Part 2
~~The next morning ~~
You wake up and look at the bedside clock, it's 6:45 am, when you go to get up thinking about a shower or something to eat you find strong arms wrapped around your waist.
"How did I get in a bed with some guy" You ask no one in particular.
"You fell asleep in the car and Dean carried you in" Sam says from across the room.
"Well can you help me out of this" You say gesturing to Dean's arms around your waist, Sam walks over and helps you out slipping a pillow in your place after you escape Deans grasp.
"I'm going running, you wanna come?" Sam asks you, writing a note for when Cas and Dean wake up.
"Yeah just let me go to the bathroom and change." You say grabbing some running shorts and a tank top; you always liked running with Sam, he didn't complain about the cold or how he could be sleeping like Dean did when you dragged him out.
You both run until you stop at a park and Sam sits and catches his breath at a nearby picnic table.
"So (y/n) , you like Dean huh?" Sam says raising an eyebrow at you.
"What's it matter to you, eavesdropper" You say to Sam with an unintended bitterness.
"Because I think he likes you back, and you'd be a good change for him" Sam says nodding at the horizon where the sun is starting to show.
"You really think so? That'd kill two birds with one stone huh" You say watching the sunrise for a few more minutes before you speak up again, "We should head back."
"Yeah that's a good idea" Sam says standing and reaching a hand to where you were sitting on the ground, you take it and pull yourself up then dust off before walking back to the motel.
When you arrive at the motel Dean is standing beside the door about to leave.
"Hey guys I'm going on a breakfast run, you want anything" Dean asks, "and thanks for leaving me with a pillow to slobber on this morning (y/n)."
"Anytime Dean, and I want an english muffin and some coffee please and thank you" You say walking over to your bag to grab some clothes "I'm taking a shower first Sam," You yell before walking into the bathroom.
"Okay, and I wouldn't mind if you woke up sleeping beauty over there" Dean says gesturing to Castiel who is still asleep on the couch.
"Well I'll get on that then" Sam says releasing a long sigh and talking to Dean some more while you go into the bathroom and cleanse yourself.
While in the shower you brood over what Sam had said to you at the park; the Winchesters are like family to you, since they brought you away from your horrible home life and saved your life in the process.
Back then you had two siblings and lived with your parents, who are all now dead, your father was always gone from home leaving you with your mom and siblings, who weren't exactly saint like.
Your mom had a habit of beating her children and sitting on her arse all day leaving you to provide for them, that woman had beat you down physically and mentally, leaving you insecure and hating yourself and how you were/act.
One day your father had come home and caught your mom beating you all; he immediately kicked your mom out and was outside with her for what seemed like hours, he came back in covered in blood and had a crazed smile on his face. Your dad had then proceeded to knock you out and take you to an abandoned building, where he tortured you and killed your siblings in front of you before flashing his black eyes.
When the boys found you, you were nearly dead, they killed the thing with a knife, you later found out as Ruby's demon knife; after the whole ordeal left you scarred, and the Winchesters took you in and helped you get to a manageable level of pain.
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