Chapter Twenty-One: Epilogue
Everyone was back at the training space. Those who were injured were being healed or patched up, depending on the severity of their wounds. Everyone gave Lady Eleanor a respectful amount of space. She kept a close eye on Greg, who clung to Mena for dear life. Nessa's heart broke for him and his grandmother. She'd grown up hearing legends of the glorious adventures of Lady Eleanor and Sir Matthew. They'd always seemed invincible, and it was hard to process that one of them was gone now.
"You all did a phenomenal job today," Zordon said with pride. "Not only have the Rebels all been forced to retreat, but my father was greatly weakened as well. When he returns, we shall do our best to be ready for him. This victory was a group effort, however, we owe thanks to the Stone Warriors especially. Today, you have proven you are full-fledged Power Rangers. Not only is Stone Hollow free from Rebels, but you faced my father and survived. I am incredibly proud of you all... And in the course of this battle, I found something unexpected."
Alpha Prime presented a box to Zordon. "Thank you, Alpha," he said. "This box holds a set of morphers I never believed would find their team... The Ranger Guard. The morphers were stolen shortly after their creation. I can only assume my father jumped through time and took them. Today, not only did the box reveal itself in the house my father was staying in, but the box unlocked and the energy began to radiate from within. I now know who was meant to form this team, and if they are willing to accept, I know they will not fail. Please step forward as I call your names." He took a deep breath. "Marinessa."
Nessa grinned. She stepped forward. "Nessa, you have proven more than once that you can keep a cool head in a crisis, even under circumstances where most would break down. Your first priority is protecting the innocent, and you are a natural leader. For these reasons, I am making you the Red Guardian."
"I'm team leader? Hell yeah!" Nessa said. Lady Eleanor cleared her throat. "I mean... Thank you, Zordon. I am honored." She bowed her head respectfully before accepting the morpher.
"Vancello," Zordon called.
Van looked stunned. Scott patted him on the back and nudged him forward. "Van, you proved that one can rise out of the darkness they were raised in and find the light. You showed courage even in the face of difficult decisions, and you are swift and never give in to fear. You shall be the Yellow Ranger," Zordon said.
Van looked close to tears as he nodded. "Thank you, Zordon," he said. "I will do my best to make you proud." He took his morpher.
Zordon took a deep breath. "Mena."
"Me?" Mena asked with a squeak.
"You, my dear cousin," Zordon confirmed. "Not only have you proven your ability to keep a cool head in a crisis, but today you showed off how brilliant your mind is. You are clever and brave, and you shall make an excellent Blue Ranger."
"I accept," Mena said seriously, taking the morpher and admiring it.
Allie stepped forward. "Really?" She asked in shock.
"Allie, when everyone else doubted themselves, you were the one who inspired them to have hope. Although you began as a Tulpa, your heart is so pure and strong, you were able to become real. Your endless empathy and your faith in others embodies everything a Pink Ranger should be."
"Well, pink is my favorite color," Allie admitted.
"See, Allie? You are a super hero," Freddy said softly.
"Freddy," Zordon said.
"Sorry," Freddy said, obviously assuming he wasn't supposed to be speaking.
"Step forward, Freddy."
Freddy stared at Zordon in confusion. "Wait... Why?" He asked.
"Why do you think?" Nessa teased him.
"You want me? But... Everyone else you named is at least half-Eltarian. They all have powers. I'm just... Me. "
"Freddy, today you showed me who you truly are. You faced off against monsters without any fear. Knowing you had no powers, no training, and no protection, you outsmarted a monster and saved your friend with no regard for your own personal safety. Your courage and desire to do what is right, no matter the cost, is exactly what makes the Power Rangers who they are. Many of the finest Power Rangers started out exactly like you. I have complete faith in your ability to contribute something incredible to this team. You shall be the Black Ranger. "
"Well, Black is his favorite color," Chelsea quipped.
"Yeah! Way to go, Freddy!" Scott cheered.
"Do you accept, Freddy? The choice is yours," Zordon said.
Freddy took a deep breath as he looked at the rest of the team. Then, he nodded. Allie flung her arms around him as Zordon gave him his morpher.
"And finally..." Zordon began. "Logan."
"After all of the evil I've done?" Logan asked softly.
"Hey, some of the greatest Rangers in history started off evil," Kira said.
"Thank you, Kira," Tommy said.
"Oh, my bad, Doc O! I was talking about Karone!" Kira teased him. Everyone started laughing.
Even Zordon looked amused. "It is our choices which define us, Logan," he said. "Currently, you are making all of the right ones. Your love for your brother keeps your heart pure, and your knowledge of the Dark leads me to believe you will always seek the Light. You shall be the White Ranger."
"That's my man," Chelsea said proudly.
"I'm not sure I'm good enough..." Logan admitted.
"That humble attitude makes you an ideal choice for this power," Zordon insisted. "I have faith in you, Logan."
Logan nodded. "I accept," he said.
"Stone Warriors, you're officially not the babies anymore!" Kira announced.
"You know, most of us are older than them," Nessa said. "I'll grant you that Mena's only fifteen, but Allie and Freddy are sixteen, Van and I are seventeen, and Logan's twenty. We're not babies."
"But as Rangers, you're brand spanking new! The training wheels are still on. Speaking of... Do they get a mentor, Zordon?"
"They do indeed," Zordon replied. "Lady Eleanor has graciously agreed to train these new Rangers."
"But, Gram... After everything that's happened, can you handle this so soon?" Greg asked.
"Your grandfather died with honor, and if I allowed his sacrifice to stop me, it would be in vain. Also, I would not be the woman he fell in love with," Lady Eleanor replied. "We retired to keep you hidden and safe, Gregory. Today I saw that you have grown into the strong warrior I always knew you were meant to be. That means it is time I pick up my sword again permanently. These young Rangers are a bit of a band of misfits. They need someone strong-willed to whip them into shape. Zordon knows I shall not go easy on them. This is war. There's no time for coddling and hand-holding."
Greg paled. "Good luck, Guys," he said.
Nessa might have been amused his grandmother scared him so much, were his grandmother not Lady Eleanor. They were not in for an easy journey. That was okay with Nessa. Nothing worth doing was ever easy.
It had taken a lot of time and a couple of murders, but Raffitty had his energy back. His ability to gain the powers of anyone he killed had saved his life. To his credit, Raffitty had killed people he knew deserved it. A corrupt firefighter with pyrokinetic skills not normally seen on Earth who enjoyed setting houses and even people on fire had been his first target. Fire powers always regenerated Raffitty's energy quicker. A representative from the government of KO35 who had accepted money from Garron in exchange for helping him cover up several murders the Rebellion had committed was the second target, which strengthened Raffitty's telekinetic abilities. Finally, the man who moved via shadows and used his gift to prey on small children had given Raffitty an incredible boost of power. Raffitty hated pedophiles and child abusers more than anything else, and that bastard had been both. Raffitty had taken his time with that murder.
He was finally strong enough to head to Bob, and that was his plan, however, he now sensed he was not alone. "Raffitty! You survived. I knew you would, my boy," Zell said as he appeared behind him. Raffitty spun around and saw that Zell was not alone either.
"Felina..." Raffitty was surprisingly relieved to see her. He hadn't been sure she'd survived, and as much as they clashed, she was the last member of his chapter of the Rebellion. "You look well."
"As do you," Felina replied. "It took Great Zell time, but he was able to fully heal me, once he had recovered himself."
"Are we the last ones left?"
"Not quite, my boy," Zell replied. "The Alchemist and the Warlock are alive and recovering their powers in a new sanctuary. The twins are there as well. Mora came to me as soon as she felt me cross back here from my realm outside of the time line. I am afraid we lost Sprocket. According to Mora, my family seems to have adopted him as some sort of pet. No matter. With the rest of his family destroyed, he is of no threat to me."
"Where is this sanctuary?" Raffitty asked.
"It is still in Angel Grove... However, I cannot reveal its direct location to anyone. Maizon has done a wonderful job cloaking it. Only those who are part of our Alliance can find it. You will be able to locate it by desiring to join us. This is simply so no one can betray our location. You understand, of course. With Sprocket turning, we cannot be too cautious."
"Of course." Raffitty kept his mind focused only on his desire to join the others. He could not let on to Zell that he intended to betray him very soon.
"Come, my boy. Let us go home."
He was beyond ready for the task ahead of him. He'd faced down monsters, a temporarily evil mentor, and Chelsea when she was cranky. He could totally handle this next challenge!
"Wait!" One of the evil monsters shouted. Everything stopped. "I have to go potty!"
One of the other volunteers took the boy's hand and led him away. The chaos resumed as the rest of the tiny demons started talking again.
"Scott, right? Hi, I'm Dawn. Welcome to the Center. We're really excited to have you join us! The kids are really looking forward to learning to play the guitar."
"I'll turn them into tiny rock stars in no time!" Scott said cheerfully.
He'd decided to volunteer his time to help out at the Center after they'd gotten back to Stone Hollow and he'd realized no longer needing to fight Eltarian Rebels left him with a lot more free time. Now, any day that Quake Escape wasn't rehearsing, he would be teaching the leaders of tomorrow how to make music. It might not be saving the world on a large scale, but Scott was positive this still counted.
Never one to miss making a grand entrance, Scott lifted up his guitar and began to play an epic riff. The kids all got very quiet as they turned and watched him.
"Hi," he said after he'd finished. "I'm Scott, and I'm going to teach you all to do that and a lot more! Who's ready to rock?"
He was met with wild cheers. Dawn began passing out guitars to the four and five year olds. "Now... Who knows how to sing the alphabet?" Scott asked. All of the kids raised their hands. "Let's hear it!"
The kids began singing. "A, B, C, D, E, F, G-"
"Stop right there! For this class, that's all you need to know! The actual alphabet might have twenty-six letters, but the musical alphabet only has seven... A through G," Scott explained. "And this is how they sound." He began playing chords, singing the letters over and over again as he played each one.
The kids were pretty into it, and Scott knew he had a good group of future rock stars in front of him. "Music is everything, Guys... If you're sad, there's a song for it. If you're happy, there's a song for that. If you're hungry or thirsty... Well, Dawn has fruit snacks and juice boxes!" He laughed as a few of the kids cheered for that.
By the end of the class, the kids were having a blast and so was Scott. He smiled to himself as he left, knowing he was going to love his new job.
Van stood next to his car, waiting to pick Scott up. "Hey, Gorgeous," Scott greeted him as Van pulled him into his arms.
"How was your first day, Teach?" Van asked, still holding him.
"Amazing! You know, on the off chance Quake Escape doesn't make me a millionaire, I just might go into teaching."
"You'll make a great teacher," Van told him. "You already taught me a lot."
Scott grinned at him. Van finally let him go, so Scott got in the car and they started to drive away.
"Scott... Mena and Nessa are taking a trip back to Eltar. They asked me to go with them... I'd really like a chance to help fix everything my father helped destroy... Would you be mad if I went?" Van asked.
"Mad? Of course not! But how long will you be gone?" Scott asked.
"About a week... It'll be longer on Eltar. Enough time to get a lot done."
Scott squeezed his hand. "I know you'll do great there, Van... And I'll find a way to survive a week without you. I'll miss you, though."
"I love you."
"I love you, too." He kissed Van's hand after Van parked the car. Scott knew it would be hard without Van around, but if he had learned one thing after everything they'd been through, it was that Van would find his way back to him.
The sanctuary welcomed them. Felina led Raffitty inside. They were greeted by the Alchemist and the Warlock. Boom, whose flesh was still burned from the attack the former Prime Minister's daughter had launched upon the twins, sat receiving treatment to help her heal. The entire left side of her was covered in scars, but slowly, she was beginning to recover. Blast had lost an arm, but the Alchemist had replaced it with a solid gold one that served as a fully functional prosthetic. He was working hard to get the hang of it.
Mora skipped over to them. She flung her arms around Raffitty. "I knew you weren't dead!" She said cheerfully.
Felina knew why Mora was clinging to him. Very recently, Zell had tried to feed upon her energy. He'd scared her pretty thoroughly, because he had never tried that on her before. Mora managed to convince him to use some of her monsters for his needs, but it had come too close. Mora might not actually be a little girl, but everyone knew Raffitty hated people who preyed on children, and Mora probably hoped he'd protect her.
"Are you alright, Mora?" Raffitty asked.
"Our Great Wizard had a moment of... questionable judgment and he frightened her," Felina explained. "He was quite weak at the time, and the need to gain power overwhelmed him. It was a matter of survival, Mora, and nothing happened. Stop making a fuss."
"I'm not making a fuss!" Mora said. She looked up at Raffitty with pitiful eyes that seemed to show genuine fear. It seemed Mora had finally realized how dangerous Zell was, but she probably didn't need to worry much. Of everyone, Mora and Felina had shown him the fiercest loyalty. When he was thinking straight, he was unlikely to harm either of them without provocation.
Zell joined them then. "I hope you enjoy these accommodations, my boy," he said to Raffitty. "I want you to be comfortable."
"Of course. This is perfect," Raffitty said politely. "Thank you."
"Excellent. Mora, my dear, please excuse us."
Mora fled the room quickly. Felina watched in anticipation, knowing what was coming next.
"Now, Raffitty, my boy... I need you to assist me," Zell said.
"Of course. What do you require of me?" Raffitty asked.
Zell moved closer. "Not very much," he said. Then, he grabbed Raffitty hard by the shoulders. Suddenly, Raffitty screamed in agony as Zell forcibly drained every bit of the energy Raff had fought so hard to regain and took it all for himself.
Felina cackled with glee at the stunned expression on Raffitty's face. He stared at Zell weakly. "Why? I am fighting on your side..." He said in a hoarse voice.
"I apologize if you had other expectations, Raffitty," Zell said. "You are not my ally, nor are you my partner, my boy. I know where your loyalties lie, and am not foolish enough to believe they are with me. I do know, however, that you will do anything to survive, and I respect that. Your purpose is much simpler than you think, Raffitty. You are merely my battery."
"Battery?" Raffitty repeated in shock.
"Yes. You shall store power, and when I see fit, I shall drain it from you. Then, because your will to survive is so strong, you shall gain more power and hold onto that until I drain you again. That is your new destiny, and I am kind to grant you even that much."
Felina laughed again. "Poor Raffitty... Did you truly believe you mattered?" She asked.
"Rest now, Raffitty. I have stripped every power you ever gained from you. They are mine now. However, your ability to gain the powers of others remains in tact, as it is yours by birth. I know you shall bring me even greater power next time," Zell said. "Come, Felina. Let us leave him."
Felina took Zell's arm and let him lead her away.
He sat holding Mena beneath a weeping willow tree in a meadow. Nature, especially his element of Earth, surrounded them. "This place is quite beautiful," Mena said as she looked around. The picnic Greg had prepared sat in a basket beside him.
Greg smiled at Mena before making some flowers grow next to her. Facing Zell had given him the last of the control over his powers he had lacked, and Greg was truly coming into his gifts now.
"They are lovely, Greg!" Mena said with delight.
"Not as lovely as you are," Greg said shyly.
Mena blushed. "Nessa would call that very smooth," she said with a shy laugh.
"What would she call this?" Greg asked before kissing her. It was soft and sweet, and over before he could overthink it. He was blushing a bit as Mena stared at him.
"She would say that was 'about time,' I think," Mena said. "Greg... Does that mean...? Do you have feelings for me which go beyond friendship?"
"I do... I've never had so much as a crush on someone before, Mena, but... But I am drawn to you in ways I'm not drawn to other people... And I really liked the way it felt to kiss you."
"I enjoyed it as well," Mena said. "Perhaps, since we share a mutual attraction, we should consider pursuing something deeper than friendship?"
"You mean...?" Greg asked, too scared to believe that someone like Mena might genuinely want to be with someone like him.
"I would like to date you, Gregory Matthew Arnold, Junior. Do you feel the same?"
"I do," Greg replied. "I really do, Mena."
"Then it is settled! We shall date. Starting now? I think having a picnic in a meadow is a lovely first date."
Greg smiled. "So do I," he replied. He began setting up their meal on a blanket in front of them.
"Greg... Nessa, Van, and I are going to Eltar soon, and I was wondering... Would you consider coming with us?" Mena asked shyly. "Returning is going to be difficult with my father gone... However, if you were there..."
"Of course," Greg cut her off. "I want to help. Eltar is important to me... And so are you."
She smiled at him. "Do you think Lady Eleanor will allow it?"
"I think she'll insist on coming along to supervise, but yes, I think she'll allow it... And coming along might be good for her... She could use the distraction. She hides it well, but I see how much she misses my grandfather... I miss him, too," Greg said sadly.
"He was a great man," Mena said. "His legend shall endure." She raised her hand toward the sky in a respectful Eltarian salute. Greg had seen people do the same thing when talking about her father. He knew how much Mena missed her father, but she tended to try to focus on helping others to give herself a sense of purpose. Becoming a Ranger had definitely been good for her.
Greg took Mena's hand in his own. He smiled at her. "Sometimes, I feel as if I've known you forever, Mena. I can't believe it's been less than a year."
"I dreamed about that," Mena replied softly.
"What do you mean?"
"I believe you are not the only one who has lived before, Greg... It is why I could always find you when you needed me most. I knew Ash... He was killed before I could tell him my true feelings, but I loved him deeply. When he was murdered, I vowed never to love another... And I refused to live another life until he returned. I am a year younger than you because my soul followed yours, Greg. I loved you then, as I love you now, and I believe I shall love you always." She stared at her feet, clearly embarrassed.
"Mena..." He shook his head, then drew in a deep breath before kissing her again. "I love you, too," he whispered. He could feel the truth in her words. Ash recognized her, and suddenly, Greg understood how Andie must have felt when Isobel recognized Ivan.
"Do you think this means we are destined for a tragic end?" Mena asked.
"No... I believe we're going to get it right this time, Mena," Greg said firmly. "Starting with us admitting how we feel about each other. See? We're already on a different path."
"A better path," Mena agreed. This time, she kissed him. Greg decided he could get used to that.
He'd finally been granted legal custody of Pierce. They were staying with Amos on the Reservation while the finishing touches were being put on what would soon become their home. Logan was finally starting to get his footing and adjust to his new life. Maybe he should have expected his old one to pop back up on him.
Logan stood with Chelsea and Pierce as a familiar and unwelcome energy suddenly approached. "What the hell are you doing here?" Pierce demanded.
Logan protectively stepped in front of his brother. "What do you want, Raff?" He asked. Raffitty looked pale and weak, and Logan had never seen him like that before.
"I need to speak with you, Neptune," Raffitty replied.
"Neptune is dead, and I want nothing to do with you," Logan said firmly.
"Nep... Logan. Please," Raffitty said, the desperation slipping into his voice.
"He said no-" Chelsea began.
"Chels... It's okay," Logan said. "Let him talk."
"Logan-" Pierce objected.
"I'm not afraid of him. It's alright," Logan insisted. "Why did you come here, Raff?"
"To give you this," Raffitty replied. He pulled out a box.
Logan frowned. "What is it?"
"The canister inside contains Rupi's ashes. Please bring him home to Bob. I can't do it myself, but I... I promised him I would make sure Bob knew he was sorry. Can you tell him that?"
"I'm not part of the Rebellion anymore, Raff. I'm not your assassin or your errand boy. I'm not going to see Captain Smith."
"Logan... There's more. Please listen to me... I stole something very important... You need to get it to Bob."
"I told you, Raff, I'm not-"
"It's Zell's prophecy log, Logan. It contains every single prophecy Zell ever recorded... The personal book, not the one he let everyone see. It is all here, every secret he kept from the Universe... And I am hoping there's a way to defeat him for good in there."
"You stole this? Raff, he'll kill you!"
"No... I fear the fate Zell has planned for me is far worse than that... I cannot allow it to happen... And now, Logan, I must ask far too much of you."
"What do you mean?"
"I need you to kill me, Logan."
Logan stared at him. "What? No! No, I'm not a killer anymore, Raff!"
"Please, Logan... My death is the only way to stop him from becoming invincible."
"I call bullshit," Chelsea said. "This has to be a trap."
"You'd never actually let someone kill you," Pierce agreed.
"Zell is using me to fuel him, Logan," Raffitty said. "He intends to keep draining the powers I gain and taking them for himself, forcing me to take more lives in order to survive, and he will continue the cycle... Draining me, leaving me to recover and get strong again, and taking that away, too. It will be endless, and it will give him more power than anyone ever feared. I do not wish for the purpose of my existence to merely be to fuel his, and if you are truly a force of good, you cannot allow it to happen."
"Raff..." Logan said softly.
"You are the only one who can kill me. I made certain no one else possessed the knowledge of how to fully end my life. I believed you were the only one I could trust."
"Raff... I can't kill you... You saved me. And as horrible as what you turned me into was, you were still more like a father to me than my own blood... I can't just murder you!"
"Logan... You were the closest thing I had to a son. My motives may have been selfish, but I genuinely came to care for you. Our fathers were not so different, and I was once very much like you. I can never turn back... I'm glad that you found a different path. But please... Please do me this one final kindness. End my life, and deliver this package to Bob... You do not need to tell him how sorry I am. The letter in the box shall say everything that needs to be said." Raffitty paused. "I cannot change my previous choices. I do not even want to... However, I refuse to help Zell destroy the Universe. My time here must end. It is not murder, nor is it an act of evil, if I am asking you to kill me, Logan. It is merely fulfilling your destiny. I realize now it was always meant to end this way. I saved you not to save myself... But to save the world."
"Are you claiming your death is a selfless act?" Chelsea asked.
"Not at all, Yellow Ranger. In fact, it is quite selfish. It frees me from him... However, Logan sacrificing a piece of himself to commit the act... That is selfless, and it will save countless lives," Raffitty said.
"Do you buy this story?" Pierce asked Logan.
Logan knew Raffitty wasn't lying. "Yes," he said.
"Then you know how it must end," Raffitty said.
Logan sighed. He closed his eyes and summoned the sword that contained Raffitty's one true vulnerability. If it went through his heart, he would be stripped of his immortality and die before his powers could save him. Logan raised the sword.
"I'm sorry, Raff..." He said softly.
"Don't be sorry," Raffitty replied. "Be free, Logan. Be happy." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and nodded.
Logan shoved the sword through Raffitty's chest. He watched as Raffitty whispered, "Thank you..." With those words, he let out his final breath and collapsed on the ground dead. Immediately after, his body turned to ash and the ashes were carried away in the wind.
Logan sank to his knees, suddenly overwhelmed, and began to sob. Chelsea and Pierce both wrapped him in their arms. "You did the right thing, Wolverine," Chelsea said.
"I'm proud of you, Logan," Pierce added.
Logan nodded, pulling himself together. "Looks like we're heading to New York, Jesse Quick," he said softly.
"I can't wait to show you my home town," she replied. She kissed him.
"Are you okay, Logan?" Pierce asked.
"I will be," Logan replied honestly. "Pierce, do you mind staying with Amos while I handle this?"
"Do I mind not being a third wheel on your romantic getaway with your girlfriend? Not at all," Pierce said with a laugh. "But if you need me to back you up, say the word and I'm there."
"Thanks. I'll be fine. Captain Smith's not like the other Rebellion leaders. He won't attack me or even try to get me to come back if he knows that's not what I want. He's actually not a bad person."
Logan focused on his brother and Chelsea and tried to mentally prepare to grant Raffitty's last request.
After seeing his brother and Chelsea off, Pierce went to the site of the accident that had set both him and Logan on paths that changed everything.
Standing at the edge of the water, Pierce let it splash around his ankles. He stared at the water, remembering the details of that day. On a whim, Pierce borrowed a boat without exactly asking permission. The owner had left the keys visible. Pierce fully intended to return it, but he had to do this. It was the same kind of boat he'd been in that day. He remembered how to drive a boat. Logan had taught him that when he was about nine. He'd even let Pierce steer the boat sometimes when they went out, which had been thrilling to his younger self. Now, it was terrifying, but Pierce was ready. He had to do this.
He took the boat out to sea. He knew he was in the right spot and stopped driving, needing to be back there. Pierce allowed himself to remember the accident. He remembered the terror he'd felt. He remembered his brother trying to save him. He remembered going under and getting fished out of the water by Amos. He remembered waking up and finding out that his brother was gone. He remembered the funeral, the abuse, and everything that had happened since. He cried, finally unashamed of his tears. He embraced his story knowing that every moment of it had helped shaped who he'd become. The water was rocky at first, reacting to his emotions, but Pierce quickly allowed the water to comfort him. It rose up to meet him, wrapping around him protectively, and washing away the last of the pain he'd been clinging to.
New images came into his mind. He saw his team. He saw Vida, and Ivan, and Chip. He saw Amos, guiding him at every turn even if Pierce hadn't known it. He saw his new family, who loved him even if he was screwed up in the head. He saw Darcy, kissing him despite seeing how broken he was. He felt her arms around him and could taste her lips on his. He saw Sage, and her team, and the other Rangers who'd stepped up without hesitating to help the Stone Warriors. He knew the Rangers were the family he'd always needed. Finally, he saw Logan, his brother, broken but alive, and finally home. Pierce released all of his pain into the water and allowed the good things to wrap around him. He felt a peace he hadn't expected.
After taking a deep breath, Pierce returned the boat to its port and stepped onto the dock. "Grand Theft Boat was not necessary, Little Fish," Amos said lightly. "I could have rented one for you." He smirked.
"I just... Needed to do that," Pierce said.
"I know. No harm done. I ensured the boat's owner suddenly remembered he needed more bait, and more tackles, and probably more beer. He does not even know the boat left the dock, although he may wonder why it's soaking wet."
"Amos..." Pierce sighed. He flung his arms around Amos, possibly surprising him for the first time ever. "Thank you."
"For distracting the owner of the boat?" Amos asked dryly.
"For everything." Pierce released him.
"You never need to thank me, my Little Fish. It is my duty as an elder of the Tribe to look after our next generation... And you and your brother were a special case in particular. Besides... It has been an honor to watch you grow into the extraordinary Shaman I knew you could be." Amos put a gentle hand on Pierce's back. "I will always be here for you, Little Fish."
"I know that now," Pierce replied. "So, what I just did... It was big, right? Not just cathartic, but important."
"For a Shaman to truly come into his or her power, they must face the trauma of the journey. Only when they understand what happened to them, face it head on, and release the negative feelings of guilt, shame, or fear that are attached to it are they able to reach their fullest potential. You finally got there, Pierce. Today, you broke through the last of what held you back. You are truly a Big Fish now... But to me, you will always be the Little Fish I rescued from the Sea. The boy may have grown into a man, but my affection for you remains unchanged."
Pierce nodded. "So, does that mean my training is complete?"
Amos laughed harder than Pierce had ever heard him laugh before. "Oh, no, Little Fish! A Shaman's training is never complete. There will always be more lessons to learn and more skills to master."
"Great. I've been damned to a lifetime of studying," Pierce said dryly.
"Life is a journey, Little Fish. You're blessed with a gift that will enable you to understand that journey better than most. Stop complaining and enjoy the enlightenment," Amos replied with a laugh. "And for the next stop on the journey ... Food. I'm starving."
Pierce started laughing. "I'll take you to Toddy's," he said. "It's the best food in town." He led Amos away from the water and knew that the next time he returned, this place would not bring him pain.
Being back in New York was amazing. They landed at La Guardia Airport safely and quickly took a bus to the subway. Chelsea pointed out all of the sights Logan had never had time to enjoy as Neptune. They ended up outside of a luxury apartment building.
"We're here to see Captain Smith," Logan said to the doorman.
"Captain Smith is not accepting visitors at the present time," the doorman replied way too cheerfully. It had to be a spell. Chelsea knew no New Yorker was that perky.
"Tell him-" Logan began.
"Neptune?" A voice asked in surprise. A very attractive woman with a British accent looked at them. "It's alright, Richard. He has clearance," she added quickly. She took Logan and Chelsea aside.
"Thanks, Kizzie," Logan said softly.
"Neptune, Luv, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"Raff sent me on business."
"Raff's life force vanished... Captain Smith was certain he was dead."
"He is..." Logan sighed.
"The fool..." She shook her head. "Such a waste. But how did he send you here if-"
"Raff asked me to kill him, Kizzie... And gave me a package to deliver here."
Kizzie sighed. "Come on up... And who is your friend?"
"This is Chelsea, my girlfriend. You can trust her."
"A girlfriend, eh? Good for you. Nice to meet you, Luv. I'm Kizzie."
"Nice to meet you, too," Chelsea said. It was odd to be having such a pleasant encounter with Eltarian Rebels. Chelsea had not expected them to seem so human.
They rode up in the elevator. When they finally reached the penthouse, Chelsea was blown away by the view. "I'd kill to live in a place like this," she said. "Our place in New York was nice, but this is amazing."
"It is lovely," Kizzie agreed. "Excuse me." She hurried off and returned with a man who radiated power but did not feel threatening in the least.
"Neptune, my boy! Welcome," the man said. "What a nice surprise."
"Captain Smith," Logan said respectfully.
Captain Smith looked at Chelsea. "Hello, Dear. I am Captain Bob Smith. And you are...?" He asked charmingly. Chelsea had to admit, he put her at ease just with his tone, and not in the creepy way Zell apparently did. There was something very genuine about him.
"Chelsea," she said. "Nice to meet you, Captain Smith... Or can I call you Bobby?"
Kizzie looked horrified, but Captain Smith chuckled. "You are a brave young woman, Chelsea. If it makes you more comfortable, you may call me whatever you like."
Chelsea decided she just might like this supposed bad guy. He apparently had a good sense of humor. "Chelsea is my girlfriend," Logan said softly.
"I am happy to hear you have found love, Neptune. You deserve that much after everything you've been through," Captain Smith said.
"Captain Smith... You know I left the Rebellion, right?"
"I do. I understand, Neptune. You needed to walk your own path. It simply took you six years to figure out which road you were meant to take."
"I only came because..." He sighed.
"You came because Raff asked you to... Before his life was extinguished." The sorrow in Captain Smith's voice was genuine. Chelsea could feel how deeply he grieved Raffitty's loss.
"You know, don't you?"
"That you were the one to end his suffering? I do. It was very kind of you... I assume if Raff went to you, he realized there was no other way."
"You aren't mad?"
"I am not. I could sense in the moment he was killed how much he welcomed the release of death."
"Zell was planning to use him as an energy source. He saw no other way... And he wanted me to give you a package."
Captain Smith nodded. "Thank you for granting his request, Neptune."
"Logan," Logan said softly. Chelsea looked at him in surprise. "I can trust Captain Smith and Kizzie," he explained quickly. "My name is Logan now."
Captain Smith smiled at him. "A strong name," he said. "I always thought naming a boy who feared water after the God of the Sea was an ironic choice. Logan suits you far better."
The first thing Logan did was respectfully present the canister with Rupi's ashes. "Captain Smith, first of all... I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but Rupi... Rupi didn't survive. Raff told me that he promised he'd tell you how sorry Rupi was... And that he had vowed to bring Rupi back home to you."
Kizzie had tears in her eyes. "Oh, Rupi..." She whispered softly. Chelsea felt bad for her. It was clear she'd cared about the fallen Rebel.
Captain Smith took the ashes with a stoic expression on his face. "Viet. Mozkortz dominee fiatt. Emintex liange vont. Dern jas mied. You are home, my friend. You are loved... You are forgiven," he said very softly. He did not cry, but the grief was plain on his face as he embraced the canister before placing it on a shelf. He pulled Kizzie into his arms. "He is finally at peace, my dearest Kizzie," he said in an equally soft tone. "We must hold on to that..." He turned toward Logan. "Thank you very much for bringing our family home to us, Logan."
"Of course," Logan said.
Captain Smith released Kizzie and sat down with the rest of the package. "Is this...? Oh, Raff... I understand now."
"What is it, Sir?" Kizzie asked.
"Something which I can only hope will hold the key to destroying that monster Zell once and for all. The moment Raff took this, he sealed his fate. There was no turning back." Captain Smith sighed. "I knew you would do the right thing in the end, my old friend... I shall not let it be in vain."
"Sir... Are you suggesting we declare war on the most powerful being in the Universe?"
"I would never ask such a thing of any of you, Kizzie... However, when the time arises, I must demand it of myself."
Kizzie stood up straighter. "Then we shall stand beside you in battle, Sir. As always."
"If you believe Tedi shall allow Rupi's death to go unavenged, you are mistaken... And if you think for one second that I will allow you to run into battle alone, you do not know me at all. You should know by now, Sir, that all of us shall always stand beside you."
"I am truly a blessed man to have all of you in my life." Captain Smith turned to Logan. "If you ever have need of anything, Logan, do not hesitate to call me."
"Thank you, Captain Smith," Logan replied.
"Do you and Chelsea have plans for the day?"
"Hell yeah we do," Chelsea said cheerfully. "I'm taking him on a proper tour of my hometown."
"Excellent! I shall leave you to it. Enjoy yourselves. You have both earned it."
"Both?" Chelsea asked in surprise.
"Yes, Yellow Ranger." Apparently, he'd figured out who she really was. "You, too, have earned a bit of fun. Do not worry. I harbor no ill will toward you or any of the Rangers, Chelsea. You are very good people. We stand against corruption, but you are not corrupt. I understand your previous interactions with Rebellion members have been negative, but we are not the typical chapter of Rebels."
"I'm getting that impression, Bobby," Chelsea said cheerfully. "Come on, Logan... Coney Island awaits us."
Logan actually hugged Captain Smith and Kizzie. Then, he took Chelsea's hand and they left together. Chelsea took Logan back to the subway and they headed into Brooklyn.
"First thing's first..." Chelsea said. "We're riding the Cyclone. It's a rite of passage."
"I haven't ridden a roller coaster since I was sixteen," Logan said nervously.
"This isn't just a roller coaster... It's a wooden roller coaster that routinely injures passengers and has pieces missing... It's awesome! Come on!" She led him to the entrance.
Logan sat beside her nervously. Chelsea found that very endearing and kind of ironic. The boy could race into battle and risk his life, but he was afraid of a roller coaster? She kissed him just before the ride started. "You'll be fine," she promised. "I've got you."
Logan relaxed, and by the time the ride really got exciting, he seemed to actually be having fun. When it ended, he pulled her into a kiss. "I love you, Jesse Quick," he said.
"Just like I love you, Wolverine. Now, come on," Chelsea said. "It's time you had the greatest food ever invented." She led him to Nathan's. Once there, she ordered them each three hotdogs and cheese fries. Logan began to eat and stared at her.
"Amazing," he said. "There actually is one place with better cheese fries than Toddy's."
"Told you so." Chelsea smiled at him. "I know we only have one more day here, but I promise you'll have fun."
"I always have fun with you."
"I wish every day could be like this."
"It might not be exactly like this when we're back in Stone Hollow, but I promise we'll be together... And that means every day is another wacky adventure, because you're dating a psychotic, unpredictable New Yorker with super powers." She squeezed his hand. "This is your life now, Logan. I promise it's not just going to fade away."
Logan stood up and pulled Chelsea into his arms. He kissed her deeply in front of a hundred strangers eating Nathan's and would not let her go.
"Damn, Son! Don't you need to come up for air?" One of the random teenagers asked with a laugh.
"She is my air," Logan said. Chelsea might have melted internally at that, but she stayed outwardly cool and jaded because that was how New Yorkers rolled.
A girl standing near the boy whacked his arm. "Why don't you ever say shit like that?" She demanded.
"Yo, we can't all be Shakespeare, Baby. But I can be romantic, too. Watch! I'mma buy you cheese fries," the boy said smoothly.
The girl laughed. "I can't stay mad at you, you dumbass." She looked at Chelsea. "Hold on to that one, Girl. He's a keeper."
"Believe me, I know," Chelsea said, still wrapped in Logan's arms. "Come on, Wolverine. Let's continue the adventure."
She was teaching a Martial Arts class. It felt good to focus on that again. It had been a while since she'd trained people who didn't need to save the world from the Forces of Evil.
"Not bad," Pierce commented from the doorway.
"Thanks," Darcy replied. "Want to help me show them some moves?"
Pierce shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" He joined her in front of the class.
"Come at me," Darcy said.
Pierce started off with a few moves that were easy to dodge. "Is that all you've got?" Darcy teased him.
"You asked for it," Pierce replied. He increased his attacks. Darcy anticipated his moves and countered them, and he did the same when she tried moves on him. She finally got him on his back after several minutes of this. Pierce proceeded to sweep her legs out and knock her down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.
Darcy laughed and stood back up before pulling Pierce up to his feet. "Is he your boyfriend, or are we supposed to kiss everyone we spar with?" One of her students asked.
Darcy started laughing. Pierce looked slightly embarrassed. "Class dismissed," Darcy replied before pulling Pierce from the room.
"Sorry," Pierce said. "I sort of got caught up in the moment."
"Never apologize for kissing me," Darcy said. She kissed him again, more intensely than she had in front of her students. When she finally released him, she said, "Are you here just to surprise me, or what?"
"Actually, no. Vida asked me to come by and grab you after your class was over."
"Is everything okay?" Darcy tensed up, thinking of a hundred different scenarios. Were the Rebels back? Had Zell somehow returned? Was Stone Hollow under attack? Did they need to go back into battle? She braced herself to lead her team again.
"Darcy, relax," Pierce said. "She didn't seem to be worried about anything. I'm sure everything is fine. She just said something about dinner with the team."
Darcy nodded, calming down. "Okay... Then let's go."
She led the way, holding Pierce's hand as they walked. It soothed both of their nerves to be able to feel each other like that. They arrived at Vida's place shortly after. Darcy rang the doorbell.
"Hey, Guys!" Chip answered the door cheerfully. "Come on in. V's just ordering pizza."
"Let's hope Greg doesn't portal in and land on the delivery guy again," Darcy joked. Pierce started laughing.
Andie walked in behind them. "Is everything okay?" She asked.
"I promise there's no crisis," Chip said with a grin.
"That's refreshing!" Scott said as he walked in holding his skateboard.
"Did I miss anything?" Chelsea asked as she arrived.
"Not at all, Lady Chelsea," Ivan said, coming into the living room. " 'Tis good to see you all this fine day! "
Andie visibly relaxed as Ivan stood beside her. "Where's Greg?" She asked.
"Eltar," Scott replied. "Lady Eleanor took her team of misfits back again for a quick training exercise and Greg went with them. He should be back soon, though. Van promised to tell him Vida requested him."
"Are you okay with Van being away so often?" Darcy asked.
"I'm proud of him. And other than that first trip, they only leave for a couple of hours at a time. I'm just glad he's found a way to be the hero I already knew he was."
"You're such a sappy dork," Chelsea said with a roll of her eyes.
"You love me," Scott countered, sticking out his tongue.
Greg suddenly fell out of the air and landed surprisingly gracefully in front of Darcy. "And he sticks the landing!" Chelsea said, cheering.
"Hey guys... So, what's this about?" Greg asked.
"We're still waiting on Vida to explain that," Darcy said.
"Wait no more. I'm here," Vida said, appearing from the back of the house. "Have a seat, Kids. I've got something to say."
As everyone sat down, Vida looked at them. She was positive there was as much love in her eyes for them as there was in her heart. "Our sources in Angel Grove have confirmed that there's been no trouble," Vida began. "They think all of the remaining Rebels are hiding out with Zell in a new location, but it seems like they're not ready to attack anytime soon. Even Caius and Caleb haven't seen anything that implies the bad guys are plotting an attack. With that said, you can all continue to enjoy your retirement as Power Rangers."
"You brought us here to tell us nothing's changed?" Scott asked in confusion.
"Actually, no... I brought you guys here to say goodbye," Vida said sadly. Chip started tearing up. Everyone else looked stunned, including Ivan. They had decided to tell him along with the kids.
"Goodbye?" Darcy repeated. "But Vida... We need you."
"Actually, you don't," Vida said. "You guys showed me that you are ready for anything. Hell, I got turned evil and it was members of your team who brought me back from a dark place I didn't think I could escape."
"You saved yourself," Pierce said. "By choosing to be strong enough to feel it all... We just showed you the way."
"We still need you, Vida! You're our mentor," Scott said.
"You're ready to stand on your own, Scott. All of you have made me so proud... But the time has come to let my little birdies fly away. I know you can do this," Vida said.
"Where are you going?" Chelsea asked.
"Home. I belong in Briarwood, guys. So does Chip. Our team is there," Vida said. "But, believe me, we will always be here if you need us. We're just a phone call away."
"And we'll come back and visit a ton, I promise!" Chip added.
"Andie... You're awfully quiet," Vida noticed.
"It's just... You guys are family. I don't let people in easily, and now, you're leaving..." Andie said softly.
"Not all of us are leaving," Chip said.
Vida grinned and tossed her keys to Ivan. "I shall leave my home and the Stone Warriors' Base of Operations in the very capable hands of Sir Ivan!" She declared.
"In truth, Lady Vida?" Ivan asked.
"Did you expect me to throw you out on the street, Ivan?" She teased him.
"It did occur to me, yes... I made it clear I could live in the woods when first we met."
"And I made it clear that was ridiculous. Besides... 'Tis no one else I could entrust with the noble quest of defending our Base," she said quite dramatically. She bowed to him. "I know you will protect my babies with everything you have, even if they're not actually baby Rangers anymore... They grew up so fast!"
"I shall accept this honor with pride," Ivan promised her. "And this house shall always be a sanctuary when you are in need."
"When are you leaving?" Darcy asked.
"After dinner," Vida replied.
"V sort of stalled telling you guys for as long as she could," Chip said with an apologetic shrug.
Surprisingly, dinner was not depressing. Instead of dwelling on the fact that Vida and Chip were leaving Stone Hollow, they focused on telling stories, remembering the good times they'd had, and discussing the future. They ended the night laughing, and Vida knew her kids would be alright.
The goodbyes began, and Vida braced herself as much as she possibly could. "Thank you, Vida... For every single thing you've done for us," Darcy said, hugging her. "We wouldn't have made it this far without you training us and pushing us to be more than we ever knew we could be. And Chip... Thank you for being you. When we needed to believe in ourselves, you always knew how to get us there and make us laugh in the process. We love you both."
Chip started crying. He hugged Darcy and said, "Anytime. And we love you guys, too."
"You are one hell of a Red Ranger, Darcy," Vida said. "I trust you to take good care of the team."
"Always," Darcy promised.
"You guys took me in when I had nowhere else to go," Pierce said. "That means more to me than you'll ever know." He hugged them both.
"You're family, Pierce. Anytime you need a place to go, our door is open, no matter where that door is," Vida promised.
"Absolutely," Chip added.
"Stay crazy, Vida, " Chelsea said. "And keep being a goofball, Chip. The world needs more people like you." She took her turn hugging them.
"Keep kicking ass, Chels," Vida said.
"Run by us anytime you miss us," Chip added.
"Text me anytime you want to come back," Greg said. "I'm pretty sure I can portal to Briarwood with a little more practice."
"Absolutely," Chip said cheerfully.
"But maybe try a few test runs before you bring along passengers?" Vida suggested with a laugh. She pulled Greg into a tight hug, which Chip joined in on.
Scott looked at Vida and Chip with sad eyes. "V... I'm going to miss you so much!" He said, flinging his arms around her.
"Music will keep us together," Vida promised. "You need to send me your new songs, and I'll send you my best mixes."
Scott nodded. "I promise," he said, kissing her cheek before releasing her. He turned to Chip. "Take care of my girl, okay, Chip?"
"V can take care of herself," Chip said with a laugh, "but I always try to do it anyway." He hugged Scott.
Finally, it was time for Andie to say goodbye. She frowned. "I suck at goodbyes," she admitted.
"This isn't goodbye, Andie," Vida said. "Not really. Once a Ranger, always a Ranger... Our paths will cross again very soon, I'm sure of it."
Andie surprised Vida as she started to cry. She hugged Vida, burying her face in her shoulder. "I love you guys..." She said softly.
"We love you, too," Chip said, joining in on the hug. "And V's right. We'll be back in no time. Don't cry, sweetie. We're always going to be here for you."
Andie nodded and wiped away her tears. "Just be safe, okay?" She asked.
"We'll be okay," Chip said soothingly.
"And so will all of you," Vida added.
Andie stood close to Darcy and Greg, clearly feeling stronger beside them. It was time for the last person to say goodbye. Ivan stood by the front door with Vida and Chip.
"My good Sir Chip! 'Twas an honor fighting beside thee and sharing this residence with thee. Thou hath become my brother in Arms. I shall miss thee greatly," Ivan said.
"Until we must fight once more, Sir Ivan!" Chip said. He bowed to him, and Ivan bowed back.
"Sir Ivan..." Vida said with admiration, shaking her head.
"Lady Vida... I fear I shall miss thee quite deeply, " Ivan said sadly.
Vida hugged him tightly. "Take care of my kids, Ivan."
"With all that I have," Ivan vowed.
"I think I'll miss you most of all, Scarecrow."
"He's not the Scarecrow. He's more like... Like the Tin Man!" Chip declared.
"I do not understand these references..." Ivan admitted.
"Scott needs to give you a lesson in classic movies. Tell him that's his sacred quest," Vida said. She sighed and hugged Ivan again. "Just so we're clear, I love you, and you're family, my Good Knight. Don't forget about me while I'm gone."
"M'Lady, you are truly unforgettable," Ivan said. He kissed her hand. Vida felt a single tear land on her hand as it escaped from the corner of his eye, but the Knight managed not to shed any more as he let her walk away.
"Come on, Chip," she said, taking his hand as they walked out of the house. "Let's go home."
She awoke to find someone she hadn't expected by her bed. "Zuzu?" She asked.
The Phelinx nudged her hand with his head before hopping toward the window. Andie looked outside, knowing Lido must be waiting, but she didn't see him. "Tell Lido I'll be outside in fifteen minutes," she said to Zuzu. She took a quick shower and got dressed before slipping out of the house.
"Lido?" Andie called.
Lido stepped into view. "Hello, Andie," he said softly.
"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since that day in Angel Grove." She didn't specify which day. She didn't have to.
"I was not certain you would want to see me," Lido replied.
"Why wouldn't I want to see you?"
"He had you, Andie... He had all of you after I vowed to protect you. I failed you." He stared at the ground.
"Lido..." Andie touched his face gently, lifting his head so he was looking at her. "You did not fail us. You never did. You raced into a fight against the man who destroyed your life to try to save us without even hesitating... And you were the only one who stood up to him when he killed me. You did something that everyone else was either too scared or too blind to do. Please stop blaming yourself... And don't disappear on me like that. I like having you around."
"You do?" He seemed stunned.
"I may not know you well, Lido, but Daphne's love for you fills my heart every time I see you. I know who you are, and you're a beautiful, gentle giant with a pure heart... And a pure soul now that you are free from the spell."
"My soul can never be fully pure again, Andie... Not with all I have done. My heart, however, shall always be pure thanks to the love your family gave me."
"My point, Lido, is that I want you here. I don't feel right when you're gone for too long."
"I shall always be here when you need me. It is why I sent Zuzu to check on you. I wanted to know you were doing well... And he missed you... As did I."
Andie hugged him. "I missed you, too. You're family, Lido. You always will be."
Lido wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly without hurting her. Andie felt incredibly safe in his arms, and Lido was suddenly more human than he had ever been since Andie met him. He finally seemed like the kind young man he'd been before Zell had turned him. "I love you..." He whispered so softly, she barely heard him.
"I love you, too," she replied.
When Lido finally pulled away, Andie asked, "Where are you staying?"
"The woods are the only home I have ever known," Lido replied. "Anything else feels wrong. With the Rebellion gone, I feel it is safe to stay where I was living when we met."
"At least I know where to find you."
"Just as you know we can share sight when the need arises."
"Don't be a stranger. Come around more often, okay?"
"I would like that," Lido agreed. "For now, may I walk you to your destination?"
She was only planning to head to Ivan's place, but company might not be a bad thing. "Absolutely," Andie said.
They walked in a comfortable silence until they reached the house. Andie gave Lido another hug. "I'll see you soon, alright?" She asked.
"You have my oath," Lido replied. He kissed the top of her head gently before leaving.
Andie rang the doorbell and smiled as Ivan opened the door.
He smiled at his beloved as he answered the door. "M'Lady," he said grandly. Ivan led Andie inside. "Have a seat." He left her on the couch and went into the kitchen to gather the feast he had prepared for their date.
"You cooked?" Andie asked Ivan in surprise as he brought over the food and set it up on the coffee table.
"A feast fit for a Queen, M'Lady!" Ivan told her with a wide smile.
"You and your need to woo me..." Andie laughed as she shook her head. "Thank you, Ivan."
They ate and made small talk for a bit before Andie said, "Ivan... I want to do something."
"Of course. What do you wish to do?" Ivan asked.
"I want to visit Zandar," she said shyly. "It means so much to you, and I have all of these memories from Isobel... It's beautiful. I want to see it in person. And I feel like I need to... Like the final piece I'm missing will be found if you and I go there together."
Ivan was stunned. "I have not been back to Zandar since I found my Energem," he said. "My heart longed to return, however, I could not bear to make the journey knowing everyone I had known was gone... That Isobel was gone."
Andie looked into his eyes. "You found me, Ivan," she said softly. "And neither one of us is going anywhere this time." She squeezed his hand.
"It would be nice... To return home," Ivan admitted. "Prince Phillip has been trying to convince me to make the trip for quite some time."
"If he spoke to my parents, I'm sure they would let me go for a week or so. They really find him charming, and they have noticed my mental health's gotten better since he's taken an interest in me."
Ivan smiled at how easily Andie called Karen and Kyle her parents now. It made him happy to see that she had found peace in that area of her life. "I shall call him promptly," Ivan promised. He did, and within an hour, Phillip called him back to announce that Andie's family had given their blessing.
That was how, two days later, Ivan found himself on the official Royal Jet of Zandar. As they landed, Andie stared out the window in wonder. Ivan was also speechless.
"It's stunning..." Andie said softly as they stepped out of the jet and walked down the stairs to the ground below. Andie slipped off of the bottom step as she finished speaking. Ivan automatically caught and steadied her. She smiled at him as he held her in his arms.
"It truly is beautiful," Ivan agreed with her.
Prince Phillip came toward them and greeted them with a broad smile and an entourage of people to gather up their luggage and guide them to the limo. Phillip bowed his head to kiss Andie's hand. "Welcome to Zandar, Andie! Should you require anything, my staff has been instructed to grant it to you." He then turned toward Ivan. "Sir Ivan! Zandar is thrilled to have you here."
"Thank you, Prince Phillip," Ivan said, feeling a bit overwhelmed. Most of the land looked quite different from what he remembered, but it still felt the same. As they drove through Zandar, Ivan pointed out various locations to Andie, telling her grand stories of the life they'd lived there together so long before.
Finally, they pulled up to the castle. Andie stared at it in wonder, automatically holding Ivan's hand. As the limo parked and the staff opened the doors, Phillip, Ivan, and Andie stepped out.
Phillip bowed to them grandly before saying, "Welcome home, Sir Ivan!"
Ivan felt tears in his eyes as he pulled Andie closer to him. With her wrapped in his arms as they stood before the home of the Royal Family of Zandar, Ivan knew he had finally come full circle. For the first time since he'd found his Energem, Ivan was truly at peace.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you so much for reading this fic! A special thank you to's Crockergirl84 for the use of Doctor Hope Crocker, and Aura Mackenzie for the use of Sophie, V, and Casey. Extra special thanks to Aura for always being my Muse.
The Stone Warriors, Vida, Chip, Ivan, and everyone else from this story will be back in Chosen Legacy. Although it will focus more on the story built in Legacy Rangers, everything that happened in this story will play a huge part in that fic. I didn't originally intend for this fic to play such a vital role in that world, but the stories blended together, and now Chosen Legacy is serving as a sequel to both stories. If you want to see what happens in the final battle against Zell, please look for that fic, coming very soon! The next part of the Chosen Universe is Go, Go, Wildcats. Check it out, especially if you're interested in the Rebellion of Eltar, because that story also involves an interesting group of Rebels. (And since it takes place in 1989, some of the Rebels from this fic who died do make appearances.)
Thanks again for any feedback, love, and support! I hope you enjoyed the story. See you soon.
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