Part 5
After much squabbling, Sam takes the other bed and Dean winds up sharing a bed with you.
~~In your dreams~~
You've been captured by demons, they torture you for hours trying to find out where the Winchesters are.
"Tell us where they are you ugly pathetic pig." One demon says, slowly dragging a knife down your arm resulting in screams erupting from you.
"No." You grunt out, baring your teeth for the pain that is to come. One of the other demons straddles your lap and holds your chin.
"Come on, tell us. It's not like they care enough about you to save your sorry ass. Just like mummy and daddy didn't ." It practically spits at you.
"Never." You groan, and spit in to the demons face witch earns you a slash across your cheekbones.
"Why are you protecting them? You know they hate you. How could anybody ever love somebody as weak as you?" A third demon says from behind you, pulling your head back by the hair. "Your little crush on Dean will never be returned."
A fourth demon enters the small blood stained room, you recognize his body as your fathers, the one who had died so long ago. The sight of him makes you burst into tears, screaming and wailing as the other demons try to quiet you.
"Hello puppet." He says walking towards you, taking out a knife. "Long time no see, my little whore." Your father says making slashes along your legs.
"YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!" You scream, struggling to break free from your bonds only resulting in them cutting your wrists.
"Smart girl but that's besides the point, I'm here to tell you how much I always hated you in life. You worthless self pitying scum, those boys cannot save you here." He says moving the tip of the knife closer to your heart. "You will never feel love because you have never experienced it, nobody has ever loved you and nobody ever will." He says driving the knife into your heart. "(y/n), never doubt that you're a good person who brings out the best in people."
The room starts to fade, and you hear Dean's voice in the distance.
~~Real life again~~
"(y/n), wake up!" Deans face comes into your view, he's shaking your shoulders. You burst into tears and Dean holds you, gently rocking back and forth with you on the bed. "It's ok (y/n), I'm here." Dean coos to you, rubbing your back until you calm down enough to tell him what happened in your dream.
When you finish telling your tale Dean pulls you in for another hug, gripping you tightly.
"Why don't you tell me about that bandage on your leg too (y/n)." Dean whispers into your ear, still holding you tight, you start crying again.
"I'm so sorry Dean!" You sob into his warm shoulder, staining his grey shirt with your tears. "I couldn't take it any more. Please don't hate me." He pulls you away from him and looks into your (y/e/c) eyes.
"It's ok (y/n), I could never hate you." Dean says, worry and sadness showing in his emerald eyes. "You did it to yourself then." He states, tracing the bandage on one leg with his fingers, you can only nod or else you'll burst into tears again. "I was worried somebody hurt you."
"Next time call me when you feel like doing this. I care too much about you to see you doing this to yourself." Dean says pulling you for another hug, and kisses the top of your head. "Just... Please, don't do that ever again."
"I- I'll try Dean." You say laying back down on the bed, your small frame fitting perfectly into Dean's. "Because I love you." You whisper before drifting off to a dreamless sleep in his arms.
~~The next morning~~
You wake up and reach over expecting Dean to still be there but instead find cold, empty sheets. You quickly sit up and look around and see Sam sitting at the table, drinking what you expect is coffee.
"Mornin' (y/n)" Sam says, getting up and refilling his cup and pouring another one for you.
"Hey, where's Dean?" You say, gratefully taking the cup of steaming black liquid from Sam.
"Taking a shower. You look like you had a rough night." Sam says looking you up and down.
"Yeah, tell me about it." You say rolling your eyes at him. "And Cas?" You ask remembering you had a fourth person in your party.
"I am here (y/n)." Cas says from the bed he slept on, he looks well rested.
"How'd you sleep Cas?" You ask the ex-angel who looks at you with a confused expression.
"Laying down?" He says, it comes out as more of a question.
"It's an expression." Dean says from behind you, making you nearly jump out of your chair. "Jumpy are we?" He says putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Just a little." You say smiling up at him, you look away because Sam coughs trying to get your attention.
"Ok so there has been 4 missing persons reports in the past few days, and one dead body showing up." Sam says reading the report off his laptop.
"We should go check it out." You say, worming your way out of Dean's grip to go get dressed in the bathroom. When you go in you take off the bandages, some of the cuts are oozing and will need wrapped while others have already looked mostly healed. Quickly you replace the soiled wraps with clean ones and pull on your classic hunting attire.
The warehouse in suspicion is half an hours drive from where you're all staying. You stare out the window, pondering over your dream, hoping that it doesn't happen again. Some parts of you wish it would so you would be in Dean's arms again.
When you get to the spot, it turns out to be a warehouse lot, so the team splits up in groups of two. You and Cas on one team, and then Sam and Dean on the other, your team taking the north part of the property.
At the fifth warehouse you check, you expect it to be empty like the last few but find a whole new scenario when you creep through the door and see a hoard of, what you assume is, demons. Before you or Cas get the chance to call Sam and Dean you're both hit over the head and the world goes back.
~~I was begged to post another chapter from one of my close friends. So I ended it there. Have fun.~~
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