Chapter 9
Evan POV
The gym where the dance was held looked really nice. There were blue and green streamers, our school colors, hanging from the walls. There was a sign on the wall that said "Welcome back Westerburg!" The room was dim and there were colored lights dancing around the room. It looked good for a school dance.
I was wearing blue, of course. Connor was wearing black, of course. Jared was wearing some maroon-ish color.
Connor invited me to dance with him. Jared winked and told me to go with him. I nervously walked forward. It must have been obvious that I was blushing because Connor went, "Aw. Nervous or something. I gotcha." He took my hand in his and he spun me around. This is fun. Connor's actually a good dancer, meanwhile I'm just kind of stomping around and holding his hand. He doesn't seem to mind.
After that, we hugged for a long time. Not really that long, but it was the kind of hug that felt like a million years. Or at least you wish it was.
I ran over to Jared to gush about how great that was. He congratulated me. I feel great. And thirsty. I grabbed some of the punch and chugged it. It's really good, so I got some more. And some more.
Connor POV
I looked over at Evan and Jared. Evan looked absolutely ecstatic. And red. He was talking so fast. Was it about me? Probably not because who's ever that interested in me?? Haha.
Zoe came over to talk to me. "Hey, what are you doing here? Don't you have weed to drink or something?"
"Okay wow. You smoke weed. How would you drink it? Why are you talking to me, I thought you hated me."
"Meh. Yeah, I do. Bye loser." She held her hand in an L up to her forehead, then turned around and giggled with Alana.
I looked over at Evan again and noticed him crying against the wall. Or laughing? Nope, both. Jared was trying to pull him off the wall. He scanned the room until he found me, then he waved me over.
"What's going on, Kleinman?"
"Evan's drunk. He drank a shit ton of punch and I guess someone put something in it. I tasted it and it's alcohol of some kind."
I took Evan's cup. "Vodka. I can smell it."
Jared rolled his eyes. "We have to get him out of here."
"Noooo," Evan whined. "I wanna partaaay."
"Your house? His mom would probably get upset. Also Zoe might come home and she doesn't need to be with him until he's at least sober."
"Alright, let's go."
Evan groaned as we picked him up and drove him to Jared's.
Jared had him lay on his bed, while he got some water and more blankets. Evan just said some shit about trees? I don't know, he's slurring his words a little bit.
"Trees are so pretty.. You're so pretty," he said now cupping my cheek. I'm losing my shit.
Jared came back into the room and just played Candy Crush.
Jared POV
Call me weird, but I find Candy Crush soothing. Love the way you just crush that candy. I can't get past level 16. ((aw jared))
Randomly, I looked up because I noticed it had gone kind of quiet. When I looked at Evan and Connor, they were making out. On my bed. Holy shit.
Connor flipped me off. Evan sat up more and said, "Jared you can fiTe mE." He proceeded to pass out. Then Connor giggled.
Connor Murphy.
He giggled???!!1!1!!
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