Part 13
When you walk into the bunker Crowley and Gabriel are arguing and Sam's drawing out floor plans.
"You feathered sugar addict, you shouldn't even be here. I'm helping." Crowley says with a particular sting that you don't like.
"Why would I let you stay here with her, you're a demon." Gabriel shoots back.
You walk over and plop down across from Sam at the table, he looks up at you and gives you a half smile.
"Why are they fighting? Why haven't you stopped them." You question, glancing over at the two supernatural beings arguing in your living room.
"I tried to stop them but I just get pushed away, they're fighting over you. Is that Deans shirt?" Sam says pointing to your attire.
"Yeah and my belt." Dean says pulling up his pants before sitting next to you.
"So what do you have so far." You say ignoring Dean and pulling the papers from Sam.
"Not much, I didn't know what you'd want." Sam says frowning, the other two had gotten quiet.
"I was thinking about making it look like Bobby's house. I liked it there. And I think we should find some girl that can be here while the inspection is going on, so it doesn't look like I live in a houseful of grumpy men." You say pushing the papers back to Sam.
"Oh." Was all that Sam could say.
"Is that Deans shirt?" Gabriel says beside you.
"Why is that so surprising?" You ask looking at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Because, love it's Dean." Crowley says from behind you making you jump, Dean squeezes your hand under the table calming your nerves slightly.
"And what's that supposed to mean? He's not a bad person and you don't control me." You say, all sass included, you're starting to get slightly mad at them.
"Well." Sam says changing the topic. "We decided what to do with the place for the time being." You give Sam a thankful smile and dismiss yourself to go put on pants among other things.
When you get into your room, you'd not yet moved into Deans room, you sigh and sit on the bed. You put on other cloths but decide to keep the stolen flannel on, it gives you a kind of comfort that you'll need to deal with all of this. After putting on leggings, a tank top and your new favorite shirt, you decide to go see how Cas is holding up in his room.
"Hey Cas. I haven't talked to you in a while." You say gently opening up his door and leaning on the frame.
"Hi (y/n). It's good to see you." Cas says patting his bed for you to sit, you had gone a long way of teaching him human traits and they seem to be working.
"How have you been?" You ask the bed sinks down as you sit.
"I should be asking you that (y/n). You seem... distressed." Cas says looking into your eyes, you couldn't hardly ever get anything past Cas and he knew it.
"I'm really stressed out. There's so much going on." You say looking down at the floor.
"It's ok, you can share your burdens with me. You're my best friend." Castiel says awkwardly putting a hand on your shoulder. "Sam and Dean don't like seeing you sad either. But you can be for as long as you need to." He says pulling back his hand and pushing his small laptop, that you supplied him with, towards you YouTube already pulled up.
"Thanks Cas. I know I can always count on you when I need it, you're my best friend." You say typing the title of one of your favorite songs to listen to with Castiel.
"You look stunning in Deans shirt by the way. I presume that you are dating him now." He says cocking his head, Cas knew you liked Dean the entire time.
"Yeah, everybody else isn't really picking up on it. Crowley and Gabriel seem upset that I'm wearing his shirt." You say pushing play and This is Gospel leaks out from the computers speakers, you look over to see Cas weakly smiling at you.
"I wasn't aware that they were here. That could cause problems with them together." Cas says in his calm way, his smile slowly fading at the sadness showing in your eyes.
You reach over and pull Cas into a hug, and lightly sob on his shoulder. Cas doesn't react at the contact for a while but he picks up and hugs you back.
"I think it's better if I go away, at least just for a while." You whisper and relax into Cas a little bit, he's like a brother to you, one that you can openly share all of your feelings with.
"If you think that's best then I fully support you (y/n)." Cas says. "If they love you, the'll let you go." He says somewhat singing along with the song, you giggle lightly and pull away from him.
"I should probably go make sure they don't kill each other." You say moving to get up off the bed but Cas grabs your hand and looks straight into you.
"Whatever happens, I'm sure it will turn out alright. I will come with you." Cas says, you're confused for a second but realize he means he's coming with you to where everybody else is.
"Oh ok." You say waiting for him to get up and follow you out the door.
When you walk down the hall you hear all kinds of arguments but when you come into view they all fade away as the four men are staring at you and Castiel.
"Are you ok (y/n)." Dean asks taking in your puffy eyes, before bringing you in for a tight hug, during which he looks at Castiel and sees the wet spot on his shoulder and figures out what happened.
"Yeah. For now anyways." You say stepping back enough for you to breathe in Deans scent.
"If this is too much we can always make the guy just deal with what's in here already." Dean says rubbing your cheek gently with his thumb.
"If they keep fighting I might take you up on that offer." You say and Sam coughs to get your attention.
"Ok so what do you wanna start with." Sam says rolling up his sleeves and looking between you and Dean.
"Well, you guys all knew what Bobby's house looked like. That's what we're aiming for. Crowley you're on what it's going to look like from the outside. Gabe, I have a special task that I know you're capable of." You say, Crowley rolls his eyes and walks off.
"What is it buttercup?" Gabe asks, walking up to you.
"Ok, first don't call me buttercup. Second, the house needs more girls. There's me and three guys, which is kinda creepy. So I need you to get another girl, Charlie already agreed to come but I figure one more will do it." You say looking Gabe in the eyes with your 'You better not mess this up' stare.
"Ok well how about we change Cassie into a girl?" Gabe suggests snapping his fingers and Cas is suddenly beside him taking a bite out of a sandwich but wobbles and nearly falls due to the sudden loss of his crutches.
"Hey, why'd you do that!" Cas says, steadying himself on Sam, his voice thick because of the peanut butter.
"Only if he agrees Gabriel, you just can't just go around changing guys into girls." You say hitting Gabes arm lightly. "He wants to turn you into a girl Cas." You say looking at Cas with true sympathy.
"I don't know (y/n), Cas as a girl doesn't strike me as normal." Dean says, raising one eyebrow at you.
"I think I could allow this change." Cas says smiling at you then nodding at Gabriel.
"Alright it's decided." Gabe says snapping his fingers. There's a bright light and when its gone, Cas is standing there, a girl without a broken leg. "I fixed your gimp too." He says looking around for something.
"This feels weird." Cas says, in his higher feminine voice, he starts running his hands through his new girl hair like he'd seen you do a million times. You look up at Dean and see that he went pale looking at Sam. Looking over you see that Gabe added in an extra girl, Sam hasn't seemed to notice some how.
"Oh my god, Sam. Look at you." You say, a grin crossing your face.
"What..... Oh shit." Sam says looking down at himself.
"At least you're both pretty." You say looking at the baggy cloths that Cas is now playing with. "Gabe change Sam back. Cas come on, lets get girl cloths for you." You say grabbing the angels hand and dragging him after you, glaring daggers at Gabriel as you pass him.
You dress the new Cas in a spare running shirt and some jeans that you had.
"What about all of this." Cas says holding up his almost 3 feet of hair.
"Oh, here. It goes up like this." You say pulling it into a ponytail, the black/brown curls in his hair look stunning.
You lead him out back to the foyer and find Sam is still a girl and Dean is arguing with Gabriel.
"You guys can't do anything without me can you." You say walking up to them.
"Apparently not." Crowley says walking in the room. "Moose I like the new look."
"How's it looking out there." You say rolling your eyes and ignoring what he just said.
"From the outside it looks like a normal house, but in here that's not gonna cut it love." Crowley says eyeing Cas but doesn't say anything. "This isn't permanent is it?"
"No they go back to the way they were before after the interview." You say looking over at Cas and Dean who smile at you.
"Well that's good to hear. But what about me." Sam says gesturing to himself. "I don't like this."
"Gabriel. Change him back. Now." You says taking out your demanding voice, the boys knew that meant you mean business.
The angel raises his hands defensively then snaps his fingers and Sam is back to normal.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm hungry." You say making your way to the kitchen. You make lunch for you and all the others that actually eat, after lunch all you want is a nap, dealing with all powerful toddlers really takes it out of you. So you leave the boys to argue while you go take a nap in Deans room.
~~I had a bit of extra time so this one got to be a bit longer. Hope you like it ^~^~~
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