Dungeon Masters wasn't the fanciest joint in New York City, or the kind of place I would choose to meet a potential client, and the quandary of what to wear had me standing in front of my closet longer than usual. I didn't want to go too professional and scare the girl off, but I didn't want to grunge it up either.
In the end, I opted for low-key bohemian; a red gauze shirt with floral embroidery paired with nice jeans and fringed ankle boots. I left my hair loose, adding a few curls to give it bounce, and applied a subdued winged look to my eyes. Tonight, I wouldn't worry about smearing the viewfinder, since I didn't expect to get paid.
I prepped my camera with a fresh SD card and made sure Mr. Pearlman knew where I was headed. Then I left the building to meet my bodyguard, Rizzo. As I locked the downstairs door, a well-dressed man with a rather prominent nose approached me, and my heart rate ratcheted up a notch. I knew nothing about my contact besides his French ancestry. I did a double take when I recognized the guy's navy blue military jacket. It was the crazy from the subway.
"Bonjour, Reese. I am Rizzo. Vincent Valentino's amicus...er, friend." He said this with a thick accent and a guilty smile, while my brain immediately switched into suspicious mode. Had he been following me, too?
"Hi, Rizzo. We meet again." Apart from the jacket, Rizzo looked like an average citizen. He'd even ditched the combat boots for a pair of burgundy Doc Martens. "I have to ask. Were you keeping an eye on me that day we met on the subway?"
His gaze flicked to the sidewalk, as if he'd been caught doing something wrong, but he met my gaze when he answered. "No. That meeting was a lucky coincidence."
I decided he was being genuine. Despite my initial wariness on the subway, he had behaved himself. Maybe his crazy persona was just an act. Surely, Vincent wouldn't leave me in the hands of a fruitcake. "Are we taking a cab together?"
"No. I have transportation. Just this way."
As he led me down the sidewalk, he scanned the alley thoroughly, and his eyes darted between every car and stoop we passed. Vincent must have threatened him with bodily harm if he let anything happen to me. He pulled a key fob from his pocket as we approached a black Escalade, and the passenger door clicked open.
Rizzo gestured me inside, and I felt a touch apprehensive about getting into a car with someone I previously thought to be a nut job. But it only took a few minutes to get used to the idea that Rizzo was a regular guy with a driver's license and fashion sense. Within the close confines of the car, I caught a good whiff of his cologne. I remembered it from the subway, but there was something else about it. A subtle familiarity. Did he share a bathroom with Colin and Vincent?
It turned out Rizzo's driving skills were superb. He anticipated the bonehead moves of pedestrians and other drivers before they made them, never once cursing at them, and we took turns making predictions of what each one would do. It wasn't until we were on the bridge that the conversation turned personal.
"So, you like Vincent, eh?"
The way Rizzo asked the question made it seem like he wanted to know why I liked Vincent rather than whether I liked him. It also had me stumped for an immediate answer.
"We're in the early stages of a potential relationship." My response sounded just as lame coming out of my mouth as it did in my head, and I felt compelled to amend it. "I think it would be easier to like him if he wasn't so...um..."
More Latin?
"Yes, bossy works. He's also super paranoid. He hasn't given me a moment of peace since we met."
"Well, I understand why he is paranoid. We are all guilty of that. This is a dangerous city, especially for..." Rizzo glanced at me as he navigated around traffic. "...for certain residents."
Rizzo's hesitation made me think he was skirting a delicate topic, but I was desperate for information. Maybe he could fill in some blanks that Vincent wasn't ready to. I just needed to word my questions right.
"Rizzo, do you remember our conversation the day we met on the subway?"
My seemingly innocuous inquiry was still met with a subtle tensing of his shoulders. "Yes."
"Why did you think I was homeless?"
He cocked his head as he surveyed me through his peripherals. "I did not mean it the way you interpreted it. You did not look homeless."
"What did you mean, then?"
Rizzo gripped the steering wheel like a vice as he replied to the windshield. "I should probably let Vincent answer the difficult questions."
Why was that a difficult question? Did Vincent have him under a gag order? I bobbed my head in resignation. I didn't want to get the guy in trouble with his boss, and it wasn't long before Rizzo was maneuvering the Escalade next to the curb about a block from the club. As he exited the car and walked to the passenger side, I checked the security of my Nikon around my neck. Then we took to the street.
I recognized Kelly right away. She had pulled her purple tresses into a messy bun, which showed off the bright blonde underneath, and her feisty dark eyes were highlighted with sparkly green eyeshadow. I caught her attention with a wave, and she must have noticed my camera, as she quickly bounded over, bringing a strong floral scent with her, along with an undertone of something that reminded me of Pine Sol. Maybe she was obsessed with cleanliness.
"Hi, Reese. You're even prettier than I pictured you from your voice."
Flattery, huh? Does she pitch for both sides? "Thanks. I love your hair. I've never had the courage to do anything so bold."
"That's me. Bold and badass, but only on the outside. I'm a pussycat once you get to know me. Who's your friend?" She jutted her chin at Rizzo, who stood at the curb trying unsuccessfully to pretend he wasn't with me.
"Oh, that's Rizzo. He's my paranoid friend who insisted on escorting me here. He knows this is a business meet up, so he'll hang in the background."
Kelly laughed, which came out like a screech. "I get it. Well, I hope he plans to pay his own cover. I only budgeted for the two of us and a few drinks."
"I'm sure he can handle his own cover." I glanced at Rizzo and he nodded, although his expression had turned grim, like Kelly was an ex he never expected to see again.
"Peachy. Let's get inside and grab a seat before they're all taken." Kelly slipped her arm around mine and hauled me to the front of the line like we were lifelong friends. Rizzo followed on our heels, and the three of us were admitted by a stiff-backed bouncer named Jones. Jones appeared to recognize Rizzo and didn't collect a cover from him.
A soundtrack of bass and percussion serenaded us through enormous speakers, priming show-goers for the upcoming event. Kelly never let go of my arm as she navigated between bodies and curtains of smoke until we reached an open table in front of the stage. The band was busy setting up their gear as we took our seats, and Kelly shouted a greeting to the singer. She pointed to the camera around my neck, and we received a thumbs-up. Based on their friendly exchange, I was probably looking at a backstage pass. I watched Rizzo position himself against a wall just inside my peripheral view. He had his cellphone out and was typing away.
"You want something to drink, Reese?" Kelly asked as she flagged down a waitress.
"I'll just have water."
Kelly yanked out a twenty and waved it around. "Really, nothing stronger? I'll buy the first round."
"I don't drink alcohol."
She shrugged. "To each his own, they say."
The waitress took our orders then hurried off, and Kelly leaned into my ear, giving me another blast of her fragrance. Jasmine, if I wasn't mistaken. "So, you in the program?"
"No. I stopped drinking when my brother died of an overdose."
"Oh, bummer. I know how you feel. I recently lost a brother." Kelly's face hardened, like the memory provoked more anger than grief.
"I'm sorry."
The solemn mood only lasted a few seconds before Kelly started talking about her blog, taking me back to her childhood when she attended an outdoor concert and was hooked on metal music ever since. Our drinks arrived, and we discussed a few details about what she wanted as far as photography before the band cranked out their first tune, effectively cutting off all meaningful conversation.
I popped off shots of the band and the crowd from our prime location. Then about halfway through the set, I excused myself to move around the room. One of the attendees recognized me and engaged me in conversation, asking how I'd been. I failed to place his face, but he seemed like the type of guy I would go home with, and I managed to get through our quick chat without embarrassing myself or him.
The show ended after three amazing sets, and my ears were ringing pretty good when Kelly led me backstage to meet the band. Rizzo followed us but was denied admittance through the backstage door. Apparently, he didn't have clout with all the bouncers. I felt badly about leaving him out, but this was my gig, and he was only there at Vincent's request, the paranoid, imperiosi guy I wasn't officially in a relationship with.
As expected, the band was mobbed by female groupies barely concealing their lacy undergarments, but Kelly managed to get close enough to introduce me to the lead guitarist, Ian, who offered to pay me for any good shots I got of their show. We exchanged contact information, and as I put his number into my phone I noticed a text from Rizzo telling me not to leave without telling him. Why would I do that? He was my ride home.
Kelly complained that she had to pee like a racehorse, and she dragged me into the backstage bathroom, assuming I was okay with sharing a toilet with a near total stranger. She locked the door and pulled her pants down, talking to me as she relieved herself.
"Ian is freaking hot," she said as she fiddled with her hair while hovering over the pot. "If he didn't have a girlfriend, I would totally do him."
I had to credit her for considering Ian's relationship status. There were plenty of groupies who wouldn't give a shit. "He is pretty cute."
Kelly grinned at me as she yanked up her pants. "You got a hottie at home? Is Rizzo more than a paranoid friend?" I could tell she was drunk. She had polished off two Bloody Marys and two beers during the show.
"I'm not in a committed relationship at the moment," I said, which was pretty much how I felt.
"Well, I happen to know the drummer is available. Despite his unfortunate receding hairline, he's not a bad guy. You gotta pee?"
I couldn't help chuckling as I watched Kelly take care of her personal business. She was a clone of me before I got sober. "Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to empty the old bladder. Although, you know what they say about opening the flood gates."
She joined me in a laugh as I pulled my pants down and squatted over the seat, adjusting my camera so it wouldn't get in the way. Kelly leaned against the door, and her demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. She narrowed her gaze in a look that meant she was serious.
"What's your deal, Reese? Where are you from?"
"I was raised in DC. Why?"
She scrutinized me as I sat there completely vulnerable, and I wondered what happened to change her attitude. I felt the irritation radiating off her like heat waves. "I can't seem to get a read on you. I'm a bit of a cynic, and I didn't believe what I'd heard...that you were a clueless hybrid. But I'm starting to think it's true."
I stilled over the toilet, forgetting for a moment what I was doing, until I realized I needed to get my pants up before I was caught with them down. "What do you mean by hybrid? Is it because I grew up in DC but I live in New York?"
Kelly screeched out a laugh, which had my nerve endings vibrating under my skin. "You really don't know, do you? This is going to be easier than I thought." She moved away from the door, and by the time I had my pants zipped, her perky boobs were pressed against mine as her beer-tainted breath blew across my face. "Have you ever been kissed by a girl?"
Oh, snap.
"Actually, I have. By my best friend. But it was purely experimental."
"You're a gorgeous woman. I'm sure that's why your friend was interested in experimenting." Kelly slid her fingers through my hair, sending chills across my back, but they weren't the good kind of chills. My warning radar was blaring full tilt. Unfortunately, I was the only one who could hear it.
"You're beautiful too, Kelly, but I'm really not into..."
My words were cut off by her lips as she sealed them around my mouth, and her hand glided up the ridges of my spine, inciting another chill. Her sensual touch dragged me under, and my head went all fuzzy, like I'd been the one drinking beer and vodka. I was left senseless when she released me to bring her lips to my ear.
"You're going to follow me out of the club, and you're not going to let Rizzo talk you out of it. Everything is cool. We're just heading out for food."
"I could go for some tacos," I said, suddenly hungry for something spicy.
"Sure. Tacos sound great."
I blinked a few times as she stared at me. Hopefully, she wasn't waiting for me to kiss her back. My brain felt like it was under sedation. With her arm pressed against the wall beside me, she placed a call on her cellphone.
"I've got her in the bathroom, but there's no window. I'm going to bring her out the backstage door. Be ready in five."
Kelly took me by the arm, which I was grateful for since my equilibrium had deserted me, and we walked out of the bathroom together. I felt a little guilty for kissing another girl, and I tasked myself with remembering to tell Sylvie I still loved her more than anyone else on the planet.
Wow, my legs felt like rubber, and my brain wasn't processing things properly. Where was I again? And who were those people asking if we wanted to smoke some broccoli? Whoa, the cold air hit me in the face as Kelly and I left Dungeon Masters and schlepped through a packed parking lot to the street. It wasn't until we were heading away from the club that I remembered Rizzo.
"Hold up, Kelly. I need to text Rizzo and tell him where..."
Kelly snatched my arm before I could reach my phone. "He doesn't need to know where we're going. You're an independent girl, right? You don't want a paranoid escort hovering over you. How old are you, Reese?"
She snorted. "You're a grown ass woman. And from what I can tell, you like to have fun. Stick with me. I can make you some serious money. You're better off with us than those do-gooders anyway."
Do-gooders? Who was she talking about? We made it about a block when two men approached us, and I wrinkled my nose at their strong odor. While the smell seemed familiar, I couldn't place it in my current altered state. Kelly greeted one of them with an elbow bump.
"I've delivered the goods, as promised," she said, tilting her head towards me. "She seems oblivious to her family history, just like Manny said. Smell her, Christoph. She's got the scent of gollum and..."
"Shut the fuck up!" The guy growled, but this only seemed to excite her, and she growled back.
"You shut the fuck up. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be standing here. Everyone knows I'm a better kisser than you."
I was tempted to ask if the guys were joining us for tacos, but I was starting to think that wasn't what they had in mind. What did Kelly say I smelled like?
"You two need to drop the dramatics and focus," said the second guy. "Where's the gollum who was tailing you, Kelly?"
"I am right behind you, l' idiot."
Everyone turned to face a man standing in the alley. Despite the shadows on his face, I could tell it was Rizzo, only he looked a helluva lot bigger than he did earlier, and he appeared to be toting something large on his back. Kelly startled and I stumbled backward into her arms.
"Take her and get lost!" Christoph shouted just before he hurled himself at Rizzo.
"C'mon, Reese. Let's get those tacos." Kelly's sharp fingernails tightened around my arm, and the sting was enough to kick my brain into action. It told me the situation was far from okay.
I managed to escape her grip, and I ran toward the club when I saw a man drop from the roof, slowed by what appeared to be a huge set of wings. My foot slipped off the curb, and I tripped into the street, landing on my hands and knees between two cars. A second later, a pair of firm hands helped me up.
"I've got you, Reese. It's going to be alright." Although I expected to see Kelly's face, it was Amelia who tucked me into her chest in a protective embrace. She wore a severe expression, which I remembered from our first meeting, but it wasn't threatening. When I glanced around for Kelly, she was nowhere in sight.
"Where did you come from? What's going on?" I spoke as I watched the forms of four men battle it out in the shadows. Each one appeared to be equipped with wings, not to mention Hellboy-sized muscles. I even noticed a pair of horns on the forehead of one of the men. It was enough to make me question my sanity, and I convinced myself it was due to the fuzzy state of my brain.
What the hell had Kelly done to me? Had she slipped me a drug with her tongue? Heath's kisses had the same effect, which I always thought was because I indulged too much back then and could never trust my own senses.
I continued to watch the brawl in the alley, trying to figure out who the fourth fighter was, the one who had jumped three stories without splattering his brains on the ground. Using the distant light of a streetlamp, I finally recognized the bright gray eyes and chiseled jawbone of my non-boyfriend, Vincent. He lashed out at the man called Christoph with lethal-looking claws, then ducked to avoid Christoph's return assault. I shrieked when Vincent narrowly missed getting sliced.
"Get her out of here, Amelia!" Vincent shouted as he tackled Christoph and body slammed him on the unforgiving concrete.
Amelia tightened her grip on my shoulders, but we didn't budge from our spot. I could tell by the density of her muscles she could hold her own, if need be. Did she want to get in on the action?
"Vincent is going to be pissed," she said in my ear. "But you need to see this. You're safe as long as you're with me."
With my body tingling from the strange high I was on, I stared without really seeing as the conflict raged a few yards away until a group of people rounded the corner, laughing loudly as they walked toward us. In the blink of an eye, two of the winged beasts fled the scene, scaling the three story building like gigantic flying squirrels and disappearing over the roof with no one the wiser.
I was breathing in gasps when Vincent and Rizzo emerged into the muted light with their clothing torn and their faces smeared with blood. Other than that, they looked like normal men. The wings and claws were gone. Vincent's eyes shone like sterling silver and his face was devoid of color as he approached us. He looked almost ashamed when he glanced at me, but this swiftly changed as he directed a fierce glare at Amelia.
"I told you to take her home."
"She needed to see it. This is her future, and if she's going to protect herself..."
"You don't decide what she needs to see and when!" Vincent raised his hand and shoved his fingers roughly through his hair, as if he had redirected his aggression there. The gesture had my body stiffening. Would he hit a girl? When he looked at me again, his expression softened. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Reese. I wanted to explain first."
"I want to go home." I buried my chin in my chest, looking anywhere but at his face. There was nothing to say that could make the situation better. He was a maniac. A freak. And I'd had enough of those.
"I'll take you," he said.
"No. I'll take a cab." I glanced up so he could see I was serious.
"Reese, don't you realize why this happened? You are in danger. I will hail a cab, but I am escorting you home."
"I want Amelia to take me. Then I want you to leave me alone. You can stand outside my window all night if you want to, but don't talk to me."
I was shaking like a leaf when the taxi pulled up, and I practically dove for the backseat. Amelia climbed in next to me, apologizing for upsetting me. And while I cried softly into my sleeve, she rambled on about Vincent being in love with me and that I shouldn't give up on him. Most of it went in one ear and out the other.
When I crawled out of the cab in front of my building, Amelia insisted I call her if I wanted to talk, girl to girl. All I could offer was a weak nod. I didn't even know if Amelia was a girl, or if she was one of them. As soon as I locked myself inside my apartment, I dialed my parents.
"Hi, Mom. I need you to book me on the first flight to DC."
PLAYLIST SONG: Twisted by Missio
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