extremely tall, dark skinned and of a huge and powerful physique.
A man of determination and great resolve was he, crowned with integrity and gallantry.
One day, Miqdaad رضي الله عنه fell into a brawl with a leader from among the leaders of his people. Words were thrown at Miqdaad which wounded his young pride and stirred up an anger within him.
Miqdaad رضي الله عنه could not tolerate the arrogance of this man and history repeated itself as Miqdaad packed up his belongings and left this city for Makkah.
Miqdaad رضي الله عنه entered Makkah during the era of jaahiliya, still a youthful lad.
He was utterly disheartened to find this city laden with tales of inequity and injustice.
He disliked this society who would not accept a strange man unless he had strong connections among themselves and if not, he would be regarded as a lowly nobody.
Miqdaad رضي الله عنه did not desire to be cast off in such a manner and went under the protection of Aswad ibn Yaguth, one of the senior members of Makkan society.
Aswad's affection for the boy grew as he observed the remarkable characteristics and bravery within Miqdaad رضي الله عنه , so much so that it induced him to proclaim before a gathering of people near the Ka'ba,
'I have adopted this boy. Behold this boy is my son...'
Thus, in following the practice of jahiliya -an adopted son goes by the name of the step father, Miqdaad ibn Amr became Miqdad ibn Aswad.
Days passed and nothing improved in the character of these Makkans who clung to bizarre customs.
And then one day, threads of hushed conversation tickled the ears of Miqdaad رضي الله عنه ...
He heard from learned Jewish men that the final prophet was soon to appear in the land of Arabia.
Miqdaad was elated! He eagerly awaited for the arrival of this man صلي الله عليه وسلم who would set the wheels of change in motion.
When Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم came with the message of truth, Miqdaad rushed to place his hand in the grasp of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم, pledging his life for Allah and His Rasul.
He was one of the first Muslims to have embraced Islam, precisely the seventh, and what an age of sacrifice was it, for the early Muslims were persecuted with a torture fit to crumble mountains.
But perseverance marked the foreheads of these true believers and with each beat of the whip, imaan entrenched within their depths and offered a sweetness nothing else ever would.
Finally, divine permission had been granted for the Muslims to depart from the horrid conditions which governed their lives.
As per the instruction of Allah, Nabi صلي الله عليه وسلم and majority of the sahaba set out on hijra to Madinatul munawwara.
A painful grief gripped the being of Miqdaad رضي الله عنه . He was unable to migrate with his companions to a land offering sanctuary and freedom, for he was caught in the grasp of the wretched tormentors from the Quraysh. They kept him back, well aware of his value and worth.
Oh how agonising were these days in which the aura of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم could not be perceived..
But as dreadful as the situation seemed, Miqdaad رضي الله عنه clung to hope and conviction in Allah.
Miqdaad رضي الله عنه mapped his plan of escape and With the assistance of Allah, he was amongst the last group of Sahaba to migrate to Madina.
What joy prevailed upon the countenance of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم when he found Miqdaad standing before him...
Delight in its purest form saturated the Mubarak voice of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم as he exclaimed,
_"Indeed Allah ta'ala has commanded me to love four Individuals and has informed me that He also loves them:
Ali, Miqdaad, Abu Dhar and Salmaan رضي الله عنهم "_
Imagine the honour of being the recipient of such noble words by a personality even nobler.
Miqdaad رضي الله عنه narrates:
There was a period in Madinah where Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم grouped the sahaba in tens. I had the good fortune of being grouped with Rasulullah صلي الله عليه .
We had three goats whose milk we would drink to suffice us. One bitterly cold night, my two companions and I were gripped with the pangs of hunger. After partaking our ration of milk and leaving aside a bowl for Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم, my friends retired for the night but hunger gnawed incessantly at my belly.
I climbed onto my bed, hoping for sleep to overtake me and my hunger but to no avail.
Suddenly, an insinuation entered into my head, "Miqdaad, why don't you drink up the few sips of milk left aside for Rasulullah صلي الله عليه .. He is indeed, Allah's messenger and Allah will send the Ansaar to help him..."
Every time I brushed these thoughts aside they would emerge again, stronger than before.
At last, I succumbed and drank up the milk.
As I lay in my bed, beneath a blanket which could not cover me completely, an intense guilt pierced my heart and I rebuked myself,
" what have you done, oh Miqdaad! Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم will appear any moment now and he will make dua against you on not finding the milk.. You will be destroyed!"
A short while thereafter, Nabi صلي الله عليه وسلم entered, greeting in his special voice which would be heard by a person who is awake and caused no disturbance to a sleeping person.
With a pounding heart, I peeped at the motions of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم from beneath my blanket...
I watched him as he stood in salaah.
After completion, be made for his bowl and on finding it empty, raised his blessed hands to the sky...
Trepidation permeated my core as I thought, "Miqdaad, this is the moment wherein you will earn the curse of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم and perish!"
Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم prayed,
اللهم اطعم من اطعمني، واسق من سقاني
Oh Allah, feed the one who feeds me and quench the one who quenches me"
I thought, "SubhanAllah, what a dua! I will be the one to feed the Nabi of Allah and receive the Baraka of his dua!"
Without delay, I snuck out from under the blanket and grabbed my knife with the intention of slaughtering one of the goats.
I proceeded into the black, freezing night, determination guiding my pace.
I fumbled in the dark, trying to ascertain which of the three goats were fat enough to slaughter when suddenly, I realised that their udders were bursting with milk despite being milked earlier!
Grabbing a utensil, I milked the goat until the container brimmed.
Excitedly, I rushed towards the direction of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم and presented the milk to him.
He drank and stretched the container towards me, indicating that I should drink.
So I drank.
Then he drank,
Then I drank and a giggle escaped me.
He صلي الله عليه وسلم smiled and said, "this indeed is one of your doings.. What makes you laugh, oh Miqdaad?!"
I narrated the entire story to Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم who replied, "this is definitely mercy from Allah ta'ala. Why don't you awaken your two companions and invite them to also partake of this milk."
I responded, "By the one who has sent you with the truth, I am not worried about who drinks this milk so long as you are satiated and I received the good fortune of drinking after you..."
This was the relationship of pure friendship and affection shared between Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم and sahaba.
Nabi صلي الله عليه وسلم's nature allowed for them to open up and confide in him, without fear of rebuke or embarrassment.
To be continued Insha Allah..
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