Chapter 3
**Dream's pov**
I can't move.
I wake up the next day and try to sit up, but immediately fall back down due to the pain the my back. (No it's not what you're thinking) Looking at the wall in front of me, I recall some of the events from last night : "You fucking ungrateful bitch!" He said as he pushed me onto the hardwood floor. I fell straight onto my back, getting the wind knocked out of me. Gasping for breath while simultaneously having a panic attack. Tears were flowing down my face as he continued to scream at me.
I need to get up.
(I can now confirm that drinking the Ultra Fiesta Monster and eating Junior mints tastes absolutely horrible, and I want to throw up) I sit up slowly and lean against the headboard. After a minute I reach over to grab my phone. I realize that I won't be able to stream because of my back, so I go onto twitter and start writing a tweet. After a few seconds of typing I press the post button and set my phone down.
I hope they aren't too mad.
**George's pov**
I get a twitter notification and open it, it was from Dream. I read it : "I won't be streaming or on the SMP for about a week, maybe more. I hurt my back so it will hurt to sit at my computer for long."
I hit the reply button and write : "Hope you get better soon c: " I post. It's about 5 PM now and I've been thinking about what's wrong for a while now. I still can't figure out what's wrong and it's starting to aggravatinging. I decide to go onto minecraft to take my mind off of it. I start working on another tower for no apparent reason, just something to concentrate on I guess. This one hit the build limit and I hopped off of the tower, doing a water mlg.
I check the time and now it's 6:30, I've been playing for an hour and a half. Somehow I didn't even notice that it'd been that long. I sigh and log off. I'm so bored. Dream. I should talk to him. Pulling out my phone I tap on his contact and facetime him. He should probably have his phone considering he's not going to be on his computer. I wait for a bit and he picks up.
"Hey George." He says, he sounds like hes trying to sound okay but he's failing. "Hey Dream, are you okay? How's your back?" I ask. "I'm okay right now, and my back still really hurts." He replies. "What happened?" I ask. He stops talking. He seems like he's thinking for a bit.
"Dream?" I ask. "Oh! Sorry I spaced out" He chuckles slightly, "Um, I tripped and fell onto my back in my kitchen. It has hardwood floors." He laughs awkwardly.
**Dream's pov**
Maybe... maybe I do need help. I'm starting to think that Sapnap might now love me as much as I think he does. "How about this," I think to myself, "what if I do the sign once, and if he recognizes it then it's a sign that I should get help, but if he doesn't I stay with Sapnap and leave it as is." I continue to bargain with my indecisive self. "Yeah... yeah, that's what I'll do." I finish my internal monolog and George and I keep talking. I reach my hand up to "scratch my neck" and then I do the sign.
**Back to George's pov**
I was still trying to figure out what was wrong with Dream and then I see it.
**649 words**
Haha, sorry I left you on a cliffhanger, I just needed to get something posted soon. Anyways, subscribe to Technoblade
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