Chapter 7
She wakes slowly, with white-hot pain lingering around her heart and head. She is lying chest-deep in the water, and slowly, she rotates each of her limbs. Although she is exhausted, she is not in any actual pain as a result of her movements, despite her heart and head still aching. A little higher up on the cave's stony floor, just out of reach of the tiny lapping waves, is a tray of breakfast foods. As exhausted as Kyma is, she eats slowly. Her strength fails to return with the food, so she forces her weak body to slowly swim over to the safety of the waterfall cave. She enters the cave and just barely reaches the ledge before her body sinks down, giving up to its exhaustion.
Kyma drifts in and out of sleep for a while, snacking on the shellfish in her box whenever she grows hungry, not having enough energy to leave the cave. A couple of the shellfish, especially the oysters, contain pearls, and Kyma sets them aside in a tiny pile to examine later.
When she wakes again, her head is fuzzy but relatively painless, and shouts are ringing in her ears. It is indecipherable for a moment before it registers in her ears as female, and familiar. However, Kyma's body is still weak, despite its returning energy, and as Kyma pushes it to go faster while she is exiting the cave, the disconnection causes her to slam into a rock as she swims through the cave entrance. Nothing breaks, but she knows she will have a nasty bruise later. Kyma breaks through the surface, and looks around wildly for the shouting girl. There is another, louder shout, and Kyma looks up to see the girl standing on Dr. James' preferred walkway. She is in a flowing dress, and Kyma frowns at her odd dress choice before dismissing it from her mind to think about later. She waves at Kyma, who swims closer to her, making sure that her tail is hidden from sight.
The girl laughs brightly. "You don't need to hide your tail, I'm a merrow too!"
In her mind, Kyma frowns at the word merrow, because she has no idea what a merrow is. On the outside, she hides her confusion and just lets her relief of not having to hide her tail show. Kyma swims closer, letting her tail do what it will.
The girl smiles warmly at Kyma. "I'm getting you out of here, is there anything you want to bring?"
In a flash, Kyma darts back into the waterfall cave to grab her bag. She is about to exit the cave when she turns around again, scooping the pearls into the same tiny pocket as her turtle pendant. She swims back out of the cave to see the girl standing in the same spot as before, waiting patiently.
The girl calls down to Kyma. "Come on, we don't have much time. Get out of there, and I'll handle the shock collar!"
Kyma frowns. "How in the world do I even get out of here?"
"Float yourself out of the pen in a water bubble, of course! Or shift and come up here to get rid of the collar first."
"I don't know how, let alone if I can do either of those!"
The girl frowns in confusion and irritation. "We don't have time for this! If you're going to be stubborn, then fine. I'll get you out of there."
Her brow furrows in concentration for an instant before the water beneath Kyma swirls and lifts her up into the air, with the water remaining connected to the water of the enclosure. The water carries Kyma over the wall and just past it. Kyma looks back and sees the part that is still connected to the water of the pen separate from the rest, and for just a moment, Kyma is hovering in the air. Then she drops and hits the water with a splash. When Kyma resurfaces, the girl is standing on the wall nearest to Kyma, still making the water hover in the air.
She calls down to Kyma. "Is there anyone else?"
Kyma nods. "In the other two pens to the side of me, there are two other girls, but hurry! The doctor could come back any minute!"
The girl runs off, and Kyma can hear her speaking to Nami and Fala in the distance, but Kyma can't distinguish the words. There is another splash from their pens, and Kyma looks over to see her friends popping their heads out of the water. Kyma darts over to them, circling once before stopping in front of them. Nami's tail is blue, red, and ice blue, and Fala's is blue and green.
"Are you guys okay? Did he hurt you?"
They open their mouths to respond, but before they can, the girl who rescued the trio dives off of the wall, plummeting towards the water. She smoothly slices through it and disappears beneath the surface before resurfacing an instant later. Through the water, Kyma can see her shimmering blue, green, and yellow tail.
"Let's get those shock collars off now, alright?"
She holds up a piece of coral for Kyma to see before wedging it uncomfortably between Kyma's skin and the collar. She pushes the coral chunk up like a lever until with a snap, the two sides of the collar separate and fall into her waiting hand, slightly smoking. She examines it for a moment before letting it drop to the water and sink. She hands Kyma a second coral chunk.
"Here, go get your friend's collar off."
She swims over to Fala, so Kyma stops in front of Nami.
"Hold still, okay?"
She nods, and Kyma wedges the chunk beneath the collar to push it up. Nami winces as the coral chunk digs into her skin, but doesn't move. The collar snaps open and falls into the sea with a soft splash. There is another snap from beside them, and Fala's collar breaks off. Before it can fall into the sea like the other collars, Fala reaches her hand up to yank it away from her neck. She tosses it angrily towards the wall, which it hits with a resounding thunk. The group hears footsteps rushing towards them as Dr. James comes into view on the top of the wall.
Yes! They are on the verge of escape! But what will Dr. James do to them now? Will they escape? Will he capture them? Who knows?(besides me🙂). I hope you u like it, and tem me your thoughts! And/or send art!
Happy reading, and here is your next picture of Kyma!
~Goddess of Fate, signing out.
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