Part 6
My head spun upwards to see Todoroki. I shivered as he began to walk towards me. His face displayed an emotion I couldn't decipher. Before I could say anything he pulled out a key and simply unlocked the chains my leg was held in. He turned and walked away, no words. He left the room leaving the door unlocked and opened. I sat still, shell shocked. I could feel my heart racing a thousand beats a second and my head thumping. Move, you have to move, run, this is your only chance, go. In the back of my mind though something throbbed, stay there, don't move it's unsafe. I was torn apart at my two options. I wanted to leave, of course I did, Todoroki is obviously unstable and just in general people don't like being held in basements against their will. But yet, there was a reason the door was open, of course there was; I guess I couldn't find myself to care about whatever reason it was as I stood up.
I quietly walked to the door, my legs wobbling from their lack of use these past days. I grabbed onto the wall as I slowly guided myself up the creaky stairs. Cringing as they squealed from my weight though I'm quite sure I had lost some. I got to the second last stair and stood still. Listening for anything but all I could hear was my erratic breathing. I gulped, pushing myself forward onto the last two steps. I stood out and was blasted with a bright light. I squinted my eyes, getting used to the brightness. I looked around to find myself in the same house, which part of said house I did not know. The walls were white and the floor was some expensive wood. I walked around until I came across a dining room. As soon as I smelt something cooking my stomach jumped into my throat as I turned my head to see Todoroki, standing in front of a stove. I stepped back and fell over a chair, he whipped his head around dropping whatever utensil and ran over to me the food forgotten. I felt the room spin and my palms sweat, each step he took towards me made my heart jump and my skin prick. He kneeled down next to me. "Izuku! Are you okay?" I stared at him, my eyebrows furrowed, he looked worried. I opened my mouth to scream or to say anything but I couldn't find my voice. He looked and touched all over my body, not in a lustful way but in a concerned 'I'm looking for wounds' type of way. Satisfied he didn't find anything he pulled me into a hug, I felt myself nearly vomit. My throat closed up. All my limbs went limp and I couldn't find any strength to push him away. "Izuku.. be more careful. You cant ruin your precious self." I clenched my jaw, trying to calm my breathing knowing how defenceless I would be mid panic attack.
He stood up and reached and arm out for me. I didn't take it, and stood up for myself. I saw a flash of rage in his eyes at my small action of independence but it soon returned to the confusing glaze which I couldn't figure out the meaning of. "Take a seat Izuku ill bring some food over." He said sickly sweetly. I continued to stand, my eyes travelling around the entire room and thousands of possibilities rampaging my mind. I know he's stronger then me, he's way taller and when he fondled me- I felt stomach acid jump into my mouth at the memory - I could feel his muscles and whatever possibility I had winning against him lessened at my malnourishment . I couldn't trick him, I know Todoroki is smart and he has obviously figured this out. I was snapped out of my thoughts on how to escape as a plate was - rather harshly, put on the table. I looked up to see Todoroki who looked quite angry. I began to tremble. "Izuku. I said to sit. Why didn't you listen?" I couldn't move, all my muscles felt paralysed. He walked over to me gripping my hair and began to pull me towards a chair. I yelped in response and felt my eyes sting with tears. He pushed me into the wooden chair and clipped another chain onto my leg, the chain being attached also to the very heavy looking table. "Why don't you just listen to my Izuku.. I hate hurting you I love you so much." He kissed the top of my head and pushed the food towards me, taking a seat across from me. I found my voice and although trembling I pushed it out,
"W-why are you d-doing this." I said almost crying. He looked up at me, soft glazed eyes with a hint of danger. I swallowed. "Eat your food Izuku." I looked at my plate, it was rice and a piece of toast. " I wish you could cook for me but you seemed so tired." I stayed still. "Eat your food Izuku." I flinched at the increase of both volume and danger in his voice. My stomach growled, I knew I could escape if I didn't eat. I, reluctantly, took a small bite of toast. Swallowing the piece whole, afraid to chew. He looked satisfied and smiled at me.
"Good boy Izuku."
Yay I finally updated! :D sorry for the wait :(
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