"Not A Complaint But A Compliment?"🌸 (Paper x OJ) [R]
(I love overworking myself so much I don't have time to do homework. First page of my comic done!! But this is for NewLanguages! And two requests at once cause I'm cool 😎 AND IM HAVING HUGE WRITERS BLOCK-)
~{EDITED: June 2, 2024}~
Paper's dialogue: Bold
Salt's dialogue: Italics
Pepper's dialogue: Bold and Italics
OJ's dialogue: Underlined and Bold
Others dialogue: Italics and Underlined
~{Paper's POV}~
sigh What a day.. Dealing with fights, handling the complaints desk, so much work.. I still wonder when OJ will come back? He's still competing in Season 3 on Inanimate Insanity. Well, maybe one day he'll return to the hotel when he's eliminated..!
No, don't get your hopes too high Paper.. I-it's just a chance it'll happen. I was just about to go back to me and OJ's room when Trophy decided to start fighting again. Oh geez, how much longer do I have to handle this?
-[Few minutes later]-
Phew, that was extremely stressful, especially when it comes to Trophy.. Oh, looks like Salt and Pepper are coming this way. I took a deep breath, prepared for their questions or requests.
"Hey like, Paper! We have some kind of like, request and we want to ask if we can like, do it!"
"I agree with Salty Salt here! We want a request!"
Of course it's a request..
"O-oh! Sure, what is it that you two need?"
"So we were like, thinking if we could make like, some kind of party! We haven't had one in like, a long time"
A party? I don't know how to make parties.. And I'm not all that experienced in these types of stuff! God, how do I answer them? Maybe I'll just let them do it and I won't come. That will probably work out.
"Uhm, y-yeah! Sure, you can host a party for the rest of the hotel!"
"OMG, Thank you Paper! Are you gonna like, be attending to the party?"
"Wouldn't want to miss it!"
Oh crap did I just agree to it? Well, I have no choice since I already accepted and I can't just say I'll come and not show up.. That would be really rude, and that's not me! I'm not that type of person!
"Great! We'll make sure to invite everyone!"
They both walked away, probably to get stuff to decorate the lobby. Now what am I gonna do?? This is gonna be so hard cause- I don't even know what to say.. Well, might as well deal with the complaints desk. I'll head there right now.
-[Another timeskip]-
Oh my god, finally done with those complaints! I'm really being burned out by all this commotion in the hotel. Now I understand why OJ was so stressed while running the hotel. What time was it again? Let me check...just 5:24 PM. That will probably be enough time for me to make dinner for everyone, right? I'll just go to the kitchen and cook some food.
Maybe some-
"Hey Paper! Is something happening tonight?"
"O-oh! Hey Fan! Yeah, there's gonna be a party that Salt and Pepper is hosting."
"Sweeet! I'm gonna put this on my blog as soon as it begins!"
"That's cool!"
Fan then walked away.
...I'm just gonna go back to making food.
~{OJ's POV}~
"..And the fourth eliminated contestant... OJ"
Wait, what? I was eliminated? Oh well, you can't really stay forever on these things, am I right? Well, I already won the first season so there isn't really a point in winning another.
I sighed "So that's how it feels" I sighed again..
"Thank you guys so much for-"
"WOO! IT ACTUALLY WORKED!" exclaimed Silver Spoon.
Man, he's really getting on my nerves.. but that's gonna be fine.
-[After some talking and stuff]-
MePhone4 then said "Ready to leave behind that mess, OJ?"
I looked back at my team, giving a small smile.
"Yeah... I think they'll be alright."
"Well DUH!"
He pressed the button and I was hit with the Fist Thingy, making me scream. A few minutes later, I landed on an island. Then, a Walkie-Talkie talkie kind of device started speaking? And it was taped to a tree-
"Welcome to Indefinite Island! Congratulations! You've been eliminated. You can take the boat over there to go home, or you can stay here! If you want another chance.. No guarantees have been made during this recording."
The audio then stopped playing as it finished. Well, it did say I can use that wooden boat to go back to the hotel. Maybe I'll come back to my hotel. I wonder how Paper is holding on? He's probably fine.
I walked over to the boat and got in. I started moving across a body of water over to a random direction. Maybe a small nap would work? Yeah, I need that..
-[Another timeskip]- (I promise I'm not lazy-)
AH! Did I hit something?? No, it's just the dock. Wait. The dock! I must be back on the island with my hotel! I feel a lot better after that small rest in the boat. Maybe I was really tired after everything that happened. Oh well, I'll just get out and go back to my hotel.
I was heading over to the building when I saw some lights coming from the windows and from under the door. Huh, that's kinda strange.. eh whatever, probably nothing big. I knock on the door to try and see if someone would let me in.
*knock knock knock*
"Uhm, hello? Can someone let me in? It's a little cold out here!"
..Maybe they're busy- No wait, someone's coming. A few minutes later, Fan opened the door for me.
"Thanks, Fan"
Then, I saw Paper.
"OJ! You're back!" He came to me and hugged me.
"Heh, hey Paper! How has it been? And what's this?"
"Oh! This is just a party that Salt and Pepper prepared."
A party, hm? How nice! I feel like I was just on time for it.
"What a nice party I must say!"
Paper blushed and said "Thanks OJ..! Now wanna go party together with everyone here?"
Paper looks so cute when he blushes.. wait- what am I saying?? I- never mind.. I smiled, as everything was gonna be alright, as long as we were together..
"Sure, why not Paper? I really needed a break after everything, so I would love to have fun! Thanks to you, I'm going have a great time."
"You're welcome OJ!"
I then realized something that I wanted to do for a long time.. I quickly put my hand on his shoulder and shouted,
"Wait! Paper! There's something I wanted to tell you, actually.."
Paper quickly turned around and looked at me, curiosity in his eyes. So.. adorable.. Augh-! Keep it together, OJ. You got this!
"I.. uhm, I have something to tell you that I've been keeping in my thoughts for a long time.."
I nervously fidgeted with my hand and built up the courage to speak. And then, I finally did it.
"OJ, are you okay? Are you not feeling well at the moment..? Maybe you should get some re- Mhmp-?!"
I gave Paper a quick kiss on his lips. They were so soft and sweet.. it feels like I can stay in this forever. But I can't, unfortunately.
(Yay! I'm finally done here! Writer's block has really been getting to me. And I'm gonna be busy sometimes so I'll take small breaks and work on each request individually! I feel stressed on some days so I don't wanna be forced. And thank you for requesting NewLanguages!)
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