"Friends again?"🌸 (Firey x Leafy) [SR]
(I talked to an AI about this and they wanted Firey x Leafy fluff! I decided to accept, this takes place during the BFB post-split, and I wanted to be nice! So here it is!)
~{ Firey's POV }~
After the challenge, I decided to just walk around the Pillary Ruins. I found a nice place to rest and just sat down. I thought about my old team, The Losers... Guh, I should not think back on that, especially when Lea- No, don't say her name. It'll only make it worse..she literally stole Dream Island! My winning prize! I will only forgive her when she give me a proper apology!
I suddenly noticed Leafy walking over to me. I quickly pretended to ignore her, giving her the silent treatment. "Hey Firey!" Leafy exclaimed. I didn't look her in the eyes, trying to get her to leave me alone. What I thought was going to work failed miserably, as she then went in front of me, bent down, and started waving her hand in front of my face. "He-llo? Earth to Firey? Anyone home? I finally gave in and reacted. "Fine Leafy! What do you want?" Leafy put her hands behind her back and said "I just wanted to talk with you. The others are busy.."
I didn't want to talk with Leafy so I told her, "I don't want to have a conversation with you, even after you stole Dream Island." She seemed a little upset, well after I told her she stole Dream Island. How many times have I said Dream Island? Whatever, that doesn't matter. "Firey! That was years ago and you still can't get over it??" I got up and stood in front of her face-to-face. "You stole my grand possession! It meant a lot to me, and you just took it from me!" I didn't have anything else to say since she was sort of right, it WAS years ago and I still can't get over it.. She then exhaled and said, "Come on, I know the old Firey in in there! The considerate Firey! The one who was my friend! The one.." I crossed my arms, feeling slightly guilty for being mad at Leafy for so long.
She continued her rant and one sentence caught me off guard. "...The Firey I liked the most!" I immediately looked at her, unfolding my arms my face starting to heat up. Leafy finally stopped her rant and looked back at me, seeing my red face. "Firey? Why is your face red?" She tilted her head in confusion, which just made me even more flustered. I managed to get out a small sentence "I- uh- i-it's nothing!" She took something out and when I got a look at the thing she was holding, I realized it was Yoyle berries. What would she need those for? Leafy turned metal a few seconds later, and walked up to me. I froze up, nervous on what she'd do to me, but all Leafy did was put her hand on my forehead. "Hmh, no fever... why are you heating up then?"
I took some deep breaths and told her, "Think back on those sentences you used to describe me.." Leafy then starts thinking back at the sentences while muttering them. "The considerate one..the one who was my friend...the Firey I liked most.." she then realized and backed up, accidentally falling backwards. I unfroze my position and went over to Leafy to help her up, and I put out my hand for her to take. She grabbed my hand and I helped her stand up. I then stopped dead in my tracks and quickly said "Wait! I-I'll only forgive when you give me a proper apology for taking Dream Island from me!" Leafy smiled and scoffed, "Well since you want your apology sooo badly, I'll give it to you. Firey, I'm very sorry for taking Dream Island from you, and I know it was your biggest prize, so I wanted to apologize to you for doing so. Do you accept this apology?" I was surprised about it, the apology was actually a good one. I sighed and replied with, "Yes, apology accepted."
Leafy then threw her hands up in the air excitedly, as if she completed a mission. "Yay! Are we friends again?" I put my hand on my side and said "Well, of course we're friends again, what do you think? Actually, we were always frie-" Leafy then tackled me to the ground in happiness. I was definitely taken back by it but I just started to pretend wrestle with Leafy.
~{ Leafy's POV }~
I jumped onto Firey, catching him off guard. I mean, it was a happy moment! Could you blame me for that? As I was saying, me and him started to play fight. I was still made of Yoyle metal, of course, 5 minutes later we finished our pretend horseplay and me and Firey flopped on our backs to the ground to catch our breaths. We had an awkward silence until Firey said, "Leafy, I'm sorry that I didn't forgive you, I was just mad and couldn't think straight. I didn't know what to do." I turned to my side and replied with "It's okay, I've also felt that way back in BFDIA, when I had to walk 2763 miles back to the competition area." Firey chuckled and told me "I'm also sorry for not recognizing you when I saw you, when you're made of metal, your appearance just looked unrecognizable."
"Well, Yoyleland wasn't a very fun place to be, having to eat nothing but yoyle berries at my stay." Me and Firey then laughed uncontrollably for what felt like an hour. "What were we even laughing at in the first place!?" I said, trying to keep myself from bursting out laughing. "I don't even remember!!" We looked at each other, keeping our laughter in, but then we just bursted out laughing again. We were having a great time actually, nothing was bothering us. It felt great being by ourselves, as me and Firey finally calmed down, I didn't realize I was holding his hand! Holy heck, how did that happen??
I jerked my hand away in shock, looking the other way from Firey. My face was slowly burning up, not literally but...y'know what I mean. The yoyle berries wore off and I was back to being flammable again, just great. I didn't want Firey to accidentally burn me so I think it's best I tell him, "Hey Firey, the yoyle berries wore off, I don't wanna get burned or die so can you not get too close to me?" "Sure thing Leafy." Firey replied, respecting me. "When do you think it's time for the next challenge?" I asked, curious. "Hmh, maybe not in a while but it'll probably happen soon." said Firey. We continued talking, and we decided to just relax and take advantage of our free time that we have after the challenge.
"Firey, do you think we can be more than just friends?" I slowly said. "Like, best friends?" He said this like it was the most normal thing ever, well it was but, technically it was true. I wanted to be best friends since our friendship was repaired again. "Yea! Let's be best friends! It would be amazing!" I said enthusiastically. "Ok!" Firey said excitedly. We both got up and walked around the areas we could explore in the Pillary Ruins.
We talked some more, I also talked about my alliance with Lollipop, Gelatin, and Teardrop! Firey thought it was pretty cool, I thought so too. In the end, it wasn't to hard to apologize to him after all!
~{Both POVS}~
As long as we're together as friends, we're happy as we are. And nothing can change that.
(Wow! 1316 words in this altogether! I'm feeling pretty confident now. Anyways, I'll get to another request tomorrow after I finish school!)
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