Real talk
Alrighty so on my last chapter of this story I kept having people, you guys, who responded to the compliment in a negative way. Now that's what this adlib is about.
I wrote in the reader being better than pie to Dean because it's true. You, the reader, are better than anything I can ever describe, hear me out before you deny it.
You are this person that I never have to see to know that you're a beautiful, kind, talented, and humble individual. Before you start denying it and lashing out to say that you're not; let me tell you why.
Look in the mirror what do you see (no it's not another ugly face) it's you with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, there's proof that you're beautiful, you're alive and you have a soul that is beyond anything that a meat suit can hold you to.
I'm a very firm believer that looks don't matter, it's the soul that does, so next time you think of yourself as ugly, think of the prettiest bitch you know and know that her soul is black because it's what she spews out, compare that to yourself, not her body but her soul, from what I see of you I know that you're a passionate, caring person and that your soul is as bright as anything you can dream of.
Still not convinced? Well let me tell you how much you mean to me.
Without the readers I'm nothing, none of this would exist if it weren't for the people passionate enough to read, and wait for, a fic about their favorite characters. You are nice enough to leave a comment without being demanding or rude and those little interactions are what keeps me from throwing it all down.
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