Part 14
After your nap you wake up in what appears to be Bobby's house with Cas sleeping next to you, that must mean they actually got work done. Which is incredibly surprising considering how much they argued through out it all. You nudge Cas and he falls off the side of the bed, with a flash of dark curls he's on the floor.
"Ouch. What is going on." Cas mumbles from the floorboards before laying his head back down on the icy wood.
"Get up Cas. We've been asleep for a while now." You say walking over and picking up his arm which is limp in your hand.
"I don't wanna." Cas says rolling over and looking at you with groggy eyes.
"Oh my god, Cas come on." You say pulling on his arm until he's sitting up.
"My father has nothing to do with this." Cas says glaring at you through a yawn
"You know what I mean. Come on I bet Charlie is here." You say walking to the door.
Cas sighs and trudges over to you, following you down the stairs and into the new living room where the other four guys are standing around quietly bickering. That doesn't surprise you at all.
"Mornin babe." Dean says walking towards you, engulfing you in a long hug followed by a short kiss. When you part Crowley and Gabriel are staring at you slack jawed.
"Close your mouths, you might catch a fly." You say walking to the counter where a burger is laying, you assume for you. "This place looks great, how long did it take?" You say sinking your teeth into the burger, Sam looks at you with wide eyes.
"That was my burger." Dean says walking over and trying to take it from you.
"Well it tastes good." You say taking another bite and looking over at Sam who looks like he's about to shit bricks. "Did you do something to it Sam?" You say your eyebrows meeting each other.
"It was meant for Dean." He says looking horrified.
"Sammy what's in it?" Dean says putting a hand on his hip and taking the burger in the other one.
"Crowley said he would put something in it for me." Sam says holding his hands up defensively.
"Crowley? What's in the god damn burger. I swear if it's poison." Dean says bringing out his side of sass.
"Yeah, it is actually. Poison that is." Crowley says then he snaps his fingers and hes gone, behind Dean you fell to the floor and started coughing.
"Gabriel help her." Cas squeals falling to your side.
Gabe crouches down and puts two fingers to your forehead, healing you instantly. You black out and fall into a dreamless sleep with the warmth of your boyfriends body to yours as he carries you up to your room.
~~The next morning~~
"Good morning you guys!" You say, cheery from your amount of sleep you got the day before.
"Uh, hey (y/n). That guy's coming today." Sam says looking sympathetically at you.
"That's ok, he won't be able to take you with this set up." Dean says smiling into your neck as he hugs you from behind. You smile weakly at him, you know you need the help but you don't want to leave the bunker.
~~At the time of the interview~~
A knock at the door draws your attention away from the movie you were watching with Dean.
"I'll get it, you guys stay there." Sam says, being the considerate person that he is.
"Hello again Sam." Stan says stepping through the door, a somewhat rude gesture you think.
"Hey, yeah come in." Sam says closing the door behind the rude old man.
"This is a lovely house." Stan says writing some things down on his notepad. "I would like a tour, and to meet all the residents." He announces looking up the stairs then over at you. You sink further into the couch, Dean pats your shoulder before getting up.
"Alrighty then, lets go. Just be nice about it will ya?" Dean says leading Stan into the kitchen. Stan writes a few things down on his notes before nodding at Dean to continue.
"And there's a basement also?" Stan says noting the door leading downstairs.
"Yeah, we don't really show it to people though. It's just storage." Sam says from the door frame in the kitchen.
"How unappealing." Stan says frowning then writing more down, you silently start to freak out over on the couch. This is already starting to go downhill.
"Calm down. It's going to be alright (y/n)." Cas says sitting next to you in the pajamas you had lent him. "Let's go upstairs." He says grabbing your hand and pulling gently, you allow him to lead you up into your room and sit on the bed.
"This isn't going to work." You say looking doe-eyed at Cas.
"Maybe. But it certainly won't help if he finds out that this isn't the normal life for you." Cas says pulling out your laptop and logging in. "Here maybe some music will help." He says playing your favorite song, it always calms you down.
"Yeah, you're right Cas. Here, let me do your hair." You say throwing him some cloths and getting out things to manage his yard of curls. You hear Sam and Dean walk past your door with Stan, your breath hitches in your throat and it takes a minute to calm down before you start brushing Cas's hair.
When you start curling the thick dark locks there's a knock at the door.
"Are you decent in there?" Dean says through the door.
"Yeah, come in." You say back, dropping a large curl.
"I wasn't aware that there was another woman living in the house." Stan says stepping forward and taking Cas's hand. "How do you do madam." He says kissing the back of his hand, Cas frowns and looks over at you then at Dean who is nearly laughing at him.
"Uh, fine." Cas says drawing back his hand and wiping it on his pants.
"Well if you're done here, I was working on something." You say shooting Stan an angry glance.
"Ah yes, I believe that it is time for me to leave." Stan says turning to the door. "You should pack your essentials and be prepared to leave." He says before walking out of your room.
"What? She's not leaving." Dean says looking angry now.
"I'm afraid so. It was a lovely tour though, so she will be allowed to come back eventually." Stan says jotting some more things down in his notebook. You have tears streaming slowly down your cheeks as he walks away, you look over at Cas then to Sam and Dean.
"I'm so sorry (y/n)." Dean says taking a step towards you, you shake your head and lean over on Cas's shoulder letting your tears stain his shirt.
"Just go down there and talk to him. I have to pack." You say standing up and grabbing a small bag, mindlessly going through cloths and thinking about what's going to happen.
"(y/n)." Cas says placing his now petite hand on your back, ever so gently.
"Just go." You say to him, he listens to you and walks out closing the door behind him. This wasn't how any of this was supposed to go, yet here you are getting ready to leave the Winchesters, your family, behind forever. You steel yourself for what will happen when you go downstairs before heading to your departure.
You walk downstairs and find the others gathered around the front door, there's two more men in white standing there, and an uncomfortable atmosphere floating around. You wouldn't leave without a fight, after all, that's what you were best at.
'Great, people to drag me out of here.' You think to yourself.
"It's time to say your goodbyes." Stan says nodding at you, an icy expression painted on his face.
Sam and Dean are the first to come up to you, you still can't believe you are actually going to be forced to leave them. You get a big group hug from the two of them, Cas stays back because he doesn't like hugging Sam.
When they step back Sam speaks to you first, he would accept you either way, good or bad, anytime.
"It's ok to accept help sometimes (y/n), it'll get better." Sam says looking at you with utter sadness expressed on his face.
Then you turn to Dean and he pulls you in for a kiss and sweeps a stray piece of hair away behind your ear like he does almost every time.
"You're a good person (y/n), and you bring out the best in me. Never doubt that." Dean whispers before giving you one last lingering kiss and passing you on to Cas.
You turn to Cas and start to say your signature line. "You're my..." You choke up with tears before you can finish but Cas knows what you were saying and finishes it for you.
"Best friend." He says as you hug him and your tears fall onto his shirt. He clutches your back and you feel a patter of his tears fall onto your shirt. "I will always love you." He mutters into your hair before letting you go.
"Come on. Times burning away." Stan says impatiently tapping his foot and checking his watch.
"I don't want to go." You barely squeak out, clutching your hands to your collarbone.
"You don't have a choice." Stan says looking at one of the taller muscular men and nodding.
"What if I say no." You say taking a step back, the boys are staring at the ground trying not to interfere with Stan and you.
"Then I'll have to do this." Stan says and the two men trudge towards you and grab your arms roughly.
"Hey! No, stop! Please, no! Dean, please help me!" You yelp but then turn into screams as they start to drag you out the door. You rip your arms free and fall on your stomach, the men grab hold of your legs dragging you as you claw for purchase with your nails in the hard wood floor. Looking up at Dean who is being held back by Sam.
"(y/n)! Sam let me go!" Dean yells, trying to run to you grabbing at Sam's hands holding him by his waist then Sam picks him up off the floor. Tears are running down Deans cheeks freely as the last of your fingertips go out the front door.
"Goodbye now." Stan says closing the door behind him as he walks out the door, leaving with you from the boys lives for what will feel like ever.
As soon as the engine of their car is no longer heard, Sam drops a now limp Dean on the floor. Cas and Sam meet each others eyes both bloodshot from holding back tears among other emotions, then it suddenly bursts. Sam sheds a few tears out in the open but slinks off to his room to sulk, Cas being new to these emotions cries his heart out.
Gabriel and Crowley come by several hours later and find Cas on the floor where he cried himself to sleep over you and the Winchesters nowhere to be found. They put the house back to the way it was and leave the empty feeling of the place behind them. For the first time in days the angel and the demon aren't fighting or even angry with each other, just torn over the loss of you.
With you gone from the bunker, it's almost as if the happiness and sunlight disappeared from the boys lives. For a while they drown their sorrows in beer and hunts, it's almost as if you died and ripped out their hearts in the process, there's no telling if they'll get better any time soon, if at all.
~~This was a pretty long and sad chapter. There was more chapters but I couldn't continue going and writing them so I ended it where I had originally planned. And also if you didn't see where I've updated some of the earlier chapters I'll just explain what's different. If you're reading after 5/27/15 then the updates are already in there and there's no need to go back.
So you and Cas are best friends and you tell him every thing. You have a phrase that you say to each other, as kind of a goodbye/show of affection or love. You say "You're my best friend." and he repeats you. Then also in your fathers death both in your dreams and in the real life his last words were "(y/n), never doubt that you're a good person who brings out the best in people." That's important to the story and the sadness in the end. That's all.~~
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